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AP Wolr History Unit 3 Flashcards

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130087338Vasco Da GamaOne of the first Portuguese sailors to round the Cape of Good Hope in search of spices0
130087339Lateen sailsTriangular sails that allowed for more manuverability of ships beacause they caught side winds1
130087340Maritime technologytechnology that assisted sailors and merchants in their maritime expeditions2
130087341Bartholomeu DiasAnother Portuguese sailor who looked for spices in India, went back at Cape of Good Hope3
130087342Christopher Columbusgained permission from Fernando and Isabella to look for a western route to Asia; found the Americas; expedition official start of the Columbian Exchange4
130087343James CookImportant english explorer; charted east Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Vanuato, and Hawii5
130087344Circumnavigationthe act of traveling around the whole world6
130087345Vitus BeringDanish navigator who searched for a Northwest Passage to Asian ports7
130087346Trading-post empiresempires dependent on the income of the merchants; trading posts8
130087347English (British) East India Co. (BEIC)powerful joint-stock trading company9
130087348VOCpowerful joint-stock trading company; "Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compaigne"10
130087349Prince Henry the Navigatoryoung Portuguese prince; in charge of Portuguese explorations11
130087350"Columbian Exchange"the exchange of plants, animals, ideas, people, disease, and cultures12
130087351Entrepottrading post13
130087352Manila galleonssleek, fast, heavily armed spanish ships capable of carrying large cargoes14
130087353Martin LutherRoman Catholic priest who disagreed with some of the churches practices; stated the Protestant Reformation15
13008735495 ThesisMatin Luthers list of complaints about some Roman Catholic church16
130087355Henry VIIITurtor king; powerful Btitish king takes England our of Roman Catholic church17
130087356Missionarya traveling religious persons who looks to spread his/her faith18
130087357Council of Trentcouncil of Roman Catholic church officials that met to discuss some issues mentioned by Luther19
130087358Society of JesusCatholic reformation group founded by Loyola20
130087359Thirty Years' Warwar of religion; Catholic vs Protestant; in german states; resolved with the Peace of Westphalia21
130087360Treaty or Peace of Westphaliacritical European document that concluded with Sovernty (within its borders, a nation can control what religion is practiced22
130087361Protestantfollower of Martin Luthers and the Protestant Reformation23
130087362Charles Vspanish king; ran empire with money off of American labor; went into debt24
130087363Siege of ViennaOttoman siege led by Selim the Grim ("Suleyman the Conqueror")25
130087364Glorious Revolutionwhen parliment desposed of King James II and invited his daugter Mary and her Dutch husband to take the throne26
130087365Louis XIVFrench absolute ruler; king at 5-7; built palace of Versailles27
130087366Peter IRomanov tsar; goal to make Russia a military model of Europe28
130087367Versaillespalace of the French king Louis XIV29
130087368St. Petersburgfamous Russian city; named after Pert the Great30
130087369Catherine IIwife of Peter I's grandson; also sought to make Russia a great military power31
130087370Balance of Powerno state ruled all; all equal significance32
130087371Capitalisman economic system in which private parties make their services and goods available on a free market33
130096518Adam Smithwrote a book " the weath of nations" during the enlightenment34
130096519Joint-stock companiesearly forerunner of the modern corporation; individuals who invested in a trading or exploiting venture could make a huge profits while limiting their risks35
130096520Putting-out systemmethod of getting around guild control by deliverying unfinished materials to rural households for completion.36
130096521Ptolemaic universethe theory that all planets revolved around the earth and the earth did not move37
130096522Copernican universethe theory that all planets revolved around the sun38
130096523Newtonin his work, united the heavens and earth in a vast, cosmic system with mathematical evidense39
130096524deisman elightenment view that accepted existence of a god by denied supernatural aspects of Christianity40
130096525John Calvincarly Protestant; believes in predestenation; founder of calvanism41
130096526John Lockeenglish philosopher; worked to discover the natural law of politics42
130096527Hernan Cortesconqueror of the Aztecs; an entrepenuer; captured Tenochtithan; assisted by Dona Maria43
130096528Dona Marina/Malintzindaughter of a native prince; becomes a slave to Cortez44
130096529Treaty of Tordesillassettled by the pope; divided land of the Americas between Spain and Portugal45
130096530Encomiendasystem that gave spansih settlers (encomenderos) the right to force the Americans to work in the mines or fields46
130096531Smallpoxdisease to the new world and decrease population47
130096532Seven Years' War(French and Indian War in America); French vs. England48
130096533Conquistadorsspandish explorers who conquered central/south america in 16th century49
130096534Francisco Pizarroconquero of the Inca; pig-farmer; capture Incan emperor; demands gold then kills him50
130096535Mestizo (metis)latin american term for the babies of spanish and native parentage51
130096536Viceroypart of the spanish colonial administration, local governors/legions52
130096537Settler colonye.g. British colonies; bring families and grow in the northwest (Americas)53
130096538Mulattoesmixed-race, african-european54
130096539Peninsulareslatin american officials from spain or portual; french loose canada, indian land55
130096540Potosiwhere the spansih discovered silver56
130096541Mita systemnatives had to work for and time; jobs=mines, etc. native laborers; death rate high57
130096542Silver tradetreasure galieaons from americas with silver58
130096543Haciendalarge latin american estates59
130096544Sugar plantationscash crop60
130096545Fur trademostly in north america esp by the french/canadian; environmental effects61
130096546Tabaccocash crop; native to the americas (makes way to virginia) fuels slave trade62
130096547Indentured servitudewealthy planters would pay europeans to sell a portion of their lives working for passage to the americas63
130096548Sunni Aliruler of sonhay empire64
130096549Songhayalong Niger river; decline with morauan army65
130096550Kingdom of Kongolower region; 1480's relations with portugese later destroyed by slave trade66
130096551Antonian movementkongol/angol region; synthesized christianity with african beliefs67
130096552Manioca plant that goes from south america to africa, grows well there68
130096553Middle passagethe atlantic ocean; leg of triangle trade (where slaves were transported)69
130096554Olaudah Equianoafrican slaves described slave trade in a biography; earned freedom70
130096555Plantation societiescultures that were self-contained; variety of jobs71
130096556Maroonsrunaway slaves; developed cultures; hidden away; results as well72
130096557Creole languagesmixed languages; different african languages as well as spanish etc73
130096558Call-and-responsechurch etr; african tradition74
130096559Queen Nzinga of Ndongoresists portuguese forces; creates synthetic christianity75
130096560Manchusnon- chinese people of the north; conquer ming empire; started quin76
130096561Ming dynastyafter Yaun in China; rebuilt Great Wall of China77
130096562Qing dynastyruled by Manchus (non-chinese)78
130096563Eunuchscastrated men; not a threat without possible family to take over after them; could obtain powerful positions79
130096564Forbidden CityBejing; built by Manchus80
130096565Queuehair style; shaved front of head with braid in back; required, punishable by death81
130096566Qing Kangxiconfucian scholar; enlightened ruler/conqueror82
130096567Qing Qianlongreigned over height of Qing; composed more than 100,000 poems; connoisseur of art83
130096568Son of Heavenbelief that the emperor was a heavenly son84
130096569Scholar-Bureaucrat(usually) confucian scholar; worked for government85
130096570Infanticidekillin of babies, especially girls86
130096571Zheng Headmiral who took large chinese fleet to Indian Ocean87
130096572Treasure shipsmanila galleons en route to China88
130096573"Mean people"soldiers, enterrainers, prostitutes89
130096574Matteo RicciItalian Jesuit; goal to convert China to Chritianity; popular in Ming imperial court90
130096575Shogunmethos od rule in Japan91
130096576Daimyofeudal system of Japan; refer to 'lords' of Japan's feudal society92
130096577Samuriliterally "those who serve"; the hereditary military elite of the Tokugawa Shogunate93
130096578ShintoismIndigenous Japanese religion; Buddhism to Confucianism also played roles94
130096579Francis XavierJesuit missionary who traveled to Japan95
130096580Dutch learningJapanese learning things from the Dutch because only Dutch were allowed to interact at Nagasaki96
130096581Shah Jahanemperor of Mughal India; buile Taj Mahal and Peacock Throne97
130096582Peacock thronean elegant throne of gold, diamonds, rubies, saffires, and emeralds; built by Shah Jahan98
130096583Taj Mahalbeautiful mosque and tomb built by Shah Jahan for his deceased wife Mumtaz Muhal99
130096584Osman Beythe fou nder of the Ottoman empire; Bey=chief100
130096585Ghazimuslim religious warriors101
130096586DevshirmeOttoman requirement that the Chritians in the Balkans provide young boys to be loyal warriors of the sulton102
130096587Janissariesloyal soldiers to the sultan who were taken from their Christian communities as young boys103
130096588Mehmet II"Mehmed the conqueror"; captured Constantinople, named himself emperor; ruler of two lands (Asia and Europe) and two seas (Mediterranean and Black Sea)104
130096589Selim Ismailfounder of Safavid empire; traced ancestory back to Safi al-Din (12th Shiite)105
130096590Selim the Grim"Suleyman the Magnificent"; conquered Bagdad, Tigris, Euphrates, and Belgrade; made Ottomans powerful naval force106
130096591Twelver Shiismbranch of Islam; 12 perfect religious leaders after Muhammad; 12th went into hiding and will return to walk with Jesus at the end of the world.107
130096592Qizilbashred hat with 12 pleats in memory of the 12 Shiite imams108
130096593BaburZahir al-Din Muhammad; Chaatai Turk; founder of Mughal empire; took Delhi; didnt care about conquered lands109
130096594Akbarreal Mughal leader; grandson of Babur; killed original military leader and took over; religious tolerance110
130096595"Divine faith"syncretic religion focused on emperor as ruler common to all religious, ethnic, and socual groups in India111
130096596Aurangzebruler under which Mughal empire reached its height; by 18th c, empire covered all of India but a small region at the southern tip112
130096597Coffeehouseshouses devoted to drinking coffee and smoking tobacco; result of Columbian Exchange113
130096598Safavidslater persian empire, founded by Shah Ismail; became center of Shiism; height under Shah Abbas; cetered around capital of Isfahan114
130096599Milletan automamous self-governing community in the Ottoman empire115
130096600Telescope in Islamis empiresa technology that Islamic clerks rejected116
130096601Printing press in Islamic empiresintroduced by Jew refugees from Spain; opperated in major cities117

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