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AP World Chapter 17 Vocab Flashcards

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135967180Colombian ExchangeThe exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technologies between the Americas and the rest of the world following Columbus's voyages0
135967181Council of the IndiesThe institution responsible for supervising Spain's colonies in the Americas from 1524 to the early 18th century, when it lost all but judicial responsibilities1
135967182Bartolome de Las Casas1474-1566; First bishop of Chiapas, in southern Mexico. He devoted most of his life to protecting Amerindian peoples from exploitation. His major achievement was the New Laws of 1542, which limited the ability of Spanish settlers to compel Amerindians to labor for them2
135967183PotosiLocated in Bolivia, one of the richest silver mining centers and most populous cities in colonial Spanish America3
135967184encomiendaA grant of authority over a population of Amerindians in the Spanish colonies. It probed the grant holder with a supply of cheap labor and periodic payments of goods by the Amerindians. It obliged the grant holder to Christianize the Amerindians4
135967185creolesIn colonial Spanish America, term used to describe someone of European descent born in the New World. Elsewhere in the Americas, the term is used to describe all non-native people5
135967186mestizoThe term used by Spanish authorities to describe someone of mixed Amerindian and European descent6
135967187mulattoThe term used in Spanish and Portuguese colonies to describe someone of mixed African and European descent7
135967188indentured servantA migrant to British colonies in the Americas who paid for passage by agreeing to work for a set term ranging from 4-7 years8
135967189House of BurgessesElected assembly in colonial Virginia, created in 16189
135967190PilgrimsGroup of English Protestant dissenters who established Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts in 1620 to seek religious freedom after having lived briefly in the Netherlands10
135967191PuritansEnglish Protestant dissenters who believed that g-d predestined souls to heaven or hell before birth. They founded Massachusetts Bay Colony in 162911
135967192Iroquois ConfederacyAn alliance of 5 northeastern Amerindian peoples (six after 1722) that made decisions on military and diplomatic issues through a council of representatives. Allied first with the Dutch and later with the English, the Confederacy dominated the area from western New England to the Great Lakes12
135967193New FranceFrench colony in North America, with a capital in Quebec, founded in 1608. It fell to the British in 176313
135967194coureurs de bois (runners of the woods)French fur traders, many of mixed Amerindian heritage, who lived among and often married with Amerindian people of North America14
135967195Tupac Amaru IIMember of Inca aristocracy who led a rebellion against Spanish authorities in Peru in 1780-1781. He was captured and executed with his wife and other members of his family15

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