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ap world chapter 3 india Flashcards

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242471004Aryansindo-european nomadic pastoralists who replaced harappan civilization0
242471005kamasutrawritten by vatsayans during gupta era offered instructions on all aspects of lie for higher caste males including grooming hygiene etiquette of wives and instruction on love making1
242471006Mauryasdynasty in indian subcontinent in 4th century BCE following invasion by alexander the great2
242471007reincarnationthe successive attachment of the soul to some animate form according to merits earned in previous lives3
242471008Dharmathe caste position and career determined by a persons birth Hindu culture required that one accept ones social position and perform occupation to have a better situation in the next life4
242708872shivahindu god of destruction and reproduction worshiped as the personification of cosmic forces of change5
242708873Ashokagrandson of Chandragupta Maurya completed conquests of indian subcontinent converted to Buddhism and sponsored spread of new religion throughout this empire6
242708874untouchablesoutcaste in Hindu society performed tasks that were considered polluting street sweeping removal of human waste and tanning7
242708875guptasDynasty that succeed the Kushans in the 3rd century CE built empire that extended to all but southern regions of Indian subcontinent less centralized than mauryan empire8
242708876karmathe sum if merits accumulated by a soul at any given point in time determined that caste to which the soul would be assigned in the next life9
242708877indus river valleyriver sources in himalayas to mouth in arabian sea location harappan civilization10
242708878upanishadslater books of the vedas contained sophisticated and sublime philosophical ideas utilized by brahmans to restore religious authority11
242708879varnasclusters of caste groups in Aryan society four social castes Brahmans warriors merchants and peasants beneath four Aryan casts were a group of socially untouchable dasas12
242708880gurusoriginally referred to as Brahmans who served as teachers for princes of the imperial court if the Guptas13
242708881sanskritthe sacred and classical indian language first literary language14
242708882Indracheif of the Aryans depicted as a colassal hard drinking warrior15
242708883KautilyaPolitical advisor to Chandragupta Maurya one of the authors of arthashastra believed16
242708884caste systemrigid system of social classification first introduced unto Indian subcontinent by Aryans17
242708885Skanda Guptalast of the able rulers of the Gupta dynasty following his high reign the empire dissolved under the pressure of nomadic invasions18
242708886Buddhacreator of major indain Asian religion born in 6th century bce as son if a local ruler among aryan tribes located near humalayas became an ascetic taught enlightenment could only be achieved by abandoning all desires and wants19
242708887vishnuthe brahman later hindu god of sacrifice widely worshiped20
242708888Mahabharataindian epic of war princely honor love and social duty written down in the last centuries bce previously handed down in oral form21
242708889nirvanathe Buddhist state of enlightenment a state of tranquility22
242708890stupasstone shrines built to house pieces of bone or hair and personal possessions said to be relics of the Buddha preserved Buddhist architectural forms23
242708891harappaalong with mohenjo daro major urban complex of the harappan civilization laid out on planned grid pattern24
242708892monsoonsseasonal winds crossing Indian subcontinent and southeast Asia during summer bring rains25
242708893Chandragupta Mauryafounder of Mauryan dynasty established first empire in indian subcontinent first centralized government since Harappan civilization26
242708894vedasaryan Hymns originally transmitted orally but written down in sacred books from the 6th century BCE27

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