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AP World-Chapter 4 Flashcards

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114832720Cyrus the Greatestablished massive Persian empire by 550 BCE; successor state to Mesopotamian0
114832721Zoroastrianismanimist religion that saw material existence as a battle between forces of good and evil; stressed the importance of moral choice; the chief religion of the Persian empire1
114832722Olympic GamesOne of the pan-Hellenic rituals observed by all Greek city-states; involving athletic competitions and ritual celebrations2
114832723PericlesAthenian political leader during the 5th century BCE; guided to development of the Athenian Empire; died during the early stages of the Peloponnesian War3
114832724Peloponnesian WarsWars from 431-404 BCE between Athens and Sparta for dominance in southern Greece. Spartan victory, but failed to unify Greece4
114832725Phillip IIRuled Macedon from 359 to 336 BCE; founder of a centralized kingdom; later conquered the remaining parts of Greece; which became subject to Macedonian rule5
114832726Hellenistic PeriodThe culture that associated with the spread of Greek influence as a result of Macedonian conquest; often seen as the combo of Greek culture with eastern political forms6
114832727Alexandria, EgyptOne of the cities founded by Alexander the Great; the site of the Mediterranean's greatest library, a center of literary studies7
114832728Roman RepublicThe balanced constitution of Rome from (c. 510-47BCE), it featured and aristocratic senate, which was a panel of magistrates, and several popular assemblies8
114832729Punic WarsFought between Rome and Carthage to establish dominance in the western Mediterranean, won by Rome after 3 separate conflicts/battles9
114832730CarthageOriginally a Phoenician colony in northern Africa, became a major port and commercial power in the western Mediterranean.10
114832731HannibalGreat Carthaginian general during second punic war; successfully invaded and conquered Italy, but failed to conquer Rome, finally defeated at the battle of Zama11
114832732Julius CaesarRoman general responsible for the conquest of Gaul; brought the army back to Rome and then overthrew the Republic, assassinated in 44BCE by conservative senators12
114832733Augustus Caesar (Octavian)(63BCE-14CE) First emperor of Rome. established the basic structures of the Roman empire13
114832734DiocletianRoman emperor from (284-305CE) restored the later empire by improving administration and instating tax collection14
114832735ConstantineRoman emperor from (312-337CE) established the second capital of Constantinople; attempted to use Christianity to unify the empire.15
114832736Direct DemocracyWhere the people participate directly in assemblies that make laws and select leaders, rather than electing representatives.16
114832737SenateAssembly of Roman aristocrats; advised on policy within the republic, one of the early elements of the Roman constitution17
114832738Consulstwo chief executives or magistrates of the roman republic; elected by an annual assembly dominated by the aristocracy18
114832739CiceroConservative Roman senator; Stoic philosopher; one of the great orators of day; killed in reaction to the assissination of Julius Caesar19
114832740Aristotle (384-322BCE)Greek philosopher; teacher of Alexander the Great; his knowledge was based off observations of phenomenas in the world. was very popular, that's why his ideas were chosen over Democritus20
114832741StoicsHellenistic group of philosophers; which emphasized inner moral independence cultivated by strict discipline of the personal body and personal bravery.21
114832742SocratesAthenian philosopher of the later 5th century BCE; the tutor of Plato; he urged rational reflection of moral decisions condemned to death for corrupting the mind of Athenian young.22
114832743Sophocles ( 496-406BCE)Greek writer of tragedies.23
114832744IliadGreek epic poem written by Homer, passed down orally, defined Gods and monsters which shaped the Greek myths.24
114832745OdysseyGreek epic poem written by Homer, passed down orally, defined Gods and monsters which shaped the Greek myths.25
114832746DoricAlong with Ionian and Corinthian, distinct style of Hellenistic architecture. the least ornate of the 3 styles.26
114832747IonicA distinct style of Hellenistic period more ornate than Doric but less than Corinthian27
114832748CorinthianThe most ornate style of Hellenistic architecture.28

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