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AP world dates Flashcards

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649423943500 BCECivilization arises in Mesopotamia0
649423953000 BCEHinduism being practiced in India1
64942396483 BCESiddhartha Gautama dies2
649423970-40 CELife of Jesus3
64942398500 CEEnd of Roman Empire/Start Feudal West Europe4
64942399632Death of Muhammad5
64942400750Fall of Umayyad Dynasty and Rise of Abbassid Islamic Empire6
64942401900Ghana kings convert to Islam in West Africa7
649424021095First Crusade: Europeans go to West Asia to re-conquer Holy Lands8
649424031250-1350Mongol Empire: 4 Khannates = Russia, Persia, Central Asia, China9
649424041300-1500Italian Renaissance10
649424051324Mali King (Mansa Musa) makes pilgrimage to Mecca11
649424061405-1433Voyages of Admiral Zheng He on Indian Ocean12
649424071453Fall of Constantinople to Ottoman Turks13
649424081492Spain Unifies, Columbus, Start of Columbian Exchange, Moors driven out14
649424091506Kongo King converts to Christianity15
649424101519Arrival of Conquistadors in Mexico16
649424111600British East India Company trading in India17
649424121607Founding of Jamestown and start of slaves being brought to N. America18
649424131644Rise of Qing Dynasty in China19
649424141765James Watt perfects the steam Engine20
649424151776American Revolution21
649424161789French Revolution Begins22
649424171807Slave trade abolished in Britain (1808 = U.S., 1814 = France)23
649424181812Napoleon invades Russia in the Winter24
649424191833Slavery abolished in Britain (1848 = France, 1865 = U.S.)25
649424201843Treaty of Nanjing ends the Opium Wars between Britain and China26
649424211848Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx (Early years of German industry)27
649424221857Start of direct British rule in India, after the Sepoy Mutiny28
649424231868Meiji Restoration in Japan29
649424241884-5Berlin Conference to decide rules for dividing Africa30
649424271947Indian Independence33
649424281948Creation of State of Israel (Britain pulls out of Middle East)34
649424291949Communist Revolution in China35
649424301950Start of Korea War36
649424311955Bandung Conference where emerging nations declare Non-alignment37
649424321960"The Year of Africa" when many African nations gain independence38
649424331961Construction of Berlin Wall39
649424341990Fall of Communism in Russia and East Europe40

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