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AP World History 35-36 Flashcards

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356472945Passive ResistanceNonviolent opposition to authority; Gandhi used this technique when heading India's conquest for nationalism0
356472946Muslim Leaguehelped bring about Indian national liberation; worried that Hindu oppression of India's substantial Muslim minority might replace Britain rule1
356472947Mahatma"great soul"; a political and spiritual leader; Gandhi became one because of his mixture of spiritual intensity and political activism2
356472948Gandhileader of Indian nationalism; raised Hindu; embraced tolerance and nonviolence; opposed to caste system, especially the exclusion of untouchables3
356472949UntouchablesThe lowest level of the caste system; excluded from daily life4
356472950Government of India Actwhen repressive measures failed to quell the movement for self rule, the British offered modified self-rule through the India Act; unsuccessful because India's six hundred princes refused to support; gave them home room but now its too late cause India wants complete independence5
356472951Jinnaheloquent and brilliant lawyer; headed the Muslim League; warned that a unified India represented nothing less than a threat to the Muslim faith; proposed two states: Pakistan and India6
356472952Pakistan"land of the pure"7
356472953Sun Yatsenproclaimed China a republic and then became president; prominent nationalist leader; "Three Principles of the people"; started the Nationalist People's Party8
356472954May Fourth MovementChinese youths and intellectuals opposed to imperialism by foreign, especially Japanese, interference9
356472955CCPChinese Communist Party; headed by Mao Zedong; formed alliance with the Nationalist People's Party and were assisted by the Soviet Union; after Chiang turns on them they take the Long March to Yan'an10
356472956Nationalist People's Party (Guomindang)started by Sun Yatsen; nationalist organization; elimination of special privileges for foreigners, national reunification, economic development, and a democratic republic government based on universal suffrage; after Sun Yatsen died taken over by Chiang Kai-shek11
356472957Chinag Kai-shektakes over Nationalist People's Party after Sun Yatsen's death; launched Northern expedition aimed to unify the nation and bring China under Guomindang rule; it was successful, he then turned on his communist allies12
356472958Mao Zedongformer teacher and librarian who viewed a Marxist-inspired social revolution as the cure for China's Problems; headed CCP13
356472959Maoisman ideology grounded in the conviction that peasants rather than urban proletarians were the foundation for a successful revolution14
356472960Mukden IncidentChinese unification threatened Japanese interests in Manchuria; Japanese troops destroyed tracks on Japanese railroad, claimed Chinese attack; Incident became pretext for Japanese attack against China; lead to 2nd Sino-Japanese war15
356472961KenyattaMembers of the new elite class in Africa were often educated in Europe and he was an example of that; later led Kenya to independence16
356472962Marcus GarveyJamaican nationalist leader who preached black pride and called on blacks living in the African diaspora to go back to Africa17
356472963DuBoisblack US activist and intellectual who preached black pride and called on blacks living in the African diaspora to go back to Africa18
356472964Pan-Africanismthe unification of all people of African descent into a single African state19
356472965"Good Neighbor Policy"created by FDR; meant to pursue cordial relations with Latin American states and have U.S. marines train indigenous police forces to quell unrest20
356472966Dollar DiplomacyU.S. President Taft argued for substitution of "dollars for bullets" in Latin America, promoting peaceful commerce over expensive military intervention; Latin Americans call it "Yankee Imperialism"21
356472967Great Depressionthe economic crisis beginning with the stock market crash in 1929 and continuing through the 1930s22
356472968Black Thursdayhearing of an economic slowdown investors pulled out of the market as a result a wave of panic caused stock prices to plummet; many lost life savings; banks crashed, October 24, 192923
356472969Economic Nationalismafter international cooperation broke down this was instituted; it imposed tariff barriers, import quotas, and import prohibitions, politicians hoped to achieve self sufficiency; ultimately failed24
356472970Smoot-Hawley Tariffraised duties on most manufactured products to prohibitive levels; after it was imposed, other nations retaliated by making their own; the result was a drop in international trade25
356472971John Keynescalled for increased in money supply and government undertaking public projects to help unemployment rates decrease26
356472972New Dealprogram that resembled Keynes that was meant to prevent collapse of banking system, provide jobs, help worker's rights, and protect social security; WWII spending helped get out of Depression more than this plan did in all actuality27
356472973LeninRussian founder of the Bolsheviks and leader of the Russian Revolution and first head of the USSR (1870-1924); led the October Revolution of 1917, in which the Communists seized power in Russia; then ruled the country until his death in 1924; instituted the NEP28
356472974NEPLenin's New Economic Policy; Reversed war communism, restored market economy; returned small-scale industries to private ownership; allowed peasants to sell their surplus at free market29
356472975StalinRussian leader who succeeded Lenin as head of the Communist Party and created a totalitarian state by purging all opposition (1879-1953); instituted the Five-Year plan30
356472976Five-Year Planinstituted by Stalin; replaced Lenin's NEP; set production quotas, central state planning of entire economy; emphasized heavy industry at expense of consumer goods31
356472977Fascisma political system headed by a dictator that calls for extreme nationalism and racism and no tolerance of opposition; first found in Italy by Mussolini; focused on the state; elite military (militarism); no doctrine; ultranationalsim; ethnocentrism; totalatarium; indifferent on religion; hates democracy, socialism and communism32
356472978Mussolinifounder of Italian fascism, 1919; Armed fascist squads called Blackshirts terrorized socialists; After march on Rome, was invited by king to be prime minister33
356472979militarisma belief in the rigors and virtues of military life as an individual and national ideal; maintained large and expensive military establishments; tried to organize much of public life along military lines, and generally showed a fondness for uniforms, parades, and monumental architecture34
356472980National Socialist German Worker's PartyNazis; headed by Hitler; became the largest in parliament; nazis created one-party dictatorship; outlawed all other political parties; took over judiciary, civil service, military; purity of race35
356472981Hitlerleader of Nazi's, organize his supporters into fighting squads, had an obsession with extreme nationalism, racism and antisemitism, promised to end reparations, create jobs and defy the Versailles treaty36
356472982Anti-Semitismprejudice against Jews37
356472983Kristallnact"Night of Broken Glass"; Anti-Jewish riots of November 9-10 1938. Planned by the German government and the Gestapo. Over 1,000 synagogues were burned, Jewish stores looted and Jewish men arrested38

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