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AP World History (9 Weeks Test) Flashcards

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232694243Confucianism-Religion role in social cohesion of China -Not about God or worship -More about morality and social roles -Established during the end of the Zhou Dynasty -Believed in Filial Piety (respect for elders.) -Strongly Believed in Education -Laid foundation for China's beauracracy -Believed that humans were naturally evil. -Individuals responsible for own behavior -Harsh social discipline -Believed in ambition and activism0
232694244Daoism-Opposite of Confucianism (ambition and activism) -Believed in being passive and yielding -Created by philosopher Laozi in 6th cent. BCE -Believed in natural order -Dao was the universal all-guiding force. ("The Way") -Need harmony with nature and balance1
232694245Legalism-All about the law -A doctrine of practical and efficient statecraft -Strength in agriculture and military force -Discourages education, commerce, and arts -Harnesses self-interest for survival of the state -Harsh penalties for even minor violation of the law -Provides most stability -Resembles modern communism -Allowed collective responsibilities before the law2
232694246The Qin Dynasty-Adopted legalistic ideas (army and agriculture) -Conquered many states and societies -Unified China by 221 BCE -First emperor was Shihuangdi -Banned all non-practical books -Standardization of laws, currencies, weights, measures, and script. (writing)3
232694247Chandra Gupta (Two Words)-Ruled 320-335 CE -Known as great "king of kings." -Alliance via arranged marriages -profitable trade with Mediterranean -Largest Hindu revival -Huns invaded 450 CE (brought decline of Guptas)4
232694248Fa-Hsien (Gupta India)-Chinese buddhist monk -Around 5th century -Tried to follow Buddha -Described very positive -traveled along silk road and visited India -Made observations about society and lifestyles -Described very positive society of citizens -Described a rigid Caste System -First known mention of Untouchable class5
232694249Gupta Trade-Gupta located in Magadha -Wealthy as an intermediary between regions -Allowed for local rule, traditions, and products. -Trade flourished as a result of (above) -Less centralized (very important) -Caste System went from religious to political -Exports: cotton/aromatics/black pepper/pearls/gems.6
232694250Extensive Trade (4th Century)-spices -silk -ivory -gold -cotton -horses7
232694251Kalidasha-Great Indian poet -Shakuntala was his most famous play. -Flourish of culture during the reign of Chandra Gupta II.8
232694252Gupta ArtPottery, Sculpture, Paintings, Architecture (All greatly influenced society!)9
232694253Gupta Achievements & Discoveries (Medicine)-Identified over 1000 diseases -Identified over 50 healing plants -Plastic surgery for injured soldiers -C Sections -Vaccines -Printed medical books10
232694254Gupta Achievements & Discoveries (Astronomy & Mathematics)-solar calendar -identified that the Earth was round not flat, and rotated on an axis. -recognized the concept of zero & negative #'s -Concept of Pi -Decimal System -Quadratic Equations11
232694255Decline of the Guptas-Invaded by the white Huns in 4th century -Resulted in the end of Gupta Golden Age -Kept returning after defeat -resulted in small territories & Hindu kingdoms12
232694256Chandragupta (One Word)-Unified northern India -defeats Persian general Seleucus -divided empire into provinces and districts for easier tax collection, assessment, and law enforcement -efficient beauracracy -very paranoid ruler (scared of assassinations) -eventually became abdicated throne and became Jain or Hindu extremist. Similar to monks.13

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