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AP World History ch. 1 Flashcards

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320350283Homo Sapiens Sapiensthe first form of humans who lived over 100,000 years ago. They didn't have many tools and did not have a developed language0
320350284B.C.Before Christ1
320350285B.C.EBefore common era2
320350286A.D.In the year of the Lord3
320350287C.E.Common Era4
320350288Neolithic AgeNew Stone Age. 8,000 B.C.E. In this time, people developed agriculture and started to stay in one place. During this time, people also started to develope religions and gender division. This started the inequality of genders5
320350289Neolithic RevolutionDevelopment of agriculture6
320350290Hunting and Gatheringsocieties that would live off resources taken direclty from the land including animals and plants. They also practiced nomadism7
320350291Bronze AgePeople began to use metal to make tools instead of stone. 3,000 B.C.E.8
320350292Civilization (what are the parts and definition)Social orginizations of higher order, marked by advancements in the arts and sciences -economic system capable of surpluses and premiting the specialization of labor -government that provides political and millitary leadership -social higherarchy -moral or ethic code, based on religion -discoveries in sciences -written language9
320350293Cuniformform of writing founded in the Middle East. Based on wedge-like characters10
320350294nomadsun-civilized people who moved from place to place in search of food and other necesities11
320350295Mesopotamiaa fertial area in present day Iraq. It was where Sumer was located. Wheel was invented here12
320350296Sumarianspeople wo invaded Mesopotamia and made the first uniform alphabet13
320350297Ziggurata temple used by sumarians. It is located at the top of another huge temple14
320350298Babylonianspeople who captured mesopotamia after the Akkadians and brought civilization to the Middle East15
320350299Hammurabiruler of Babylon and established the first set of laws16
320350300Hammurabi's Codefirst unified law code17
320350301Pharaohname for a king of Egypt18
320350302Pyramidsburrial sights of a pharaoh19
320350303Kusha place that interacted with Egypt and took over it at some point20
320350304Indus River (location and characteristics of the civilization)Located in India; had running water, traded with Mesopotamia, urban like21
320350305Harappa and Mohenjo DaroTwo cities that originated by the Indus river. both were destroyed by unknown causes22
320350306Huanghe River (location and characteristics of the civilization)located in China; isolated but traded some with India and Mesopotamia23
320350307Ideographic Symbolsa form of writing. scratches and knots on bones= Chinese writing24
320350308PhoeniciansPeople who lived on the Mediteranian sea. Best known for developing and shortening the alphabet. 22 letters25
320350309Mandate of Heaventhe god-like source that Chinese poloticians used to convince the people that they were meant to be the rulers. Established by Zhou to justify overthrowing the Shang26
320350310Monotheismthe belief in one god27

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