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AP World History ch. 25 Flashcards

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126858516Toussaint L'Ouvertureleader of slave rebellion on the French sugar island of St. Domingue in 1791; led to creation of independent republic of Haiti in 18040
126858517Ferdinand VIIdeposed Spanish king in 1810 (deposed by Napoleon's brother); still had juntas set up in his name1
126858518juntasruling committee in Spanish colonies2
126858519Intendency SystemSpain sent penninsulares to re-establish control in the colonies3
126858520Father Miguel de HidalgoMexican priest who established independence movement among American Indians and mestizos in 1810; despite early victories, was captured and executed4
126858521Father Morelos1815; Mestizo independence leader of Mexico who wanted to abolish slavery and institue land reform; was captured and executed5
126858522Augustin de IturbideConservative Creole officer in Mexican army who signed agreement with insurgent forces of independence; combined forces entered Mexico City in 1821; later proclaimed emperor of Mexico until its collapse in 18246
126858523Simon BolivarCreole military officer in northern South America; won series of victories in in Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador between 1817 and 1822; military success led to creation of independent state of Gran Colombia7
126858524Jose de San MartinLeader of independence movement in Rio de la Plata; led to independence of the United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata by 1816; later led independence movement in Chile and Peru as well8
126858525Dom Pedro Iaided in the declaration of Brazilian independence from Portugal in 1822; became constitutional emperor of Brazil9
126858526Gran Colombiaidea of a united South America; failed due to regional differences10
126858527United Provinces of La Platathe united state created by Jose de San Martin, depite the fact that the provinces were far from united11
126858528Federalistsupported strong local governments12
126858529Centralistsupported strong central governments13
126858530Monroe DoctrineAmerican declaration stated in 1823; established that any attempt of a European country to colonize in the Americans would be considered a unfriendly act by the United States; supported by Great Britain as a means if opening Latin American trade14
126858531Auguste ComteFrench philosopher (19th century); founder of positivism, a philosophy that stressed observation and scientific approaches to the problems of society15
126858532Santa Annaseized power in Mexico after collapse of empire of Mexico in 1824; tried to tighten controls on Mexican territories; defeated by the United States in Mexican-American War in 1848; unseated by liberal rebellion in 185416
126858533Treaty of Guadalupe- Hidalgo1854; treaty that ended the Mexican-American War; U.S. accquired half of Mexican territory17
126858534La Reforma1854; liberal revolt led by Benito Juarez against Santa Anna in Mexico18
126858535Benito Juarezleader of of liberal rebellion against Santa Anna; liberal government defeated by French intervention under Napoleon and establishment of Mexican Empire under Maximillion; restored to power in 1867 until his death in 187219
126858536Manuel de Rosasleader who united the province of Argentina under federalism; favoured the ranchers; as economy increased, profits weren't shared with the rest of the province; overthrown in 185220
126858537Alberdileader who formed a strong centralist state in Argentina; encouraged immigration21
126858538Sarmientoleader who brought many political and social reforms to Argentina22
126858539Pedro II1840: Enlightened ruler in Brazil with middle calss values; economic growth23
126858540Conselheiroreligious mystic who gained followers in the 1890s24
126858541NeoClassicismbased on Greek and Roman styles; nationalism25
126858542Romanticismemontion and passion; Native Americans, slavery, etc.26
126858543RealismPresented things as they really existed27
126858544Panama Canalan aspect of American intervention in Latin America; resulted from United States support for a Panamanian independence movement in return for a grant to exclusive rights to a canal across the Panama isthmus; provided short route between Atlantic and Pacific oceans; completed in 191428
126858545Spanish American WarWar fought between Spain and the United States beginning in 1898; centered on Cuba and Puerto Rico; permitted American intervention in Caribbean, annextion of Puerto Rico and the Philippines29
126858546Caudillosmilitary leaders who dominated local areas with small armies30

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