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AP World History Ch 32-33 Flashcards

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9613882215Proxy warsConflicts in which the rival superpower financed and armed competing factions or parties0
9613882216What did the collapse of the Soviet party lead to?Occurring in the 1980s, it ended the Cold war and undermined sociaist economies elsewhere1
9613882217During the 1970s, what was occuring in Latin America?-Political violence -Consequently, the US increased support for political and military allies2
9613882218What occurred in Brazil in 1964?President Joao Goulart overthrown in a military coup; death squads executed and tortured many citizens3
9613882219Death squadsIllegal paramilitary organizations sanctioned by the gvmt4
9613882220Brazilian solution-Combination of dictatorship, violent repression and government promotion of industrialization -Imposed across the region during the 1970s and early 1980s, beginning in Chile5
9613882221Salvador AllendeChile's new president -Undertook socialist reforms to redistribute wealth -Nationalized Chile's heavy industry and mines, including American-owned copper companies -In 1973, he was overthrown during a military uprising led by General Augusto Pinochet, who was supported by the US, leading to Chile undergoing significant economic growth under his rule6
9613882223What occurred in Chile during 1988?Pinochet called a plebiscite (vote of the people) to extend his rule but the majority voted against them7
9613882224Isabel PerónBecame President in 1976 after the death of Juan Perón in 1974; the military seized power and suspended constitution8
9613882225Dirty WarArgentina's military against terrorism (lasted 7 years)9
9613882226When was Anastasio Somozo overthrown?1979: overthrow of Anastasio Somozo, dictator of Nicaragua10
9613882227Sandinistas-Took power after Somozo was overthrown -Alliance of revolutionaries and reformers -Named after Augusto César Sandino -Gained support and influence from Cuba11
9613882228Augusto César SandinoLed Nicaraguan opposition to US military intervention in 1927-193212
9613882229Jimmy Carter (1977-1981)39th president of the USA, proponent of human rights13
9613882230Who became president of the U.S. in the elections of 1980?Ronald Reagan14
9613882231Contras or "Counter-revolutionaries"Anti-Sandinista Nicaraguans who were recruited and financed by the Reagan administration15
9613882232Violeta ChamorroLed a middle of the road coalition which was elected by a majority of Nicaraguan voters after they rejected the Sandinistas16
9613882233FMLN [Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front]-Revolutionaries in El Salvador who organized an effective guerilla force -The organization was named after a martyred leftist leader from the 1930s -This led to the US providing funds and training to the El Salvadoran army17
9613882234What made it hard for the Reagan administration to sustain military aid policies in El Salvador?Along with the murders of thousands of civilians and noncombatants, Archbishop Oscar Romero and other clergy members were assassinated by death squads with ties to the Salvadoran government18
9613882235Latin American rule during 1983-1990Military dictatorships established in Brazil, Chile, and Argentina19
9613882236Malvinas-The Falkland Islands, coined this by Argentinans -Military juntas in Argentina planned to seize them in 1982 from Great Britain -‎Led to humiliating military defeat and caused the return to civilian rule from martial law ‎-The US supported Britain and forced the surrender of the Argentina garrison in the Falklands, leading to collapse of military rule in Argentina20
9613882237What significant events occurred in Brazil and Chile during 1989?-Brazil's first popular presidential election since 1960; Fernando Collor de Mello won -Chile elects its first civilian president in 18 years (since 1971); Patricio Aylwin won21
9613882239What triggered a financial crisis in the early 1980s?In 1982, Mexico announced that it could not fulfill debt payments By 1988, Latin American nations owed over $400 billion to external leaders, with Brazil owing $113 billion of the amount22
96138822411991: U.S. influence in Latin AmericaLatin America was dominated by the US, more so than in 197523
9613882242What occurred in 1983 involving the Reagan administration?-Reagan authorized a military invasion of the Caribbean nation of Grenada -It was justified by the need to protect a small number of American students from the actions of pro-Cuban government24
9613882244What occurred in 1989 involving the Bush administration in Panama, known as "Operation Just Cause"?President G. W. Bush sent a large military force into Panama to overthrow General Manuel Noriega, who was associated with drug smuggling and attacks on US military personnel25
9613882245Neo-liberal economic system-Free market policies that reduced protections, afforded local industries, government social welfare policies and public sector improvement -Governments sold public sector industries (like national airlines, manufacturing facilities, and public utilities) to foreign corporations26
9614117608Muhammad Reza PahlaviSucceeded his father as shah of Iran in 1941 Nationalized the foreign owned oil industry Enjoyed American support In 1953, the CIA helped him retain his throne when a movement began with the intent of overthrowing him27
9614134418Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini-A Shi'ite philosopher-cleric who had spent most of his life in religious and academic pursuits -Main voice of the opposition against the shah of Iran; -Saw the U.S. as a "Great Satan" opposed to Islam -Also helped foster Islamic revolutions elsewhere, to the dismay of the US and Israel28
9621188849New industrial alliances in Japan6 major Keiretsu today, each of which include a major bank and firms in industry, commerce, and construction tied together in an interlocking ownership structure29
9621238067Bipolar worldThe conflict between the USA and the Soviet Union and their allies (post WW2)30
9626356760What replaced the monarchy in Iran?The Islamic Republic of Iran, of which Ayatollah Khomeini was named the supreme arbiter of disputes and guarantor of religious legitimacy; it was anti-Israel and anti-American31
9626356761What was the Iran Hostage Crisis which took place in November of 1979?Iranian radicals seized the U. S. Embassy in Tehran and held 52 diplomats hostage for 444 days -freed the day President Reagan took office32
9626369946What forced the shah to flee Iran in 1979, ending the monarchy?Massive street demonstrations and crippling strikes33
9621238072What was the Soviet-Afghan war, which took place from 1979 to 1989?-The Soviet army was sent to Afghanistan to support communist rule against the local, religiously inspired guerrilla bands which had taken control of the countryside -The Soviets found themselves in an unwinnable war and were unable to justify the drain on manpower, morale and economic resources, leading them to withdraw in 198934
9621238068What occurred in the 1970s and 1980s in Japan despite the oil price shocks of the 1970s?-Major economic growth -Average income increased rapidly, overtaking that of the US in 1986 and surpassing it during the 1990s35
9621238069What was Saddam Hussain's dictatorial rule based on?Secular, Arab-Nationalist philosophy and a long standing alliance with the Soviet Union36
9621238070What was the Iran-Iraq warTook place from 1980 to 1988 -Began when Saddam Hussain, ruler of Iraq, invaded Iran in order to topple the Islamic Republic -‎American weapons in the hands of Iranians against Soviet weapons in the hands of Iraqis37
9621238073Japan's Bubble Economy (1986-1991)-Real estate and stock market prices were greatly inflated -Collapsed in 1992 when Japan was hit with a rapid increase of asset prices and uncontrolled money supply and credit expansion38
9626330837What allowed South Korea's economy to rebound from the war?-Development of heavy industries like steel and shipbuilding -‎Consumer industries, such as automobiles and electronics -‎a combination of inexpensive labor, strong technical education, and substantial domestic capital reserves allowed for this39
9626330146Which countries were known as the Asian Tigers, due to their rapid economic development?Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea40
9626317950Deng Xiaoping-Leader of China, many reforms across the nation made under his rule -Did not privatize land but allowed the contracting of land to individuals or families -‎By 1984: 93% of China's agricultural land was owned privately and producing for the market, tripling the agricultural output41
9626315302What significant economic event occurred in China in 1978?China began to permit foreign investment for the first time since 1949 when the communist party under Mao had come to power42
9626309922Dual industrial sector-One modern, efficient and connected to international markets while the other was dominated by government and directed by political decisions -Caused by the workers employed in state owned enterprises and the fact that most foreign owned companies were segregated in special economic zones43
9621238071NIEs aka newly industrialized economies-Disciplined and hard working labor forces -Heavily invested in education -High rates of personal saving that allowed them to generously fund investment in new technology -Emphasized outward looking export strategies44
9626309823Tienanmen Square-Occurred in the center of Beijing -Protest demanding democracy and an end to inflation and corruption -Eventually, tanks pushed into the square, killing many Tankman: the dude who stood directly in the path of a column of Type 59 tanks with his groceries45
9626307424The fall of communism-By 1990 nationalism was rising in influence -End of 1989: communist governments in Eastern Europe had collapsed46
9626303963Solidarity-Caused by protests by Polish shipyard workers in Gdansk -‎A labor union that eventually had 9 million members -‎Its increasing power caused the Polish government to impose martial law in 198147
9626709498What year did Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia declare their independence?1990 -They had been annexed by the Soviet Union in 193948
9626719012The end of the Soviet Union and rise of Russia; significance of Boris YeltsinThe collapse occurred suddenly in 1991 -Boris Yeltsin, president of the Russian republic and longtime member of the Communist Party, led popular resistance to the coup in Moscow -September of 1991: Congress of People's Deputies (central legislation of the USSR) voted to officially dissolve the Soviet Union49
9626802009Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) aka the Russian CommonwealthCreated in December of 1991 -it was a successor organization with little central control -headquarters located in Belarus -consisted of ten former Soviet Republics: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan50
9626850465SamizdatSelf published underground writings51
9626850466Mikhail GorbachevTook control of Soviet government in 1985; authorized major reforms in order to prevent total collapse 1989: he ended the war in Afghanistan 1991: he resigned after the collapse of the USSR52
9626850467Perestroika (restructuring)Gorbachev's policy made in an attempt to address long suppressed economic problems by making a more open economic system and moving away from central state planning53
9626850468Political reforms in communist countriesPoland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria In Romania the dictator Nicolae Ceausescu refused to surrender power, causing a rebellion leading to his arrest and ultimately his execution54
9626850470In 1990, who became President of Poland and who became President of CzechoslovakiaLech Walesa elected president of Poland and Vaclav Havel elected president of Czechoslovakia55
9626850471Fall of the Berlin WallNovember 1989 -lasted 28 years56
9626850472Reunification of Germany1990 Although seemingly positive, this caused a lot of problems: High levels of unemployment and budget deficits57
9627172705Dismemberment of YugoslaviaBegan with the declarations of independence in Slovenia and Croatia in 199158
9627160994Thomas MalthusArgued in 1789 that unchecked population growth would exceed food production59
9627182723Division of Czechoslovakia in 1993Czech Republic and Slovakia60
9627198125Persian Gulf War (1990-1991)Saddam Hussain sought to gain Kuwait and its oil fields -Invasion began in August of 1990, causing President Bush to order an attack in early 1991 -Iraq was defeated in terms of military, but Hussain retained his power61
9627314895Demographic transitionIntroduced in the late 1960s by Europe and other industrial societies in order to lower fertility rates62
9627452367PSRPotential Support Ratio63
9627465520Two characteristics of the postwar world-Despite decades of experimentation with state-directed economic development, most nations that were poor in 1960 were just as poor or poorer in 2003 -World population increased to startlingly high levels, and most of the growth occurred in poor nations64
9627744463Rural to urban migrationIncreased threefold between 1925 and 195065
9627751437The Personal ComputerUntil the 1970s, most computing was done on large and expensive mainframe computers -IBM dominated the industry -The race to miniaturize was on: transistors replaced vacuum tubes; silicon chips replaced hard-wired transistors; microprocessors were made to be more powerful66
9627776952Steve Jobs and Stephen G. Wozniak1977: Joined forces to create the first mass-market home computer, the Apple II (Apple ][) , with color screen, keyboard, and built-in computing language67
9627800380Environmentally conscious acts passed in the 1970s-The Clean Air Act -The Clean Water Act -The Endangered Species Act68
9627813042Kyoto Protocol1997: Representatives from around the world met in Kyoto, Japan in order to negotiate a far-reaching treaty to reduce greenhouse gases which were contributing to global warming -Although President Clinton signed it, Senate did not ratify it -Although 192 countries have ratified the treaty, Afghanistan, Sudan and the U.S.A. have not, even to this day69
96278378799/11Occurred in 2001 -At 8:46 A.M., an American Airlines Boeing 767 with 92 passengers crashed into the 94th to the 98th floors -Before 9:03 A.M., a similar United Airlines flight with 65 people on board hit the 78th to 84th floors -Another American Airlines jet crashed into the Pentagon, killing all 64 individuals on board and 125 others inside -The fourth plane was taken over by passengers and crashed in Pennsylvania, killing all 45 people on board70
9627879225GlobalizationCoca-Cola -Growing trade and travel and new technologies brought the world closer together into closer economic, political, and cultural integration and interaction71
9628148634PRIInstitutional Revolutionary Party72
96281540881997: Great Britain's first Labour Party prime minister in 18 yearsTony Blair73
9628157164Bill ClintonElected in 1992 -first Democrat to win the American presidency in 12 years -42nd President74
9628166519India's major political shift in 1998-BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) electoral victory -Ended 4 decades of Congress Party Rule -Successful because of appeals to Hindu nationalism, the condoning of violence against Muslims, and opposition to the social and economic progress of the Untouchables75
9628216998Ethnic cleansingRose in Bosnia during 1992; the Orthodox Serbs (30% of population) wanted to rid the state of Muslims (40% of population) -An effort by one radical, ethnic, or religious group to eliminate the people and culture of a different group76
9628226409Weapons of mass destructionNuclear, biological, or chemical weapons that pose a serious threat to global security because of their power to kill a large population quickly77
9628232989TerrorismHorrendous acts of violence78
9628241482World Trade Organization (WTO)Replaced the GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)79
9628244146North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)-Eliminated tariffs among the U.S., Canada, and Mexico in 1994 -Governed the largest free trade zone in the world80
9628248427Mercosur-A South American free trade zone created by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay in 1991 -World's third largest trading group -In 2002, it gave free movement of people in its area and equal employment rights to the citizens of all member states81
9628264867Millennium Challenge AccountUnited States foreign aid agency established by Congress in 200482
9628269568MillenarianismBelief in the millennium of Christian prophecy Belief in an ideal society, one created by revolution83
9628279895Universal Declaration of Human RightsPassed by U.N. General Assembly in 1948 -Called for freedom of movement, assembly, and thought -Asserted rights to life, liberty, and security of person; impartial public trials; education, employment; and leisure84
9628292546Non-government Organizations (NGOs)Individual human rights activists often work through these international philanthropic bodies Important forces for promoting human rights85
9628300884Amnesty International86
9628304468Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders)87
9628305350International Criminal Court88
9628305351Australia's Big Dry of 200289
9628307336Greenhouse effect90
9628308254Cultural imperialism91
9628309687Women's Rights in the 19th century92
9628312038Division for the Advancement of the Women of the United Nations93
9628316744Pop culture94
9628318500Global culture95

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