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AP World History Chapter 14 Flashcards

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14641357195MuhammadFounder of Islam0
14641357196Meccathe holiest city of Islam; Muhammad's birthplace1
14641357197MedinaMuhammad fled to here from Mecca after persecution (the Hijra) Preached his message2
14641357198QuranHoly book of Islam written teachings of Muhammad from Mecca and Medina3
14641357199HijraMuhammad's move to Medina. Start of the Islamic calendar (632 CE)4
146413572005 Pillars of Islam1. belief in Allah and Muhammad his prophet 2. Pray to Allah daily and face Mecca 3. observe a fast during daylight hours of Ramadan 4. Give alms for relief for weak and poor 5. Undertake the hajj and one pilgrimage to Mecca to honor Muhammads visits to Mecca5
14641357201HajjPilgrimage to Mecca6
14641357202Jihad"struggle" struggle against ignorance by spreading and converts spiritual and moral obligations; combat vice and evil7
14641357203Ummacommunity of all Muslims -legal and social code -provided relief for widows, orphans, poor -muhammad led the community in prayer and battle8
14641357204ShariaIslamic law -detailed guidance on proper behavior in every aspect of life9
14641357205Shia v. Sunni MuslimsDispute over caliph Shia: Ali, leaders are infallible/supreme Sunni: Abu Bakr, traditionalist10
14641357206Umayyad Dynastycapitol: Damascus -centralized rule; Arab military aristocracy -conquered to expand -taxed non Muslim conquered people11
14641357207Jizyatax on non-Muslims in Umayyad empire12
14641357208Abbasid Dynastycapitol: Baghdad -cosmopolitan: multicultural -allowed Arabs and others to participate in government -not a conquering dynasty, focused on governing/bureaucracy13
14641357209Baghdadcapitol of Abbasid Dynasty huge center of learning, new ideas, government House of Wisdom14
14641357210Sufi Missionariesmost effective missionaries -didn't enforce strict guildlines of the doctrine -tolerated pre-Islamic values -encouraged individuals to explore Allah in their own way -focused on emotional aspect and mystic relationship -helped the poor15
14641357211Dar al-Islaman Arabic term that means the "house of Islam" and that refers to lands under Islamic rule16
14641357212Al-AndalusIslamic Spain17
14641357213Salijuq TurksConquered Baghdad and gained control of the Abbasid Empire18
14641357214How did the growth of Islam contribute to agriculture, industrial, and urban development?New crops products, techniques -cotton used for industry -paper: spread Quran, record keeping(cheap/efficient), jobs Increased food productions, growth of cities, specialization of labor19
14641357215What are the continuities and changes in regards to the status of women in early Islamic society?-Muhammad originally preached that women should have more rights -When more cultures were incorporated after being conquered, male dominance and patriarchal traditions were reinforced -veiling of women: adopted from Byzantine and Sassind empires, incorporated into sharia law, to protect lineage of women20
14641357216Persia Influence in Islam-administrative techniques -literary works21
14641357217India influence in Islam-mathematics, science, medicine -astronomy: navigational ability leads to trade -numerals22
14641357218Greek Influence in IslamPhilosophy and logic incorporated into Islam culture -Aristotle23
14641357219Why did Islam spread so quickly?-Sufi missionaries -invested in education: madrasas, schools integrated Islam, used Quran to learn how to read24

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