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AP World History: Chapter 16 Vocab Flashcards

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7689851621CharlemagneDefinition: King of the Franks and Holy Roman Empire Significance: Symbolized the relationship between the Church and Charlemagne0
7689865286ClovisDefinition: King of the Franks who unified Gaul and established his capital at Paris Significance: Reunified Europe for some time1
7689890532VikingsDefinition: Scandinavian pirates who plundered the coasts of Europe from the 8th to the 10th century Significance: Caused Instability2
7689913461MagyarsDefinition: Muslims who attacked Europe and converted to Christianity and established Hungary Significance: Spread Christianity and caused instability3
7689924813Holy Roman EmpireDefinition: The lands ruled by Charlemagne Significance: Brought a degree of stability back to Europe4
7689946757SerfsDefinition: A person who is bound to the land and owned by the feudal lord Significance: Bottom of the Feudal hierarchy, very important as they provided sustenance5
7689962217VassalsDefinition: A noble who usually was given a fief by his lord in exchange for loyalty Significance: This person gave their military skills and loyalty to the lord6
7690047107ManorsDefinition: a large estate, often including farms and a village Significance: Location where lords rule7
7690063669Horse Collars/WatermillsDefinition: Distributed the weight around the shoulders and chest rather than the throat Definition: Building located on rivers in which grain were crushed into flour8
7690078894Heavy PlowDefinition: Agricultural invention that allowed people to migrate to colder climates and produce more food Significance: Produced more food which allowed for a population growth and urbanization9
7690098830Pope Gregory IDefinition: Was most important figure for providing Roman Church with sense of direction Significance: Defended Rome, brought unity to the Church10
7690111343William Duke of NormandyDefinition: Led the Norman invasion of England and became the first Norman to be King of England Significance: Defeated Harold, the Anglo-Saxon King11
7690145050Lief EriksonDefinition: Sailed from West Norway to Greenland but strong wind blew his ship off course Significance: Viking that discovered America 500 years before Columbus12
7690228402Gothic CathedralsDefinition: An architectural style that flourished in Europe Significance: Created by Abbot Suger13
7690258312Bubonic PlagueDefinition: Disease spread by rats, brought by sailors from Crimea Significance: About 1/3 of all Europe's population died14
7690293266Leo IIIDefinition: Crowned Charlemagne the "Holy Roman Emperor Significance: Strained Byzantian relationship15
7690312986Theme SystemDefinition: Divided the Byzantine Empire into different districts that were each led by a general Significance: Peasants who joined the army were given plots of land16
7690356532IconoclasmDefinition: The breaking of images, a religious controversy of the 8th century Significance: Byzantine emperor attempted, but failed to suppression veneration17
7690907575Greek FireDefinition: Byzantine weapon consisting of mixture of chemicals that ignited when exposed to water Significance: Utilized to drive back Arab fleets that attracted Constantinople18
7690928371SchismDefinition: The separation between two branches of Christianity in 1054 CE Significance: Revival popes were established in Arigon and Rome19
7690949174Hagia SophiaDefinition: Most famous example of Byzantine Architecture Significance: Built under Justinian I and is considered one of the most perfect buildings in the world20

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