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AP World History Chapter 28 Flashcards

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60112601The Great Waralso known as World War I0
60112602Kaiser Wilhelm IIGerman emperor, his aggressive behavior is said to be apart of the starting of World War I1
60112603Triple Allianceformed before WWI, consisted of Austria-Hungary, Italy, and Germany2
60112604Triple Ententeformed before WWI, consisted of Britain, France, and Russia3
60112605The Great PowersIndustrial power countries of Europe, included Britain, Germany, France, Russia, and Italy4
60112606Allied Forcesfought the Central Powers, forces included Britain, France, and Russia and later, Italy, US, Japan5
60112607Central Powersfought the Allied Forces, included, German, Austria-HUngary, and the Ottoman Empire6
60112608JingoismNationalism during the war, often in the middle and working class7
60112609Dreadnoughtthe naval ships of Britain, Germany was very threatened8
60112610Archduke FerninandHeir to Austria-Hungary's throne. Killed in Sarajevo by a Serbian, his death is often known as the start of WWI9
60112611Sarajevocapital of Bosnia and Herzegovina10
60112612Blank CheckGermany's promise to defend A-H in the battle against Serbia11
60112613White DominionBritain's colonies with a white majority, sent soldiers in WWI. Australia, New Zealand, and Canada12
60112614Western Frontbattle fought from Belgium to Switzerland. included the treacherous trench warfare and massive causalities. included Britain, France, US, Belgium, and Russia.13
60112615Eastern FrontBattle fought from the Baltic to the Balkans. included Russia, Germany, A-H, and Balkan nations14
60112616Tsar Nicolas IIlast of the Russian emperors, his bad political and military decisions is said to be a cause of Russia's downfall and lose in the war15
60112617PropagandaGovernment supported media designed to make one side seem awful, and the other seem perfect, often told lies16
60112618BolsheviksRussian socialist party, wanted to remove the tzar from power, term means "majority"17
60112619New WomenWomen group in Western Europe and US wanted that wanted more social and political rights.18
60112620German East Africabattles fought in now day Tanzania between the German Africans and British Indians and South Africans.19
60112621Treaty of Versaillestreaty that ended WWI, included Wilson's ideas of peace, blamed Germany for the damages, started the League of Nations20
60112622Woodrow WilsonAmerican president during WWI, his 14 points and soldiers helped the the Allied Forces win the war21
60112623Georges ClemenceauFrench man, one of the big four at Versailles, insisted on punishing Germany22
60112624David Lloyd GeorgeBritish Prime MInister at Versailles, tried to find a mediator between Woodrow's "peace without victory" and Clemenceau23
60112625Armisticewhere all sides of the war lay down their weapons without declaring victory, supported by Wilson, Britain and France reject24
60112626Stab in the BackMyth that the Jews and Socialists conspired to surrender to the Allied Forces, used by Nazis25
60112627Self-determinationWilson called for national independence from colonial rule, asian and african countries were excited, but Wilson really meant countries only in europe26
60112628Ho Chi MinhVietnamese ruler that went to Versailles to ask for independence, was ignored27
60112629Indian Congress PartyNationalist group in India that formed for independence from Britain, led by Western taught Indians28
60112630Mohandas GandhiWestern taught nationalist in India, his forms of nonviolent protest were successful29
60112631Satyagrahaterm meaning "truth force". peaceful protest, boycott30
60112632EffendiEgyptian prosperous middle class, leaders of nationalist movement often came from this class31
60112633Dinshawaicity where violence between britain and egypt. united egyptian nationalists32
60112634Mandatestreaty of versailles gave some of german land to France and Britain33
60112635Ataturk (Mustafa Kemal)Turkish leader after the war promoted woman's suffrage and latin based alphabet34
60112636Zionistssupporters of Jewish nationalism and movement to Palestine35
60112637Lord BalfourBrit who promised Palestine for the Jews, angered Arabs36
60112638Pogromsviolent mistreatment of Jews in Russia and Romania37
60112639Theodor Herzelknown journalist who promoted Zionism and helped lead to the cause38
60112640Alfred DreyfusFrench Jewish officer who was falsely accused of spying for Germany, his accusation helped Herzel and other Zionists39
60112641World Zionist Organizationformed by Herzel to support the Jewish movement to Palestine40
60112642Gamal Abdel Nassarled a military coup in Egypt, made himself a Arab force41
60112643Marcus Garvey and W.E.B DuBoisAmericans who supported African nationalism and unity42
60112644Pan-Africanismmovement to arouse African nationalism and unity43
60112645NegritudeIn France, writers believed Africa was "better" before the colonies44
60112646Armenian genocideThe Turks attacked Armenians on Anatolia, genocide45
60112647Adolf Hitlerused the stab in the back theory, fascist who rounded up much of Germany46
60112648League of Nationsmuch supported by Wilson (even though US didn't join), result of the treaty of Versailles47
60112649Hussein: sheriff of Meccathe british promised arabs freedom in order for support int he war, britain didn't keep their promises he was angry and died48
60112650Leon PinskerJewish Zionist who said Jews couldn't live in the Christian nation of Europe49
60112651Wafd PartyEgyptian nationalist party for independence, angry that Egypt had to say at Versailles, eventually led to limited independence50
60112652Leópold Sédar Senghorwriter of the negritude movement, urged African nationalist powers51

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