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AP World History Chapter 2 Flashcards

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98970931752000-500 CEHow long has Israel lasted0
9897093176crossroadsIsrael has always been a _____1
9897093177SinaiWhat was the desert in Israel2
9897093178mediterraneanIsrael is on the _____ coastal plain3
9897093179Galileefertile land of grassy hills and small plains (israel)4
9897093180Dead SeaIn Israel, the Jordan River runs into the...5
9897093181conflict and religionsIsrael has always been at the center of ____-6
9897093182Canaan, Israel, PalestineIsrael can also be called (3 names)7
9897093183Hebrews, Israelites, Jews, Israelites in antiquityThe People of Israel can be called (4 names)8
9897093184TorahHebrew bible9
9897093185orallythe torah was originally passed down...10
989709318610th century BCEWhen was the torah written down in Phoenician script on scrolls11
9897093187PastoralistsMiddle Easterners served as .....12
9897093188AbrahamWho does Middle Eastern History begin with13
98970931891800 BCEWhen does Abraham migrate to Israel14
9897093190CanaanAbraham migrated from Mesopotamia to....15
9897093191suspiciousThe settled people were suspicious of Abraham and his people16
9897093192AbelThe innocent brother ____ was killed by his farmer brother Cain17
9897093193YahwehSodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by ____ because of wickedness18
9897093194Mosesleads the slaves out of egypt19
9897093195YahwehJewish god who demanded their exclusive loyalty20
9897093196"Chosen people"Yahweh considers the Jews to be the "......"21
989709319710 commandmentsthese serve as a guide22
9897093198social justice and compassionYahweh was the god of...23
9897093199Yahwehsingular, transcendent, personal, ruling over the natural order, engaged in history and demanding social justice and moral righteousness24
9897093200Christianity and IslamThe Jewish belief was the foundation on which _____ and _____ were built25
9897093201Agricultural way of lifeMiddle easterners settle down to an....26
9897093202Joshualed the Israelites to Canaan27
9897093203"Children of Israel"12 tribes who descended from Jacob and Joseph, located in different parts of the country28
9897093204Ark of CovenantAKA 10 commandments29
9897093205judgesin israel, ____ mediated disputes and welfare of people30
9897093206990-930 BCETime span of Kingdom of Israel31
9897093207Davidunites the 12 tribes and made jerusalem the capital of Israel32
9897093208SolomonHigh point of Israel, son of david33
9897093209SolomonBuilt the first temple34
9897093210721 BCEWhen was the first temple destroyed35
9897093211AssyriansWho destroyed the northern kingdom36
9897093212Judahwho survives for more than a century by paying tribute37
9897093213587 BCEThe Babylonians captured Jerusalem in_____38
9897093214cultural identityduring exile, the Jews renewed their _____39
9897093215Cyrus the GreatWho allowed the jews to return40
9897093216MonotheismJudaism practices...41
9897093217rigid rulesjews lived by rigid rules42
9897093218porkWhat food could jews not eat43
9897093219Saturdaywhat day is the Sabbath for Jews44
98970932206th century BCEWhen was the Persian Empire created45
9897093221Persian empirelargest empire in the world46
9897093222Iranknown as "land of the Aryans"47
9897093223Zagros MountainsIn the west of Iran48
9897093224Caucasus Mountains and captain seato the nw and n of iran49
9897093225copper, tin, iron, gold, silver, woodmineral resources in iran were....50
9897093226But of KingshipThe Persian empire was centered on51
9897093227Ahura MazdaThe Persian empire was ruled by will of great Persian god...52
9897093228Absolute monarchsPersians were ruled by..53
9897093229550-530 BCEWhat was the time span of Cyrus the Great54
9897093230Anatolia, Mesopotamia, and BabylonCyrus the Great conquered... (3)55
9897093231tolerance and respectCyrus the great was known for...56
9897093232Cyrus the Greatallowed jews to return to their homeland57
9897093233Cyrus Cylinderaccording to Cyrus: he restored peace, released captives and returned prisoners to their homelands, and tolerated local religion and cult practice. This is written on the ....?58
9897093234PasargadaeWhere is the tomb of Cyrus found?59
9897093235Tomb of Cyrusone of the few achaemenid monuments that has survived to the present60
9897093236Sydney, Austrailiain 1994, a replica of a bas relief depicting him was erected in a park in....61
9897093237multiculturalismThe monument in Australia is intended as a symbol for ..... and to express coexistence and peace62
9897093238522-486 BCEWhat was the life span of Darius I63
9897093239Dariusseizes the persian throne in 522 BCE with the help of the 10,000 immortals64
9897093240Indus valleyDarius I extended the persian empire to the...65
9897093241Thraceaka NE Greece and Bulgaria66
989709324223The persian empire was divided into how many provinces67
9897093243satrapaka governor in persia68
9897093244Satrapsusually connected to royal family, encouraged intermarriage, cultural and technological exchange69
9897093245shecksMilitary officers and tax collectors served as... on the power of the satraps70
9897093246royal roadsconnected the outlying provinces71
98970932471,600how many miles long are the royal roads72
9897093248communication and commerceRoyal roads improved73
9897093249111how many postal stations are there along the royal roads74
9897093250wives and childrenThe king of persia had numerous...75
9897093251influentialpersian elite women may have been...76
9897093252seasonsThe persian king and the court moved with the _____, living in luxurious tents and in palaces of the ancient capitals of Mesopotamia and Iran77
9897093253Darius and XerxesThe Persepolis was constructed by...78
9897093254Persepolisbecame the ceremonial capital of Persia79
9897093255power and wealthThe Persepolis was a symbol of the Persian's ______ and _____80
9897093256coronations, weddings, and funeralsWhat were held at the Persepolis81
9897093257247BCE-651 CETime span of the Parthanin and Sassanid empires82
9897093258Zoroastrianismreligion that originated in Iran83
9897093259ZoroasterZoroastrianism originated from the teachings of... in the 6th or 7th century BCE84
9897093260wisdomZoroaster left home in search of ____ and experienced visions of Ahuramazda, he became the prophet and spread the message85
9897093261AhuramazdaSupreme benevolent deity86
9897093262the wise lordWhat is another name for Ahuramazda87
9897093263Good vs evilZoroastrian beliefs are centered around...88
9897093264rewarded or punishedZoroastrians believe that humans are _____ or ____ in the afterlife for their actions89
9897093265one supreme godZoroastrian's preached...90
9897093266high ethical standardZoroastrian's held humans to high ethical standards91
9897093267salvationZoroastrian's promised92
9897093268Judaism and ChristianityZoroastrian's influenced _______ and _____ as empire spread west93
9897093269DevilZoroastrian's believed in God and_____94
9897093270HellZoroastrian's believed in heaven and ______95
9897093271punishmentZoroastrian's believed in reward and _______96
9897093272end of timeZoroastrian's believed in messiah and ......97
9897093273Balkan PeninsulaGreece is located on the ......98
9897093274islandsgreece includes thousands of....99
9897093275city stateswhat type of government did Greece have100
9897093276Athens and spartamain two city states101
9897093277Mediterranean SeaGreek "highway" for trade and resources102
9897093278MinoansEarliest Greeks103
9897093279Phaistos DiskUndeciphered syllabic alphabet, used to keep detailed records of economic and commercial matters104
9897093280CreteThe Phaistos Disk was found in 1908 in.....105
9897093281printingThe Phaistos disk could have been used for....106
9897093282MycenaeanIndo-European invades who descended through the Balkans into Peloponnesus around 2200 BCE107
9897093283MinoanMycenaean culture was influenced by108
9897093284Linear BWhat was the Mycenaean language109
9897093285Linear AMycenaeans adapted _____ to own language110
9897093286fortresses and palacesMycenaean's built...111
9897093287MycenaeWhat was the major Mycenaean settlement112
9897093288Anatolia, Sicily, southern ItalyMycenaean's established settlements in....113
9897093289Linear AMinoan script, not deciphered114
9897093290Linear BMycenaean script, predates Greek alphabet115
9897093291end of Mycenaean civilizationLinear B dies out with the end of the...116
9897093292Lion GateWha ruin in Mycenae illustrates the heavy fortifications but by the Mycenaeans to protect their settlements117
9897093293Dark AgesA period in the eastern mediterranean characterized by depopulation, poverty, and isolation118
98970932941100 to 800 BCEPolitical turmoil and chaos ensues in the Mediterranean from....119
9897093295Homer's epicsThe dark ages coincide with the description in...120
98970932961200 BCEWhen was the Trojan war121
9897093297The Polisurban center, dominating surrounding rural areas122
9897093298acropolisfortified top for refuge123
9897093299agoraopen area for assembling, government buildings, and market place124
9897093300acropolis and agoraGreek City states featured..125
9897093301hoplitesheavily armed infantrymen who fought in closely packed126
9897093302fewSparta practiced rule by the..127
989709330328Sparta had rule by ___ men over age 60128
9897093304PeloponneseWhere are the spartans from129
9897093305militarizedsparta was a highly ___ society130
9897093306helotsinvaded neighbors and subjugated people in sparta131
989709330710:1Helots outnumbered spartans with what ratio132
9897093308helot rebellionWhat did the Spartans always fear133
9897093309AusterityWhat was the norm in Spartan society?134
9897093310iron barsWhat did spartans use for currency135
98970933117When were spartan boys removed from their family136
9897093312simplicity, frugality, and austerityWhat were the Spartans known for137
989709331330Spartans could marry, but there was no home life until age..138
9897093314democratic principlesAthens created a government based on...139
9897093315free adult malesAthenian democracy was open to all ____140
9897093316maritime tradebecause of the prosperity of _________ in 7th century BCE aristocrats increased their landholding and dominated smaller landholders141
9897093317debt slaverysimilar to indentured servitude142
9897093318Solon's reformskept aristocrats to keep large landholdings, banned debt slavery143
9897093319common classesSolon's reforms allowed fro representation of the ____ in the assembly144
9897093320office holdersSolon's reforms paid salaries to .....145
9897093321Age of PericlesAthenian "golden age"146
9897093322461-421 BCEPericles ruled from...147
9897093323government officesin the age of pericles men of all classes were chosen by lot to fill _____ and they were being paid to they could participate148
9897093324assembly of all citizensfocal point of age of pericles149
9897093325Public worksThe age of pericles had massive....150
9897093326cultural developmentWhat was encouraged in the age of pericles151
9897093327population pressureWhat causes the greeks to colonize152
9897093328Aegean, Black, and Mediterranean seaGreek colonization spreads their culture throughout...153
9897093329Sicily and southern Italymost popular greek colonization sites .......?154
9897093330copper, zinc, tin, and ironFertile fields in Sicily provided access to155
9897093331olives and grapesGreece was rich in what crops156
9897093332CommerceWhat is the basis of Athenian economy157
9897093333fur, fish, grain, timber, honey, gold, amber, and slavesThe black sea provided...158
9897093334Persian Warsrevolt against Persian empire in Ionia159
9897093335500-479 BCEWhat were the dates of the Persian Wars160
9897093336Marathonin 490 BCE, this battle was when Persia was defeated161
9897093337Xerxessuccessor after Persian wars162
9897093338300in the battle of Thermopylae how many spartans were in battle and how many died163
9897093339Salamisadvantage persians burn them, but drives out in the straight using the trireme164
9897093340Platealast land battle where Persian threat is over165
9897093341navalAthen's ___ technology made them powerful and wealthy166
9897093342oarmilitary ships couldn't depend on wind only so they used _____167
9897093343170how many rowers propelled the boat168
9897093344metalwarships had ____ tipped rams169
9897093345Poleiscreated the Delian League to forestall more Persian attacks170
9897093346Athenslead the Delian League171
9897093347Pericleanmassive payments to Athens fuels ____ expansion172
9897093348economic interestsThe Delian League promoted their....173
9897093349Piraeus portmost important commercial center in the east Mediterranean sea174
9897093350ParthenonThe Delian league built the _____ during Pericles time175
9897093351tragedies and comedieswhat type of plays did the delian league promote176
9897093352artist and thinkerswhat type of people were attracted to Athens177
9897093353beauty and perfectionThe Greeks idealized ___ and ____ of the human body178
9897093354Peloponnesian WarCivil war in Greece between Athens or Sparta179
9897093355431-404 BCEDates of Peloponnesian War180
9897093356Spartawho won the peloponnesian war181
9897093357moral and intellectualAfter the Peloponnesian war, Athens lost their reputation as _____ and _____ leader and becomes known as the arrogant, insensitive, and imperialist powers182
9897093358Macedonfrontier region to north of Peloponnesus183
9897093359King Philip IIbuilds massive Macedon military184
9897093360Alexander the GreatSon of Philip II185
989709336120how old was Alexander the Great when he took the throne186
9897093362Aristotletutored alexander the great187
9897093363Bucephalusname of Alexander's horse188
9897093364Alexandria egyptMost famous city named after Alexander the Great189
9897093365generalsAfter Alexander's death, the empire was divided by 3 ______190
9897093366Antigonus empiregreece and macedon empire191
9897093367ptolemyEgypt empire192
9897093368Seleucuspersian achaemenid empire193
9897093369Hellenismmost important outcome of Alexander the Great's conquests194
9897093370Greek, Persian, Egyptian, and IndianHellenistic culture was a mix of what 4 empires195
9897093371Antigenic empiresmallest of Hellenistic empires196
9897093372resented ruleGreek cities often _____ and sought independence under the Antigenic Empire197
9897093373Ptolemaic Empirewealthiest of the Hellenistic empires198
9897093374monopoliesThe Ptolemaic empire was an established state of ___199
9897093375textiles, salt, beerWhat did the Ptolemaic empire have the monopoly on200
9897093376AlexandriaCapital of the Ptolemaic empire201
9897093377Alexandriacenter of the Hellenistic world202
9897093378Alexandrialocation of Alexander's tomb, and first known research library203
9897093379The Seleucid empiremassive colonization of greeks and indians204
9897093380GreekWhat language are Ashoka's edicts written in205
9897093381Panhellenic festivalsuseful for integrating far flung colonies206
9897093382Olympic gamesBest known of the Panhellenic festivals207
9897093383776 BCEWhen did the Olympic games begin208
9897093384olive wreathswhat did winners of the olympics receive209
9897093385fathers, husbands, and sonsGreek women fell to authority of...210
9897093386maleWho was greek weddings arranged by211
9897093387Chattel slaverypeople used for hard labor, domestic servants, or even business212
9897093388Scythians, NubiansNames of slaves in Ukraine and Africa213
9897093389Pasionslave who was a clear at a bank who turned profits for masters. He gained his freedom, took over management of bank, outfitted 5 warships, and was granted Athenian citizenship214
9897093390Astronomy, math, medicine, geometry, and architectureWhat did the Greeks study215
9897093391observation, evidence, rational thought, and human reasonGreeks began to rely on...216
9897093392PhoenicianGreeks borrowed the ____ alphabet and added vowels to represent speech217
9897093393470-399 BCElife span of Socrates218
9897093394The socratic methodquestions of assumptions and logic219
9897093395Socratestaught Plato220
9897093396wisdom and virtueSocrates urged the pursuit of _______221
9897093397ethics and moralitySocrates believed that _____ and ____ were more important than wealth, fame, and superficial attributes222
9897093398gadflyone who challenges people in positions of power, the status quo, or popular position223
9897093399immorality and corruption of youthWhat was Socrates condemned on charges for...224
9897093400Socratesplayed the role of the public gadfly225
9897093401hemlockSocrates was forced to drink226
9897093402AristotlePlato taught..227
9897093403Alexander the GreatAristotle taught..228
9897093404430-347Plato's time span...229
9897093405Socratic thoughtPlato wrote down...230
9897093406The RepublicPlato wrote..231
9897093407ideal society, smartThe Republic by Plato described an _____ with rule by the ___232
9897093408senseAristotle relied on ___ to provide accurate information of world and depend on reason to sort out233
9897093409Aristotle"The master of those who know"234
9897093410biology, physics, astronomy, psychology, this, and literatureAristotle wrote on..235
9897093411Herodotuswrote about the Greco-Persian wars to discover "the reason why the fought one another"236
9897093412HerodotusFather of history237
9897093413Hippocratic oathoath taken by physicians238
9897093414functions of the bodyHippocrates explained the...239
98970934154 fluidsHippocrates believed the body was composed of ____ which when out of balance cause ailments240
9897093416Hippocratestraced organs of epilepsy to heredity241
9897093417EpicureansPhilosophy that believed pleasure is the greatest good, a state of quiet satisfaction242
9897093418SkepticsPhilosophy that doubted possibly of certainty in anything243
9897093419Stoicmost influential philosophy244
9897093420StoicPhilosophy that believed that one should concentrate on the duty, virtue to aid others. emphasized inner peace245
9897093421polytheistsGreeks were... (belief in multiple gods_246
9897093422Zeusprincipal god of Greece247
9897093423religious cultsGreeks had..248
9897093424womenThe fertility cult of Demeter was for...249
9897093425Dionysusgod of wine250
9897093426Cult of Dionysuscult celebrated also by mostly women in the spring when fruit produced wine251
9897093427Aeschylus, Sophocles, euripidesmajor greek playwrights252
9897093428Aristophanesgreek comedy253

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