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Ap World History Chapter 36 Flashcards

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357057569in the decades following World War I, nationalism was most powerful in Asia in the regions of?India and China0
357057570the most influential organization dedicated to the end of British rule in India was?Indian National Congress1
357057571Satyagraha was?passive resistance developed by ghandi (truth and firmness)2
357057572the India Act of 1937?gave India the institutions of a self-governing state. allowed for the establishment of autonomous legislative bodies in the provinces of British India3
357057573Muhammad Ali Jinnah called for the creation of?Pakistan4
357057574the Great Depression aggravated the tense situation between Muslims and Hindus in India in part because..?Muslims constituted the majority of indebted tenant farmers, who found themselves increasingly unable to pay rents/debts. Landlords=mainly Hindus5
357057575Bal Gangadhar Tilak was?a fiery Indian nationalist who galvanized public support for India's independence movement6
357057576the May Fourth Movement?all classes of Chinese protested against foreign, especially Japanese, interference7
357057577the former teacher and librarian that became the leader of the Chinese communist movement was?Mao Zedong8
357057578Sun Yatsen's plan for China included all of the following except?DID: elimination of special privileges for foreigners, national reunification, economic development, democratic republic government based on universal suffrage DID NOT:. the establishment of a communist, totalitarian government9
357057579Mao Zedong's main rival after 1925 was?Jiang Jieshi10
357057580the nationalist government of China was challenged by all of the following except?was: nationalists controlled only part of china-warlords took remainder, early 1930s communist revolution was still major threat, Guomindang faced increasing japanese aggression11
357057581the Long March?troops and personnel of the Red Army and CCP walked 10,000 kilometers to a remote area of Shaanxi province and established headquarters at Yan'an12
357057582Maoism was?a form of Marxist-Leninism grounded in the conviction that peasants rather than urban proletarians were the foundation of a successful revolution13
357057583the Great Depression led Japan to?a giant economic slump- economic contraction set the stage for social unrest and radical politics14
357057584the Mukden incident(Japanese blew up some rail and accused the Chinese of doing it)- became the pretext for war between Japanese and Chinese troops15
357057585Manchukuo was the?puppet state that Japan created-but really they had absorbed Manchuria into its empire16
357057586Africans were participants in World War I because?many belligerents were colonial powers who ruled over africa17
357057587All of the following African colonies were compelled by European colonial powers to participate in World War I except?Spanish-controlled territories18
357057588the two economic goals pursued by European colonial powers in Africa following World War I were1. wanted to make sure that the colonized paid for the institutions (bureaucracies, judiciary, police, etc) that kept them in subjugation 2. developed export-oriented economies characterized by the exchange of unprocessed raw materials for manufactured goods from abroad19
357057589Pan-Africanism is an idea that advocated?the unification of all people of African descent into a single African state20
357057590one of the greatest proponents of Pan-Africanism was?Marcus Garvey21
357057591Jose Carlos Mariategui?was a young Marxist intellectual who felt concern for the poor and Indias who were 50% of Peru's populations. Established the Socialist Party of Peru22
357057592which of the following are US policies towards Latin America?Dollar Diplomacy- "dollars for bullets", Good Neighbor Policy23
357057593This Mexican president nationalized his country's oil industry, thus posing a challenge to the United States policy of non-intervention in Latin American affairs?Lazaro Cardenas24

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