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AP World History : Chapter 4 Flashcards

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7396399290Founder of LegalismHan Fei0
7396399291Time of Legalism475 B.C.E1
7396399292Place of LegalismChina2
7396399293Founder of ConfucianismConfucius3
7396399294Time of Confucianism6th century B.C.E4
7396399295Place of ConfucianismChina5
7396399296Important text(s) of ConfucianismAnalects6
7396399297Founder of DaoismLaozi7
7396399298Time of Daoism6th-3rd century B.C.E8
7396399299Place of DaoismChina9
7396399300Important text(s) of DaoismDaodejing10
7396399301Founder of HinduismAnonymous11
7396399302Time of Hinduism800-400 B.C.E12
7396399303Place of HinduismIndia13
7396399304Important text(s) of HinduismBhagavad Gita14
7396399305Founder of BuddhismSiddhartha Gautama15
7396399306Time of Buddhism6th century B.C.E16
7396399307Place of BuddhismIndia17
7396399308Founder of ZoroastrianismZoroaster18
7396399309Time of Zoroastrianism7th century B.C.E19
7396399310Place of ZoroastrianismPersia20
7396399311Founders of JudaismHebrew phrophets21
7396399312Time of Judaism9th-6th century B.C.E22
7396399313Place of JudaismEastern Mediterranean, Palestine, and Isreal23
7396399314Important text(s) of JudaismThe old testament24
7396399315Founders of Greek PhilosophySocrates, Plato, Aristotle25
7396399316Time of Greek Philosophy5th-4th centuries B.C.E26
7396399317Place of Greek PhilosophyGreece27
7396399318Filial piety(Confucianism) the honoring of one's parents and ancestors28
7396399319ren(Confucianism) human morale and sympathy29
7396399320wen(Confucianism) fineness in logic, education, literacy, and art30
7396399321wu(Confucianism) ability to gain physical and martial achievements31
7396399322Daothe laws behind natural phenomenons32
7396399323yin and yang(Daoism) a symbol that represents the unity and harmony of opposites33
7396399324Brahman(Hinduism) The world soul, the birth of all the other gods34
7396399325Atman(Hinduism) Each person's unique soul35
7396399326Moksha(Hinduism) Release from our illusionary life to become one with the universe36
7396399327Samsara(Hinduism) reincarnation37
7396399328Karma(Hinduism) One's actions resulting in their shift from body to body38
7396399329The laws of Manu(Hinduism) Laws that reinforced gender inequality39
7396399330Nirvana(Buddhism) a state of enlightenment in which all wrong ideas and feelings are put out40
7396399331Theravada BuddhismA branch of Buddhism who believed that Buddha was a great teacher41
7396399332Mahayana BuddhismA branch of Buddhism who believed that Buddha was a god42
7396399333Bodhisattvas(Buddhism) Spiritually developed people who stayed in this life to help other reach nirvana.43
7396399334Ahura MazdaThe benevolent god of the Persians who ruled with righteousness44
7396399335Angra MainyuThe antagonist of Ahura Mazda45
7396399336YahwehThe jealous and powerful Jewish God46
7396399337Rationalism(Greek) The greek ways of understanding the world through reason, logic, and observations47
7396399338Main ideas of LegalismHeavy punishments/Promoted farmers and soldiers48
7396399339Main ideas of ConfucianismSuperiors and inferiors/Superiors were to be role models/Emphasis on education/Inequality49
7396399340Main ideas of DaoismEducation is worthless/Oneness with nature/Encouraged withdrawal50
7396399341Main ideas of HinduismPatriarchal/End goal was Moksha/Caste system/Reincarnation51
7396399342Main ideas of BuddhismSuffering/Reincarnation/Caste and gender inequality/Bodhisattvas52
7396399343Main ideas of ZoroastrianismMonotheistic/Savior/Day of judgement53
7396399344Main ideas of JudaismMonotheistic/treaty with God54
7396399345Main idea of Greek PhilosophyWisdom/Science/Rational beliefs55

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