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AP WORLD history FINAL Flashcards

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122522866marshall plan-substantial loans -aid western nations -made soviets mad -gave to communist countries -made italy and france non-communist0
122522867african colonization-euro migrants -disease -dutch Capetown -way station for dutch merchant ships -enslaved natives -great trek (migrating boyers) -british outposts in Natal -boyer republics: orange freestates, transvaal -anglo-boyer war -decolonization=result1
122522868neo-confucianism in china-revival of confucianism -emphasis on tradition, hostility -china foreign policy -philosophy -social harmony -less receptive to outside ideas2
122522869women in 20c-play down domestic roles -second sex (beauvoir) -feminine mystique (friedan) -individuality and work identity -new mentalities suitable for commercialized econ.3
122522870industrial rev-railroads -canal sanitation -Pasteur's discovery of germs -women and children worked4
122522871young Turks-turkish exiles & young army officers -seized power (1908) -forced reforms -prepare way for birth of modern secular turkey -after collapse of ottoman empire5
122522872french colony of louisiana-napoleon in need of money for French rev -gives territory to USA for 13 mil. (louisiana purchase)6
122522873existentialist-individual, search for moral values in world of terror and uncertainty -no supreme being -no concerns of traditional philosopy -no God or happiness (all nonsense and hot air)7
122522874Neolithic period Agriculture-slash and burn crops=bad -farming (no hunter/gatherer -stayed in one area8
122522875Russian conquest of Centeral Asia 1800-4 states of Kazakstan taken by russia -russian invasion and occupation=colonial step against Tsar -freedom mvment9
122522876Latin American democratization (1990)-USA invade Panama -Peru: guerilla mvment -Columbia: drug trad threatens stabilization -Sandilista Party: Nicaraguan socialist mvment *successfully carried out anti-socialist rev.10
122522877crusades: WHY-to spread Christianity (ordered by Pope Urban II)11
122522878Ibn Battuta & Zheng He-Battuta: *Arab traveller *described and recorded African societies and cultures. -Zheng He: *Chinese explorer, diplomat, fleet admiral *commanded voyages to S.E. Asia12
122522879Islam & Medieval culture: relationship-Islam world and Spain held together (but wasn't part of rome) -Rome fell, nothing lost -muslim=peacefully, technologically advanced -Euros=primitive tech, close-minded (crusades)13
122522880Middle East post WWII-Egypt & mid east states get independence -Euro influence=strong -shake off western dominance -partition of palestine *split into Arab and jewish countries *areas granted by UN=occupied by warring states *opposition *two sides engaged in warfare -Palestine:strains of nationalism collided -colonialism: social and econ. development14
122676113Otto von Bismarck-German -socialist reforms based on Marxist ideas *economic and administrative15
122676114Hebrew innovations-grammar -poetry -language16
122676115USSR vs. NAZI-both hostile -fascism=less extreme -fascism=no five year plans -fascism=no collectivization17
122676116EEC [common union]: why created?-international organization -made to bring econ integration -gained common set of institutions18
122676117Spanish-American war-fought between Spanish and US -centered on Cuba and Puerto Rico -permitted US intervention in the Caribbean - annexation of Puerto Rico and the Phillipines19
122676118rhodesia and s. Africa decolonization-rhodesia=still british possession -old league of nations mandate territory of s. africa -efforts of UN=bring end to white-minority peacefully -regimes didn't change -international community pressured -african peoples made demands of the territories20
122780883China and japan's reaction to west (1800s)-China refused to acknowledge Euro technological superiority -Japan learned from West in order to be successful -Japan=isolationist -china=conservative -japan adapted21
122780884declaration of the rights of man-influenced by doctrine of natural right -fundamental doc of French Rev -states that the rights of men are universal -est. rights for French -didn't address status of women or slaves22
122780885nazi targets-homo-sexuals -mentally retarded -jews -gypsies23
122780886gunpowder-china invented -gun-powder based weapons technology24
122780887emergence of 1st cities-fertile cressent -led to migrations of sumerians -1st buildings=ziggurats -city states -hammmurabi's codes; welfare25
122780888slavery in the Americas-triangle trade -middle passage, atlantic slave trade, cash crops -s.a. indian labors, ecomieda -aztecs destroyed -small pox -social structures in america are based on race -Columbian exchange26
122780889social darwinism-using darwinism/imperialism -whites better than men blacks -survival of the fittest idea from imperialist27
122780890renaissance-rebirth in Italy -humanism/individualism expressed in lit and art -Machiavelli: author of Prince -Protestant and Catholic reforms: martin Luther28
122780891tools used during the Stone Age-paleolithic age: "old stone age" -stone tools used -neolithic age: "new stone age"29
122780892lend lease-WWII post FDR gives money to brits -why? to prevent communism from taking over30
122780893Spanish and encomienda system (mid 1500s)-grants of India owned by spanish conquistadors -persuaded laborers into labor systems in spanish colonies -ecomendoro: holder of Indians, required to pay tribute for work -gave spanards right to demand work in native people's mines & fields31
122780894Absolutism-style of gov in 17th c euro -centralized state -state ruled armies, religious and econ. policy supported absolutist state -louis XIV of France32
122780895zimbabwe and timbuktu similar-trading centers -zimbabwe: gold & traded for glass beads, porcelain -timbuktu: greatest sub-saharan trading city; salt from desert33
122780896Ottoman turks military campaigns (13-1600)-seige on Borsa (christian city) -Ottoman expansion marked from there34
122780897South Korea and Taiwan changes-more democratic to countries they have diplomatic and social ties to -world econ powers (cheap labor and high exports)35
122780898Suez canal and British in 1800s-built across ithsmus of suez to connect med. sea w/ red sea -key trading point=control over mid-east36
122780899fall of communism(-in e. europe & USSR) -inspired by gorbachev, to not support stalin's decisions -USSR states thought he=supporting rebellion -intended to make comm. less strict -NOT to disband i -communism fell with fall of berlin wall37
122780900millet system-framework of government relations between ottoman and it's non-muslim population38
122780901agricultural societies description-farm vs hunter/gatherer -allows for population growth -allows for job specialization -allows for cultural developments39
122780902acropolis-type of hillcity -center of social, political activity and discussion -gave birth to an ideal city -stressed work philosophy, and thoughts40
122780903russian domestic policy in 1800s-russia falling behind west -relied on agriculture -landlords took advantage of serfs -czars thought agriculture=advancement41
122780904trade: INdian Ocean-islamic world, india, & china trade w/ porcelain, cotton, tea, spices, gold, glass beads42
122780905Ming Rule China-succeeded by mongol Yaun dynasty in 1368 -mounted huge trade expansions to s. asia -concentrated efforts on internal development w/ China43
122780906mississippian culture:-native/mound building -spread to both sides of mississippian river44
122780907arabic numerals-indian # system -imported by Euro from arabics -Indians developed concept of zero -invented decimal system -euros mastered arabic numerals during crusades (culture exchange) -originated in India -proved central to scientific revolution45
122780908kongo kingdom-division of labor btween men and women -skilled people -hunting/trading -women: household -divided into states under 1 king -political and ritual power -portuguese christianity -slave kingdom46
122780909european settlements in N. america-brits, french, spanish settlement in n. america + africa -tried to manipulate euro styles to n. america47
122780910nicholas copernicus-polish monk and astronomer -disproved that earth=center of universe -theory part of scientific rev -discovery set scientific ideas in motion48
122780911US and ferdinand marcus-president of phillapines -infustructure development & international diplomacy -admin marred by corruption -poitical repression -human rights violations -fought in vietnam war w/ US -US reaffirmed phillapine sovereignty over US military bases -econ aid to marcos regime -wife had a lot of shoes49
122780912radicalism & french rev-1789-1800 -overthrow of bourbon monarchy -old regimes ended w/est. of french emp -napoleon bonaparte -source of liberal mvments -three estates -tennis court oath -storming of the bastille -declaration of rights of man -reign of terror brought on by french philosophers/enlightenment50
122780913north vietnam/south korea-n. vietnam=communist lead by hochiminh -vietnam now 1 country & still communist -s. korea: non-communist -US supports b/c they're not communist51
122780914Early egyptian civilization; mesopotamia-1st civilization -developed from scratch -familiar w/ bronze and copper -invented wheel -good coordination and political structures -sumerians: cuniaform -science, art, astronomy, math, #s, religious rituals, ziggurats polytheistic, agriculture -Egyptian city states, both had kings -laws present -along a river; arcatexture, math52
122780915silk road: unusual-world trade in classical era by chinese -silk=valued in India -nomadic merchants provided framework for global trading patterns and econ means -armies in battle travelled across silk road; cut off trade53
122780916East Africa :1800s-swahili cont -trade brought gold, ivory, slaves -supplied slaves to other countries -zanzibar=large slave population -bantu speaking -e. africa made dynasty -islam brings violence linked to slave trade -fulan in sudan -revolt against Hausa kingdom -est state centered on sokoto -jihads tru east euro54
122780917portuguese in India and e. asia-east indies part of india (burma) -to some dutch colonies-spice trade55
122780918religious fundamentalism post 1945-religious revivalism (taking sacred text literally) -brought on by terrorist groups -involved world religions56
122780919Hitites-established kingdom -@ height, controlled anatoila -mentioned in bible -adopted from sumerians57

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