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AP World History Flashcards

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65470766Foraging societiessmall groups of people who traveled from point to point as the climate and availability of plants and animals dictated0
65470767Pastoral societiescharacterized by domestication of animals1
65470768Neolithic Revolution (Agricultural Revolution)transition period from nomadic to agricultural lifestyle2
65470769Bronze Agethe latter part of the Neolithic Era when people figured out how to combine copper with tin to create an even harder metal.3
65470770city-statesmade up of an urban center and the agricultural land around it under its control.4
65470771Mesopotamiameans "land between rivers"; the rivers were the Tigris and Euphrates. A series of ancient civilizations- most notably SUmer, Babylon, and Persia -thrived along their banks.5
65470772Sumerian civilizationrose in the southern part of Mesopotamia. Successful agriculture and river management, development of a system of writing, introduction of the wheel, polytheism, and ziggurats characterized this civilization.6
65470773Zigguratstemples built by Sumerians to appease their gods.7
65470774Code of Hammurabiextensive code of laws that dealt with every part of daily life and credited as a significant step toward our modern legal codes8
65470775Akkadnorth of SUmer, and rose to dominate the region. Developed the first known code of laws, written in cuneiform that they learned from the Sumerians.9
65470776BabylonOverthrew Akkad and developed the Code of Hammurabi.10
65470777HittitesOverthrew Babylon. Military superpower because used iron, which is stronger than bronze.11
65470778AssyriansLearned how to use the iron that the Hittites used to overthrow them and espablished a capital at Nineveh and built an empire that swept across the entire Fertile Crescent12
65470779NebuchadnezzarChaldean king who rebuilt Babylon as a showplace of architecture and culture13
65470780Persian EmpireOverthrew the new Babylon as rebuilt by the Chaldeans and established a HUGE empire.14
65470781Lydiansinvented the concept of using coined money to conduct trade15
65470782Phoeniciansestablished powerful naval city-states all along the Mediterranean and developed a simple alphabet that used only 22 letters as opposed to a much more complex cuneiform system.16
65470783HebrewsSignificant because of their religious beliefs called Judaism. Established Israel in Palestine on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea.17
65470784Egyptian civilizationdeveloped along the Nile River, where the soil was rich and agricultural opportunities were plentiful.18
65470785King Menesentire river valley was united under him. Bilt his capital at Memphis and led efforts to manage the floodwaters and build drainage and irrigation systems.19
65470786PharaohsRulers who directed the construction of obelisks and the pyramids.20
65470787HieroglyphicsEgyptian writing system that consisted of a seires of pictures that represented letters and words.21
65470788Queen Hatshepsutfirst female ruler known in history credited with expanding Egyption trade expeditions22
65470789Indus Valleybuilt along the banks of a river system, but between huge mountains, so contact with ouside was more limited. Crumbled with arrival of Aryans.23
65470790Khyber PassPass through the Hindu Kush Mountains that provided a connection to the outside world24
65470791Harappa & Mohenjo-DaroThe Indus Valley's two major cities that were master-planned, uniformly constructed and had sophisticated wastewater systems25
65470792Aryansnomadic tribes who used advanced weaponry to defeat the populations in the Indus Valley. Gave up nomadic lifestyle to settle there.26
65470793HinduismAryan beliefs in the Upanishads and Vedas were basis for this religion.27
65470794caste systembegan as a 3-class system: warriors, priests and peasants, but later evolved into a new system with Brahmans on top, then warriors, landowners and merchants, and finally peasants.28
65470795Brahmansthe priest class29
65470796Shang Dynastyused its stable agricultural surplus to build a trade-centered civilization. Militarily powerful, built walls around the towns and cities along the river and its warriors used chariots to defeat their enemies30

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