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Ap world history Flashcards

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38105069bodhisattvaa person who has attained enlightenment but who has postponed nirvana in order to help others achieve enlightenment0
38105070jainismreligion founded in the 6th century BC as a revolt against Hinduism1
38105071mahaviraan extreme aesthetic who founded the religion Jainism and thought of several Hindu concepts, such as karma, in a very concrete way2
38105072shintothe ancient indigenous religion of Japan lacking formal dogma3
38105073kamione the Shinto deities (including mythological beings, spirits of distinguished men, forces of nature)4
38105074shotokuJapanese Prince, sent three missions into China to bring back Chinese culture.5
38105075TaNaKhthe Jewish scriptures which consist of three divisions--the Torah and the Prophets and the Writings6
38105076torah(Judaism) the scroll of parchment on which the first five books of the Hebrew Scripture is written7
38105077abrahamFounder of Judaism who, according to the Bible, led his family from Ur to Canaan in obedience to God's command.8
38105078moses(Old Testament) the Hebrew prophet who led the Israelites from Egypt across the Red sea on a journey known as the Exodus9
38105079YHVHa name for the God of the Old Testament as transliterated from the Hebrew consonants YHVH10
38105080dead sea scrolls(Old Testament) a collection of written scrolls (containing nearly all of the Old Testament) found in a cave near the Dead Sea in the late 1940s11
38105081diasporathe dispersion or spreading of something that was originally localized (as a people or language or culture)12
3810508210 lost tribes of IsraelAncient tribes of Israel that disappeared from the Biblical account after they were enslaved/exiled by Assyrians.13
38105083Gnostic gospelsone claiming special or secret knowledge. Heresy in the early Church14
38105084Eucharista Christian sacrament commemorating the Last Supper by consecrating bread and wine15
38105085paul of Tarsusthe most important figure in the spread of Christianity after Jesus's death16
38105086constantineRoman Emperor (4th century A.D.) who promoted tolerance to all religions in the Roman Empire and legalized Christianity17
38105087theodosiusHe divides the Roman Empire into two different empires (Roman & Byzantine). He also makes Christianity the only religion you could be.18
38105088Augustine(Roman Catholic Church) one of the great fathers of the early Christian church19
38105089Arianismheretical doctrine taught by Arius that asserted the radical primacy of the Father over the Son20
38105090clovisking of the Franks who unified Gaul and established his capital at Paris and founded the Frankish monarchy21
38105091gregory(Roman Catholic Church) a pope distinguished for his spiritual and temporal leadership22
38105092monasticisma way of life in which men and women withdraw from the rest of the world in order to devote themselves to their faith23
38105093Benedict of NursiaItalian monk who created a set of rules for Western monasteries in the 6th century24
38105094orthodoxystate of following established teachings especially in religion25
38105095carolingiansthe family that ruled the Franks in Gaul from 751 to 987 in the Carolingian Dynasty. This began when Pepin was declared king. They lost power after the Treaty of Verdun.26
38105096charlemagneking of the Franks and Holy Roman Emperor27
38105097carolingian renaissanceCharlemagne's efforts led to the revival of learning and culture, rebirth28
38105098quranthe sacred writings of Islam revealed by God to the prophet Muhammad during his life at Mecca and Medina29
38105099muhammadthe Arab prophet who founded Islam (570-632)30
38105100hadith(Islam) the way of life prescribed as normative for Muslims on the basis of the teachings and practices of Muhammad and interpretations of the Koran31
38105101ummathe Muslim community or people, considered to extend from Mauritania to Pakistan32
38105102meccajoint capital (with Riyadh) of Saudi Arabia33
38105103ka'aba(Islam) a black stone building in Mecca that is shaped like a cube and that is the most sacred Muslim pilgrim shrine34
38105104hajjthe fifth pillar of Islam is a pilgrimage to Mecca during the month of Dhu al-Qadah35
38105105jihada holy struggle or striving by a Muslim for a moral or spiritual or political goal36
38105106Dar al-Islamthe literal meaning of the arabic words is "the abodeof peace" the term refers to the land of Islam or the teritorys in which Islam and its religious laws may be freely practice37
38105107hijraThe Migration of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in A.D. 622, marking the founding of Islam38
38105108caliphthe civil and religious leader of a Muslim state considered to be a representative of Allah on earth39
38105109Abu BakrCompanion of 1st muslim leader after Muhammad. Regarded by Sunni's as the 1st caliph and rightful succesor. The Shi'ah regard him as a traitor of Muhammad. Known as best interpretter of dreams following Muhammad's death.40
38105110sunnione of the two main branches of orthodox Islam41
38105111shi'aone of the two main branches of orthodox Islam42
38105112alithe fourth caliph of Islam who is considered to be the first caliph by Shiites43
38105113imam(Islam) the man who leads prayers in a mosque44
38105114mahdiThe last Imam for the Twelvers, believe that he disappeared but will return to save them45
38105115ummayyadClan of Quraysh that dominated politics and commercial economy of Mecca; clan later able to establish dynasty as rulers of Isla46
38105116abbasidThe dynasty that came after the Umayyads. Devoted their energy to trade, scholorship, and the arts.47
38105117fatimidspeople who claimed they were descended by Muhammad's daughter Fatima. The Shi'a Muslims formed the Fatimid Caliphate around 1258 in North Africa but it eventually spread to western Arabia and Syria.48
38105118seljuk turksnomadic Turks from Asia who conquered Baghdad in 1055 and allowed the caliph to remain only as a religious leader. they governed strictly49
38105119ulamathe body of mullahs (Muslim scholars trained in Islam and Islamic law) who are the interpreters of Islam's sciences and doctrines and laws and the chief guarantors of continuity in the spiritual and intellectual history of the Islamic community50
38105120sufisa mystical Muslim group that believed they could draw closer to God through prayer, fasting, and a simple life51
38105121delhi sultanateA Muslim leader of Ghur who defeated Hindu armies made Delhi, the third largest city of India, his capital.52
38105122ghanaa republic in West Africa on the Gulf of Guinea53
38105123malia landlocked republic in northwestern Africa54
38105124sundiatathe one son of Mandinka that survived, founded Mali55
38105125mansa musaa king of Mali in the 1300s56
38105126shari'athe code of law derived from the Koran and from the teachings and example of Mohammed57
38105127dhimmiLiterally "people of the book"; applied as inclusive term to Jews and Christians in Islamic territories; later extended to Zoroastrians and even Hindus & Buddhists58
38105128crusadea series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end59
38105129reconquistaThe effort by Christian leaders to drive the Muslims out of Spain, lasting from the 1100s until 1492.60
38105130inquisitiona severe interrogation (often violating the rights or privacy of individuals)61
38105131cultural diffusion vs. independent innovationA Roman Catholic tribunal for investigating and prosecuting charges of heresy - especially the one active in Spain during the 1400s.62
38105132woman's role in religious practicestheir role was to take care of the families more than to pracice certain traditions they were subserveant to men63
38105133republics vs. democraciesSeparate government entities joined together in the federal union Popular government64
38105134slaverythe condition of being owned by another person and being made to work without wages65
38105135trade routesa network of routes where people traded/shared goods as well as ideas and religion66

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