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ap world history Flashcards

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261221031aztec empire/mexicaaztec empire started with mexica (seminomadic people) who settled in lake texcoco; capital city-tenochtitlan; loosely structured, unstable; high population; trade; traded slaves, used for sacrifice; gender parallelism (women and men were different but equivalent)0
261221032chosen womenwomen in inca civilization who were specialists in certain things; they were taken from home very young, trained in inca ideology, and set to their areas of specialization; given as wives to men of distinction, were priestesses1
2612210331453-fall of Constantinoplemarked the final demise of Christian Byzantium and Ottoman rulers saw themselves as successors to the roman empire; was because of different religions2
261221034fulbewest africa's largest pastoral society; eastward migration; agriculture; adopted islam3
261221035huitzilopochtliaztec god of the sun; he "required blood" for energy and to give light4
261221036igbo/ibodense population and trade in nowaday southern nigeria, purposely rejected kingship and state building5
261221037iroquois league of five nationsthe "great law of peace"; confederation council of clan leaders, suppressed neighbors from fighting, helped relations with outsiders like those from europe6
261221038ming dynastyvery prosperous; confucianism; no foreign rule; centralized gov; civil service exam; headed by emperor yongle7
261221039quechualanguage used in inca empire8
261221040ottoman empirehuge; sultans called caliphs; wanted to unite islamic world; aggression towards christian lands (fall of constantinople, siege of vienna)9
261221041european renaissancerestoration of classical greek traditions; greater naturalism in art; humanist scholars started exploring non-religious (secular) matters10
261221042songhay empirein west africa; islam limited to urban elites; operated intersection of trans-saharan trade routes; much of its wealth came from taxing commerce; monarch was sonni ali11
261221043timbuktumuslim learning center in songhay empire12
261221044yonglesponsored an 11,000 volume Encyclopedia; ming dynasty; eliminate all signs of foreign rule; confucianism; reestablished civil service exam; highly centralized government with eunuchs; infrastructure13
261221045modern/modernityindustrialization; population increase; upper class was of urban wealth, not rural landowning elites; states=more powerful; ideas (such as liberalism, nationalism, feminism, socialism)14
261221046european city states (venice)at beginning very competitive and independent; learned to tax citizens more effectively, to create administrative structures, and to have good armies; ottomans15
261221047benincentralized territorial state ruled by warrior king named Ewuare16
261221048columbussailed across the atlantic, funded by spain; ran into the americas instead of the east (ie india, etc.); 149217
261221049firestick farmingpurposely starting fires to create grasslands18
261221050vasco dagama1497 he went around the tip of south africa, along the east african coast, and across the indian ocean to calicut, india19
261221051hundred years warfrance fought with england over rival claims to territory in france; result of competitive city-states20
261221052inca empirequechua speakers; in the andes; absolute ruler was divine; different provinces; population data recorded on quipus (knotted cords); high population; capital = cuzco; everyone had to perform labor service; trading; gender parallelism; attempted cultural integration of conquered people (different religious ideas, although they had to learn quechua)21
261221053malacca/melakamajor muslim port city in southeast asia; malaccan islam had hindu and buddhist values; center for islamic learning22
261221054mitalabor service in which most people in the inca empire had to carry out; work on state farms, herding, mining, military service, state construction, production of goods; state provided feasts in return23
261221055mughal empirecreated by nomads; in india; wanted to unite hindus and muslims24
261221056pochtecaprofessional merchants in the aztecs; they were regarded as commoners but had much wealth, usually more than the nobles, so they could control the society25
261221057safavid empirepersia; sufi religious order (shia islam); fought with ottoman empire because they were sunni islam26
261221058tenochtitlanaztec capital situated on a lake; huge population; much infrastructure; large marketplaces27
261221059triple alliancemexica + two other city states united; program for military conquest; conquered a lot of mesoamerica; aztec rulers28
261221060zhenghecommander of chinese fleet to enroll distant people/states in chinese tribute system; did not want to conquer new territories29
261221061contingency (in history)...30
261221062trading post empiregoal was to control commerce, not territories or populations; used by portuguese because they didn't have goods to keep up with trade31
261221063banda islandsislands near indonesia where the dutch killed and enslaved their people to take control of the islands in order to produce nutmeg32
261221064british/dutch east india companiesindian ocean commerce; were private trading companies to handle trade; merchants invested; controlled by government; had power to make war and govern conquered people; their own trading post empires (indonesia for dutch, india for england); dutch stole local economy of spice islands, traded many spices; british was in bombay, calcutta, and madras; could not compete with mughal empire on land; cotton became most important trade good for british33
261221065mercantilism/mercantile systemgovernment controls trade/the economy34
261221066daimyo/samuraifeudal lords who were supported by samurai (an army)35
261221067indian ocean commercial networkmuch needed for spice trade; europeans sought trading posts here, because they liked spices36
261221068magellan, dagamamagellan circumnavigated the globe and found the philippines, where spain soon established a base37
261221069piece of eightspanish coin38
261221070potosiin bolivia; became largest city in americas because it was the world's largest silver mine; europeans lived in good conditions while native americans lived in poor conditions39
261221071closed country edictjapan's edict for isolating itself; closing its country; no ships or people to leave, no people can come in40
261221072silver drainmost of the world's silver ended up in asia (especially china)41
261221073spanish philippinessmall, competitive chiefdoms; forced relocation, tribute, taxes, and unpaid labor; made them christian; spanish settlers, religious people, and filipino elite lived well42
261221074atlantic slave trade/philip curtintook many slaves from africa to the americas (many died during passage however); plantation agriculture = main purpose for slaves; sugar production created the need for slaves; the taking of slaves resulted in destabilization of smaller and larger societies43
26122107518th century wars: seven years war, etc....44
261221076african diasporadeposit of many, many africans into the americas45
261221077benin/kongo (king afonso)/dahomeybenin = developed state in africa; oba (the monarch) controlled trade; avoided slave trade; dahomey was west of benin and was highly authoritarian; deeply involved in slave trade under royal control; government depended on slave trade for revenue; kongo was a civilization that slowly disintegrated thanks to the slave trade46
261221078new amsterdam/dutch west india co.new amsterdam = present day new york; a colony that was to defend dutch fur trade47
261221079cartaznaval trade license issued by portuguese when they were still in control of indian spice trade48
261221080huronsnative americans who about half of died from european diseases they weren't immune to yet49
261221081little ice age...50
261221082manila/manila galleonsmanila - a major center with diverse population; in the spanish philippines; manila galleons were ships that sailed from spain to the philippines or the other way around51
261221083middle passagethe passage from africa to the americas, where many of the africans shipped died52
261221084shogun/tokugawa shogunateshoguns = rulers; tokugawa shoguns used silver to defeat rivals and unify the country, develop a market-based economy, and invest in agriculture and industry; they limited population growth53
261221085dutch learning (ch. 16)/deshima...54
261221086soft goldfur was "soft gold" because it was so valuable55
261221087beaverthis animal almost went extinct because of the demand for beaver hats; a big part of fur trade56
261221088equianoan african american slave who eventually bought freedom and became a respected free man57
261221089work systems: mita, encomienda, indenturemita - people in inca empire had to carry out labor for the state encomienda - a person was responsible for a group of natives; forced them to work, basically indenture - a person who comes to america and in return is in debt, so the person works to get rid of that debt58

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