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AP World History Flashcards

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204333699How did the societies develop in pre-history?Hunting gathering, Agriculture, Complex Socities0
204333700What was the key issue in pre-history?Surplus capital1
204333701When did the first complex society form?3500-500 BC2
204333702Pre-historythe time before there were any written records3
204333703What were the main differences between Hominids and Animals(4)?adapt environment to themselves, use of tools, language, and complex cooperative social structures4
204333704What was the order of evolution?Australopithecus, Homo erectus, Homo Sapien, Homo Sapien Sapien5
204333705Paleolithic Age"Old Stone Age"; the people were nomadic and hunted and gathered for food6
204333706NeandertalHunting and Gathering people who lived in east Germany, Africa, and East Asia7
204333707Cro-MagnonThe closest Hominid of a current human; had an increased variety of tools and brain8
204333708Venus Figurinesmini sexual figures of the Cro-Magnon expressing their interest in fertility9
204333709Neolithic Age"New Stone Age"; the time of the agricultural transition10
204333710Agricultural Transitionthe gradual change from hunting and gathering to agriculture; allowed for complex society and stable, settled communities11
204333711Catal Huyukone of the major settlements of the Neolithic Age, in present day Turkey (Anatolia)12
204333712Metallurgyforming weapons and tools out of metal substances, started with copper13
204333713What are the 5 characteristics of Civilizations?record keeping, advanced cities, specialized labor, advanced technology, and complex social institutions14
204333714Mesopotamiathe land between the Tigris and Euphrates, had fertile soil and was an ideal place for agriculture15
204333715SumerEarliest Mesopotamian society; had city-states and dominated public affairs in Mesopotamia16
204333716Epic of Gilgameshbest known reflective literature, compiled 2000 B.C., explored meaning of life and death17
204333717Hammurabi"ruler of the four corners of the world", King of Babylon in 18th century B.C., First law giver18
204333718Sargon of AkkadCreator of the first Empire in Mesopotamia, destroyed city-sates one by one, (2370-2315 B.C.E.), empire collapsed 2150 B.C.E19
204333719Nebuchadnezzar(605-562 B.C.E) Emperor during the New (Chaldean) Empire in Babylon, lavished wealth on Babylon, built hanging gardens,20
204333720Kings Saul, David, Solomonthe three kings who united the tribes of Israel at its height; conquered the land between Syria and the Sinai Peninsula21
204333721Lex Talionisthe main rule of Hammurabi's code; an eye for an eye22
204333722Hammurabi's CodeLaws written by Hammurabi which established high standards of behavior and stern punishments for violators23
204333723AssyriansA hardy people from the northern Mesopotamia who had built a compact state in the Tigris river valley during the nineteenth century B.C.E. who used recently made iron weapons to strengthen their army.24
204333724CuneiformA writing system that depends on pictures that is useful for purposes like keeping records made by using a stylus fashioned from reed to impress symbols into wet clay.25
204333725Hebrews/Jew/IsraelitesThe first people to introduce a monotheistic religion.26
204333726TorahA book created between 800 and 400B.C.E. by Israelite leaders that is compiled of religious teachings and laws27
204333727PhoeniciansPeople who occupied a narrow coastal plain between the Mediterranean Sea and the Lebanon Mountains who spoke a Semitic Language and referred to themselves as Canaanites. They built some of the best ships of their time and excelled in sea trade28
204333728Indo-EuropeansPeople who came from north of Anatolia who spoke a similar language that has common roots of many languages of Europe today. They were the first people to domesticate horses and migrated all over Eurasia.29
204333729HittitesSome of the most influential Indo-Europeans who introduced war chariots and refined metallurgy of Iron30
204333730Menesthe first Egyptian pharaoh (sometimes called Narmer) in 3100 B.C.E, he united northern and southern Egypt under one ruler; founded Memphis31
204333731Akhenaten(1353-1335 B.C.E.) was a monotheistic pharaoh, worshiped the sun god Aten;32
204333732Nilethe world's longest river flowing south to north; flood plains of the Nile were used by the Egyptians and Nubians after floods to grow crops.33
204333733NubiaNeighboring Egyptian country (city-state), had constant fights with the Egyptians34
204333734KushNubian Kingdom (in the same area); established in 2500 B.C.E.35
204333735Pharaohthe king of Egypt (upper and lower)36
204333736Memphismajor Egyptian city, founded by Menes in around 3100 B.C.E.; political center of Egypt37
204333737Hyksos"foreign rulers"; southwest Asian invaders38
204333738Hatshepsuta woman empress of Egypt who was a co-ruler with her son.39
204333739Hieroglyphics"Holy Inscriptions"; the symbols used in Egypt especially on temples40
204333740Amon-Rethe principal gods in ancient Egypt; Amon was the air god, Re was the sun god41
204333741Osiristhe god of the underworld in Egypt; decided whether the deceased deserved immortality or not42
204333742Archaic periodthe period of time in the first millennium when the pharaoh's power was the greatest43
204333743The Old Kingdom (2600-2160 B.C.E.)The time in which the pyramids were built and when men were first discovering divine beings such as gods and were starting to worship them44
204333744The Middle Kingdom (2040-1640 B. C.E.)The time when Hyksos invaded Egypt with horses-drawn chariots, Pharaonic authority returned, stabilized Egypt and supervised relations with neighboring lands of Nubia, North Africa, and Syria.45
204333745The New Kingdom (1550-1070 B.C.E.)Pharaohs presided over a prosperous and productive society. Agricultural surpluses supported a population of perhaps four million people as well as an army and an elaborate bureaucracy that divided responsibilities among different offices.46
204333746What were the major Societies in South Asia?Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Pakistan, India, Nepal47
204333747Harrapan SocietyThe gift of the Indus; built by the Dravidians; the two main cities were Mohenjo-Daro and Harrapa (Punjab); cultivated poultry and cotton48
204333748Mohenjo-Daroa main city in the Harrapan society; had a regional center, trade, specialized labor, and used the grid system49
204333749What was the reason for the fall of Harrapan?it is unknown and mysterious50
204333750Aryanslighter skinned invaders from the north, had a pastoral community51
204333751Vedasreligion of the Aryans; four main, most important was the Rig Veda; referred to dasas "enemies"52
204333752Indraa vicious war god of the Aryans53
204333753Caste SystemBrahmin-priests, Kshatriyas-warriors/aristocrats, vaishays-artisans, shudras-peasants54
204333754Jatithe subcaste based on occupations and location55
204333755Lawbook of Manuthe rules that gave the Aryan males authority over females56
204333756Monismthe belief that all reality is ultimately one57
204333757Hinduisma popular Aryan religion, that had elaborate sacrifices to gods58
204333758Sanskritthe sacred language of the Aryans59
204333759Upanishadsthe religion of a mix between Aryans and Dravidians which stressed Samsara, Brahman, and Moksha60
204333760Brahmanthe universal soul61
204333761Samsaracontinuous reincarnation62
204333762Karmawhat you do in your previous life affects the later life63
204333763Mokshamystical ecstasy; end of Samsara; goal of a Hindu64
204333764Yellow River"China's Sorrow"; the river in China that was unpredictable65
204333765Yangshaothe prehistoric society in China66
204333766Xiathe first dynasty in China, it had a hereditary monarchy; organized through a village network67
204333767Shang dynastythe second dynasty in China; bronze metallurgy and horse-drawn chariots; burial practice68
204333768Zhou dynastythird dynasty in China; decentralized; "Mandate of Heaven"69
204333769Period of Warring Statestime in China when there was no sole empire and constant fighting70
204333770Oracle Bonesa way of communication with the spirits and gods71
204333771Olmecs"Rubber people"; main agriculture was maize; had ceremonial centers; mysterious decline72
204333772Mayans300-900 BC people of Peru with terrace farming; had huge cities73
204333773Tikala major ceremonial center of the Mayans74
204333774Chicken Itzaa major city in Maya that absorbed many captives from fighting75
204333775Popol Vuhthe Mayan creation myth (based of maize and water)76
204333776Chavin Culta mysterious religion of the Olmecs that was very popular77
204333777Teotihuacana central American society of the Mayans that had extensive trade78

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