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AP World History: Mediterranean Flashcards

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247296646Cyrus the GreatMost famous Persian emperor; controlled land & people across northern Middle East and northwestern India
247296647PericlesDominated Athenian overnment in 500 B.C.; ruled wisely and cleverly; culdn't prevent Peloponnesian wars
247296648Alexander the GreatExtended Greek Empire (begun by Philip 2) into Persian Empire and India; spread Greek culture
247296649Hellenistic periodAfter Alexander's death, Greek culture merged ith Middle Eastern culture; trade & important scientific centers established, such as Alexandria
247296650Punic WarsBetween Roman republic and Phoenician colony (Carthage) over control of Mediterranean; Hannibal unable to stop Romans; Romans conquered Greece & north Africa
247296651Julius CaesarDictator of Roman republic; ended republic; successor was Augustus and with him, transformed it into an empire
247296652Diocletian and constantineStrong emperors toward the fall of Rome; tried to reverse the tide of its fall; one moved the capital away from Rome & allowed free Christian worship
247296653Greek city-statesUnited in language and religion; had differing forms of government (including monarchies, oligarchies, aristocratically controlled democracies)
247296654SenateMost important Roman legislative body (in the republic), mainly composed of aristocrats
247296655Consuls2 men who shared executive power in Roman republic
247296656CiceroRoman writer and senator who expounded on the value of oratory in political discourse
247296657SocratesLeading figure in development of Mediterranean philosophy; encouraged students to question conventional wisdom; work symbolized Greco-Roman emphasis on power of human thought
247296658PlatoSocrates' pupil; suggested humans could approach an understanding of the perfect forms of truth, good, and beauty
247296659AristotlePlato's pupil; developed logic and scientific reasoning in Western sense; stressed value of moderation
247296660StoicismGreek philosophy; emphasized inner moral independence cultivated by strict discipline & personal bravery
247296661SophoclesAthenian drmatist; psychological tragedies
247296662IliadEpic poem attributed to Homer; defined gods and hman nature that shaped Greek mythos
247296663Battle of MarathonPersians who invaded Greece defeated on Plain of Marathon by Athenian army led by Miltiades
247296664King XerxesInvaded Greece in retribution of earlier Persian defeats; forces defeated in the battles of Salamis and Plataea
247296665ThemistoclesAthenian leader; advocated for Athenian navy during Persian Wars; led to defeat of Persian fleet at Battle of Salamis by Athenian navy
247296666Battle of ThermopylaeSpartan kin Leonidas and army of Spartans and Thespians refused to surrender to Persian army (that outnumbered them); annihilated but allowed other Greek armies to prepare for Persian invasion
247296667ZoroastrianismLife is a battle between good an evil
247296668Olympic GamesAll Greek city-states sent representatives
247296669Peloponnesian WarsAthens vs. Sparta; Sparta wins, but many city-states weakened
247296670Philip II of MacedonDefeated combined army of Thebes and Athens; became ruler of these Greek city-states
247296671AlexandriaCenter f Hellenistic culture
247296672Roman RepublicAristocratic Senate, panel of magistrates, popular assemblies
247296673CarthageCity-stae in north Africa founded by Phoenicians
247296674HannibalGeneral who led troops during the Second Punics war; defeated at Battle of Zama by Scipio
247296675Augustus CaesarResotred order to Rome after political chaos; assumed his title; instituted a monarchial government in which emperor is dictator, chief military general, and chief priest; first Roman emperor
247296676Twelve Tablesin reponse to democratization of republic
247296677HerodotusGreek historian; wrote an account of Persian Wars in the Histories
247296678GAlenwrote many medical treatises that formed basis of modern medical practice; Hellenistic
247296679Euclidmathematician (Hellenistic) produced world's most widely used compendium of gemoetry
247296680PtolemyHellenistic astronomer; produced elaborate thoery of sun's motion around Earth
247296681SapphoGreek poet; poetry developed complexities of inner workings of human beings & love
247296682VergilGreat Roman poet during "Golden Age" of Latin literature; patronized by Augusts; auother of Aeneid

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