8374437931 | North America | ![]() | 0 | |
8374437932 | Latin America | ![]() | 1 | |
8374437933 | North Africa | ![]() | 2 | |
8374437934 | Sub-Saharan Africa | ![]() | 3 | |
8374437935 | Eastern Europe | ![]() | 4 | |
8374437936 | Western Europe | ![]() | 5 | |
8374437937 | Middle East | ![]() | 6 | |
8374437938 | South Asia | ![]() | 7 | |
8374437939 | East Asia | ![]() | 8 | |
8374437940 | Southeast Asia | ![]() | 9 | |
8374437941 | Oceanic | ![]() | 10 | |
8374437942 | fall of the western roman empire | 476 C.E. | 11 | |
8374437943 | start of Islam | 610 C.E. | 12 | |
8374437944 | Black Death spreads to Europe to mongol controlled Silk Road Byzantine empire | 1333-1351 C.E. | 13 | |
8374437945 | Ottoman Turks take over Constantinople & rename it Istanbul | 1453 C.E. | 14 | |
8374437946 | Columbus sails ocean, trade goes world wide | 1492 C.E. | 15 | |
8374437947 | -mostly born into -rituals/priests important to both -patriarchal -method codes (Hinduism- karma, Judaism-10 commandments) -holy scriptures (Hinduism-Vedas, Judaism- Old Testament) -new religions will come out of both | similarities between Judaism & Hinduism | 16 | |
8374437948 | -Judaism strictly monotheistic -Hinduism millions of dieties - ideas of reincardination in Hinduism -no beef in Hinduism -no pork in Judaism - caste system for Hinduism | differences between Judaism & Hinduism | 17 | |
8374437949 | Lack of luxury | What does Spartan mean? | 18 | |
8374437950 | all powerfull | What does omnipotent mean? | 19 | |
8374437951 | -easy to practice -spreads on trade routes (silk & Indian Ocean) -appeals to lower class/ women -monastic communities - holy scriptures (Christianity- the Bible, Buddhism- the Dharma) -ethical codes (Christianity- 10 commandments, Buddhism- 4 noble truths) | Similarities between Christianity & Buddhism | 20 | |
8374437952 | -Christianity monotheistic -Buddhism non-theistic -Main goal of Buddhism is Nirvana -Main goal of Christianity is Heaven -Buddha didn't see himself as divine | Differences between Christianity & Buddhism | 21 | |
8374437953 | Muhammad | founder of Islam | 22 | |
8374437954 | The Quran | textbook to Islam | 23 | |
8374437955 | Sunni & Shi'ite | branches of Islam | 24 | |
8374437956 | Mecca, Saudi Arabia | hearth of Islam | 25 | |
8374437957 | Mosque | place of Islamic worship | 26 | |
8374437958 | 1 (monotheistic) | number of Gods in islam | 27 | |
8374437959 | 5 pillars 1. One god (allah) 2. Pray 5x a day 3. Giving alms 4. Ramadan feasting 5. Pilgrimage to Mecca | basic beliefs of Islam | 28 | |
8374437960 | a religion, or an individual right/democracy | Confucianism is NOT | 29 | |
8374437961 | Confucius | founder of Confucianism | 30 | |
8374437962 | - importance of family - respect for elders - reverence for one's ancestors - do your duty - know your role - the golden rule ( do unto others as you would have the do unto you) - based on age, gender, status | main beliefs of Confucianism | 31 | |
8374437963 | East Asia (china) | where was Confucianism predominate | 32 | |
8374437964 | silk, porcelain, spices, olives, olive oil, cotton, textiles, tortures shells, ivory, gold, wine | Silk Road traded goods | 33 | |
8374437965 | Measles, Small Pox, the Plague (Black Death), flu | Silk Road diseases | 34 | |
8374437966 | Buddhism, Christianity, Islam | Silk Road religions | 35 | |
8374437967 | stirrup | Silk Road technology | 36 | |
8374437968 | Cities | _____ continue to grow because of the Silk Road. | 37 | |
8374437969 | Changaan, Samarkand, Merv, etc. | Cities located on the Silk Road | 38 | |
8374437970 | pepper, cotton goods, spices, silk, porcelain, ivory, rice, coffee, books, weapons | Indian Ocean Trade goods | 39 | |
8374437971 | islam, Buddhism, some Christianity | Indian Ocean religions | 40 | |
8374437972 | monsoon winds (dhow boat used for lateen sail) | Indian Ocean trade heavily relied on ______ _______ that were predictable to move them along the Ocean. | 41 | |
8374437973 | gold, slaves, ivory, etc. | Saharan Trade traded goods | 42 | |
8374437974 | enviromental changes | The Bantu people of Africa began their migrations due to _____ _____ in the area which is now the Sahara desert. | 43 | |
8374437975 | music, dance, & language | Bantu cultural commonalities like _____, ____, & ______ were a major effect of the Bantu Migration. | 44 | |
8374437976 | 550 B.C.E. | Buddhism & Confucianism both began around _____. | 45 | |
8374437977 | wealth | As monasteries popped up along the Silk Road, this caused an increase in ______. | 46 | |
8374437978 | good fortune | People believed that donating money & gifts to the monks/montesaries would bring them _____ _____. | 47 | |
8374437979 | Buddhism & ancestor worship | In China, it was common to see cultural syncretism between _____ & _____ _____. | 48 | |
8374437980 | Buddhism | What religion was based on the idea of suffering? | 49 | |
8374437981 | Tang (China) | What dynasty was based on testing with government civil examinations? | 50 | |
8374437982 | holy war | Meaning of jihad | 51 | |
8374437983 | Sharia | What was the daily law code for Islamic societies? | 52 | |
8374437984 | gambling, pork, alcohol | What did Sharia law prohibit? | 53 | |
8374437985 | leader of Islam | What is the Caliph? | 54 | |
8374437986 | Sunni | 90% of Islam population is _____. | 55 | |
8374437987 | Caliph | The Sunni & Shiite argue over who should be the ______. | 56 | |
8374437988 | Spain | What was the most dominant country in Europe in the 16th century (1500s)? | 57 | |
8374437989 | 600-1200 C.E. | When was the Early Middle Ages? | 58 | |
8374437990 | Han | What Empire invented paper? | 59 | |
8374437991 | slavery | The Roman empire was more heavily reliant on _____ than the Han because Roman agriculture was heavily reliant on slave labor for things like wine production & Han had technology like water mills for grinding grain. | 60 | |
8374437992 | Paterfamilias | Roman ideas of ________(means of providing order in society) most closely resmebles patriarchal structures of Han China. | 61 | |
8374437993 | Gupta | The _____ empire in India is most known for its contribution in the field of mathematics. (concept of zero, pi, & decimal point) | 62 | |
8374437994 | border land invaders | The Gupta empire fell because of ______ _____ _____ known as the nomadic group called the White Huns. | 63 | |
8374437995 | -centralized gov't -diplomacy (over 70 different ethnic groups) -infrastructure (Royal Road) -rural & engaged in agriculture & maintance of adequate water supply -established tax collecting system | Persian empire (600 B.CE.- 600 C.E.) | 64 | |
8374437996 | -used Silk Road -infrastructure (roads & forts) -diplomacy (all citizens equal under law) -declined because of border land invaders -declines because of spread of disease -rule of law -1/3 of Empire was salves -produced wine & olive oil | Roman Empire (600 B.C.E.- 600 C.E.) | 65 | |
8374437997 | -patriarchal -collapsed in 220 C.E. due to conflicts with peasants over land redistribution -invasion of border land nomadic Germanic & mongol tribes -used Silk Road -spread of disease declined empire -used iron tools | Han Empire (600 B.CE.- 600 C.E.) | 66 | |
8374437998 | logic (use of reason) | Aristotle used ____. | 67 | |
8374437999 | Muhammad | _____ tried helping women's treatment in Saudi Arabia with the Quran. | 68 | |
8374438000 | -outlaw female infanticide (killing of baby girls) -brides, not husbands, claim dowries -get cash payment in divorce -own property | What did Muhammad do to help the status of women? | 69 | |
8374438001 | male dominate | Even though Muhammad did improve the status of females, the Abbasid Empire was still _____ _____. | 70 | |
8374438002 | veils | Islamic women wore _____ that were adopted from ancient Mesopotamia. | 71 | |
8374438003 | algebra | Abbasid Empire furthered the Gupta's knowledge in mathematics & created _____. | 72 | |
8374438004 | universities | Other empires got the idea of _______ from Abbasid Empire. | 73 | |
8374438005 | Constantinople | The capital of the Byzantine empire was ______. | 74 | |
8374438006 | orthodox Christianity | predominate religion in Byzantine Empire | 75 | |
8374438007 | Islam | predominate religion in Abbasid Empire | 76 | |
8374438008 | Byzantine | What Empire developed banking services? | 77 | |
8374438009 | Justinian | The Byzantine Empire followed ____'s laws which was a body of civil law that was a revival of legal traditions of Rome. | 78 | |
8374438010 | -developed compass -produced porcelain & steel in large quantities -champa rice grown that lead to increasing population -used Silk Road | Song Dynasty | 79 | |
8374438011 | -footbinding -used Silk Road -began testing men with government civil examinations | Tang Dynasty | 80 | |
8374438012 | -built on loyalty & military services -serfs, knights, lords, kings | feudalism in Western Europe | 81 | |
8374438013 | -built on hereditary hierarchy -serfs, samurai, daimyo, emperor, shogun | feudalism in Japan | 82 | |
8374438014 | 1200-1450 C.E. | When was the Late Middle Ages? | 83 | |
8374438015 | secured | The Mongols ______ the Silk Road. | 84 | |
8374438016 | Mongols | The ______ traditionally rode horses while being able to shoot arrows. | 85 | |
8374438017 | conquered | The Mongols often incorporated weapons from people they ______. | 86 | |
8374438018 | Mongols | The _____ had a unified army of 100,000 in north China & Central Asia. | 87 | |
8374438019 | Russia | The Mongols were interested in obtaining taxes/tribute from Russian princes like Alexander Nevsky & ruled ______ from "a far". | 88 | |
8374438020 | cannon | What gunpowder based weapon is considered a Mongol invention? | 89 | |
8374438021 | World War ll | The only conflict in world history that killed more people than the Mongol conquests was _____ ____ __. | 90 | |
8374438022 | Mansa Musa | King _____ _____ went on a pilgrimage to Mecca & along the way gave out so much gold that it brought the value of gold down. Upon his return from his pillgrimage, he built mosques & promoted Islam. | 91 | |
8374438023 | Timbuktu (became center of Islamic learning) | West African city in Mali | 92 | |
8374438024 | gold | What was the most precious commodity in West African trade? | 93 | |
8374438025 | made up of Bantu & some Arabic | The Swahili coast (East Africa) language | 94 | |
8374438026 | Islamic | The Swahili coast (East Africa) was perdominately _____. | 95 | |
8374438027 | Mexico (Latin America/Mesoamerica) | Where was the Aztec empire located? | 96 | |
8374438028 | chinamapas | The Aztec empire used ______ which were floating gardens that increased the amount of space for food production. | 97 | |
8374438029 | corn, beans, squash, chilli peppers | key crops Aztec empire grew | 98 | |
8374438030 | They believed that the gods had sacrificed themselves in order to create the world, so human sacrifice & blood was repayment for human sin. | why did the Aztecs practice human sacrifice? | 99 | |
8374438031 | wheeled vehicles & pack animals | The Aztecs did NOT have _____ _____ & ______ _____. | 100 | |
8374438032 | Aztec | The ______ empire used trade routes made by the Maya & others plus the Pacific, Caribbean, & Gulf Coasts. | 101 | |
8374438033 | cloth, cacao, rubber balls, etc. | traded goods of Aztecs | 102 | |
8374438034 | Mayans & Azetcs | The ______ & _____ both used hyrogliphics as a writing system. | 103 | |
8374438035 | Chocolate | ____ was a good unique to Americas. | 104 | |
8374438036 | Mexico | Where was Mayan Empire located? | 105 | |
8374438037 | Peru | Where was the Incan empire located? | 106 | |
8374438038 | civil war weakened inca empire, disease, & Spanish enslaving natives | What factors caused the Incas to fall to the Spanish? | 107 | |
8374438039 | 1300-1450 | What was the time period of the Aztec Empire? | 108 | |
8374438040 | 1300-1450 | What was the time period of the Incan Empire? | 109 | |
8374438041 | Martin Luther | _____ ____ attacked Catholic Roman Church practices because he was upset they were settling indolences. | 110 | |
8374438042 | Lutheranism | _____ becomes first Protestant faith because of Martin Luther. | 111 | |
8374438043 | King Henry Vlll | ____ ____ ___ broke away from Catholic Church & formed Church of England (Anglican church) in mid 16th century (1560) because they would not let him divorce. | 112 | |
8374438044 | -priests could marry -priest projecting more power than they had -people should be able to read bible in their language (not just Latin) | Key beliefs of Martin Luther | 113 | |
8374438045 | Spain, Portugal, Great Britain, France, & Holland | 5 European countries established Maritime/sea based empires | 114 | |
8374438046 | India | Where did Vasco Da Gama go? | 115 | |
8374438047 | "God, glory, & gold" | Motives for European exploration | 116 | |
8374438048 | Indonesia | Where did Afonso de Albuquerque establish trade? | 117 | |
8374438049 | India & Indonesia | Where did Dutch establish trade in Indian Ocean? | 118 | |
8374438050 | France & England | What 2 countries were competing for trade in North America? | 119 | |
8374438051 | India | The British East India Company was located in ____. (1st example of joint stock company) | 120 | |
8374438052 | Indonesia | The Dutch East Indies Company located in ____. | 121 | |
8374438053 | Sugarcane | What cash crop did the Portuguese cultivate in Brazil? | 122 | |
8374438054 | often worked to death by Portuguese | How were the slaves treated in producing Sugarcane? | 123 | |
8374438055 | Native Americans | Small pox, measles, & influenza killed anywhere from 50-90% of _____ _______. | 124 | |
8374438056 | Silver | What metal made the Spanish empire wealthy? | 125 | |
8374438057 | Mexico, Cuba | Spain colonized | 126 | |
8374438058 | Montreal (Canada), Haiti | France colonized | 127 | |
8374438059 | 13 colonies, Jamaica | England colonized | 128 | |
8374438060 | Brazil | Portugal colonized | 129 | |
8374438061 | wheat, grapes, okra, sugar, rice, barley, oranges, lettuce, coffee | Columbian Exchange (From Afro-Eurasia to Americas) plants | 130 | |
8374438062 | pigs, cows, horses, oxen, chickens, sheep, goats, rats | Columbian Exchange (From Afro-Eurasia to Americas) animals | 131 | |
8374438063 | Bubonic Plague, typhus, influenza, measles, small pox | Columbian Exchange (from Afro-Eurasia to Americas) disease | 132 | |
8374438064 | written alphabet, farming technology, architecture, corporate structure | Columbian Exchange (from Afro-Eurasia to Americas) technologies/ideas | 133 | |
8374438065 | potatoes, tomatoes, beans, corn, peppers, yams, manioc, chocolate, tobacco, avocado, maize, squash, vanilla | Columbian Exchange (from Americas to Afro-Eurasia) plants | 134 | |
8374438066 | turkeys, llamas, alpacas, guinea pigs | Columbian Exchange (from Americas to Afro-Eurasia) animals | 135 | |
8374438067 | syphilis | Columbian Exchange (from Americas to Afro-Eurasia) disease | 136 | |
8374438068 | rubber, quinine | Columbian Exchange (from Americas to Afro-Eurasia) technologies/ideas | 137 | |
8374438069 | Atlantic System/ Triangular trade | Europe --> Africa (guns, rum) Africa --> Americas (slaves) "middle passage" Americas --> Europe (sugar, tobacco, coffee, sliver) | 138 | |
8374438070 | Atlantic system/ Triangular Trade | ![]() | 139 | |
8374438071 | silver | The currency in 1450-1750 was _____. | 140 | |
8374438072 | Dutch | Japan banned all foreigners from entering except the ____ because they were strictly business & did not try to preach. | 141 | |
8374438073 | Islam (Muslims) | Indonesia predominate religion | 142 | |
8374438074 | Ottoman | The _____ empire took over Constantinople & remained it Istanbul. | 143 | |
8374438075 | Christian boys who were subjects of empire were recruited by force to serve ottoman government, convert to Islam, & taught skills | (Ottoman Empire) describe devshirme system | 144 | |
8374438076 | free peasants | Most agriculture laborers in the Ottoman empire were ____ _____. | 145 | |
8374438077 | famous group that formed elite forces in Ottoman Empire | who were the Janissaries? | 146 | |
8374438078 | Ottoman & Mughal | gunpowder empires in Islamic world | 147 | |
8374438079 | Akbar | _____ defeated Hindu armies & extended Mughal Empire southward & westward, established efficient government & system of laws, paid gov't officials in charge of specific duties, & tolerated all religions. | 148 | |
8374438080 | Sati & child marriages | what 2 traditional behaviors toward women did Akbar try to outlaw? | 149 | |
8374438081 | Babur | Who started the Mughal empire in India? | 150 | |
8374438082 | coffee & tobacco | _____ & _____ were goods important in Ottoman Empire. | 151 | |
8374438083 | Christians, Jews | What religious groups allowed for religious diversity in Ottoman Empire? | 152 | |
8374438084 | Hindus, Jains, Zoroastrians, Christians, Sikhs | What religious groups allowed for religious diversity in Mughal Empire? | 153 | |
8374438085 | Islam | The Mughal & Ottoman empires were both strong in _____. | 154 | |
8374438086 | blue mosques & topkapi palace | monumental architecture in Ottoman Empire | 155 | |
8374438087 | Taj Mahal | monumental architecture in Mughal empire | 156 | |
8374438088 | Hindu | The Mughal empire in India can be best described as a system in which an Islamic minority rules over a _____ majority. | 157 | |
8374438089 | Central Asia | Both Ottoman & Mughal empires were established by skilled warriors on horseback who came originally from ____ ____. | 158 | |
8374438090 | administrative government | Both Ottoman & Mughal empires had efficient _______ _____ structures that help them rule their lands. | 159 | |
8374438091 | pashas | The Ottoman central government appointed officials called _____ to help run districts within the empire. | 160 | |
8374438092 | Anatolian peninsula | In the late 13th century, the Ottoman Turks under the leader of Osman began to build power in the northwest corner of the _____ _____. | 161 | |
8374438093 | unity | The Mughals brought an era of ____ to the subcontinent of India in the 1600s. | 162 |
AP world history midterm study Flashcards
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