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AP World History: Nationalism Flashcards

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3894362692Congress of ViennaMeeting of conservative leaders to restore the old order of Europe0
3894362693ConservativesSupporters of an ideology in favor of monarchies, aristocracy, and tradition1
3894362694Louis PhilippeCitizen-King of France2
3894362695Victor EmmanuelConstitutional monarch of newly unified Italy3
3894362698Congress of BerlinMeeting of European leaders that focused on issues relating to the Balkans4
3894362699LiberalsSupporters of an ideology in favor of written constitutions and democracy5
3894362701William IFirst ruler of newly unified Germany6
3894362704NationalismThe loyalty of a people to their common culture, traditions, ethnicity, geographic territory, and the idea of self-rule7
3894362705Charter of French LibertiesIssued by Louis XVII, created a 2-house legislature and allowed limited freedom of the press8
3894362706Charles XStrong absolutist, rejected the idea of the Charter of French Liberties, limited right to vote and restricted the press9
3894362707Louis PhillipeExtended suffrage but only to the wealthier citizens; upper bourgeoisie prospered under his rule10
3894362708Louis NapoleonCrowned self emperor in 1848, issued constitution for the Second Republic, increased amount of people who could vote11
3894362709Louis KossuthBecame imprisoned by Australians for 3 years but got out12
3894362710Frankfurt AssemblyWanted to create the German government Monarchy; broke up Germany into 5 different states; was unsuccessful13
3894362711Frederick William IVForced to agree to constitution by liberals in Prussia , but then issued own constitution and kept power with him and the upper class14
3894362712RecessionPeriod of reduced economic activity15
3894362713Belgium and PolandTo what lands did the revolutions spread in 1830?16
3894362714Monarchies cooperated together to repress revolutions, lack of unityWhy did most of the revolutions of 1848 fail to achieve their goals?17
3894362715Belgium and GreeceWhich countries gained independence in 1830 and 1831?18
3894362716Russia helped crush his movementWhy was Kossuth unable to win Hungarian independence?19
3894362718Denmark, Austria and FranceCountries Bismarck involved Germany in wars against20
3894362719By ignoring the Charter of French LibertiesHow did Charles X contribute to the beginning of the French Revolution of 1830?21
3894362723Austrian-Germans and MagyarsWere satisfied with the dual monarchy of the Austrian Empire22
3894362724Pan-SlavismThe desire to unify Slavic peoples in an independent state23
3894362725Italy and GermanyWar was used as a means of uniting various states in both24
3894362726Government corruption, economic recession, limited suffrageCauses of the French Revolution of 184825
3894362727AusgleichGave Austria and Hungary common ministries of foreign affairs, wars, and finance; prevented any independence from Hungary26
3894362729Giuseppe GaribaldiLeader of the guerrillas who defeated the army of the Kingdom of the two Sicilies27
3894362730Young ItalySecret society founded by Giuseppi Mazzini in 1831; wanted to transform Italy into an independent sovereign nation28
3894362731He needed a foreign force to excel Austria and achieve Italian unityWhy did Cavour decide to support France and Britain in the Crimean War?29
3894362732The small states didn't want to be dominated by PrussiaWhy did the small German states dislike the idea of a united Germany?30
3894362733They feared economic competitionWhy did Austria want to maintain the division among German states?31
3894362734PrussiaWhat German state led the way in creating economic, military, and political unity among the German states?32
3894362736RussificationOther cultures becoming Russian whether voluntarily or not33
3894362738Province of Lombay and German EstatesTwo foreign territories that Austria lost from 1859 to 186634
3894362739Austria supplied manufactured goods while Hungary supplied food productsHow did Austria and Hungary cooperate economically?35
3894362740France, Britain, and Germany3 countries that watched events in the Balkans closely after the treaty of Bucharest36
3894362741Britain and FranceWhich two major European countries provided assistance to the Greek nationalists?37
38943627421829When did the Greeks win independence from the Ottoman Empire?38
3894362743Ethnic minoritiesWere dissatisfied with the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary39

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