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AP World History Part 4-6 Key Terms Flashcards

All the terms and definitions for parts 4-6.

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6879696561DevshirmeThe tribute of boy children that the Ottoman Turks levied from their Christian subjects in the Balkans0
6879700796Columbian ExchangeThe massive transatlantic interaction and exchange between the Americas and Afro Eurasia1
6879705792CreolesSpaniards born in the Americas2
6879711646Fixed WindsThe prevailing winds of the atlantic, which blow steadily in the same direction3
6879737087The "Great Dying"Term used to describe the devastating demographic impact of European epidemic diseases in America4
6879743296JizyaSpecial tax delivered on non-muslims in Islamic states5
6879750076MercantilismAn economic history that argues that governments best serve their states economic interests by encouraging exports6
6879760290MestizoLiterally "mixed", a term used to describe the mixed race population of spanish colonial societies in the Americas7
6879774390MulattoesTerm commonly used for people of mixed African and European blood8
6879777751British/ Dutch East India CompaniesPrivate trading companies chartered by the governments of England and the Netherlands around 1600; they were given monopolies on Indian Ocean trade, including the right to make war and rule conquered peoples9
6879784437African DiasporaName given to the spread of African peoples across the Atlantic via the slave trade10
6879789023Middle PassageName commonly given to the journey across the Atlantic undertaken by African slaves being shipped to the Americas11
6879794408Piece of EightStandard Spanish coins that became a medium of exchange in North America, Europe, India, Russia, and West Africa as well as in the Spanish Empire12
6879803235PotosiCity that developed high in the Andes at the site of the worlds largest silver mine and that became the largest city in Americas13
6879808900SamuraiThe warrior elite of Medieval Japan14
6879811000ShogunIn Japan, a supreme military commander15
6879812743"Silver Drain"Term often used along with "specie drain", to describe the siphoning of money from Europe to pay luxury goods in the east16
6879826817HuguenotsThe protestant minority in France17
6879828080Catholic Counter ReformationAn internal reform of the Catholic church in the 16th century18
6879833528Condorcet and the Idea of ProgressThe Marquis de condorcet was a french philosopher and political scientists and argued that human affairs were moving into an era of near infinite improbability19
6879846204Nicolaus CopernicusPolish mathematician and astronomer first to argue about cosmos20
6879850288Council of TrentThe main instrument of the Catholic counter reformation at which the catholic church clarified doctrine and corrected abuses21
6879857746Charles DarwinHighly influential English biologist whose theory of political selection seen as a threat to religious faith22
6879862018DeismBelief in a divine being who created the cosmos but who does not influence directly in human affairs23
6879868100Edict of Nantes1598 edict issued by French King Henry II that granted considerable religious toleration to French protestants24
6879876192European EnlightenmentEuropean intellectual movement of the 18th century that applied lessons of scientific revolution to human affairs25
6879881096Sigmund FreudAustrian doctor and the father of Modern Psychoanalysis his theories remain influential today26
6879892240Galileo GalileiItalian astronomer who further developed the ideas of Copernicus and whose work eventually suppressed by Catholic church27
6879901749Martin LutherGerman priest and theologian who inaugurated the Protestant Reformation movement in Europe28
6879907063Karl MarxGerman philosopher whose view on human history as a class struggle formed the basis of socialism29
6879914062Nanak GuruThe founder of Sikhism30
6879915852Isaac NewtonEnglish natural scientist whose formulation of laws regarded as elimination of the scientific revolution31
6879926787Ninety Five ThesesList of debating points about the abuses of the church32
6879929834Protestant ReformationMassive schism within Christianity that had its formal beginning in 1517 with the German priest Martin Luther33
6879936473Scientific RevolutionGreat European intellectual and cultural transformation that was based on the principles of the scientific method34
6879941103Thirty Years WarHighly destructive war that eventually included most of Europe35
6879945559VoltairePen name of the French Philosopher Francois Marie Arouet36
6879962177BlitzkriegGerman term meaning "lightning wars" used to describe Germany's military tactics in WW2 which involved the rapid movement of infantry, tanks and airpower over large areas37
6879975224European UnionThe final step in a series of arrangements to increase cooperation between European states in the wake of WW238
6879981215FascismPolitical ideology marked by its intense nationalism and authoritarianism its name is derived from the fasces that were the symbol of magistrates in ancient rome39
6879988409Fourteen PointsPlan of U.S president Woodrow Wilson to establish lasting peace at the end of WW1; although Wilson's iviews were popular in Europe, his vision largely failed40
6879996354Franz Ferdinand ArchdukeHeir to the Austrian throne whose assassination by a Serbian nationalist on June 28, 1914 was the spark of WW141
6880003086The Great DepressionWorldwide economic depression that began in 1929 with the New York stock market crash and continued in many areas until the outbreak of World War 242
6880010660The Great WarName originally given to the First World War (1914-1918)43
6880014245Adolf HitlerLeader of German Nazi Party (1889-1945) and Germany's head of state from 1933 until his death44
6880033951HolocaustName commonly used for Nazi genocide of Jews and other "undesirables" in German society; Jews themselves prefer the term shoah which means catastrophe rather than Holocaust45
6880035834KristallnachtLiterally "crystal night" name given to the night of November 9, 1938 when Nazi led gangs smashed and looted Jewish shops throughout Germany46
6880043860League of NationsInternational peacekeeping organization created after World War 1, first proposed by U.S president woodrow as part of his 14 points47
6880052955ManchukuoJapanese puppet state established in Manchuria in 193148
6880057619Marshall PlanHuge U.S government initiative to aid the post World War restoration of Europe that was masterminded by U.S secretary of state George Marshall and put into effect in 194749
6880068120Benito MussoliniCharismatic leader of the Italian Fascist party (1883-1945) who came to power in 192250
6880072244Nanjing MassacreThe Japanese army's systematic killing mutilation and rape of the Chinese civilian population of Nanjing in 193851
6880094030NATOThe North Atlantic Treaty Organization a military and political alliance founded in 1949 that committed the United States to the defense of Europe in the event of Soviet aggression52
6880112371Nazi PartyProperly known as the National Socialist Democratic Workers party, the Nazi Party was founded in Germany after World War 153
6880117134Total WarWar that requires each country involved to mobilize its entire population in the effort to defeat the enemy54
6880120408Triple AllianceAn alliance consisting of Germany, Austria, and Italy that was one of the two arrival European alliances on the eve of World War 155
6880126651Triple EntenteAn alliance consisting of Russia, France, and Britain that was one of the two rival European alliances on eve56
6880144068United NationsInternational peacekeeping organization and forum for international opinion, establish in 194557
6880147171Berlin WallWall constructed by East German Authorities in 1961 to seal off East Berlin from the West, it was breached58
6880152115BolsheviksRussian revolutionary party led by Vladimir Lenin and later renamed the Communist party; the name "Bolsheviks" means "the majority"59
6880159232Fidel CastroRevolutionary leader of Cuba from 1959 to 2008 who gradually turned to Soviet communism and engendered some of the worst crises of the cold war60
6880168920Chinese RevolutionLong revolutionary process in the period 1912-1949 that began with the overthrow of the Chinese Imperial System and ended with the triumph of the Communist party under the leadership of Mao- Zedong61
6880177271Cold WarPolitical and ideological state of near war between the Western world and the Communist world that lasted from 1946 to 199162
6880191401Cuban Missile CrisisMajor standoff between the U.S and the Soviet Union in 1962 over Soviet deployment of nuclear missiles in Cuba63
6880199974GlasnostMikhail Gorbachev's policy of "openness" which allowed greater cultural and intellectual freedom and ended most censorship of the media; the result was a burst of awareness of the problems and corruption of the Soviet system64
6880236621LeninAdopted name of Vladimir Lynch Ulyanov (1870-1924) the main leader of Russia's communist revolution and head of the Soviet state from 1917 until his death65
6880246908Mao ZedongChairmans of China's communist party and de facto ruler of China from 1949 until his death in 197966
6880259359Russian RevolutionMassive revolutionary upheaval in 1917 that overthrew the Romanov dynasty in Russia and ended with the seizure of power by communists under the leadership of Lenin67
6880284037StalinName assumed by Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (1878-1953) leader of the Soviet Union from 1924 until his death68
6880300716DecolonizationProcess in which many African and Asian states won their independence from Western colonial rule, in most cases by negotiated settlement with gradual political reforms and a program of investment rather than through military confusion.69
6881163078Mohandas K GandhiUsually referred to his followers by "Mahatma" was a political leader and the undoubted spiritual leader of the Indian Drive for independence.70
6881171494Nelson MandelaSouth African nationalist and leader of the African National congress who has imprisoned for 27 years on charges of treason.71
6881180324SatyagrahaLiterally "truth force", Mahatma Gandhi's political philosophy which advocated for confrontational but non-violent.72
6881184924Al-QaedaInternational organization of fundamentalist Islamic militants, headed by Osama Bin Laden73
6881195294Environmentalism20th century movement to preserve the natural world in the face of sprawling human ability to alter the world environment74
6881199683FundamentalismOccurring within all the major world religions, is a self proclaimed reform to the "fundamentals" of a religion75
6881206029GlobalizationTerm commonly used to refer to the massive growth in international economic transactions from around 1950 to the percent76
6881214782Global WarmingA worldwide scientific consensus that the increased burning of fossil fuels and the less of trees77
6881221707Che GuevaraErnesto "One" Guevara was an Argentine-born revolutionary (1928-1967) who waged guerilla war in an effort to remedy Latin America's and Africa's social and economic ills78
6881232510Osama Bin LadenThe leader of Al Qaeda a wealthy Saudi Arabian who turned to militant fundamentalism79
6881236864Second Wave FeminismWomen's rights movement revived in the 1960's with a different agenda than earlier woman's suffrage movements. Demanded equal rights for women in employment.80
6881243629World Trade OrganizationInternational Body Representing 149 nations that negotiates the rules for global commerce and is dedicated to the promotion of free trade81
6881269321Abolitionist MovementAn internal movement between approximately 1780 and 1890 succeeded in condemning slavery as a morally repugnant and abolishing it in much of the world; the movement was especially prominent in Britain and the U.S82
6881278903Declaration of the Rights of Man and CitizenDocument drawn up by the French National Assembly in 1789 that proclaimed the equal rights of all men; the declaration idealogically launched the French revolution83
6881311882Estates GeneralFrench representative assembly called into Louis XVI to address pressing problems and out of which the French Revolution emerged84
6881315583FreetownWest African settlement in what is now Sierra Leone at which British naval commanders freed Africans they rescued from illegal slave ships85
6881320696French RevolutionMassive dislocation of French Society (1789-1815) that overthrew the monarchy, destroyed most of the French aristocracy, launched radical reforms of society that were lost again86
6881332221Gens De CouleurLiterally meaning "free people of color"; term used to describe freed slaves and people of mixed racial background87
6881335370HaitiName that revolutionaries gave to the former French Colony of Saint Domingue; the term means "mountainous" or "rugged"88
6881342377Haitian RevolutionThe only successful slave rebellion in world history; the uprising in the French Carribean colony of Saint Domingue89
6881355929Hidalgo-Morelos RebellionSocially radical peasant insurrection that began in Mexico in 1810 and that was led by the priests Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Morelos90
6881363657Latin America RevolutionsSeries of risings in the Spanish colonies of Latin America (1810-1826) that establish the independence of new states from Spanish rule91
6881370068Toussaint LouvertureFirst leader of the Haitian Revolution; A former slave (1743-1803) who wrote the first constituion of Haiti92
6881378936Maternal FeminismMovement that claimed that women have value in society not because of an abstract notion of equality but because women have vital roles93
6881383685Napoleon BonaparteFrench head of state from 1799 until his abduction in 1814 and again briefly in 1815. preserved much of the French Revolution under a autocratic system94
6881393620NationA clearly defined territory whose people have a sense of common identity and destiny, through ties of blood, culture, language, or common experience95
6881399829NationalismThe focusing of citizens loyalty on the notion that they are part of a "nation" with a unique culture territory and destiny96
6881410134North American RevolutionSuccessful rebellion conducted by the colonists of parts of North America against British rule (1775-1787) The little or poor white population of Saint Domingue, which played a significant role in the Haitian Revolution97
6882109586Petit BlancsThe little or poor white population of Saint Domingue, which played a significant role in the Haitian revolution98
6882119115Seneca Falls ConferenceThe first organized women's rights conference, which took place at Seneca Falls, New York in 184899
6882127764Elizabeth Cady StantonLeading figure of the early women rights movements in the U.S (1815-1902)100
6882133686Third EstateIn pre-revolutionary France, term used for 98% of the population that was neither clerical nor noble.101
6882148893BourgeoisieTerm that Karl Marx used to describe the owners of industrial capital; originally meant "townspeople"102
6882159939LeninPen name of Russian Bolshevik Vladimir Ulyanov (1870-1924) who was the main leader of the Russian Revolution of 1917103
6882169460Lower Middle ClassSocial stratum that developed in Britain in the 19th century and that considered of people employed in the service sector104
6882174784Karl MarxThe most influential proponent of socialism, Marx (1818-1883) was a German in England in advocated working class revolution as a key to the future105
6882191946Mexican RevolutionLong and bloody war (1911-1920) in which Mexican reformers from the middle class joined with workers and peasants to overthrow106
6882219569Middle Class ValuesBelief system typical of the middle class that developed in Britain in the 19th century107
6882222705Model TThe first automobile affordable enough for a mass market108
6882225095PopulismLate 19th century American political that denounced corporate interests of all kinds109
6882241738ProgressivismAmerican political movement in the period around 1900 that advocated reform measures to correct the ills of Industrialization110
6882252742ProletariatTerm that Karl Marx used to describe the industrial working class originally used in ancient Rome to describe the poorest part of the population111
6882261983Russian Revolution of 1905Spontaneous rebellion that erupted in Russia after the country's defeat at the hands of Japan in 1905112
6882265597ApartheidAfrikaans term literally meaning the system that developed in South Africa of strictly limiting the social and political integration of whites and blacks113
6882278252Scramble for AfricaName used for the process of European countries partition of the continent of Africa between themselves in the period (1875-1900)114
6882283120Opium WarsTwo wars fought between western powers and China after China tried to restrict the importation of foreign goods, especially Opium115
6882288358Social DarwinismAn application of the concept of "survival of the fittest" to human history in the 19th century116
6882720297KaozhengMovement that emphasized importance of precision, accuracy, and analysis117

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