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AP World History Period 5 Flashcards

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9958787419Scientific Methoda logical procedure for gathering information about the natural world where experimentation and observation are used to test hypotheses0
9958787420Social Contractthe agreement by which people define and limit their individual rights, thus creating an organized society or government (Rousseau)1
9958787421Natural Rightsthe rights that all people are born with - according to John Locke, the rights of life, liberty, and property2
9958787422Enlightened DespotOne of the 18th century European monarchs who were inspired by Enlightenment ideas to rule justly and respect the rights of their subjects (Frederick II of Prussia, Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II of Austria, and Catherine the Great of Russia)3
9958787423Separation of Powersthe assignment of executive, legislative, and judicial powers to different groups of officials in a government ("Power should be a check to power" - Baron Montesquieu)4
9958787424Philosophesgroup of social thinkers in France during the Enlightenment5
9958787425Federal systemsystem of government in which power is divided between a central authority and a number of individual states6
9958787426Checks and balancesmeasures designed to prevent any one branch of government from dominating the others7
9958787427Old Regimepolitical and social system that existed in France before the French Revolution (left over from the Middle Ages)8
9958787428estateone of the three social classes in France before the French Revolution (First Estate=clergy; Second Estate=nobility; Third Estate=rest of the population)9
9958787429bourgeoisiein social and political theory, the social order dominated by the land-owning class. In the 19th century, the term became associated with the middle class10
9958787430coup d'etatsudden seizure of political power in a nation11
9958787431plebiscitea direct vote in which a country's people have the opportunity to approve or reject a proposal12
9958787432Balance of powera political situation in which no one nation is powerful enough to pose a threat to others13
9958787433legitimacyhereditary right of a monarch to rule14
9958787434conservativesin the first half of the 19th century, Europeans who wanted to preserve the traditional monarchies of Europe (mostly wealthy landowners)15
9958787435liberalsin the first half of the 19th century, Europeans who wanted to give more political power to elected parliaments (mostly middle-class business leaders and merchants)16
9958787436radicalsin the first half of the 19th century, those Europeans who favored drastic change to extend democracy to all people17
9958787437socialisman economic system in which the factors of production are owned by the public and operate for the welfare of all18
9958787438nation-statean independent nation of people having a common culture and identity (ie: France, Spain)19
9958787439nationalismthe belief that people should be loyal mainly to their nation - that is, to the people with whom they share a culture and history - rather than to a king or empire20
9958787440Zionism19th century nationalist movement for the establishment of a Jewish national or religious community in Palestine21
9958787441self-determinationthe determining by the people of the form their government shall have, without reference to the wishes of any other nation, especially by people of a territory of former colony22
9958787442Suffragethe right of voting23
9958787443Universal manhood suffragevoting for all male citizens24
9958787444Universal suffragevoting for all citizens regardless of ethnicity, sex, or religion25
9958787445Imperialismpolicy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, economically, or socially26
9958787446Cultural imperialismdomination of one culture over another by a deliberate policy or by economic or technological superiority27
9958787447Colonialismpolicy by which a nation administers a foreign territory and develops its resources for the benefit of the colonial power28
9958787448Extraterritorialitythe right of foreign residents in a country to live under the laws of their native country and disregard the laws of the host country. In the 19th and 20th century, European and American nationals living in certain areas of Chinese and Ottoman cities were granted this right29
9958787449Annexationthe adding of a region to the territory of an existing political unit30
9958787450Social Darwinismthe application of Charles Darwin's ideas about evolution and "survival of the fittest" to human societies - particularly as justification for imperialist expansion31
9958787451Sphere of Influencean area in which an outside power claims exclusive investment or trading privileges; includes treaty ports - trade cities opened to foreign residents as a result of forced treaties, in treaty ports foreigners enjoyed extraterritoriality32
9958787452Economic Imperialismindependent but less developed nations controlled by private business interests rather than by other governments33
9958787453Cottage industriesweaving, sewing, carving and other small scale industries that can be done in the home. The laborers, frequently women, are usually independent laborers using raw materials supplied to them by capitalist entrepreneurs34
9958787454Industrythe process of making products by using machinery and factories35
9958787455Labor unionan organization of workers in a particular industry or trade, created to defend the interests of members (working conditions, wages) through strikes or negotiations with employers36
9958787456laissez-fairean economic doctrine that opposes governmental regulation of or interference in commerce beyond the minimum necessary for a free-enterprise system to operate according to its own economic laws37
9958787457urbanizationthe growth of cities and the migration of people into them38
9958787458Protectoratea country or territory with its own internal government but under the control of an outside power39
9958787459colonya country or a region governed internally by a foreign power40
9958787460pogroman organized campaign of violence against Jewish communities in late 19th century Russia41
9958787461millenarianismbelief in a coming ideal society and especially one created by revolutionary action by a religious, social, or political group/movement42
9958787462caudilloa Spanish or Latin America military dictator43
9958787463Napoleon BonaparteEmperor of France from 1804-1815; took power through a coup d'état. Was a hero of the French Revolution and his legal reform (the Napoleonic code) influenced other legal systems around the world. He is considered to be one of the most superior military commanders of all time44
9958787464Adam SmithSeen as the founder of Capitalism. Enlightenment thinker and author of The Wealth of Nations in 1776.45
9958787465Prince Klemens von MetternichAustrian Foreign Minister who led the Congress of Vienna in 1814-1815. Advocated a conservative stance when rebuilding Europe following the Napoleonic Wars46
9958787466Karl MarxCo-author of The Communist Manifesto - his theories heldd that societies progress through a class struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat (workers)47
9958787467Friedrich EngelsCo-author of The Communist Manifesto - made important contributions to family economics48
9958787468Simon BolivarVenezuelan who played a key role in the Latin American struggle for independence from Spain and helped lay the foundations for democratic ideology in much of Latin America49
9958787469Abraham LincolnPresident of the United States during the civil war50
9958787470Porfirio DiazPresident of Mexico from 1876 to 1911. Fought as a rebel during the French intervention and at the Battle of Puebla. Was overthrown during the Mexican Revolution of 1910.51
9958787471Muhammad AliSelf-declared Khedive of Egypt and Sudan. Regarded as the founder of modern Egypt for his military and industrial reforms52
9958787472Cecil RhodesEnglish-born South African businessman responsible for helping claim much of Africa for Great Britain (From Cape Town to Cairo)53
9958787473Queen VictoriaLongest reigning monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and named Empress of India during that time54
9958787474King Leopold IIKing of Belgium and sole owner of the Congo Free State in Africa, where he used force labor to acquire rubber55
9958787475Alexander IIRussian czar responsible for the emancipation of Russia's serfs in 1861 and attempted other reforms in Russia after their defeat in the Crimean War56
9958787476Baron de MontesquieuEnlightenment thinker who advocated the separation of powers and checks and balances within a government57
9958787477Thomas JeffersonAmerican founding father, president, and principal author of the Declaration of Independence58
9958787478Jean-Jacques RousseauFrench philosopher whose ideas of the social contract influenced both the American and French Revolutions59
9958787479John LockeEnglish philosopher who believed all men were born with natural rights and it was the duty of the government to protect those rights. His work influenced the founding fathers of the United States60
9958787480Marie CuriePolish physicist and chemist responsible for pioneering research on radioactivity. Received two Nobel prizes in science for her research61
9958787481Issac NewtonEnglish mathematician who discovered the laws of motion and universal gravitation. Also shares credit for the creation of calculus62
9958787482Louis PasteurFrench chemist whose experiments supported the germ theory of disease and helped create the first vaccines63
9958787483VoltaireFrench Enlightenment thinker and satirist who was a proponent of freedom of religion and expression as well as separation of church and state64
9958787484James WattScottish inventor remembered for his work with the steam engine65
9958787485Common SenseMade Thomas Paine popular in America for advocating liberty from Britain66
9958787486Declaration of Independencedocument stating that the thirteen colonies were separate from Great Britain. Expressed the philosophy behind the Patriots' fight against British troops in America67
9958787487BastilleA former prison that still symbolized the abuses of the monarchy and the corrupt aristocracy68
9958787488Declaration of the Rights of ManDocument from the French Revolution declaring basic human rights, 178969
9958787489Civil Constitution of the ClergyAbolished special privileges of the Catholic Church in France and put it under state control70
9958787490Committee of Public SafetyPowerful group, led by Maximilien Robespierre, set up to defeat all enemies of the revolution.71
9958787491Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female CitizenAlienated the male dominated leadership of the French Revolution72
9958787492Primogenitureright of inheritance belongs exclusively to the eldest son73
9958787493Code NapoleonAll citizens were equal and ir provided for trial by jury and freedom of religion74
9958787494MaroonsEscaped slaves75
9958787495Benito JuarezIndian lawyer from a background of poverty who became Mexico's president and eventually served five terms76
9958787496La ReformaLiberal revolt which resulted in a new constitution for Mexico in 185477
9958787497José de San MartínCreole in South America who defeated royalists to establish an independent government. "Protector of Peru"78
9958787498Claude Henri de Saint-SimonAdvocated strongly for public works that would provide employment79
9958787499Robert OwenEstablished utopian communities at New Lanark in Scotland and New Harmony in the United States, where he insisted on providing some education for child workers80
9958787500Prime Minster Camilo BensoCount of Cavour of Piedmont-Sardinia; who helped to unify Italy as a constitutional monarchy81
9958787501gauchosA rough equivalent of the North American cowboy82
9958787502Spinning JennyInvented byJames Hargreaves in the 1760s, allowed a weaver to spin more than one thread at a time83
9958787503Water framePatented by Richard Arkwright in 1769, used water power to drive the spinning wheel84
9958787504division of laborThe type of arrangement in which each worker specializes in a particular task or job85
9958787505crop rotationRotating different crops in and out of a field each year86
9958787506Seed drillA device that efficiently places seeds in a designated spot in the ground87
9958787507Enclosure movementGovernment fenced off the commons in order to give exclusive use of it to people who paid for the privilege or who purchased the land88
9958787508Transcontinental RailroadRailroad connecting the west and east coasts of the continental US89
9958787509Sluma district of a city marked by poverty and inferior living conditions90
9958787510StockholderIndividuals who buy partial ownership directly from the company when it is formed or later through a stock market91
9958787511Captains of industryOvershadowed the landed aristocracy as the power brokers and leaders of modern society92
9958787512UtilitarianismSought the greatest good for the greatest number of people93
9958787513TanzimatReorganization/reform movement in late Ottoman empire94
9958787514abolitionist movementAn international movement that between approximately 1780 and 1890 succeeded in condemning slavery as morally repugnant and abolishing it in much of the world; the movement was especially prominent in Britain and the United States.95
9958787515CreolesNative-born elites in the Spanish colonies.96
9958787516Estates-GeneralFrench representative assembly called into session by Louis XVI to address pressing problems and out of which the French Revolution emerged; the three estates were the clergy, the nobility, and the commoners.97
9958787517FreetownWest African settlement in what is now Sierra Leone at which British naval commanders freed Africans they rescued from illegal slave ships.98
9958787518French RevolutionMassive dislocation of French society (1789-1815) that overthrew the monarchy, destroyed most of the French aristocracy, and launched radical reforms99
9958787519gens de couleur libresLiterally, "free people of color"; term used to describe freed slaves and people of mixed racial background of the Haitian Revolution.100
9958787520HaitiName that revolutionaries gave to the former French colony of Saint Domingue; the term means "mountainous" or "rugged" in the Taino language.101
9958787521Haitian RevolutionThe only fully successful slave rebellion in world history; the uprising in the French Caribbean colony of Saint Domingue (later renamed Haiti)102
9958787522Hidalgo-Morelos RevolutionSocially radical peasant insurrection that began in Mexico in 1810 and that was led by the priests103
9958787523Latin American RevolutionsSeries of risings in the Spanish colonies of Latin America (1810-1826) that established the independence of new states from Spanish rule104
9958787524Toussaint L'OuvertureFirst leader of the Haitian Revolution, a former slave (1743-1803) .105
9958787525Napoleon BonaparteFrench head of state from 1799 until his abdication in 1814 (and again briefly in 1815); preserved much of the French Revolution under an autocratic system and was responsible for the spread of revolutionary ideals through his conquest of much of Europe.106
9958787526NationA clearly defined territory whose people have a sense of common identity and destiny, thanks to ties of blood, culture, language, or common experience.107
9958787527NationalismThe focusing of citizens' loyalty on the notion that they are part of a "nation" with a unique culture, territory, and destiny; first became a prominent element of political culture in the nineteenth century.108
9958787528Petit BlancsThe "little" (or poor) white population of Saint Domingue, which played a significant role in the Haitian Revolution.109
9958787529Seneca Falls ConferenceThe first organized women's rights conference, 1848110
9958787530Elizabeth Cady StantonLeading figure of the early women's rights movement in the United States (1815-1902).111
9958787531the TerrorTerm used to describe the revolutionary violence in France in 1793-1794, when radicals executed tens of thousands of people deemed enemies of the revolution.112
9958787532Third EstateIn prerevolutionary France, the term used for the 98 percent of the population that was neither clerical nor noble,113
9958787533Tupac AmaruThe last Inca emperor; in the 1780s, a Native American rebellion against Spanish control of Peru took place in his name.114
9958787534BourgeoisieTerm that Karl Marx used to describe the owners of industrial capital; originally meant "townspeople."115
9958787535British Royal SocietyAssociation of scientists established in England in 1660 that was dedicated to the promotion of "useful knowledge."116
9958787536Crimean WarMajor international conflict (1854-1856) in which British and French forces defeated Russia; the defeat prompted reforms within Russia.117
9958787537Dependent developmentTerm used to describe Latin America's economic growth in the nineteenth century, which was largely financed by foreign capital and dependent on European and North American prosperity and decisions.118
9958787538DumaThe elected representative assembly grudgingly created in Russia by Tsar Nicholas II in response to the 1905 revolution.119
9958787539Sigmund FreudAustrian doctor and the father of modern psychoanalysis (1856-1939); his theories about the operation of the human mind and emotions remain influential today120
9958787540Labour PartyBritish working-class political party established in the 1890s and dedicated to reforms and a peaceful transition to socialism, in time providing a viable alternative to the revolutionary emphasis of Marxism.121
9958787541Latin American Export BoomLarge-scale increase in Latin American exports (mostly raw materials and foodstuffs) to industrializing countries i122
9958787542LeninPen name of Russian Bolshevik Vladimir Ulyanov (1870-1924), who was the main leader of the Russian Revolution of 1917.123
9958787543Mexican RevolutionLong and bloody war (1911-1920) in which Mexican reformers from the middle class joined with workers and peasants to overthrow the dictator Porfirio Díaz and create a new, much more democratic political order.124
9958787544Model TThe first automobile affordable enough for a mass market; produced by American industrialist Henry Ford.125
9958787545Robert OwensSocialist thinker and wealthy mill owner (1771-1858) who created an ideal industrial community at New Lanark, Scotland.126
9958787546Peter the GreatTsar of Russia (r. 1689-1725) who attempted a massive reform of Russian society in an effort to catch up with the states of Western Europe.127
9958787547PopulismLate-nineteenth-century American political movement that denounced corporate interests of all kinds.128
9958787548ProgressivismAmerican political movement in the period around 1900 that advocated reform measures to correct the ills of industrialization.129
9958787549ProletariatTerm that Karl Marx used to describe the industrial working class; originally used in ancient Rome to describe the poorest part of the urban population.130
9958787550Russian Revolution of 1905Spontaneous rebellion that erupted in Russia after the country's defeat at the hands of Japan; the revolution was suppressed, but it forced the government to make substantial reforms.131
9958787551Socialism in the United StatesFairly minor political movement in the United States, at its height in 1912 gaining 6 percent of the vote for its presidential candidate.132
9958787552Steam engineMechanical device in which the steam from heated water builds up pressure to drive a piston, rather than relying on human or animal muscle power; the introduction of this item allowed a hitherto unimagined increase in productivity and made the Industrial Revolution possible.133
9958787553Abd al-Hamid IIOttoman sultan (r. 1876-1909) who accepted a reform constitution but then quickly suppressed it, ruling as a reactionary autocrat for the rest of his long reign.134
9958787554Boxer RebellionRising of Chinese militia organizations in 1900 in which large numbers of Europeans and Chinese Christians were killed135
9958787555China 1911The collapse of China's imperial order, officially at the hands of organized revolutionaries but for the most part under the weight of the troubles that had overwhelmed the Qing dynasty for the previous half-century.136
9958787556DaimyoFeudal lords of Japan who retained substantial autonomy under the Tokugawa shogunate and only lost their social preeminence in the Meiji restoration.137
9958787557Meiji RestorationThe overthrow of the Tokugawa shogunate of Japan in 1868, restoring power at long last to the emperor138
9958787558Matthew PerryU.S. navy commodore who in 1853 presented the ultimatum that led Japan to open itself to more normal relations with the outside world.139
9958787559Opium WarsTwo wars fought between Western powers and China (1839-1842 and 1856-1858) after China tried to restrict the importation of foreign goods; China lost both wars and was forced to make major concessions.140
9958787560Russo-Japanese WarEnding in a Japanese victory, this war established Japan as a formidable military competitor in East Asia and precipitated the Russian Revolution of 1905.141
9958787561SamuraiArmed retainers of the Japanese feudal lords, famed for their martial skills and loyalty; in the Tokugawa shogunate, they gradually became an administrative elite, but they did not lose their special privileges until the Meiji restoration.142
9958787562Self-strengthening MovementChina's program of internal reform in the 1860s and 1870s, based on vigorous application of Confucian principles and limited borrowing from the West.143
9958787563Selim IIIOttoman sultan (r. 1789-1807) who attempted significant reforms of his empire, including the implementation of new military and administrative structures.144
9958787564The Sick Man of EuropeWestern Europe's unkind nickname for the Ottoman Empire in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, a name based on the sultans' inability to prevent Western takeover of many regions and to deal with internal problems; it fails to recognize serious reform efforts in the Ottoman state during this period.145
9958787565Social DarwinismAn application of the concept of "survival of the fittest" to human history in the nineteenth century.146
9958787566Taiping UprisingMassive Chinese rebellion that devastated much of the country between 1850 and 1864; it was based on the millenarian teachings of Hong Xiuquan.147
9958787567Tokugawa ShogunateRulers of Japan from 1600 to 1868.148
9958787568Unequal treatiesSeries of nineteenth-century treaties in which China made major concessions to Western powers.149
9958787569Young OttomansGroup of would-be reformers in the mid-nineteenth-century Ottoman Empire that included lower-level officials, military officers, and writers; they urged the extension of Westernizing reforms to the political system.150
9958787570Young TurksMovement of Turkish military and civilian elites that developed ca. 1900, eventually bringing down the Ottoman Empire151
9958787571ApartheidAfrikaans term for the system that developed in South Africa of strictly limiting the social and political integration of whites and blacks.152
9958787572Cash crop agricultureAgricultural production, often on a large scale, of crops for sale in the market, rather than for consumption by the farmers themselves.153
9958787573Cultivation SystemSystem of forced labor used in the Netherlands East Indies in the nineteenth century; peasants were required to cultivate at least 20 percent of their land in cash crops such as sugar or coffee for sale at low and fixed prices to government contractors, who then earned enormous profits from further sale of the crops.154
9958787574Indian Rebellion of 1857-1858Massive uprising of much of India against British rule; also called the Indian Mutiny or the Sepoy Mutiny from the fact that the rebellion first broke out among Indian troops in British employ.155
9958787575Scramble for AfricaName used for the process of the European countries' partition of the continent of Africa between themselves in the period 1875-1900.156

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