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AP World History Period 5 Flashcards

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4080352880Age of Absolutismseries of of European monarchs who increased the power of their central gov'ts0
4080359631Characteristics of Absolute Monarchscentralization of power; concept of rule by divine right1
4080372565Foundations of English Rightsthe jury trial, Magna Carta, common law2
4080381982English Civil War and Glorious Revolutionprompted further development of rights of Englishmen3
4080388555Glorious RevolutionWilliam and Mary; overthrow of King James II; created lasting power between the monarchy and Parliament4
4080410744Absolute Monarchygov't in which the monarch has a total or near control of the nation's financial resources and laws5
4080415801Phillip IIAbsolute Monarch of Spain6
4080417083ElizabethAbsolute Monarch of Britian; Tudor Family; daughter of Henry VIII7
4080419062Frederick the GreatAbsolute Monarch of Prussia8
4080426217Peter the Great and Catherine the GreatAbsolute Monarchs of Russia9
4080430838Maria TheresaAbsolute Monarch of Austria10
4080446110Whigswanted to exclude James from the throne11
4080450739Toriesdefended hereditary monarchy12
4080475054Belief of Enlightenment Thinkershuman progress possible through scientific knowledge and reason to issues of law of law and gov't13
4080481426Enlightenment Ideasinfluenced leaders of American and French Revolution and Declaration of Independence14
4080487387Enlightenmentstimulated religious tolerance15
408049239016th, 17th, 18th centurieschanges in arts, literature, and political philosophy16
4080498744Age of Reasonwitnessed inventions and innovations in technology that stimulated trade and transportation17
4080505830new form of paintingclassical, public events, nature, portraits18
4080508371all-weather roadsimproved trade and transport19
4080511416Agricultural Revolutionnew farm tools increased productivity20
4080517412improvements in ship designlowered cost of transport21
4080542133Industrial Revolutionoriginated in England b/c of its natural resources (coal, iron ore) and steam engine22
4080547585Industrial Revolution spread to...Europe and the U.S.23
4080551951Industrial Revolution productscotton textile, iron, steel24
4080560638British Enclosure Movementprecursor to Industrial Revolution; private properties for agriculture and manufacturing25
4080578880Industrial Revolution caused the demise of...cottage industries26
4080586088Impacts of Industrial Revolution on Industrial Countriespopulation and standard of living increase, improved transportation, urbanization, pollution, better education, dissatisfaction of working class with working conditions, middle class27
4080593412Cause of Industrial Revolutioncapitalism and market competition28
4080597477Socialism and Communismagainst capitalism29
4080599587agricultural economiesbased on family unit30
4080600960child laborkept costs of production low and profits high31
4080602975Social effects on Industrial Revolutionwomen and children cheap labor, reforms to end child labor, expansion of education, women's suffrage demand increased32
4080608181Cotton Ginseparated seedpods from fiber; increased demand for slave labor33
4080612250U.S. and Britianoutlawed slave trade then slavery34
4080614615Labor Unionsstrikes for better wages and improved working conditions; lobbied for laws to improve lives of workers; wanted workers' rights and collective bargaining between labor and management35
4080622912Enclosure Movementimproved agricultural productivity and legal protection of private property36
4080626175Spinning Jennycotton37
4080627541Water Framerequired source of power38
4080627542Mulecombined Jenny and Water Frame39
4080630087Steam Enginetransformed fossil fuels into energy; on boats40
4080637430Capitalismeconomic system based on private ownership and on investment of money in business ventures in order to make a profit41
4080642807Socialismeconomic system in which the factors of production are owned by the people and operate for the welfare of all42
4080646512communismeconomic system in which all means of production are owned by the people, private property does not exist, and all goods and services are shared equally43
4080655315Communist ManifestoKarl Marx; political pamphlet44
4080668648zaibatsuconglomerates of mills and factories that were sold to private investors45
4080670487Sino-Japanese Wardefeat of China over Korea46
4080684030mercantilismeconomic system centered around the belief that a government can make a nation more prosperous by regulating trade and using tariffs and other protective measures to achieve a balance of exports over imports47
4080686540conservatismopposed revolutionary goals; advocated restoration of monarchy and defense of church48
4080686541liberalismstressed limited state interference in individual life, representation of propertied people in government; urged importance of constitutional rule of parliaments49
4080686542radicalismadvocated broader voting rights than liberals; in some cases advocated outright democracy; urged reforms in favor of the lower classes50
4080709528Colonial Govt's in Latin Americamirrored home govt's51
4080712911Catholicisminfluenced development of Latin American colonies52
4080718239major element of colonial economy in Latin Americamining of precious metals for export53
4080721489outposts of colonial authority in Latin AmericaHavana, Mexico City, Lima, Sao Paulo, Bueno Aires54
4080727892Rigid class structure of Latin AmericaViceroys, Creoles, Mestizos55
4080729479Viceroysconquistadors given gov't authority by the crown56
4080735356Haitislaves rebelled, abolished slavery, won independence57
4080738718Latin America Independent CountriesMexico, Haiti, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil58
4080740762Monroe Doctrineissued by James Monroe in 1823; alerted European powers that American continents should not be considered for any future colonization, or else would be regarded as a threat59
4080757498French Societydivided into three Estates; 1st is clergy, 2nd is nobility, 3rd is bourgeoisie (middle class), city poor, country peasants60
4080767776Tennis Court Oathnational assembly formed61
4080773571Napoleonic Codebased on Enlightenment ideas; uniform set of law, equality of all citizens, placed state above the individual; limited freedom of speech and press62
4080783160Greek RevolutionGreek independence in 183063
4080784941Revolutions of France 1848mostly failed to bring permanent reform64
4080901451Causes of French Revolutioninfluences of enlightenment ideas and american revolution65
4080913250Events of French RevolutionStorming of the Bastille and Reign of Terror66
4080916442Outcomes of French Revolutionsecular society, nationalism, democratic ideas67
4080923841Congress of Viennaattempt to restore Europe as it was before the French Revolution and Napolean; "Balance of Power" doctrine; restoration of monarchies, new political map of Europe, liberalism and conservatism68
4080934686Cause of nationalismnational pride, economic competition, democratic ideals69
4080935929Italy and Germanydispleased with Congress of Vienna70
4080937944UKexpanded political rights through legislation and made slavery illegal in Britian71
4080940297Papal States and Romebecame last to join Italy72
4080943612Realpolitikjustifies all means to achieve and hole power (ex: Bismark's actions)73
4080947992Franco-Prussian Warcreation of German State74
4080961473Rise of Imperialismindustrial nations in Europe needed natural resources and markets to expand economies; nations competed to control Africa and Asia to secure personal economic and political success75
4080971222Imperialismspread of economic, political, and social philosophies of Europe throughout the world; resistance of colonized people from European domination in trade76
4080978692Forms of Imperialismcolonies, protectorates, spheres of influence77
4080980315imperialism in Africa and AsiaChristian missionary efforts, spheres of influence China, Suez Canal, East India Company's domination of Indian state, America's opening of Japan to trade78
4080989359Response to colonized peoples to Imperialismarmed conflict ( ex: Boxer Rebellion in China), rise of nationalism (first Indian nationalist party in 1800s)79
4080993496colonies/colonial imperialismcountry or region governed internally by a foreign power80
4080997020protectorate/political imperialismcountry or territory with its own internal gov't under control of an outside power81
4080998829spheres of influence/economic imperialismarea in which outside power claims exclusive investment or trading privileges82
4081016646Suez CanalRed Sea to Mediterranean Sea83
4081018530Panama CanalAtlantic to Pacific Ocean84
4081021359Northern Africa on ImperialismMuhammad Ali (Egypt), British and French influence85
4081023728Cape ColonySouth Africa, Dutch86
4081026752Great Trekmovement of Dutch-speaking colonists into South Africa87
4081028641ZuluBantu ethnic group88
4081030762Cecil Rhodesprime minister of Cape Colony89
4081032228Boer WarBoers vs. British; fought over gold90
4081036710Explorers and Missionaries of ImperialismDavid Livingstone and Henry Stanley91
4081042744Scramble for Africa1875-1900; Berlin Conference (1884) where Europe decided Africa would be divided up, excluding Ethiopia and Liberia, and Africa wasn't invited92
4081050108Charles DarwinSocial Darwinism; scientific racism shown in "The Origins of Species"93
4081053815NawabsMuslim princes of former Mogul Empire in India94
4081055816Company menstaffed European outposts in India95
4081057692SepoysIndian troops to assist in protection of European outposts96
4081059736British Rajrule of British in India97
4081062824Result of Sepoy Rebelliondirect imperial rule by British98
4081064168Treaty of Nankingmarked end of Opium War99
4081065636Taiping RebellionChinese civil war; Christians vs. Qing100
4081068610Australia and New Zealandtropical dependencies, then became settler colonies101
4081080883American Revolution Causes-British debt/imposition of taxes/tariffs on colonies -challenges to local autonomy -ideas of enlightenement such as popular sovereignty, consent of the governed, and natural rights102
4081080884American Revolution Short Term Outcomes-independence from britian -political authority still in hands of existing elites who led the revolution -property requirements for voting lowered, more white men of modest means elected to state legislatures103
4081095697American Revolution Long Term Outcomes-U.S. most democratic country -influence other revolutions/govt's such as Haitians -U.S. became world power economically and politically104
4081102940American Revolution and French Revolution SimilaritiesEnlightenment ideas provided impetus105
4081112435American Revolution struggle for independence similar to...Haitian and Latin American Rebellions106
4081114801American Revolution and French Revolution Differences-American Revolution was a decolonizing struggle -French Revolution caused in large part by class differences within its society -French Revolution placed women's rights on the table but did not advance them -French Revolution much more violent -ideas of French Revolution spread through conquest107
4081132612French Revolution Causes-Inspired by American Revolution and Enlightenment ideas -economic instability led to attempt by monarchy to collect new taxes -class differences -creation of National Assembly by Third Estate108
4081142099French Revolution Short Term Outcomes-overthrow and execution of monarchy -establishment of a republic -abolishment of catholic church as state religion -more land available to peasants -universal suffrage -temporary abolition of slavery -Radicalization and Terror -Rise of Napolean109
4081154363French Revolution Long Term Outcomes-Napolean reversed relationship with Church and suppressed the revolution's more democratic elements in a military dictatorship through kept emphasis on social equality for men -end of Napolean led to temporary return of monarchy110
4081170884Similarities in All Revolutionswomen did not gain much111
4081175757Haitian Revolution Causes-richest colony in world due to sugar -divided society; rich white landowners, other whites, and slaves so ideas of French Revolution led to greater economic autonomy for the colony, more equitable political participation, and/or the end of the entire slave labor system112
4081192705Haitian Revolution Short Term OutcomesSlave uprising of 1791 led to over a decade of violent internal conflict and attacks from abroad, but eventually to first successful slave uprising in the world, and second independent state in the Americas113
4081200718Haitian Revolution Long Term Outcomes-destruction of plantation system -enduring poverty due to French debt and American boycotts -inspired slave rebellions elsewhere in order to account for loss of sugar -resulted in more conservative independence gov't in rest of Latin America114
4081218090Haitian Revolution Similarities-American: overthrew a colonial ruler -French: class division115
4081222781Haitian Revolution Differencescomplete political and social overhaul since economic, social, and political structures were completely remade116
4081229733Spanish American Revolutions Causes-preceding events in Haiti, U.S., and France -new taxes placed upon residents of New Spain -familiar with Enlightenment ideas, but did not encourage widespread revolt -events in europe -creoles tried to control the outcome of the revolution by promising much to the underclasses to prevent the violence seen in France and Haiti -military struggles led to Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin117
4081252063Spanish American Revolutions Short Term Outcomesindependent South American nations led by white minorites118
4081255124Spanish American Revolutions Long Term OutcomesLatin America reversed its revered status by the 19th century to become increasingly impoverished, underdeveloped, and undemocratic119
4081263396Spanish American Revolutions Similarities-American: Spanish elites resented the new taxes imposed by the Spanish crown -French and American: societal distinctions were maintained after the revolution120
4081273310Spanish American Revolutions Differences-less influenced by Enlightenment ideas -occurred almost 50 years later -inability of uniting Latin American colonies into one united republic post independence121
4081294884James HargreavesSpinning jenny122
4081294885James WattSteam engine123
4081294886Eli WhitneyCotton gin124
4081294887Henry BessemerProcess for making steel125
4081294888Edward JennerDevelopment of smallpox vaccination126
4081294889Louis PasteurDiscovery of bacteria127
4081294890Adam SmithWrote the Wealth of Nations; capitalist128
4081294891Karl MarxWrote The Communist Manifesto & Das Kapital; wrote it in response to the injustices of capitalism; socialism/communism129
4081294892Nicholaus CopernicusDeveloped heliocentric theory130
4081294893Johannes KeplerDiscovered planetary motion131
4081294894Galileo GalileiUsed telescope to support heliocentric theory132
4081294895Isaac NewtonFormulated law of gravity133
4081294896William HarveyDiscovered circulation of the blood134
4081294897Johann Sebastian BachBaroque composer135
4081294898Wolfgang Amadeus MozartClassical composer136
4081294899Eugene DelacroixInfluential French painter137
4081294900Miguel de CervantesNovelist; wrote Don Quixote138
4081294901VoltairePhilosopher; separation of church and state; religious toleration should triumph over religious fanaticism139
4081294902John LockeWrote Two Treatises on Government; people are sovereign and consent to government for protection; natural rights: life, liberty, property, etc.140
4081294903MontesquieuWrote The Spirit of Laws; separation of power (branches of government)141
4081294904Thomas HobbesWrote Leviathan; humans exist in a primitive "state of nature" and consent to government for self-protection142
4081294905Jean-Jacques RousseauWrote The Social Contract; government is a contract between rulers and the people143
4081294906Thomas JeffersonWrote Declaration of Independence; incorporated enlightenment ideas144
4081294907Toussaint L'OvertureFormer slave who led Haitian rebellion against French; defeated armies of Spain, France, and Britain145
4081294908Simon BolivarWealthy creole military officer; led revolutionary efforts; liberated northern areas of Latin America; victories in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador (Gran Colombia); Jamaica Letter146
4081294909Father Miguel HidalgoPriest who started Mexican independence movement147
4081294910Count CavourUnified northern Italy148
4081294911Giuseppe GaribaldiJoined southern Italy to northern Italy (unification of southern Italy)149
4081294912Otto von BismarckPrime minister of Prussia; unification of Germany150
4081294913Peter the GreatWesternization of Russia151
4081294914Oliver CromwellLeader of England's Parliament's military forces; "Lord152
4081294916William & MaryHad power during the Glorious Revolution154
4081294917Charles IOpposed the Puritans; believed in Divine Right of Kings; petition of Right; executed in 1649155
4081294918Charles IIConstitutional monarchy; restoration; Habeas Corpus156
4081294919Louis XIVAbsolute monarch of France; Palace of Versailles as a symbol of royal power157
4081294920Louis XVICalled Estates General: consultative body, represented the three estates; Support of American Revolution: war debts158
4081294921NapoleonRuler during French Revolution; unsuccessful attempt to unify Europe under French domination; codified laws; awakening of feelings of national pride and growth of nationalism159

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