4080352880 | Age of Absolutism | series of of European monarchs who increased the power of their central gov'ts | 0 | |
4080359631 | Characteristics of Absolute Monarchs | centralization of power; concept of rule by divine right | 1 | |
4080372565 | Foundations of English Rights | the jury trial, Magna Carta, common law | 2 | |
4080381982 | English Civil War and Glorious Revolution | prompted further development of rights of Englishmen | 3 | |
4080388555 | Glorious Revolution | William and Mary; overthrow of King James II; created lasting power between the monarchy and Parliament | 4 | |
4080410744 | Absolute Monarchy | gov't in which the monarch has a total or near control of the nation's financial resources and laws | 5 | |
4080415801 | Phillip II | Absolute Monarch of Spain | 6 | |
4080417083 | Elizabeth | Absolute Monarch of Britian; Tudor Family; daughter of Henry VIII | 7 | |
4080419062 | Frederick the Great | Absolute Monarch of Prussia | 8 | |
4080426217 | Peter the Great and Catherine the Great | Absolute Monarchs of Russia | 9 | |
4080430838 | Maria Theresa | Absolute Monarch of Austria | 10 | |
4080446110 | Whigs | wanted to exclude James from the throne | 11 | |
4080450739 | Tories | defended hereditary monarchy | 12 | |
4080475054 | Belief of Enlightenment Thinkers | human progress possible through scientific knowledge and reason to issues of law of law and gov't | 13 | |
4080481426 | Enlightenment Ideas | influenced leaders of American and French Revolution and Declaration of Independence | 14 | |
4080487387 | Enlightenment | stimulated religious tolerance | 15 | |
4080492390 | 16th, 17th, 18th centuries | changes in arts, literature, and political philosophy | 16 | |
4080498744 | Age of Reason | witnessed inventions and innovations in technology that stimulated trade and transportation | 17 | |
4080505830 | new form of painting | classical, public events, nature, portraits | 18 | |
4080508371 | all-weather roads | improved trade and transport | 19 | |
4080511416 | Agricultural Revolution | new farm tools increased productivity | 20 | |
4080517412 | improvements in ship design | lowered cost of transport | 21 | |
4080542133 | Industrial Revolution | originated in England b/c of its natural resources (coal, iron ore) and steam engine | 22 | |
4080547585 | Industrial Revolution spread to... | Europe and the U.S. | 23 | |
4080551951 | Industrial Revolution products | cotton textile, iron, steel | 24 | |
4080560638 | British Enclosure Movement | precursor to Industrial Revolution; private properties for agriculture and manufacturing | 25 | |
4080578880 | Industrial Revolution caused the demise of... | cottage industries | 26 | |
4080586088 | Impacts of Industrial Revolution on Industrial Countries | population and standard of living increase, improved transportation, urbanization, pollution, better education, dissatisfaction of working class with working conditions, middle class | 27 | |
4080593412 | Cause of Industrial Revolution | capitalism and market competition | 28 | |
4080597477 | Socialism and Communism | against capitalism | 29 | |
4080599587 | agricultural economies | based on family unit | 30 | |
4080600960 | child labor | kept costs of production low and profits high | 31 | |
4080602975 | Social effects on Industrial Revolution | women and children cheap labor, reforms to end child labor, expansion of education, women's suffrage demand increased | 32 | |
4080608181 | Cotton Gin | separated seedpods from fiber; increased demand for slave labor | 33 | |
4080612250 | U.S. and Britian | outlawed slave trade then slavery | 34 | |
4080614615 | Labor Unions | strikes for better wages and improved working conditions; lobbied for laws to improve lives of workers; wanted workers' rights and collective bargaining between labor and management | 35 | |
4080622912 | Enclosure Movement | improved agricultural productivity and legal protection of private property | 36 | |
4080626175 | Spinning Jenny | cotton | 37 | |
4080627541 | Water Frame | required source of power | 38 | |
4080627542 | Mule | combined Jenny and Water Frame | 39 | |
4080630087 | Steam Engine | transformed fossil fuels into energy; on boats | 40 | |
4080637430 | Capitalism | economic system based on private ownership and on investment of money in business ventures in order to make a profit | 41 | |
4080642807 | Socialism | economic system in which the factors of production are owned by the people and operate for the welfare of all | 42 | |
4080646512 | communism | economic system in which all means of production are owned by the people, private property does not exist, and all goods and services are shared equally | 43 | |
4080655315 | Communist Manifesto | Karl Marx; political pamphlet | 44 | |
4080668648 | zaibatsu | conglomerates of mills and factories that were sold to private investors | 45 | |
4080670487 | Sino-Japanese War | defeat of China over Korea | 46 | |
4080684030 | mercantilism | economic system centered around the belief that a government can make a nation more prosperous by regulating trade and using tariffs and other protective measures to achieve a balance of exports over imports | 47 | |
4080686540 | conservatism | opposed revolutionary goals; advocated restoration of monarchy and defense of church | 48 | |
4080686541 | liberalism | stressed limited state interference in individual life, representation of propertied people in government; urged importance of constitutional rule of parliaments | 49 | |
4080686542 | radicalism | advocated broader voting rights than liberals; in some cases advocated outright democracy; urged reforms in favor of the lower classes | 50 | |
4080709528 | Colonial Govt's in Latin America | mirrored home govt's | 51 | |
4080712911 | Catholicism | influenced development of Latin American colonies | 52 | |
4080718239 | major element of colonial economy in Latin America | mining of precious metals for export | 53 | |
4080721489 | outposts of colonial authority in Latin America | Havana, Mexico City, Lima, Sao Paulo, Bueno Aires | 54 | |
4080727892 | Rigid class structure of Latin America | Viceroys, Creoles, Mestizos | 55 | |
4080729479 | Viceroys | conquistadors given gov't authority by the crown | 56 | |
4080735356 | Haiti | slaves rebelled, abolished slavery, won independence | 57 | |
4080738718 | Latin America Independent Countries | Mexico, Haiti, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil | 58 | |
4080740762 | Monroe Doctrine | issued by James Monroe in 1823; alerted European powers that American continents should not be considered for any future colonization, or else would be regarded as a threat | 59 | |
4080757498 | French Society | divided into three Estates; 1st is clergy, 2nd is nobility, 3rd is bourgeoisie (middle class), city poor, country peasants | 60 | |
4080767776 | Tennis Court Oath | national assembly formed | 61 | |
4080773571 | Napoleonic Code | based on Enlightenment ideas; uniform set of law, equality of all citizens, placed state above the individual; limited freedom of speech and press | 62 | |
4080783160 | Greek Revolution | Greek independence in 1830 | 63 | |
4080784941 | Revolutions of France 1848 | mostly failed to bring permanent reform | 64 | |
4080901451 | Causes of French Revolution | influences of enlightenment ideas and american revolution | 65 | |
4080913250 | Events of French Revolution | Storming of the Bastille and Reign of Terror | 66 | |
4080916442 | Outcomes of French Revolution | secular society, nationalism, democratic ideas | 67 | |
4080923841 | Congress of Vienna | attempt to restore Europe as it was before the French Revolution and Napolean; "Balance of Power" doctrine; restoration of monarchies, new political map of Europe, liberalism and conservatism | 68 | |
4080934686 | Cause of nationalism | national pride, economic competition, democratic ideals | 69 | |
4080935929 | Italy and Germany | displeased with Congress of Vienna | 70 | |
4080937944 | UK | expanded political rights through legislation and made slavery illegal in Britian | 71 | |
4080940297 | Papal States and Rome | became last to join Italy | 72 | |
4080943612 | Realpolitik | justifies all means to achieve and hole power (ex: Bismark's actions) | 73 | |
4080947992 | Franco-Prussian War | creation of German State | 74 | |
4080961473 | Rise of Imperialism | industrial nations in Europe needed natural resources and markets to expand economies; nations competed to control Africa and Asia to secure personal economic and political success | 75 | |
4080971222 | Imperialism | spread of economic, political, and social philosophies of Europe throughout the world; resistance of colonized people from European domination in trade | 76 | |
4080978692 | Forms of Imperialism | colonies, protectorates, spheres of influence | 77 | |
4080980315 | imperialism in Africa and Asia | Christian missionary efforts, spheres of influence China, Suez Canal, East India Company's domination of Indian state, America's opening of Japan to trade | 78 | |
4080989359 | Response to colonized peoples to Imperialism | armed conflict ( ex: Boxer Rebellion in China), rise of nationalism (first Indian nationalist party in 1800s) | 79 | |
4080993496 | colonies/colonial imperialism | country or region governed internally by a foreign power | 80 | |
4080997020 | protectorate/political imperialism | country or territory with its own internal gov't under control of an outside power | 81 | |
4080998829 | spheres of influence/economic imperialism | area in which outside power claims exclusive investment or trading privileges | 82 | |
4081016646 | Suez Canal | Red Sea to Mediterranean Sea | 83 | |
4081018530 | Panama Canal | Atlantic to Pacific Ocean | 84 | |
4081021359 | Northern Africa on Imperialism | Muhammad Ali (Egypt), British and French influence | 85 | |
4081023728 | Cape Colony | South Africa, Dutch | 86 | |
4081026752 | Great Trek | movement of Dutch-speaking colonists into South Africa | 87 | |
4081028641 | Zulu | Bantu ethnic group | 88 | |
4081030762 | Cecil Rhodes | prime minister of Cape Colony | 89 | |
4081032228 | Boer War | Boers vs. British; fought over gold | 90 | |
4081036710 | Explorers and Missionaries of Imperialism | David Livingstone and Henry Stanley | 91 | |
4081042744 | Scramble for Africa | 1875-1900; Berlin Conference (1884) where Europe decided Africa would be divided up, excluding Ethiopia and Liberia, and Africa wasn't invited | 92 | |
4081050108 | Charles Darwin | Social Darwinism; scientific racism shown in "The Origins of Species" | 93 | |
4081053815 | Nawabs | Muslim princes of former Mogul Empire in India | 94 | |
4081055816 | Company men | staffed European outposts in India | 95 | |
4081057692 | Sepoys | Indian troops to assist in protection of European outposts | 96 | |
4081059736 | British Raj | rule of British in India | 97 | |
4081062824 | Result of Sepoy Rebellion | direct imperial rule by British | 98 | |
4081064168 | Treaty of Nanking | marked end of Opium War | 99 | |
4081065636 | Taiping Rebellion | Chinese civil war; Christians vs. Qing | 100 | |
4081068610 | Australia and New Zealand | tropical dependencies, then became settler colonies | 101 | |
4081080883 | American Revolution Causes | -British debt/imposition of taxes/tariffs on colonies -challenges to local autonomy -ideas of enlightenement such as popular sovereignty, consent of the governed, and natural rights | 102 | |
4081080884 | American Revolution Short Term Outcomes | -independence from britian -political authority still in hands of existing elites who led the revolution -property requirements for voting lowered, more white men of modest means elected to state legislatures | 103 | |
4081095697 | American Revolution Long Term Outcomes | -U.S. most democratic country -influence other revolutions/govt's such as Haitians -U.S. became world power economically and politically | 104 | |
4081102940 | American Revolution and French Revolution Similarities | Enlightenment ideas provided impetus | 105 | |
4081112435 | American Revolution struggle for independence similar to... | Haitian and Latin American Rebellions | 106 | |
4081114801 | American Revolution and French Revolution Differences | -American Revolution was a decolonizing struggle -French Revolution caused in large part by class differences within its society -French Revolution placed women's rights on the table but did not advance them -French Revolution much more violent -ideas of French Revolution spread through conquest | 107 | |
4081132612 | French Revolution Causes | -Inspired by American Revolution and Enlightenment ideas -economic instability led to attempt by monarchy to collect new taxes -class differences -creation of National Assembly by Third Estate | 108 | |
4081142099 | French Revolution Short Term Outcomes | -overthrow and execution of monarchy -establishment of a republic -abolishment of catholic church as state religion -more land available to peasants -universal suffrage -temporary abolition of slavery -Radicalization and Terror -Rise of Napolean | 109 | |
4081154363 | French Revolution Long Term Outcomes | -Napolean reversed relationship with Church and suppressed the revolution's more democratic elements in a military dictatorship through kept emphasis on social equality for men -end of Napolean led to temporary return of monarchy | 110 | |
4081170884 | Similarities in All Revolutions | women did not gain much | 111 | |
4081175757 | Haitian Revolution Causes | -richest colony in world due to sugar -divided society; rich white landowners, other whites, and slaves so ideas of French Revolution led to greater economic autonomy for the colony, more equitable political participation, and/or the end of the entire slave labor system | 112 | |
4081192705 | Haitian Revolution Short Term Outcomes | Slave uprising of 1791 led to over a decade of violent internal conflict and attacks from abroad, but eventually to first successful slave uprising in the world, and second independent state in the Americas | 113 | |
4081200718 | Haitian Revolution Long Term Outcomes | -destruction of plantation system -enduring poverty due to French debt and American boycotts -inspired slave rebellions elsewhere in order to account for loss of sugar -resulted in more conservative independence gov't in rest of Latin America | 114 | |
4081218090 | Haitian Revolution Similarities | -American: overthrew a colonial ruler -French: class division | 115 | |
4081222781 | Haitian Revolution Differences | complete political and social overhaul since economic, social, and political structures were completely remade | 116 | |
4081229733 | Spanish American Revolutions Causes | -preceding events in Haiti, U.S., and France -new taxes placed upon residents of New Spain -familiar with Enlightenment ideas, but did not encourage widespread revolt -events in europe -creoles tried to control the outcome of the revolution by promising much to the underclasses to prevent the violence seen in France and Haiti -military struggles led to Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin | 117 | |
4081252063 | Spanish American Revolutions Short Term Outcomes | independent South American nations led by white minorites | 118 | |
4081255124 | Spanish American Revolutions Long Term Outcomes | Latin America reversed its revered status by the 19th century to become increasingly impoverished, underdeveloped, and undemocratic | 119 | |
4081263396 | Spanish American Revolutions Similarities | -American: Spanish elites resented the new taxes imposed by the Spanish crown -French and American: societal distinctions were maintained after the revolution | 120 | |
4081273310 | Spanish American Revolutions Differences | -less influenced by Enlightenment ideas -occurred almost 50 years later -inability of uniting Latin American colonies into one united republic post independence | 121 | |
4081294884 | James Hargreaves | Spinning jenny | 122 | |
4081294885 | James Watt | Steam engine | 123 | |
4081294886 | Eli Whitney | Cotton gin | 124 | |
4081294887 | Henry Bessemer | Process for making steel | 125 | |
4081294888 | Edward Jenner | Development of smallpox vaccination | 126 | |
4081294889 | Louis Pasteur | Discovery of bacteria | 127 | |
4081294890 | Adam Smith | Wrote the Wealth of Nations; capitalist | 128 | |
4081294891 | Karl Marx | Wrote The Communist Manifesto & Das Kapital; wrote it in response to the injustices of capitalism; socialism/communism | 129 | |
4081294892 | Nicholaus Copernicus | Developed heliocentric theory | 130 | |
4081294893 | Johannes Kepler | Discovered planetary motion | 131 | |
4081294894 | Galileo Galilei | Used telescope to support heliocentric theory | 132 | |
4081294895 | Isaac Newton | Formulated law of gravity | 133 | |
4081294896 | William Harvey | Discovered circulation of the blood | 134 | |
4081294897 | Johann Sebastian Bach | Baroque composer | 135 | |
4081294898 | Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | Classical composer | 136 | |
4081294899 | Eugene Delacroix | Influential French painter | 137 | |
4081294900 | Miguel de Cervantes | Novelist; wrote Don Quixote | 138 | |
4081294901 | Voltaire | Philosopher; separation of church and state; religious toleration should triumph over religious fanaticism | 139 | |
4081294902 | John Locke | Wrote Two Treatises on Government; people are sovereign and consent to government for protection; natural rights: life, liberty, property, etc. | 140 | |
4081294903 | Montesquieu | Wrote The Spirit of Laws; separation of power (branches of government) | 141 | |
4081294904 | Thomas Hobbes | Wrote Leviathan; humans exist in a primitive "state of nature" and consent to government for self-protection | 142 | |
4081294905 | Jean-Jacques Rousseau | Wrote The Social Contract; government is a contract between rulers and the people | 143 | |
4081294906 | Thomas Jefferson | Wrote Declaration of Independence; incorporated enlightenment ideas | 144 | |
4081294907 | Toussaint L'Overture | Former slave who led Haitian rebellion against French; defeated armies of Spain, France, and Britain | 145 | |
4081294908 | Simon Bolivar | Wealthy creole military officer; led revolutionary efforts; liberated northern areas of Latin America; victories in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador (Gran Colombia); Jamaica Letter | 146 | |
4081294909 | Father Miguel Hidalgo | Priest who started Mexican independence movement | 147 | |
4081294910 | Count Cavour | Unified northern Italy | 148 | |
4081294911 | Giuseppe Garibaldi | Joined southern Italy to northern Italy (unification of southern Italy) | 149 | |
4081294912 | Otto von Bismarck | Prime minister of Prussia; unification of Germany | 150 | |
4081294913 | Peter the Great | Westernization of Russia | 151 | |
4081294914 | Oliver Cromwell | Leader of England's Parliament's military forces; "Lord | 152 | |
4081294915 | Protector" | 153 | ||
4081294916 | William & Mary | Had power during the Glorious Revolution | 154 | |
4081294917 | Charles I | Opposed the Puritans; believed in Divine Right of Kings; petition of Right; executed in 1649 | 155 | |
4081294918 | Charles II | Constitutional monarchy; restoration; Habeas Corpus | 156 | |
4081294919 | Louis XIV | Absolute monarch of France; Palace of Versailles as a symbol of royal power | 157 | |
4081294920 | Louis XVI | Called Estates General: consultative body, represented the three estates; Support of American Revolution: war debts | 158 | |
4081294921 | Napoleon | Ruler during French Revolution; unsuccessful attempt to unify Europe under French domination; codified laws; awakening of feelings of national pride and growth of nationalism | 159 |
AP World History Period 5 Flashcards
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