5116893387 | moon-shaped strip of land from the mediterranean sea to the Persian Gulf that is excellent farm land | Fertile Crescent | 0 | |
5116915218 | located within the Fertile Crescent, between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers | Mesopotamia | 1 | |
5116925354 | how many city states were formed in Sumer? | 12 | 2 | |
5116926207 | the city and the land surrounding it | city states | 3 | |
5116927721 | stepped pyramids with a temple at the top | ziggurats | 4 | |
5116932106 | kings served as both government leaders an high priests | theocracies | 5 | |
5116935038 | Sumerian system of writing | Cuneiform | 6 | |
5116936557 | oldest story in the world | epic of Gilgamesh | 7 | |
5116941581 | belief in more than one god; each city state had it own god; negative outlook of afterlife | polytheism | 8 | |
5116946435 | which first Mesopotamian Empire was ruled under Sargon I | The Akkadians | 9 | |
5116953802 | which first Mesopotamian empire was ruled by Hammurabi and had a strict code of laws | Babylon | 10 | |
5116963022 | worlds longest river | Nile | 11 | |
5116965819 | this is when farmers began to settle down in the valley | 500 BCE | 12 | |
5116972679 | why did early Egyptian farming villages prosper? | because they were protected from foreign invasions by deserts and cataracts in the nile | 13 | |
5116974339 | ruling by a king | monarchies | 14 | |
5116977120 | where was lower Egypt? | north | 15 | |
5116977679 | where was upper Egypt? | south | 16 | |
5116980068 | what were the 3 Egyptian dynasties? | old, middle, new | 17 | |
5116981856 | same person is the political and religious leader | Theocracy | 18 | |
5116983495 | groups of government officials | bureaucracy | 19 | |
5116987951 | what were the pyramids used for in Egypt? | to bury the kings | 20 | |
5116992246 | where was the capital of the old Egyptian dynasty? | memphis | 21 | |
5116994008 | where was the capital of the middle Egyptian dynasty? | Thebes | 22 | |
5116996882 | who were the first real threat to the Egyptians? | the Hyksos | 23 | |
5116998282 | what gave the Hyksos a leg up? | they used bronze | 24 | |
5117002485 | which Egyptian prince raised an army and drove the Hyksos out? | Ahmose | 25 | |
5117011324 | who was the first Egyptian queen? | Queen Hatshepsut | 26 | |
5117014168 | many territories under one ruler? | empire | 27 | |
5117016402 | who create a religion with just 1 god? | Akhenaton | 28 | |
5117026236 | what class were he kings, nobles, and priests? | upper class | 29 | |
5117027577 | what class were the artisans, scribes, and merchants? | middle class | 30 | |
5117028733 | what class were the farmers and the poor? | lower class | 31 | |
5117040174 | picture symbols used for writing | hieroglyphics | 32 | |
5117049012 | what mountains separate "the subcontinent" from the rest of Asia? | Himalayas and Hindu Kush | 33 | |
5117052485 | seasonal winds that affect the climate and way of life | monsoons | 34 | |
5117055111 | what were the major Indus river Valley civilizations? | Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro | 35 | |
5117060077 | true or false: indus valley civilizations were made of breaks, had at least one bathroom, and was several stories | true | 36 | |
5117067545 | why is there not much known about the Indus Valley civilizations? | they can not decipher the pictographs | 37 | |
5117080001 | what was the first Chinese dynasty? | Shang Dynasty | 38 | |
5117083086 | what was the Shang Dynasty known for? | production of bronze objects | 39 | |
5117086203 | said that if rulers were effective, they received the authority to rule from heaven | Mandate of Heaven | 40 | |
5117103023 | which two neighboring people were greatly influenced by the Egyptians and Mesopotamians | the Aramaeans and the Phoenicians | 41 | |
5117107765 | settled in central Assyria around 1200 BCE; the capital was Damascus | the Aramaeans | 42 | |
5117112865 | what was the language of the Aramaeans? | Aramaic | 43 | |
5117116128 | land between ancient Egypt and Syria | Canaan | 44 | |
5117119187 | who created the alphabet? | the Phoenicians | 45 | |
5117120905 | settlement of emigrants formed by the Phoenicians | colonies | 46 | |
5117123803 | who was the first group to develop a monetary system with set prices and used coins | the Lydians | 47 | |
5117125189 | means middle | meso | 48 | |
5117127002 | one of the earliest Mesoamerican civilizations | Olmec civilization | 49 | |
5117129506 | known for gigantic stone heads carved from basalt | olmecs | 50 | |
5117132395 | farmers cut down trees to clear land and burned whatever was left | slash and burn farming | 51 | |
5117138877 | a ritual ball game where rubber balls were batted back and forth across a walled court | Pok-a-tok | 52 | |
5117154319 | this group conquered Asia Minor; had a very powerful military; set up city-states on plateau called Anatolia | the Hittites | 53 | |
5117163882 | this group lived in northern Mesopotamia and had the most lethal army in the middle east because they fought with iron weapons | the Assyrians | 54 | |
5117169285 | true or false: the Assyrians treated their conquered people very nicely | false | 55 | |
5117171122 | which civilization created the Hanging Gardens of Babylon | the Chaldeans | 56 | |
5117174968 | the king of the Persia who added many new territories to the empire | Cyrus | 57 | |
5117178756 | who was the best organizer among the Persians? | Darius | 58 | |
5117181492 | most magnificent city of the Persian empire | Persepolis | 59 | |
5117185103 | which Persian king tried conquer Greece to expand the empire | Xerxes | 60 | |
5117189179 | where did the Minoans live | off the island of Crete | 61 | |
5117191079 | Crete was ruled by King Minos and he had a large maze called what? | the Labyrinth | 62 | |
5117194463 | which group migrated from central Asia to the Balkan Peninsula | the Mycenaeans | 63 | |
5117198530 | singing storytellers that kept the Mycenaean traditions alive during the dark ages | bards | 64 | |
5117200580 | city state | polis | 65 | |
5117202323 | those who took part in government, could vote and hold public office | citizens | 66 | |
5117206595 | rows of foot soldiers close together with shields to form a wall | Phalanx | 67 | |
5117208863 | one man seized power and ruled the polis | tyrant | 68 | |
5117210236 | a few wealthy people hold power | oligarchy | 69 | |
5117211217 | government by the people | democracy | 70 | |
5117222892 | this Greek city-state was founded by the descendants of Dorian invaders; located on the Peloponnesus Peninsula | sparta | 71 | |
5117223938 | what were spartan slaves called | helots | 72 | |
5117225699 | at what age did men enter and then leave the military | 7;60 | 73 | |
5117229870 | in which city state, Athens or Sparta were women treated as equals | sparta | 74 | |
5117231497 | how many kings ruled Sparta | 2 | 75 | |
5117235215 | this Greek city-state was founded by descendants of Mycenaeans | Athens | 76 | |
5117237541 | said that all free, Athenian-born men were citizens, whether they owned land or not | constitution | 77 | |
5117240191 | this Athenian ruler issued an improved code of laws with very harsh penalties | Draco | 78 | |
5117241962 | this athenian ruler cancelled all land debt and freed debtors from slavery | solon | 79 | |
5117242925 | this Athenian ruler divided large estates among landless farmers | Peisistratus | 80 | |
5117248890 | art of public speaking | rhetoric | 81 | |
5117254365 | during this battle Darius sent a Persian fleet across the Aegean Sea to the city of Marathon | Battle of Marathon | 82 | |
5117257004 | during this war Persians took over the Greek city states in Ionia | The Persian Wars | 83 | |
5117264934 | places of warship | sanctuaries | 84 | |
5117266209 | the artistic showing of distant as they appear to the eye | perspective | 85 | |
5117268451 | who were the first to write and perform plays | greeks | 86 | |
5117269553 | greek tragedy writer who wrote 90 plays | Aeschylus | 87 | |
5117277425 | he was a sculptor by trade, but spent most of his time teaching; believed in absolute truth and was interested in the process by which people learn to think for themselves | socrates | 88 | |
5117280134 | born an aristocrat; late became a teacher and opened an academy; was a student of Socrates | Plato | 89 | |
5117287273 | believed in knowledge gained through the senses; was a student of Plato | Aristotle | 90 | |
5117289035 | father of history | Herodotus | 91 | |
5117291465 | wrote about he Peloponnesian war | Thucydides | 92 | |
5117292387 | studies astronomy and mathematics | Thales | 93 | |
5117293607 | tried to explain all of life in mathematical terms | Pythagoras | 94 | |
5117294448 | father of medicine | hippocrates | 95 | |
5117295312 | what fraction of the population were slaves? | 1/3 | 96 | |
5117304883 | who fought in the Peloponnesian war? | Athens and Sparta | 97 | |
5117307766 | these people descended from the dorians and lived just north of Greece | Macedonians | 98 | |
5117311833 | which Macedonian ruler had the goal of uniting Europe and Asia under 1 empire and combining the best of greek and Persian culture? | Alexander the Great | 99 | |
5117314269 | greek ways of life mixed with Persian culture of Middle East to form a new culture | Hellenistic | 100 | |
5117318816 | these people developed a new civilization in modern day india; located in the Ganges Plain and the Indus River Valley | Aryans | 101 | |
5117320170 | chief | rajah | 102 | |
5117321676 | who leaded the Mauryan empire? | Chandragupta Maurya | 103 | |
5117339511 | this was Chandragupta's grandson who became a devout buddhist | Ashoka | 104 | |
5117342880 | these laws were carved on rocks throughout the Mauryan empire | the Rock Edicts | 105 | |
5117344616 | this empire developed 500 years after the Mauryan Empire and was started by Chandragupta I; also considered a golden age | Gupta empire | 106 | |
5117347150 | what was the official religion of the Gupta Empire | hinduism | 107 | |
5117361934 | this dynasty ruled for more than 800 years and conquered the Shang Dynasty | Zhou dynasty | 108 | |
5117365326 | groups of warriors on horseback | cavaliers | 109 | |
5117366453 | what new weapon was created during the Zhou dynasty | the crossbow | 110 | |
5117367705 | who was the first emperor of a united china? | Shihuangdi | 111 | |
5117371500 | throughout which empire did Shihuangdi rule? | Qin dynasty | 112 | |
5117372704 | this was built in northern china to prevent attacks from the north | the Great Wall of China | 113 | |
5117373750 | scholars that opposed confucian ideas | legalists | 114 | |
5117375194 | the philosophy that rejected confucian ideas of learning by example and emphasized strict laws and harsh punishments | legalism | 115 | |
5117378707 | this Chinese dynasty ruled using confucian doctrines and it flourished | Han dynasty | 116 | |
5117380647 | major Chinese trade route | silk road | 117 | |
5117381981 | Chinese peace; 400 year period of prosperity and stability | Pax Sinica | 118 | |
5117384773 | this system allowed anyone with ability to attain public office | civil service system | 119 | |
5117391836 | long poems celebrating their heroes | epics | 120 | |
5117391837 | name the three important Hindu gods | Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva | 121 | |
5117394789 | what were priests called | brahmins | 122 | |
5117395213 | Hindu holy books | Vedas | 123 | |
5117396126 | Hide religious writings compiled by anonymous thinkers | Upanishads | 124 | |
5117397161 | what is a Hindu's goal in life? | to be united with Brahman | 125 | |
5117398077 | reincarnation/rebirth of the soul | samsara | 126 | |
5117398527 | spiritual liberation | moksha | 127 | |
5117399543 | how a person lives in this life determines what form the person will take in the next life | Karma | 128 | |
5117400111 | who founded Buddhism | Siddhartha Gautama | 129 | |
5117400880 | the enlightened one | buddha | 130 | |
5117401864 | buddhist state of enlightenment | nirvana | 131 | |
5117404932 | these buddhists believe the buddha is a wise teacher and model but he isn't a god | Theravada Buddhism | 132 | |
5117406200 | these buddhists believe that Buddha is a god | Mahayana Buddhism | 133 | |
5117412345 | in taoism this part of the Yin Yang represented superior principle, masculinity, and related to rulers | Yang | 134 | |
5117414029 | in Taoism this part of the Yin Yang represent inferior principle and feminism | Yin | 135 | |
5117417746 | which group of people in china were seen as the lowest | merchants | 136 | |
5117419216 | ranked classed in the indian caste system | varnas | 137 | |
5117422878 | the faithful and selfless performance of one's present caste duties | Dharma | 138 | |
5117423558 | determined which caste you would enter at birth | Karma | 139 | |
5117425662 | emerged in the persian empire around the 6th or 7th century BCE | Zoroastrianism | 140 | |
5117426669 | belief in only one god | monotheism | 141 | |
5117426672 | holy messengers | prophets | 142 | |
5117430377 | who led the Israelites out of egypt in a mass exodus | moses | 143 | |
5117431650 | who were the Israelites enslaved to? | Babylonians | 144 | |
5117432727 | made up the first 5 books of the Bible | Torah | 145 | |
5117436424 | deliverer chose by god | messiah | 146 | |
5117437423 | special schools to train rabbis | yeshivas | 147 | |
5117437969 | important book of Jewish Law | Talmud | 148 | |
5117438497 | followers | disciples | 149 | |
5117440232 | this man helped spread christianity especially to non-jews | paul | 150 | |
5117442401 | christian missionaries that spread Christianity in Roman world | Apostles | 151 | |
5117442963 | leader of the apostles | Peter | 152 | |
5117443677 | people who died for their beliefs | martyrs | 153 | |
5117444958 | roman emperor who believed the christian God had helped him win a battle | Constantine | 154 | |
5117447646 | he made christianity the official religion of the roman empire | Theodosius | 155 | |
5117448545 | leader of the diocese | Bishop | 156 | |
5117449501 | bishops of the 5 leading cities | Patriarchs | 157 | |
5117450818 | head of the Roman Catholic Church | pope | 158 | |
5119493310 | stretches from central Mexico to northern central America | Mesoamerica | 159 | |
5119494349 | where did the mayans settle? | Yucatan Peninsula | 160 | |
5119500845 | true or false: the Mayans took part in human sacrifice and bloodletting rituals | true | 161 | |
5119503507 | these people in Mayan civilizations were excellent mathematicians and astronomers | Mayan Priests | 162 | |
5119510990 | In the Mayan Civilization what was based on agriculture and trade? | economy | 163 | |
5119521516 | this city was northwest of present day Mexico city | Teotihuacan | 164 | |
5119554897 | this part of Eurasia is relatively warm and well-watered | outer Eurasia | 165 | |
5119556416 | this part of Eurasia has a harsher, drier climate | inner Eurasia | 166 | |
5119558459 | who had a monopoly on silk? | china | 167 | |
5119560402 | what was a major result of trade along the silk road? | spread of buddhism | 168 | |
5119570847 | which type of buddhism spread, Mahayana or Theravada? | Mahayana | 169 | |
5119577628 | who spread the black death into Europe? | mongols | 170 | |
5119590683 | which countries participated in the Mediterranean Sea Trade | Phoenicians, greeks, and Romans | 171 | |
5119610782 | which countries participated in the Red sea trade? | Egyptians, Phoenicians, and Greeks | 172 | |
5119615166 | this was a major port and city of commerce | Alexandria | 173 | |
5119635783 | this became a major center of Buddhist learning and culture | Srivijaya | 174 | |
5119644023 | the largest Buddhist monument anywhere in the world is located here | Borobudur | 175 | |
5119660691 | this trade began asa result of environmental variation | Trans-Saharan Trade | 176 | |
5119669914 | what made the Trans-saharan Trade possible? | camel | 177 | |
5119700537 | after the fall of what dynasty did people begin to question confucianism? | Han dynasty | 178 | |
5119722538 | true or false: The Chinese Dynasty immediately accepted Buddhism | false | 179 | |
5119734789 | where did Islam begin? | Arabian Peninsula | 180 | |
5119742116 | these people herded sheep and camels, lived in independent tribes, engaged in violent wars | Bedouins | 181 | |
5119744772 | most important religious shrine in Arabia | Kaaba | 182 | |
5119746418 | who was the ruling tribe of Mecca | the Quraysh | 183 | |
5119749718 | who was the founder of islam? | Muhammad | 184 | |
5119752212 | who did Muhammad claim to be? | the seal of the prophets | 185 | |
5119755517 | the sacred scripture of Islam | Quran | 186 | |
5119760936 | what was the primary obligation of all islamic believers? | submission to Allah | 187 | |
5119765193 | the community of all islamic believers | Umma | 188 | |
5119769309 | what are the 5 pillars of islam? | faith, prayer, almsgiving, Fasting, and the Hajj | 189 | |
5119777116 | struggle | jihad | 190 | |
5119788240 | what is Islamic law? | Sharia law | 191 | |
5119796476 | who were considered people of the book? | christians, Jews and Zoroastrians | 192 | |
5119800568 | Arabic word for protected subjects | Dhimmis | 193 | |
5119803673 | tax on non-muslims | Jizya | 194 | |
5119808362 | the political and religious leader of the islamic community | caliph | 195 | |
5119809503 | what are the two divisions of islam? | Sunni and Shia | 196 | |
5119813215 | this branch of islam believed the caliph is the rightful political leader and that he should be chosen by the islamic community | Sunnis | 197 | |
5119824602 | this branch of islam believed that the leader of the islamic community should be a blood descendent of Muhammad | Shi'ites | 198 | |
5119826744 | religious scholars | Ulama | 199 | |
5119830313 | the only ones that can correctly interpret divine revelations and islamic law | Imams | 200 | |
5119837802 | what were the two major ruling dynasties during the time of Islam? | Umayyad and Abbasid | 201 | |
5119848056 | under this dynasty there was a vast expansion, caliphs became hereditary rulers, and the capital became Damascus | Umayyad Dynasty | 202 | |
5119873436 | this dynasty built up a new capital in Baghdad, non arabs played a prominent role, and political unity did not last long | Abbasid Dynasty | 203 | |
5119890736 | muslims who believed that the wealth and success of islamic civilizations was a deviation from the purer spirituality of muhammad's time | Sufis | 204 | |
5119898275 | true or false: spiritually women and men are unequal but socially they are equal? | false; it was the opposite | 205 | |
5119907715 | women killed by male relative if they violated a sexual taboo | honor killing | 206 | |
5119908790 | female genital cutting | clitorectomy | 207 | |
5119912202 | traditions about the saying or actions of Muhammad | the Hadiths | 208 | |
5119926557 | allowed cities to have their own courts, laws, and appointing their own local officials | charters | 209 | |
5119930344 | first european estate | the clergy | 210 | |
5119931667 | second european estate | the landowning nobility | 211 | |
5119932542 | third european estate | everybody else | 212 | |
5119940719 | type of learning that balances reason with religious teachings | scholasticism | 213 | |
5119949068 | what year was the end of the Western Roman empire | 476 | 214 | |
5119953428 | what was the capital of the Byzantine empire? | Constantinople | 215 | |
5119957538 | what was the religion of the Byzantine Empire | eastern orthodox Christianity | 216 | |
5119968503 | church as state were connected? | Caesaropapism | 217 | |
5119975454 | what was the Byzantine Empire's biggest weapon? | greek fire | 218 | |
5119985120 | he wanted to bring a new faith to Russia that would unify the many diverse peoples of the religion | Prince Vladimir | 219 | |
5120009521 | this new religion blended Islam and Hinduism | Sikhism | 220 | |
5120015361 | formal colleges | madrassas | 221 | |
5120017332 | marketplace | bazaars | 222 | |
5120021137 | this was a research center in Baghdad that was open to all scholars regardless of faith | house of wisdom | 223 |
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