2907496510 | aqueduct | a conduit, either elevated or underground, using gravity to carry water from a source to a location- usually a city- that needed it. built by the romans in a period of substancial urbanization | 0 | |
2907507327 | Roman Principate | characterizes Roman government in the first three centuries CE | 1 | |
2907514488 | princeps | what word is the Roman Principate`s name based off of (means `first citizen` or `first of equals`) | 2 | |
2907515865 | first of equals | what title (translated to english) did Augustus-Octavian use to conceal his military dictatorship | 3 | |
2907527179 | pax romana | Roman peace | 4 | |
2907528216 | pax romana | allowed for trade of goods along Roman roads as well as spread of Roman culture, technologies, and religious ideas | 5 | |
2907545847 | Roman Senate | a council whose families were heads of landowning families. | 6 | |
2907552300 | served as an advisory board to kings | what was the purpose of the Roman Senate prior to the era of the Roman Republic | 7 | |
2907558436 | governed the Roman state and empire | what was the purposed of the Roman Senate during the era of the Roman Republic` | 8 | |
2907573748 | Roman Senate | under what leadership did Rome conquer an empire which expanded across the Mediterranean area | 9 | |
2907598438 | civil wars due to social and economic negligence | what lead to the fall of the Roman Senate | 10 | |
2907599780 | emperors | what kind of leaders ruled Rome after the fall of the Roman Senate | 11 | |
2907606637 | a Roman emperor | who was Constantine | 12 | |
2907608202 | Christianity | which religion did Constantine favor | 13 | |
2907611143 | Constantinople | to where did Constantine move the Roman capitol | 14 | |
2907616828 | equites | a group of prosperous Italian landowners who were second in wealth and status to senatorial aristocracy | 15 | |
2907622930 | Romanizaton | spread of Latin language and Roman culture | 16 | |
2907628413 | western provinces of the roman empire | what area of Rome did Romanization affect | 17 | |
2907634207 | political and economic advantages and allure of Roman success | since Romanization was not forced by Roman governing bodies who overtook areas, what caused native people to take it up | 18 | |
2908104648 | unified the empire | what advantage was found in the location of Rome | 19 | |
2908107531 | Italy | what country served as a crossroads for the Mediterranean Sea area | 20 | |
2908110557 | mild climate | what kind of of climate was native to Rome | 21 | |
2908114957 | timber, iron, metal | main three Roman resources | 22 | |
2908118470 | volcanic | what kind of soil found in Italy made for excellent crop growth | 23 | |
2908121093 | Romulus | who was the legendary founder of Rome | 24 | |
2908122245 | wolves | who raised Romulus | 25 | |
2908123776 | Palantine Hill | where was the earliest known Roman settlement | 26 | |
2908129262 | Latin | main Roman language | 27 | |
2908131283 | land ownership | what was the basis for social status, wealth, and fundamental values | 28 | |
2908143046 | agriculture | essential economic activity | 29 | |
2908145133 | Senate | also known as the `Council of Elders` | 30 | |
2908147126 | Romulus | first of the seven Roman kings | 31 | |
2908149565 | Tarquinius | last of the seven Roman kings- tyrant | 32 | |
2908153469 | The Liberator | nickname for Brutus | 33 | |
2908154526 | Brutus | who deposed Tarquinius and established the republic | 34 | |
2908157080 | res publica | what was the publicly possessed government established by Brutus called | 35 | |
2908161436 | the Assembly | where did public power reside during the Republic | 36 | |
2908163890 | wealthy males | who made up the Republic Assembly | 37 | |
2908188403 | annually | how often were new officials elected in the Roman Republic | 38 | |
2908191522 | consuls | who ruled the Assembly | 39 | |
2908193164 | consuls | who ruled Rebulic-era military campaigns | 40 | |
2908194398 | consuls | who ruled Republic-era Senate | 41 | |
2908199952 | advised highest office | what was the role of the Senate | 42 | |
2908201864 | their entire life | Senate officials term lasted... | 43 | |
2908207442 | making policy, governing | the Senate was responsible for ____ ____ and _____ | 44 | |
2908211893 | weight | during Republic-era Rome, wealthy members of society`s vote had a greater ____ | 45 | |
2908216858 | elites and population majority | inequalities in Republic government representation led to a conflict between what two groups | 46 | |
2908223325 | Conflict of Orders | what was the conflict between Roman elites and the population majority during Republic-era Rome known as | 47 | |
2908226928 | patricians | what was the Roman name for elites | 48 | |
2908229944 | plebeians | what was the Roman name for the lower class\population majority | 49 | |
2908233375 | going on strike | plebeians rebelled against patricians by.... | 50 | |
2908239865 | creation of twelve stone tablets | plebeian rebellion eventually lead to... | 51 | |
2908243442 | tribunes | name for plebeian elected officials | 52 | |
2908245844 | veto | tribunes power was the ability to ____ | 53 | |
2908249427 | expanded elite | plebeian leadership was eventually manipulated which resulted in tribune positions going to an ______ ____ class | 54 | |
2908256364 | family | what was the base unit of Roman society | 55 | |
2908258138 | paterfamilias | who held power in the family | 56 | |
2908259219 | oldest living male | who took the role of paterfamilias in a family | 57 | |
2908262339 | auctoritas | important men in society were known as what | 58 | |
2908265427 | patron-client relationship | what was the name for the system by which elites served lowerclassmen by providing legal help, protection, and money and lowerclassmen provided patrons with military service, labor, and political allegiance | 59 | |
2908278680 | military service, labor, and political allegiance | what did clients provide in a patron-client relationship | 60 | |
2908281971 | legal help, protection, and money | what did patrons provide in a patron-client relationship | 61 | |
2908285850 | aristocrats, middle class, lower class | list the patron`s order from greatest to least | 62 | |
2908287071 | children | in Roman society, women were treated like ______ | 63 | |
2908290104 | less | Roman women were ____ constrained than Greek women | 64 | |
2908293701 | numina | Romans rested their faith in ______ | 65 | |
2908295456 | numina | invisible forces which controlled human life according to Roman belief | 66 | |
2908312397 | vesta | living, pulsating energy of fire, dwelled in the hearth | 67 | |
2908315744 | Janus | guarded door | 68 | |
2908316999 | Penates | watched over cupboard | 69 | |
2908319421 | pax deorum | `peace of the gods`- covenant between gods and Roman state | 70 | |
2908324299 | aristocratic | priests were drawn for the _____ population | 71 | |
2908326714 | perform sacrifices to the gods | a Roman priest`s duty was to.... | 72 | |
2908332607 | 3rd and 2nd centuries BCE | when was the peak of Roman expansion | 73 | |
2908337340 | military glory | consuls only had a year in office, making them rushed to reach _____ ____ | 74 | |
2908340013 | hoplites | Roman armor was similar to that of the ______ | 75 | |
2908343805 | Bay of Naples | richest farmland in all of Italy | 76 | |
2908346751 | citizenship | Romans often extended ____ to conquered peoples | 77 | |
2908351571 | first territory in European heartland | what was the significance of the conquest of the Gual people by Julius Caesar | 78 | |
2908355456 | local power | native officials of conquered populations were granted ___ ____ | 79 | |
2908358560 | Roman Senators | governor positions in conquered cities were given to | 80 | |
2908362006 | tax collection, judiciary and legal decisive power | what were the tasks given to Roman governors | 81 | |
2908367249 | incompetence, money exploitation | what caused the fall of Roman governors rulership style | 82 | |
2908375101 | conquest | how was wealth gathered in the 3rd and 2nd centuries of Roman rule | 83 | |
2908378640 | latifundia | replaced peasant-run farms | 84 | |
2908381117 | prisoners of war | who provided slave labor | 85 | |
2908383889 | investors | who ran latifundia | 86 | |
2908387838 | lack of work | what problem was created for peasants by the slavery of prisoners of war | 87 | |
2908392127 | military service | when peasants could no longer afford to own property, they no longer were allowed to provide _____ ____ | 88 | |
2908400810 | farmland | what did Gaius Marius offer peasants in return for military service | 89 | |
2908406127 | emperors, empires | armies were loyal to their ____, not their _____ | 90 | |
2908411056 | civil wars | loyalty of armies to emperors rather than Rome led to ___ ___ | 91 | |
2908417390 | princeps | first of equals | 92 | |
2908463292 | Julius Caesar | who ended the Republic | 93 | |
2908464987 | the Senate | who gave Octavian the title of Augustus | 94 | |
2908467221 | Octavian | which emperor conquered Egypt, parts of the Middle East, and Central Europe | 95 | |
2908473580 | equites | who was the main ally of Augustus Octavian | 96 | |
2908478867 | governmental bureacracy | what kind of government was formed by Augustus Octavian | 97 | |
2908485801 | governmental bureacracy | a body of non-elective government officials | 98 | |
2908492316 | armies | early emperors were chosen by ____ | 99 | |
2908492327 | sucessor | in later years, emperors chose and trained a _____ | 100 | |
2908495588 | deified | some Roman emperors were ____ after their deaths | 101 | |
2908499134 | persons, things, and actions | what were the three divisions of Roman law | 102 | |
2908505404 | Digest of Justinian | cumulation of process of laws written out in the 6th century | 103 | |
2908535929 | towns and cities | Roman empire was divided into... | 104 | |
2908538280 | sewage and food provision | Roman empire struggle with what types of technology | 105 | |
2908544281 | atrium | rectangular courthouse | 106 | |
2908545436 | slums | what area of a Roman town housed the poor | 107 | |
2908548406 | municipal aristocracy | system in which a town council and annually elected officials ran regional affairs | 108 | |
2908553381 | slaves | cost of ____ greatly increased after the end of the era of conquest | 109 | |
2908556455 | tenant farmers | rented farmland- gave a portion of crops to landlord | 110 | |
2908558801 | cities, rural areas | wealth concentrated in ___, generated in _____ ____ | 111 | |
2908560682 | pax romana | commerce was enhanced with the spread of ___ _____ | 112 | |
2908563735 | grain | main Roman import | 113 | |
2908565757 | central provinces, Rome, frontier provinces | list the circulation of money in chronological order | 114 | |
2908570658 | citizenship | what was the reward for military service or `good semaritanship` | 115 | |
2908572516 | Caracella | which emperor awarded all free men with citizenship in 212 CE | 116 | |
2908576544 | messiah | after Judea was taken into Roman rule, Jews prayed for a _____ to cast them away | 117 | |
2908579458 | Jesus | Jewish carpenter from Galilee | 118 | |
2908582409 | rabbi | Jewish priest, spoke against the money-obsessive actions of Jewish leaders | 119 | |
2908589527 | Apostles | who spread the teachings of Jesus after his death | 120 | |
2908591542 | Paul | who founded Christianity and spread it to non-Jews | 121 | |
2908596886 | women, peasants, and slaves | who were the first Christian converts | 122 | |
2908601730 | democracy | what was the original form of government in Christian societies | 123 | |
2908603182 | priests | who led Christian heirarchy | 124 | |
2908605902 | theological doctrine | debates about ______ ____ led to disputes within Christian communities | 125 | |
2908610216 | refusal to worship the Emperor | Christians were persecuted for their... | 126 | |
2908612342 | arches and concrete | two major Roman inventions | 127 | |
2908614347 | Parthia | who was the main rival of Rome | 128 | |
2908615374 | Mesopotamia, Persia | Parthian civilization was the descendant of _______ and ____ | 129 | |
2908631725 | 3rd Century Crisis | near-collapse of Roman society due to political unrest and military and economic issues | 130 | |
2908732946 | frequent ruler change and disloyal troops | what sparked the civil wars which created the 3rd Century Crisis | 131 | |
2908636167 | protection | during the 3rd century crisis, most of Roman economic resources were spent for _____ | 132 | |
2908640766 | the barter system | what was reestablished after reduction of the amount of metal in coinage caused inflation | 133 | |
2908645606 | inflation | what occurred as a result of reduction of the amount of metal in coins | 134 | |
2908652815 | middle-age | what style of demography became widespread during the third century crisis | 135 | |
2908657729 | Diocletian | emperor who was born as a commoner and rose up through military might | 136 | |
2908660213 | minimum prices | Diocletian ended inflation with his invention of what | 137 | |
2908663758 | the black market | the creation of minimum prices led to what | 138 | |
2908667842 | Edict of Milan | created by Constantine to end Christian persecution | 139 | |
2908669383 | Milvan Bridge | after what battle did Constantine take up Christianity | 140 | |
2908676198 | Corpus Juris Civilus | important code of law from the Byzantine Empire | 141 | |
2908684075 | Byzantine Empire | created after Constantine switched the Roman capitol from Rome to Byzantine (later known as Constantinople) | 142 | |
2908695340 | Germanic invaders | what (who) caused the death of Western Roman Empire | 143 | |
2908698509 | Byzantine | formerly the Eastern Empire of Rome | 144 | |
2909043068 | Roman law | what kind of law was followed by the Byzantine empire | 145 | |
2909046203 | Justinian | Byzantinian emperor, born a peasant, codified Roman law and brought back glory to Eastern Rome (or Byzantine) | 146 | |
2909075059 | Greek Orthodox | What form of Christianity was followed by the Byzantinian empire | 147 | |
2909083524 | the Roman emperor | who appointed the pope | 148 | |
2909085245 | Caesaropaism | Caesar > Pope | 149 | |
2909657777 | Carthage | The Punic Wars were fought between Rome and _____ | 150 | |
2909658910 | three | How many Punic Wars were there | 151 | |
2915241433 | Hannibal crossed the Alps | Major event of the second Punic War | 152 | |
2915251071 | Julius Caesar | first Roman dictator | 153 | |
2915254951 | the Senate | who assassinated Julius Caesar | 154 | |
2915264259 | Pompey, Crassus, and Julius Caesar | who made up the first triumvirate | 155 | |
2915268390 | nephew | Octavian was the ___ of Julius Caesar | 156 | |
2915271701 | Pompey | who did Julius Caesar defeat in order to become the first Roman dictator | 157 | |
2915276637 | Marc Antony, Lepidus, and Octavian | who made up the second triumvirate | 158 | |
2917435038 | Edict of Milan | proclamation that ended Christian persecution | 159 |
AP World History- Rome Flashcards
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