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AP World History- Rome Flashcards

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2907496510aqueducta conduit, either elevated or underground, using gravity to carry water from a source to a location- usually a city- that needed it. built by the romans in a period of substancial urbanization0
2907507327Roman Principatecharacterizes Roman government in the first three centuries CE1
2907514488princepswhat word is the Roman Principate`s name based off of (means `first citizen` or `first of equals`)2
2907515865first of equalswhat title (translated to english) did Augustus-Octavian use to conceal his military dictatorship3
2907527179pax romanaRoman peace4
2907528216pax romanaallowed for trade of goods along Roman roads as well as spread of Roman culture, technologies, and religious ideas5
2907545847Roman Senatea council whose families were heads of landowning families.6
2907552300served as an advisory board to kingswhat was the purpose of the Roman Senate prior to the era of the Roman Republic7
2907558436governed the Roman state and empirewhat was the purposed of the Roman Senate during the era of the Roman Republic`8
2907573748Roman Senateunder what leadership did Rome conquer an empire which expanded across the Mediterranean area9
2907598438civil wars due to social and economic negligencewhat lead to the fall of the Roman Senate10
2907599780emperorswhat kind of leaders ruled Rome after the fall of the Roman Senate11
2907606637a Roman emperorwho was Constantine12
2907608202Christianitywhich religion did Constantine favor13
2907611143Constantinopleto where did Constantine move the Roman capitol14
2907616828equitesa group of prosperous Italian landowners who were second in wealth and status to senatorial aristocracy15
2907622930Romanizatonspread of Latin language and Roman culture16
2907628413western provinces of the roman empirewhat area of Rome did Romanization affect17
2907634207political and economic advantages and allure of Roman successsince Romanization was not forced by Roman governing bodies who overtook areas, what caused native people to take it up18
2908104648unified the empirewhat advantage was found in the location of Rome19
2908107531Italywhat country served as a crossroads for the Mediterranean Sea area20
2908110557mild climatewhat kind of of climate was native to Rome21
2908114957timber, iron, metalmain three Roman resources22
2908118470volcanicwhat kind of soil found in Italy made for excellent crop growth23
2908121093Romuluswho was the legendary founder of Rome24
2908122245wolveswho raised Romulus25
2908123776Palantine Hillwhere was the earliest known Roman settlement26
2908129262Latinmain Roman language27
2908131283land ownershipwhat was the basis for social status, wealth, and fundamental values28
2908143046agricultureessential economic activity29
2908145133Senatealso known as the `Council of Elders`30
2908147126Romulusfirst of the seven Roman kings31
2908149565Tarquiniuslast of the seven Roman kings- tyrant32
2908153469The Liberatornickname for Brutus33
2908154526Brutuswho deposed Tarquinius and established the republic34
2908157080res publicawhat was the publicly possessed government established by Brutus called35
2908161436the Assemblywhere did public power reside during the Republic36
2908163890wealthy maleswho made up the Republic Assembly37
2908188403annuallyhow often were new officials elected in the Roman Republic38
2908191522consulswho ruled the Assembly39
2908193164consulswho ruled Rebulic-era military campaigns40
2908194398consulswho ruled Republic-era Senate41
2908199952advised highest officewhat was the role of the Senate42
2908201864their entire lifeSenate officials term lasted...43
2908207442making policy, governingthe Senate was responsible for ____ ____ and _____44
2908211893weightduring Republic-era Rome, wealthy members of society`s vote had a greater ____45
2908216858elites and population majorityinequalities in Republic government representation led to a conflict between what two groups46
2908223325Conflict of Orderswhat was the conflict between Roman elites and the population majority during Republic-era Rome known as47
2908226928patricianswhat was the Roman name for elites48
2908229944plebeianswhat was the Roman name for the lower class\population majority49
2908233375going on strikeplebeians rebelled against patricians by....50
2908239865creation of twelve stone tabletsplebeian rebellion eventually lead to...51
2908243442tribunesname for plebeian elected officials52
2908245844vetotribunes power was the ability to ____53
2908249427expanded eliteplebeian leadership was eventually manipulated which resulted in tribune positions going to an ______ ____ class54
2908256364familywhat was the base unit of Roman society55
2908258138paterfamiliaswho held power in the family56
2908259219oldest living malewho took the role of paterfamilias in a family57
2908262339auctoritasimportant men in society were known as what58
2908265427patron-client relationshipwhat was the name for the system by which elites served lowerclassmen by providing legal help, protection, and money and lowerclassmen provided patrons with military service, labor, and political allegiance59
2908278680military service, labor, and political allegiancewhat did clients provide in a patron-client relationship60
2908281971legal help, protection, and moneywhat did patrons provide in a patron-client relationship61
2908285850aristocrats, middle class, lower classlist the patron`s order from greatest to least62
2908287071childrenin Roman society, women were treated like ______63
2908290104lessRoman women were ____ constrained than Greek women64
2908293701numinaRomans rested their faith in ______65
2908295456numinainvisible forces which controlled human life according to Roman belief66
2908312397vestaliving, pulsating energy of fire, dwelled in the hearth67
2908315744Janusguarded door68
2908316999Penateswatched over cupboard69
2908319421pax deorum`peace of the gods`- covenant between gods and Roman state70
2908324299aristocraticpriests were drawn for the _____ population71
2908326714perform sacrifices to the godsa Roman priest`s duty was to....72
29083326073rd and 2nd centuries BCEwhen was the peak of Roman expansion73
2908337340military gloryconsuls only had a year in office, making them rushed to reach _____ ____74
2908340013hoplitesRoman armor was similar to that of the ______75
2908343805Bay of Naplesrichest farmland in all of Italy76
2908346751citizenshipRomans often extended ____ to conquered peoples77
2908351571first territory in European heartlandwhat was the significance of the conquest of the Gual people by Julius Caesar78
2908355456local powernative officials of conquered populations were granted ___ ____79
2908358560Roman Senatorsgovernor positions in conquered cities were given to80
2908362006tax collection, judiciary and legal decisive powerwhat were the tasks given to Roman governors81
2908367249incompetence, money exploitationwhat caused the fall of Roman governors rulership style82
2908375101conquesthow was wealth gathered in the 3rd and 2nd centuries of Roman rule83
2908378640latifundiareplaced peasant-run farms84
2908381117prisoners of warwho provided slave labor85
2908383889investorswho ran latifundia86
2908387838lack of workwhat problem was created for peasants by the slavery of prisoners of war87
2908392127military servicewhen peasants could no longer afford to own property, they no longer were allowed to provide _____ ____88
2908400810farmlandwhat did Gaius Marius offer peasants in return for military service89
2908406127emperors, empiresarmies were loyal to their ____, not their _____90
2908411056civil warsloyalty of armies to emperors rather than Rome led to ___ ___91
2908417390princepsfirst of equals92
2908463292Julius Caesarwho ended the Republic93
2908464987the Senatewho gave Octavian the title of Augustus94
2908467221Octavianwhich emperor conquered Egypt, parts of the Middle East, and Central Europe95
2908473580equiteswho was the main ally of Augustus Octavian96
2908478867governmental bureacracywhat kind of government was formed by Augustus Octavian97
2908485801governmental bureacracya body of non-elective government officials98
2908492316armiesearly emperors were chosen by ____99
2908492327sucessorin later years, emperors chose and trained a _____100
2908495588deifiedsome Roman emperors were ____ after their deaths101
2908499134persons, things, and actionswhat were the three divisions of Roman law102
2908505404Digest of Justiniancumulation of process of laws written out in the 6th century103
2908535929towns and citiesRoman empire was divided into...104
2908538280sewage and food provisionRoman empire struggle with what types of technology105
2908544281atriumrectangular courthouse106
2908545436slumswhat area of a Roman town housed the poor107
2908548406municipal aristocracysystem in which a town council and annually elected officials ran regional affairs108
2908553381slavescost of ____ greatly increased after the end of the era of conquest109
2908556455tenant farmersrented farmland- gave a portion of crops to landlord110
2908558801cities, rural areaswealth concentrated in ___, generated in _____ ____111
2908560682pax romanacommerce was enhanced with the spread of ___ _____112
2908563735grainmain Roman import113
2908565757central provinces, Rome, frontier provinceslist the circulation of money in chronological order114
2908570658citizenshipwhat was the reward for military service or `good semaritanship`115
2908572516Caracellawhich emperor awarded all free men with citizenship in 212 CE116
2908576544messiahafter Judea was taken into Roman rule, Jews prayed for a _____ to cast them away117
2908579458JesusJewish carpenter from Galilee118
2908582409rabbiJewish priest, spoke against the money-obsessive actions of Jewish leaders119
2908589527Apostleswho spread the teachings of Jesus after his death120
2908591542Paulwho founded Christianity and spread it to non-Jews121
2908596886women, peasants, and slaveswho were the first Christian converts122
2908601730democracywhat was the original form of government in Christian societies123
2908603182priestswho led Christian heirarchy124
2908605902theological doctrinedebates about ______ ____ led to disputes within Christian communities125
2908610216refusal to worship the EmperorChristians were persecuted for their...126
2908612342arches and concretetwo major Roman inventions127
2908614347Parthiawho was the main rival of Rome128
2908615374Mesopotamia, PersiaParthian civilization was the descendant of _______ and ____129
29086317253rd Century Crisisnear-collapse of Roman society due to political unrest and military and economic issues130
2908732946frequent ruler change and disloyal troopswhat sparked the civil wars which created the 3rd Century Crisis131
2908636167protectionduring the 3rd century crisis, most of Roman economic resources were spent for _____132
2908640766the barter systemwhat was reestablished after reduction of the amount of metal in coinage caused inflation133
2908645606inflationwhat occurred as a result of reduction of the amount of metal in coins134
2908652815middle-agewhat style of demography became widespread during the third century crisis135
2908657729Diocletianemperor who was born as a commoner and rose up through military might136
2908660213minimum pricesDiocletian ended inflation with his invention of what137
2908663758the black marketthe creation of minimum prices led to what138
2908667842Edict of Milancreated by Constantine to end Christian persecution139
2908669383Milvan Bridgeafter what battle did Constantine take up Christianity140
2908676198Corpus Juris Civilusimportant code of law from the Byzantine Empire141
2908684075Byzantine Empirecreated after Constantine switched the Roman capitol from Rome to Byzantine (later known as Constantinople)142
2908695340Germanic invaderswhat (who) caused the death of Western Roman Empire143
2908698509Byzantineformerly the Eastern Empire of Rome144
2909043068Roman lawwhat kind of law was followed by the Byzantine empire145
2909046203JustinianByzantinian emperor, born a peasant, codified Roman law and brought back glory to Eastern Rome (or Byzantine)146
2909075059Greek OrthodoxWhat form of Christianity was followed by the Byzantinian empire147
2909083524the Roman emperorwho appointed the pope148
2909085245CaesaropaismCaesar > Pope149
2909657777CarthageThe Punic Wars were fought between Rome and _____150
2909658910threeHow many Punic Wars were there151
2915241433Hannibal crossed the AlpsMajor event of the second Punic War152
2915251071Julius Caesarfirst Roman dictator153
2915254951the Senatewho assassinated Julius Caesar154
2915264259Pompey, Crassus, and Julius Caesarwho made up the first triumvirate155
2915268390nephewOctavian was the ___ of Julius Caesar156
2915271701Pompeywho did Julius Caesar defeat in order to become the first Roman dictator157
2915276637Marc Antony, Lepidus, and Octavianwho made up the second triumvirate158
2917435038Edict of Milanproclamation that ended Christian persecution159

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