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AP World History Terms Flashcards

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2434084990AfrikanersSouth Africans who were descended from the Dutch who settled in South Africa in the 17th century0
2434084991age gradeage group into which children were placed in Bantu societies of early sub-Saharan Africa1
2434084992Alliance for Progressprogram of economic aid for Latin America in exchange for a pledge to establish democratic institutions (part of President Kennedy's international program)2
2434084993AnschlussGerman annexation of Austria prior to WWII3
2434084994apartheidSouth African policy of separation of the races4
2434084995astrolabenavigational instrument used to determine latitude by measuring the position of the stars5
2434084996Austronesianbranch of languages originating in Oceania6
2434084997ayatollahtraditional Muslim religious ruler7
2434084998ayllusclan or community that worked together on projects required by the ruler in Incan society8
2434084999bakufumilitary government established in Japan after the Gempei Wars -emperor became figurehead and real power in military9
2434085000bodhisattvasBuddhist holy men who accumulated spiritual merits during their lifetimes (Buddhists prayed to them to receive some of their holiness)10
2434085001BoersSouth Africans of Dutch descent11
2434085002brinkmanshipCold War policy of the Soviet Union and the United States of threatening to go to war at a sign of aggression on the part of either power12
2434085003British Commonwealthpolitical community consisting of the United Kingdom, it's dependencies, and former colonies of Great Britain that are now sovereign nations13
2434085004calpulliAztec clans that supplied labor and warriors to leaders14
2434085005chinampasplatforms of twisted vines and mud that served the Aztecs as floating gardens and extended their agricultural land15
2434085006Code Napleoncollection of laws that standardized French law under the rule of Napoleon Bonaparte16
2434085007conscriptionmilitary draft17
2434085008CossacksRussians who conquered and settled Siberia in the 16th and 17th centuries18
2434085009cubisma school of art in which persons and objects are represented by geometric forms19
2434085010Dar al-Islamthe House of Islam representing the political and religious unity of the various Islamic groups20
2434085011devshirmepractice of the Ottoman Empire to take Christian boys from their home communities to serve as Janissaries21
2434085012diasporaexile of an ethnic or racial group from their homeland22
2434085013DumaRussian parliament23
2434085014economic imperialismcontrol of a country's economy by the business of another nation24
2434085015economic liberalismeconomic philosophy that government intervention in and regulation of the economy should be minimal25
2434085016empirical researchresearch based on the collection of data26
2434085017Estates-Generaltraditional legislative body of France27
2434085018extraterritorialitythe right of foreigners to live under the laws of their home country rather than those of the host country28
2434085019factoran agent with trade privileges in early Russia29
2434085020Geneva Conference1954 conference that divided Vietnam at the 17th parallel30
2434085021geocentric theorybelief held by many before the Scientific Revolution that the earth is the center of the universe31
2434085022glasnost1985 policy of Mikhail Gorbachev that allowed openness of expression of ideas in the Soviet Union32
2434085023Gran Columbiatemporary union of the northern portion of South America after the independence movements led by Simon Bolivar33
2434085024Great Leap Forwarddisastrous economic policy introduced by Mao Zedong that proposed the implementation of small-scale industrial projects on individual peasant communes34
2434085025guanobird droppings used as fertilizer (major trade item of Peru in the late 19th century)35
2434085026heliocentric theorythe concept that the sun is the center of the universe36
2434085027Helsinki Accords1975 political and human rights agreement signed in Helsinki, Finland by Western European countries and the Soviet Union37
2434085028import substitution industrializationeconomic system that attempts to strengthen a country's industrial power by restricting foreign imports38
2434085029investitureauthority claimed by monarchs to appoint church officials39
2434085030Jacobinsextreme radicals during the French Revolution40
2434085031Kabuki theaterform of Japanese theater developed in the 17th century that features colorful scenery and costumes and an exaggerated style of acting41
2434085032kowtowritualistic bow practiced in the Chinese court42
2434085033laissez-faire economicseconomic concept that holds that the government should not interfere with or regulate business and industries43
2434085034latifundialarge landholdings in the Roman Empire44
2434085035Limited Liability corporation (LLC)business organization in which the owners have limited personal legal responsibility for debts and actions of the business45
2434085036MamluksTurkic military slaves who formed part of the army of the Abbasid Caliphate in the 9th and 10th centuries, they founded their own state in Egypt and Syria from the 13th to the early 16th centuries46
2434085037Maorimember of the Polynesian group that settled in New Zealand about 800 CE47
2434085038Meiji Restorationrestoration of the Meiji emperor in Japan in 1868 that began a program of industrialization and centralization of Japan following the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate48
2434085039minarettower attached to a mosque from which Muslims are called to worship49
2434085040mitalabor system used by Andean societies in which community members shared work owed to rulers and the religious community50
2434085041No theaterClassical Japanese drama with music and dances performed on a simple stage by elaborately dressed actors51
2434085042Pan-Slavic movementRussian attempt to unite all Slavic nations into a commonwealth relationship under the influence of Russia52
2434085043peninsularesin the Spanish colonies, those who were born in Europe53
2434085044perestroikarestructuring of the Soviet economy top allow some local decision making54
2434085045pogromviolence against Jews in tsarist Russia55
2434085046Prague Spring1968 program of reform to soften socialism in Czechoslovakia resulting in the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia56
2434085047proletariat(Marxist theory) class of workers in an industrial society57
2434085048purdahHindu custom of seclusion women58
2434085049quipussystem of knotted cords of different sizes and colors used by the Incas for keeping records59
2434085050Red Guardmilitia of young Chinese people organized to carry out Mao Zedong's cultural revolution60
2434085051reparationspayment of war debts by the losing side61
2434085052repartamientoa replacement for the encomienda system that limited the number of working hours for laborers and provided for fair wages in Spanish colonies62
2434085053Sandinistasleft-wing group that overthrew the dictatorship of Nicaraguan Anastacio Somoza in 197963
2434085054satiwidow throwing herself on the burning pyre of her husband in Hindu custom64
2434085055shamanismbelief in powerful natural spirits that are influenced by shamans or priests65
2434085056shariahbody of law that governs Muslim society66
2434085057social contractEnlightenment concept of the agreement made by people living in a state of nature to give up some of their rights in order for governments to be established67
2434085058SolidarityPolish trade union that began the nation's protests against Communist rule68
2434085059steppedry grassland69
2434085060SufisMuslims who attempt to reach Allah through mysticism70
2434085061Sunnibranch of Islam that believes that the Muslim community should select its leaders71
2434085062ummacommunity of all Muslim believers72
2434085063xenophobiafear of foreigners73
2434085064YahwehJehovah, the god of the Jews74
2434085065zaibatsularge industrial organization created in Japan during the industrialization of the late 19th century75

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