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AP World History Test Flashcards

Vocabulary, Terms, Dates, and People

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212063772Shariathe code of law derived from the Koran and from the teachings and example of Mohammed (Islamic Law)0
212063774UlamaMuslim religious scholars. From the ninth century onward, the primary interpreters of Islamic law and the social core of Muslim urban societies.1
212063776Ummathe Muslim community or people, considered to extend from Mauritania to Pakistan2
212063778Madrasa city in Tamil Nadu on the Bay of Bengal, , a plaid cotton material3
212063780MadrasasIslamic institutions of higher education that originated in the tenth century. By the twelfth century they had become established in the major cities of the Islamic world.4
212063782DhimmiLiterally "people of the book"; applied as inclusive term to Jews and Christians in Islamic territories; later extended to Zoroastrians and even Hindus & Buddhists. A person of a non-Muslim religion whose right to practice that religion is protected within an Islamic society (during Mughal and Ottoman empires)5
212063784Caliphthe civil and religious leader of a Muslim state considered to be a representative of Allah on earth6
212063786Imamreligious guide (Islam)7
212063788Hajjthe fifth pillar of Islam is a pilgrimage to Mecca during the month of Dhu al-Qadah8
212063790IslamA monotheistic religion that developed in Arabia in 7th century, means "submission to the will of Allah". It is the religion of Muslims collectively which governs their civilization and way of life.9
212063792MuslimA follower of Islam, means "one who has submitted".10
212063794Quranthe sacred writings of Islam revealed by God to the prophet Muhammad during his life at Mecca and Medina11
212063797SufismAn Islamic mystical tradition that desired a personal union with God--divine love through intuition rather than through rational deduction and study of the shari'a. Followed an ascetic routine (denial of physical desire to gain a spiritual goal), dedicating themselves to fasting, prayer, meditation on the Qur'an, and the avoidance of sin.12
212063799Caravansariesinns offering lodging for caravan merchants, as well as food, water, and care for their animals.13
212063801Gadisunmarried woman (?)14
212063803SunniA branch of Islam whose members acknowledge the first four caliphs as the rightful successors of Muhammad15
212063806ShiaA branch of Islam whose members acknowledge Ali and his descendants as the rightful successors of Muhammad16
212063808BedouinArab nomads, that were organized into "families" or clans. Had a strong sense of loyalty to their clans and guarded their common interests with determination. Clan identities and loyalties survived for centuries after the appearance of Islam.17
212063810Jizyatax paid by Jews and Christians under Muslim rule. It allowed them to keep their religious laws, and retain the right to practice their own religion.18
212063812Muhammad (PBUH)the Arab prophet who founded Islam (570-632)19
212063814Abu BakrCompanion of 1st Muslim leader after Muhammad. Regarded by Sunni's as the 1st caliph and rightful successor. The Shia regard him as a traitor of Muhammad. Known as best interpreter of dreams following Muhammad's death.20
212063816KhadijaMuhammad's wife; a wealthy widow whom he married about the year 59521
212063818Alithe fourth caliph of Islam who is considered to be the first caliph by Shiites; he was a cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad; after his assination Islam was divided into Shiite and Sunnite sects22
212063820Ibn RushdMuslim philosopher who blended Aristotle and Plato's views with Islam23
212063822Al- GhazaliIslamic theologian; struggled to fuse Greek and Qur'anic traditions; not entirely accepted by Ulama24
212063825Harum al- Rashidhigh point of Abbasid dynasty came during his reign; caliph. (786-809); brought reliable tax revenues from most parts of the empire; Baghdad became a center of banking, commerce, crafts and industrial production25
212063827Abu al- Abbasthe chief leader of the rebellion that brought the Umayyad Dynasty to an end; a descendant of Muhammad's uncle; he was a Sunni Arab but allied readily with Shias and with Muslims who were not Arabs26
212063829ConstantineEmperor of Rome who adopted the Christian faith and stopped the persecution of Christians (280-337)27
212063832JustinianByzantine emperor who held the eastern frontier of his empire against the Persians; codified Roman law; built the Hagia Sophia, walls, and the Hippodrome; issued Corpus iuris sivilis (Body of the Civil Law)28
212063834Theodorathe wife of Justinian, she helped to improve the status of women in the Byzantinian Empire and encouraged her husband to stay in Constntinople and fight the Nike Revolt.29
212063836Belisariusone of Justinian's most important military commanders during period of reconquest of Western Europe; commended in North Africa and Italy30
212063838CharlemagneKing of the Franks; Holy Roman Emperor (800-814). Through a series of military conquests he established the Carolingian Empire, which encompassed all of Gaul and parts of Germany and Italy. Illiterate, though started an intellectual revival. (250)31
212063840Otto of SaxonyEstablished the Holy Roman Empire. Pope John XII proclaimed him HRE in 962. Aggressively built his state. Defended Papal states from Lombards twice.32
212063842Leo IIIBelieving that icons encouraged superstition and idol-worship, in A.D. 726 this emperor ordered all icons removed from the churches; Byzantine Emperor33
212063844St. Basil of Caesareapatriarch of Constantinople during the mid 4th century, urged monasteries to enhance their effectiveness (329-379 C.E.)34
212063846Prince VladimirRuler of Kiev who converts to eastern orthodox christianity rather than roman catholic; influenced Russians to convert to Christianity.35
212063848St. Cyrila missionary sent by the Byzantine government to eastern Europe and the Balkans; converted southern Russia and Balkans to Orthodox Christianity; responsible for creation of written script for Slavic known as Cyrillic36
212063851Theme System700-1300, This system divided the Byzantine Empire into different districts that were each led by a general, they were created so that the military could respond quickly to attacks, also peasants who joined the army were given plots of land, thereby increasing the free peasant class.37
212063853Theme System Collapse110038
212063855Umayyad Damascus650-750; First hereditary dynasty of Muslim caliphs (661 to 750). From their capital at Damascus, the Umayyads ruled an empire that extended from Spain to India. Overthrown by the Abbasid Caliphate., an ancient city (widely regarded as the world's oldest) and present capital and largest city of Syria39
212063858ConstantinopleEastern Capitol, Emperor Constantine,AD 330 moved the capital from Rome to the Greek city Byzantium in the east, and renamed the city. This city became the capital of the Roman empire. It was strategically located for trade and defense purposes.40
212063860Iconoclasma challenge to or overturning of traditional beliefs, customs, and values, any movement against the religious use of images41
212063862Silk Productionstimulated economy, practice stolen from china by monks, major product of China, closely kept secret42
212063864Bezant600- 1200, a gold coin of the Byzantine Empire43
212063866Islamic Pressure65044
212063867Iconoclastic Controversy750, debate between opponents and defenders of icons in the Byzantine Church; one of the issues that led to the split of the Christian church in 1054; schism between Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Church45
212063868Charlemagne Crowned EmperorFrance 80046
212063869Cyril and Methodius850, Byzantine missionaries sent to convert eastern Europe and the Balkans; responsible for creating the Slavic written script called Cyrillic (Cyrillic alphabet)47
212063870Bulgar Conversion to Christianity88048
212063871Otto of Saxony Crowned Holy Roman Emperor96249
212063872Vladimir (Kievan Rus) converted to Christianity98950
212063873Basil's Deathcollapse begins 102551
212063874Final Schism1054, destroyed hope for a united christian church52
212063875Battle of Manzikert1071, Saljuq Turks defeat Byzantine armies in this battle in Anatolia; shows the declining power of Byzantium.53
212063876Council of Clermont1095, a meeting that took place where pope urban II urged bishops and nobles to support a war against the Muslims54
212063877Jerusalem Captured109955
212063878Saladin Recaptures118756
2120638794th Crusade sacks ConstantinopleVenetian influence 120457
212063880Mongolians Destroy Seljukdestroyed Kiev nomads from central Asia lead to a centralization and unity between people set up Moscow which becomes a major city58
212063881Ottoman Rise120059
212063882Mongolian Rule125060
212063883Battle of Kosovo138961
212063884Timur Lame Interruption140262
212063885Sultan Bayazid lay siege to Constantinople142063
212063886Sultan Mehmed II captures Constantinople145364
212063887MoscowDeclared status of 3rd Rome 148065
212063888Rome Renaissancefrom the late 15th to the mid-16th centuries, when the Papal city was the most important place of artistic production of the entire continent with masters who left an indelible (unforgettable) mark on Western figurative art66
212063889KievTrade city in southern Russia established by Scandinavian traders in 9th century; became focal point for kingdom of Russia that flourished to 12th century. Political center of eastern Slav. It established political and social relations with Byzantine Empire. Later it was overthrown by Mongols.67
212063890dar al-IslamArabic term meaning "house of Islam" and refers to lands under Islamic rule68

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