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AP world History Unit III/Mid term review. Flashcards

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126084013Why did the ottomans want to take over Constaninople?To develope sea-based trade.
126084015How does Russia differ from both China and Japanfrom an economical standpoint?Russia opened trade with Europeans after Rissai defeated the mongols.
126084016How does the presence of Russia change Asia...in what way will they become a rival to China and Japan?Russia becomes a trade rival. Their Empire expands.
126084018What are Jesuits? Which of the following did they not spread religion to? (North America, Latin America, Russia, China, Japan)people who spread Catholosisim. They founded school and hospitals. Russia
126084020What group of people are referred to as the "gunpowder empire?"Ottoman
126084022How did the Spanish and portuguses spproach agriculture in the Americas?Cash crops/ Larege plantations
126084024The leader of Akbar of the Mughal Empire wanted to reconcile differences between what two religions?Hinduism and Islam
126084026Suleiman- Abbas I- Akbar-All ruled at the peak of their empires.
126084027What were the differencesbetween North America and latin America gov'ts durinf the 17th and 18th centuries?Fewer restrictions from mother country, because it was too far away.
126084028What lead to exploration? How did it affect the world?The improvisation of technology. It developed more wealth and the columbian exchanged expanded.
126084029Mercantilism- What would Spain and Portugal encourage Latin American colonies to do?Policies adopted by European states to promote their overseas trade and accumulate carital in the form of metals. Buy manufactured goods from the mother country.
126084030Why did Spanish officials in the colonies have extensive power?Spain was too far away.
126084031The major development between 1450 and 1750 was the rise of _____ due to exploration.trade
126084032What did European leaders view the colonies as from an economic standpoint?Large investments and source of raw material.
126084033Europe conquring _____ Africa lead to the expansion of the slave trade.West
126084034Ottoman- Safavid- Mughal-All practiced Islam. Wifes of the rulers played key political roles.
126084035What was the Columbian Exchange? How did it affect America, Europe, and Africa?The trade of plants animals and disease America- Death from diseases Europe- Wealth and new foods Africa- Loss of strong men and broken up families.
126084036The export of silver from the Americas led to ______ known as the _____ revolutionInflation/Price
126084037indirect rule- What country practiced this in governing colonies in Amfrica?When a country leaves another countries traditinoal power structure and colonizes it. great britian
126084038The Scientific Revolutin demontrated that the workings of the universe could be explained by the aligning of the plantes around th sun known as the ______ thory.Heliocentric
126084039What two European countries acquired land in Asia through Joint-stock companies during the 1700's?Netherlands and Great Britian.
126084040What provided the oppertunity to rise in social status in Europe during 1450-1750?Rise of the first truely global trade and manufacturing. Guilds also provided social status.
126084041What country dominated and controlled trade on the East Coat of Africa?portugal
126084042Triangular trade-Trade from the New world to Europe to Africa.
126084043Englightment- how was this movement a threat to European monarchs?The thought that man is born free and the movement of equal rights. Power to the people
126084044Which of the following (Spanish or portuguese) let the Catholic Church influence them in the development of their colnies?Buy manufactured goods from the mother country.
126084045Cultureal Diffusion-Culture spreading when two distinct cultures spread.
126084046Ethnocentrism- What treaty made by the Spanish and Portuguses made these countries seem ethnocentric?Everything revolvesa around you. Tordesillas treaty.
126084047The status of the _____ were in jeopardy in Japan by 1750.Samuri
126084048Where did the majority of slaves go during the slae trade period 1450-1750?Brazil
126084049Peninsulares- Creole- Mestizo- Mullato-Peninsulares- naturally born European settlers Creole- European decent born in the new world. Mestizo- 1/2 native American indian 1/2 Euopean Mullato- mixed African and european decent.
126084050How did the English treat Amerindians versus the Spanish?English- Pushed them off their land Spanish- Enslaved them
126084051What is Peter the Great known for?Expanded sea trade and technology to his empire, founded schools, introduced the potatoe, westernized Russia.
126084052Most sugar plantations in the new world were located _____Carribean/Brazil/latin America
126084053BoyarDamio of Japan/ nobal of Russia/ Russian aristocracy
126084054Constititional MonarchyLimit monarchy. Great Britian.
126084055How did the horse impact the Americas?increased military and hunting efficiancy
126084056The influx of silver affected what Middle Eastern Empire?Ottoman
126084057Prostesrant ReformationDivision of Christianity . Have faith to get into heavan/ cause war for over 100 years.
126084058During 1450-1750, what area was the most isolated from foreign influences?Japan
126084059Qing rulers were concidered to be _____ by confucian scholars.Outsiders
126084060How does Mercantilism compare to Capitolism?Capitolism- market economy Mercantilism-state control. wealth accumulated to mother country.
126084061Manila Galleons-Spanish boyan ships from the new world to spain brought gold and silver.
126084062What killed a large population of Native populations in the Americas?Disease from the columbian exchange - Smallpox.
126084063What philosophy directly shaped the Italian Renaissance?humanism
126084064joint-stock CompanySold shares of stock to individuals to raise money for its trade.
126084065Why did the English colonies grow at a faster rate than french colonies?The English would bring their families.
126084066Zheng He-Chinese explorer and navigator known for his large ships.
126084067What food existed in the Americas that did not exsist in Europe?potatoes Tomatoes Corn Coca.
126084068What animals existed in Europe that did not exsist in the Americas?Cows horses goats pigs

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