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AP world history unit one Flashcards

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14701377454Abbasids DynastyDynasty that ruled Baghdad 750-1258. Tried to make a dynasty of Muslims all being equal, had great military conquests, and flourished with wealth and power0
14701380245Age Grades were ____.groups of people that included all individuals within a given community born within a few years of one another. members of each age-group would perform tasks appropriate for their development1
14701384613AllahIslamic God2
14701385644angkorA temple complex built in the Khmer Empire and dedicated to the Hindu God, Vishnu.3
14701387457ArthaOne of the four goals of Hindu life, the striving to be successful4
14701388729Aztec EmpireCentral American empire constructed by the Mexica and expanded greatly during the fifteenth century during the reigns of Itzcoatl and Motecuzoma I.5
14701391125bananasthe introduction of a new food crop about 400 CE encouraged a fresh migratory surge in Africa. what was the crop?6
14701392629bantu peoplesEast Africa. Family of languages began to move from Niger into East Africa. Spread Iron smelting techniques7
14701394623Bedouina nomadic Arab of the desert.8
14701396143Bhagavad Gita (Hinduism)Most sacred section of the Mahabharata; key Hindu beliefs; some scholars consider it to be Hinduism's most important religious text9
14701400695Bhakti MovementAn immensely popular development in Hinduism, advocating intense devotion toward a particular deity.10
14701402310bodhisattvaa person who has attained enlightenment but who has postponed nirvana in order to help others achieve enlightenment11
14701404508bogomilsBulgarian group active in the 10th and 11th centuries that believed in rejecting the material world and extreme asceticism12
14701406560BuddhismBelief system that started in India in the 500s BC. Happiness can be achieved through removal of one's desires. Believers seek enlightenment and the overcoming of suffering.14
14701413550Byzantine Empire(330-1453) The eastern half of the Roman Empire, which survived after the fall of the Western Empire at the end of the 5th century C.E. Its capital was Constantinople, named after the Emperor Constantine.15
14701418503Caliphsuccessor to Muhammad as political and religious leader of the Muslims17
14701424523CalupulliClans in Aztec society, later expanded to include residential groups that distributed land and provided labor and warriors.18
14701426353CamelsThe Romans introduced these animals to Africa, greatly increasing trade.19
14701429681Capetian KingsKings descended from Hugh Capet; influence spread outward from small areas around Paris and Orleans; comprised a dynasty that lasted 300 years20
14701431318Caste System in Indiawas created by the aryan invaders of india21
14701444827CatharsMedieval heretics, also known as the Albigensians, who considered the material world evil; their followers renounced wealth and marriage and promoted an ascetic existence.22
14701446494Cathedral SchoolsSchools organized by bishops and archbishops in France and northern Italy whose liberal arts curricula often offered instruction in law, medicine, and theology.23
14701449504Chimuregional Andean chiefdom that flourished from 800 to 1465 C.E.; fell to the Incas.24
14701453075ChinampaRaised fields constructed along lake shores in Mesoamerica to increase agricultural yields formed by the aztecs.25
14701455130Chivalrythe medieval knightly system with its religious, moral, and social code.26
14701456652Chola Kingdomthe wealthy trading state that controlled southern India from 850 through 126727
14701458911ChristianityA monotheistic system of beliefs and practices based on the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus as embodied in the New Testament and emphasizing the role of Jesus as savior.28
14701465949Chucuitokingdom that dominated highlands around Lake Titicaca; depended on cultivation of potatoes and herding llamas and alpacas; heavily terraced fields, chewed coca29
14701472100ConfucianismThe system of ethics, education, and statesmanship taught by Confucius and his disciples, stressing love for humanity, ancestor worship, reverence for parents, and harmony in thought and conduct.30
14701473440Council of Nicaea(325 CE) A council called by Constantine to agree upon correct Christian doctrine and settle some disputes of the time.31
14701474021CrusadesA series of holy wars from 1096-1270 AD undertaken by European Christians to free the Holy Land from Muslim rule.32
14701529788CuzcoCapital of the Incan empire33
14701531194Dar al-Islaman Arabic term that means the "house of Islam" and that refers to lands under Islamic rule34
14701532192Dharma (Hinduism)In Hindu belief, a person's religious and moral duties35
14701535477DominicansFounded by Saint Dominic. Members of these religious orders, friars, lived and preached among the people instead of secluding themselves in monastries as members of most other religious orders did. Church ordered to seek out heretics and eliminate hersey.36
14701536802Eleanor of AquitaineOne of the most powerful women in the middle ages. Henry II married her to gain her lands.37
14701539856EmporiaIndia being in the middle of the Indian Ocean it was a natural site for this and warehouses, traders exchanged their cargoes at Cambay, Calicut or Quilon for goods to take back west with the winter monsoon38
14701543930Four Noble Truths of Buddhism1) All life is full of suffering, pain, and sorrow. 2) The cause of suffering is nonvirtue, or negative deeds and mindsets such as hated and desire. 3) The only cure for suffering is to overcome nonvirture. 4) The way to overcome nonvirtue is to follow the Eightfold Path39
14701547601FranciscansA religious order founded by St. Francis and based on simplicity and poverty40
14701548940gold trade in West and Central Africamade inland nations rich, relied on slave trade and gold to increase wealth, stunted/slowed industrialization, made African nations dependent, needed to purchase European weapons to expand control of region41
14701550711Grand CanalThe 1,100-mile (1,700-kilometer) waterway linking the Yellow and the Yangzi Rivers. It was begun in the Han period and completed during the Sui Empire.42
14701552119Great ZimbabweA stone-walled enclosure found in Southeast Africa. Have been associated with trade, farming, and mining.43
14701552528GriotsProfessional oral historians who served as keepers of traditions and advisors to kings within the Mali Empire44
14701553071GuildsAssociation of merchants or artisans who cooperated to protect their economic interests45
14701555347GunpowderThe formula, brought to China in the 400s or 500s, was first used to make fumigators to keep away insect pests and evil spirits. In later centuries it was used to make explosives and grenades and to propel cannonballs, shot, and bullets.46
14701557656Guru Kabir(1440-1518) a blind weaver, who was one of the most famous bhakti teachers, went so far to teach that Shiva, Vishnu, and Allah were all manifestations of single, universal deity.47
14701559463HadithThe compiled work of the life and teachings of Muhammad.48
14701560309HajjA pilgrimage to Mecca, performed as a duty by Muslims49
14701562310HangzhouCapital of later Song dynasty; located near East China Sea; permitted overseas trading; population exceeded 1 million.50
14701562924Hanseatic Leaguean organization of north German and Scandinavian cities for the purpose of establishing a commercial alliance.51
14701563824HebrewsA smaller early civilization whose development of a monotheistic faith that provided the foundation of modern Judaism, Christianity, and Islam assured them a significant place in world history52
14701565310Hinayana/Theravada Buddhisma name given to more conservative buddhism schools.53
14701566416Holy Roman EmpireAn empire established in Europe in the 10th century A.D.54
14701568092HuitzilopochtliAztec god of sun and war55
14701570969Inca EmpireThe vast and sophisticated Peruvian empire centered at the capital city of Cuzco that was at its peak from 1438 until 153256
14701571543intisun god of the Inca57
14701572994IroquoisA later native group to the eastern woodlands. They blended agriculture and hunting living in common villages constructed from the trees and bark of the forests58
14701577310IslamA religion based on the teachings of the prophet Mohammed which stresses belief in one god (Allah), Paradise and Hell, and a body of law written in the Quran. Followers are called Muslims.59
14701579618Islamic Slave TradeFirst developed out of the practice of slavery in pre-Islamic Arabia.60
14701582974Israelites/HebrewsCreated the first monotheistic religion in the world.61
14701584706ItzcoatlAn Aztec leader that defeated the Tepanecs; he destroyed records to reshape Aztec history62
14701590922Jewsa member of the people and cultural community whose traditional religion is Judaism and who trace their origins through the ancient Hebrew people of Israel to Abraham.63
14701591923JihadA holy struggle or striving by a Muslim for a moral or spiritual or political goal64
14701592781JunksChinese ships, particularly from the 1400s, are often called these. It was a sturdy Chinese ship design and the largest of its kind were treasures ships that could carry a thousand tons of cargo.65
14701599404KamaPleasure, especially of sensual love; one of the four goals of life66
14701602110Kamakura PeriodPeriod spanning from 1185- 1333 A.D. Feudal Japan began in this period, and the first shogunate was appointed.The Mongols invaded twice but were repelled by Kamikaze Typhoon. Zen Buddhism Flourished and wars drained the economy.67
14701605254Kebra Negast(The Glory of Kings) - fictional work, tried to trace lineage from Ethiopia's Solomonic dynasty to the Israelite kings David and Solomon68
14701606713Kilwaone of many trading cities on the East African coast69
14701610771Kin-based societiesA government based on families and chiefs ruling over small groups. Africans depended on these instead of an organized hierarchy government.70
14701612689Kingdom of KongoBasin of the Congo (Zaire) river, conglomeration of several village alliances, participated actively in trade networks, most centralized rule of the early Bantu kingdoms, royal currency: cowries, ruled 14th-17th century until undermined by Portuguese slave traders71
14701615673Koumbi SalehThe city in which the king of Ghana held his court72
14701617274KrishnaA god associated with divine playfulness; a form of Vishnu73
14701624512Mahabharatathe longest single poem in the world, about a war fought between two branches of the same family. One of India's greatest epics written between 1000 and 700 BC75
14701625320Mahayana BuddhismAlso known as popular Buddhism, is allows people more ways to reach enlightenment and boddhisatvas can help you reach enlightenment.76
14701634396MajapahitSea trade based, larger of kingdoms on Java77
14701636446Mali EmpireFrom 1235-1400, this was a strong empire of Western African. With its trading cities of Timbuktu and Gao, it had many mosques and universities. The Empire was ruled by two great rulers, Sundiata and Mansa Musa. Thy upheld a strong gold-salt trade. The fall of the empire was caused by the lack of strong rulers who could govern well.78
14701637306Mansa MusaEmperor of the kingdom of Mali in Africa. He made a famous pilgrimage to Mecca and established trade routes to the Middle East.79
14701639387Marco PoloVenetian merchant and traveler. His accounts of his travels to China offered Europeans a firsthand view of Asian lands and stimulated interest in Asian trade.80
14701640026Meccathe holiest city of Islam; Muhammad's birthplace, holy city of Islam81
14701641482MexicaThe name given to themselves by the Aztec people82
14701642182MokshaBecoming liberated for the cycle of reincarnation in Hinduism. also the known as the endless cycle of births.83
14701644610Monotheismbelief in only one god84
14701645808Monsoonsseasonal wind patterns that cause wet and dry seasons85
14701648042MotecuhzomaAztec leader when Europeans came to Mexico86
14701652617MuhammadArab prophet; founder of religion of Islam.87
14701654277Muromachi PeriodThe period in Japanese history between 1392 and 1568 that was initiated when the Ashikaga family gained control of the shogunate and established their center of power in the Muromachi district of Kyoto.88
14701654928Muslima follower of the religion of Islam89
14701656028Navajoa member of the Navajo Indian tribe90
14701661266Neo-Confucianismterm that describes the resurgence of Confucianism and the influence of Confucian scholars during the T'ang Dynasty; a unification of Daoist or Buddhist metaphysics with Confucian pragmatism91
14701662671Nirvana (Buddhism)ultimate reality/goal, the end of suffering92
14701664017Noble Eightfold PathThe fourth of the Four Noble Truths; defines the basic practices of Buddhism that lead to nirvana93
14701665134porcelaina thin, beautiful pottery invented in China94
14701666223pueblohome or community of homes built by Native Americans95
14701668032QadisIslamic judges96
14701668903QuaranThe holy book of Islam97
14701669973Quechualanguage of the Inca98
14701671113QuetzalcoatlAztec nature god, feathered serpent, his disappearance and promised return coincided with the arrival of Cortes99
14701672969QuipuAn arrangement of knotted strings on a cord, used by the Inca to record numerical information.100
14701674004RamanujaThe twelfth-century devotee of Vishnu, who believed that personal devotion and personal union with the deity was more important than an intellectual understanding of ultimate reality101
14701676040ReconquistaThe effort by Christian leaders to drive the Muslims out of Spain, lasting from the 1100s until 1492.102
14701676732Relicsvalued holy objects from the past103
14701677759Sammuraiwarriors in Japan who protected the Shogun104
14701678294Shankaradefinition: southern India; tried to harmonize all the Hindu writings significance: matured Hinduism105
14701680861ShariaBody of Islamic law that includes interpretation of the Quran and applies Islamic principles to everyday life106
14701681755Shiathe branch of Islam whose members acknowledge Ali and his descendants as the rightful successors of Muhammad107
14701683061ShintoThe traditional religion of Japan108
14701683745ShivaA Hindu god considered the destroyer of the world.109
14701684882ShogunIn feudal Japan, a noble similar to a duke. They were the military commanders and the actual rulers of Japan for many centuries while the Emperor was a powerless spiritual figure.110
14701685923SingosariSea trade based, smaller of kingdoms on Java111
14701687399Song Dynasty(960-1279 CE) The Chinese dynasty that placed much more emphasis on civil administration, industry, education, and arts other than military.112
14701690067Song TaizuFounder of the Song Dynasty113
14701690945St. Tomas AquinasKnown as the "dumb ox", he wrote the summa theologica, famous for a section of the ST called Quinque Viae (the five ways). Theologian and philosopher.114
14701691722St. Augustinefoot bindingthe binding of feet to make them smaller and more attractive in women115
14701693562Stupasa dome-shaped structure erected as a Buddhist shrine.116
14701695328Sufismystical Muslim group that believed they could draw closer to God through prayer, fasting, & simple life117
14701696282Sultanate of DelhiIslamic state in northern India established by Mahmud's successors in 1206 C.E. that began to establish the presence of Islam on the Indian subcontinent.118
14701697118Sundiatathe founder of Mali empire. He crushed his enemies and won control of the gold trade routes119
14701698618SunniA branch of Islam whose members acknowledge the first four caliphs as the rightful successors of Muhammad120
14701699709SwahiliA Bantu language with arabic words, spoken along the east african coast121
14701701419TenochtitlanCapital of the Aztec Empire122
14701702467TexacocoLake on which Tenochtitlan is built123
14701703936TezcatlipocaThe Aztec lord of the night sky.124
14701705061TimbuktuMali trading city that became a center of wealth and learning125
14701973347TlatelolcoOriginally a separate island city in Lake Texcoco; later incorporated into Tenochtitlan; Market remained the most important in combined city.126
14701974433ToltecsNomadic peoples from beyond the northern frontier of sedentary agriculture in Mesoamerica; established capital at Tula after migration into central Mesoamerican plateau; strongly militaristic ethic, including cult of human sacrifice.127
14701975515Trans-Saharan Traderoute across the sahara desert. Major trade route that traded for gold and salt, created caravan routes, economic benefit for controlling dessert, camels played a huge role in the trading128
14701976958Troubadourswandering poets; their love songs focused on cherishing and protecting women129
14701982286UlamaMuslim religious scholars. From the ninth century onward, the primary interpreters of Islamic law and the social core of Muslim urban societies. (p. 238)130
14701982307UmmaThe community of all Muslims. A major innovation against the background of seventh-century Arabia, where traditionally kinship rather than faith had determined membership in a community.131
14701983653Vijayanagar KingdomSouthern Indian kingdom (1336-1565) that later fell to the Mughals.132
14701985766ViracochaGod of the Incas who was thought to be creator of all the people of the Andes133
14701986475VishnuA Hindu god considered the preserver of the world134
14701987812Wu ZhaoTang ruler and only woman in China ever to assume the title of emperor135
14701989014YahwehHebrew name for God136
14701990580Zhu Xi(1130-1200) Most prominent of neo-Confucian scholars during the Song dynasty in China; stressed importance of applying philosophical principles to everyday life and action137
14701991520Zimbabwea country of southern Africa. Various Bantu peoples migrated into the area during the first millennium, displacing the earlier San inhabitants138

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