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AP world history....chapter 1 quiz Flashcards

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207196504homo sapiens sapiensthe newest human breed that all humans are decended from0
207196505What is the Neolithic Age? When? Characteristics?"New Stone Age." event that occured during this time ended the Old Stone Age. occured between 6000 and 4000 BCE. agriculture invented, cities created1
207196506Neolithic RevolutionNew Stone Age between 8000 and 5000 BCE. adaptation of agriculture. domestication of plants and animals2
207196507hunting and gatheringway people got food before the adaptation of agriculture3
207196508Bronze Age and whentime when bronze tools were first introduced in the middle east. 4000 to 1500 BCE4
207196509civilizationsocieties distinguished by reliance on agriculture, ability to produce food surpluses, and exsistence of nonfarming cities, as well as merchant and manufacturing groups5
207196510cuneiformwriting developed by the sumerians using a wedge-shaped stylus and clay tablets6
207196511nomadspeople who moved from place to place in search of food, water, and shelter7
207196512Mesopotamia :(the civilizations that arose in Tigris- Euphrates river valleys. rich, fertile soil for planting. farmers skilled in agriculture and bronze-work8
207196513Sumerianspeople who lived in mesopotamia. developed a cuneiform alphabet, statues, science of astronomy, system of numbers9
207196514zigguratmassive tower associated with mesopotamian temple complexes10
207196515Babyloniansextended their empire and helped bring civilization to other parts of the Middle East11
207196516HammurabiBabylonian king who is best known for his code of law, which is the first one ever written down12
207196517pharaohtitle of a king of ancient Egypt13
207196518pyramidsmonumental architecture typical of ancient Egypt, used as tombs for pharaohs14
207196519KushAfrican state that developed along the upper reaches of the Nile c.1000 BCE; conquered Egypt and ruled it for several centuries15
207196520Indus River. Where? characteristics of civilization there 2500 BCEruns through Himalayas, empties in Arabian Sea. large cities, some had running water16
207196521Harrappa & Mohenjo Darolarge cities in the Indus River valley, houses had running water17
207196522Huanghe River. where? characteristics of civilizationChina. isolated, subject of later Chinese legends18
207196523ideographic symbolspictographic characters grouped together to create new concepts, typical Chinese writing19
207196524Phoenicianscivilization on shores of Mediterranean. simplified alphabet to 22 letters. improved Egyptian numbering system. set up colonies in Europe and North Africa20
207196525Mandate of Heavendivine source for political legitimacy of Chinese rulers21
207196526monotheismexclusive worship of a single god22

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