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AP World Islamic Empires Flashcards

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271606052Islam - GnrlArab peninsula = desert. Bedouin nomads in clan groups Muhammad idn Abdullah born to Mecca merchant fam 595 Orphaned, ecame merchant, exposed to many faiths @ 40 = transformation. Allah is only god, would bring judgement. Info delivered by archangel Gabriel0
271606053Islam - GnrlQuran - holy book compiled of Muhammad's recitations Hadith - sayings & deeds of Muhammad Hijra - Muhammads move to Medina under persecution in 622. beginning of Muslim calendar Umma - cohesive community of Muslims in Medina1
271606054Islam - GnrlConflicts @ Mecca bc views were offensive esp to ruling elite and wealthy merchants. Attacks on idolatry threatened black rock @ Ka'ba2
271606055Islam - GnrlMuhammad returns to Mecca & conquers 630 (did not enslave or kill survivors) Govt dedicated to Allah - destroy pagan shrine, build mosque Five Pillars taught by Muhammad Islamic law (sharia) inspired by Quran3
271606056Umayyad - PoliticalCaliph - religious and political leader Abu Bakr 1st caliph upon Muhammad death Capital in Damascus (Syria) ruled for interest of military aristocracy4
271606057Umayyad - ReligiousShia sect - support Ali and Muhammad des. for caliph5
271606058Umayyad - SocialTolerant towards conquered people, but no power. Jizya on non-Muslims. Even non-Arab converts discriminated against6
271606059Abbasid - PoliticalAbu al-Abbas allies with Shias and non-Arab Muslims Won battle w/Umayyad in 750 No longer conquered new lands - build & strengthen like Han Wudi7
271606060Abbasid - PoliticalPersian techniques for govt - integrated Persians into society Ulama (people with religious knowledge) and qadis (judges) ruled locally instead of priests Harun al-Rashid = high point. good relations w/ Byz/Charlemagne8
271606061Abbasid - DeclineHarun's sons struggle for succession led to civil war governors took power peasants rebelled Persian noble takes Baghdad in 945 Saljuq Turks take over political power (leave caliph religious)9
271606062Abbasid - SocialNo special treatment to military aristocracy10
271606063Islam - Intellectualspread new foods & industrial crops like sugar, spinach, artichokes, cotton etc better ag production (crop rotation, fertilizer, irrigation) = urbanization11
271606064Islam - IntellectualPaper manufacture, camel saddle, compass from China, lateen sail from India, astrolabe from Hellinistic mariners Mosques maintained schools (madrasa) Adopted Hindi numerals, algebra, and trig12
271606065Islam - Economyrevived silk road trade - maintained for military and admin extensive banks - sakk (letter of credit) were like bank checks Group investments for trade = less loss13
271606066Islam - SocialWomen - Quran enhances security (no infanticide, not property, equal before Allah) male still dominant - women just more secure Veiling adopted from Mesopotamia and Persia Alms to weak and poor14
271606067Islam -ReligiousSufi mystics = effective missionaries encouraged devotion thru song/dance A-Ghazali = human reason too weak, less doctrine, more spiritual devotion hajj - holy pilgrimage to Mecca15

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