335450498 | Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabela of Castile | monarchs of Christian kingdoms; their marriage created the future Spain; initiated exploration of New World | 0 | |
335450499 | Enconmiendas | grants of estates Indian laborers made to Spanish conquerors and settlers in Latin America; established a framework for relations based on economic dominance. | 1 | |
335450500 | Hispaniola | 1st island in Caribbean settled by Spaniards by Columbus on his second voyage | 2 | |
335450501 | Bartolome de las Casas | Dominican friar who supported peaceful converstion of native American population; opposed forced labor and advocated Indian rights | 3 | |
335450502 | Hernan Cortes | led expedition to Mexico in 1519; defeated Aztec empire and established Spanish colonial rule | 4 | |
335450503 | Moctezuma II | The last independent Aztec ruler, killed during Cortes' conquest | 5 | |
335450504 | Mexico City | Capital of New Spain built on ruins of Tenochtitlan | 6 | |
335450505 | New Spain | Spanish colonial possessions in Mesoamerica in territories once part of Aztec imperial system | 7 | |
335450506 | Francisco Pizarro | Began conquest of Inca empire in 1535. | 8 | |
335450507 | Pedro de Valdivia | Spanish conqueror of Araucanian Indians in Chile; established City of Santiago in 1541. | 9 | |
335450508 | Mita | Forced labor system replacing Indian slaves and enconmienda workers; used to mobilize labor for mines and other projects | 10 | |
335450509 | Colombian Exchange | exchange occuring after European arrival - people, plants, animals, diseases | 11 | |
335450510 | Potosi | Largest New World silver mine; Bolivia | 12 | |
335450511 | Huancavelica | Greatest mercury deposit in S.A., used in American silver production | 13 | |
335450512 | Haciendas | rural agricultural and herding estates; produced for consumers in America; basis for wealth and power of the local aristocracy | 14 | |
335450513 | Casa de la Contratacion | Spanish Board of Trade operated out of Seville; regulated commerce with New World | 15 | |
335450514 | Consulado | merchant guild of Seville with virtual monopoly over goods shipped to Spanish America, handled silver | 16 | |
335450515 | Galleons | Large, heavily armed ships used to carry silver from the colonies to Spain; basis of convoy system used for transportation of bullion | 17 | |
335450516 | Treaty of Tordesillas | concluded in 1494 between Castile and Portugal; clarified spheres of influence and rights of possession; New World Brazil went to Protugal and the rest to Spain | 18 | |
335450517 | Recopilacion | Body of laws collected in 1681 for Spanish New World possessions; basis of law in the Indies | 19 | |
335450518 | Council of the Indies | Spanish government body issuing laws and advising king on all issues dealing with the New World colonies | 20 | |
335450519 | Letrados | unniversity-trained lawyers from Spain; basic personnel of Spanish colonial bureaucracy | 21 | |
335450520 | Viceroyalties | Major divisions of Spanish New World colonies headed by direct representatives of king; one in Lima one in Mexico City | 22 | |
335450521 | Audiencia | Royal courts of appeals established in Spanish New World colonies; staffed by professional magistrates who made and applied laws | 23 | |
335450522 | Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz | 17th Century author, poet, musician of New Spain; gave up secular concerns to concentrate on the spiritual matters | 24 | |
335450523 | Pedro Alvares Cabral | Portuguese leader of an expedition to India; landed Brazil in 1500 | 25 | |
335450524 | Captaincies | Areas along Brazilian coast granted to Portugal nobles for colonial development | 26 | |
335450525 | Minas Gerais | Brazilian region where gold was discovered in 1695; a gold rush followed | 27 | |
335450526 | Paulistas | backwoodsmen from Sao Paulo, Brazil; penetrated Brazilian interior in search of precious metals during 17th century | 28 | |
335450527 | Rio de Janeiro | Brazilian port used for mines of Minas Gerais; became capital in 1763 | 29 | |
335450528 | Sociedad de Castas | Spanish American social system based on racial origins; Europeans, mixed race, Indians and Africans | 30 | |
335450529 | Peninsulares | Spanish-born residents of the New World | 31 | |
335450530 | Creoles | Whites born in New World; dominated local economies; ranked socially below peninsulares | 32 | |
335450531 | Amigos de Pais | Clubs and associations dedicated to reform in Spanish colonies; fluorished during 18th century; called for material improvement rather than political reform | 33 | |
335450532 | War of the Spanish Succession | Caused by succession of the Bourbon family to the Spaish throne in 1701; ended by the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713; resulted in recognition of the Bourbons, territorial loss, and grants of commercial rights to English and French | 34 | |
335450533 | Charles III | Spanish enlightened monarch (1759-1788); instituted fiscal, administrative, and military reforms in Spain and its empire | 35 | |
335450534 | Commercio libre | opened trade in ports of Spain and the Indies to all Spanish merchants during the reign of Charles III; undercut monopoly of consulados | 36 | |
335450535 | Jose de Galvez | Spanish minister of the Indies and chief architect of colonial reform; moved to eliminate creoles from the upper colonial bureaucracy; created intendents of for local government | 37 | |
335450536 | Marquis of Pombal | Prime Minister of Portugal (1755-1776); strengthened royal authority in Brazil, expelled the Jesuits, enacted fiscal reforms, and established monopoly companies to stimulate the colonial economy | 38 | |
335450537 | Comunero Revolt | a popular revolt against Spanish rule in new Granada in 1781; suppressed due to government concessions and divisions among rebels | 39 | |
335450538 | Tupac Amaru | Mestizo leader of Indian revolt in Peru; supported by many in the lower social classes; revolt failed because of creole fears of real social revolution | 40 | |
335450539 | Ottomans | Turkish people who advanced into Asia Minor during the 14th century; established an empire in the Middle East, North Africa, and eastern Europe that lasted until after WWI | 41 | |
335450540 | Mehmed II | Ottoman sultan called the "Conqueror"; captured Constantinople and destroyed Byzantine empire | 42 | |
335450541 | Janissaries | conscripted youths from conquered regions who were trained as Ottoman infantry divisions; became an important political influence after 15th century. | 43 | |
335450542 | Vizier | head of the Ottoman bureaucracy; after 16th century often more powerful than the sultan | 44 | |
335450543 | Suleymaniye mosque | great mosque built in Constantinople during the 16th century Ottoman ruler Suleyman the magnificent | 45 | |
335450544 | Safavid Dynasty | founded by Turkish nomad family with Shi'a Islamic beliefs; established a kingdom in Iran and ruled until 1722 | 46 | |
335450545 | Safi al-Din | Sufi mystic and first ruler of the Safavid dynasty | 47 | |
335450546 | Isma'il | Safavid leader; conquered the city of Tabriz in 1501 and was proclaimed shah | 48 | |
335450547 | Chaldiran | an important battle between Safavids and Ottomans in 1514; Ottoman victory demonstrated importance of firearms and checked the western advance of Shi'a state | 49 | |
335450548 | Abbas I the Great | Safavid shah (1587-1629); extended empire to greatest extent' used Western military technology | 50 | |
335450549 | Imams | Shi'a religious leaders who traced their descent to Ali's successors | 51 | |
335450550 | Mullahs | Religious leaders under the Safavids; worked to convert all subjects Sh'ism | 52 | |
335450551 | Isfahan | Safavid capital under Abbas the Great; planned city exemplifying Safavid architechture | 53 | |
335450552 | Mughal Dynasty | established by Turkish invaders in 1526; endured until mid-19th century | 54 | |
335450553 | Babur | Turkish leader who founded Mughal dynasty; died in 1530 | 55 | |
335450554 | Humayn | son and successor of Babur; expelled from India in 1540 but returned to restore the dynasty in 1556 | 56 | |
335450555 | Akbar | son and successor of Humayn; built up military and administrative structure of the dynasty; followed policies of cooperation and tolerance with Hindu majority | 57 | |
335450556 | Din-i-Ilahi | religion initiated by Akbar that blended elements of Islam and Hinduism; did not survive his death | 58 | |
335450557 | Sati | ritual burning of high-caste Hindu women on their husbands' funeral pyres | 59 | |
335450558 | Taj Mahal | Mausoleum for Mumtuz Mahal, built by her husband Shah Jahan; most famous architectural achievement of Mughal India | 60 | |
335450559 | Nur Jahan | wife of ruler Jahangir who amassed power at the Mughal court and created a faction ruling the empire during the later years of his reign | 61 | |
335450560 | Aurangzeb | son and successor of Shah Jahan; pushed extent of Mughal control in India; reversed previous policies to purify Islam of Hindu influences; incessant warfare depleted the empire's resources; died in 1707 | 62 | |
335450561 | Factories | Trading stations with resident merchants established by the Portuguese and other Europeans | 63 | |
335450562 | El Mina | important Portuguese factory on the coast of modern Ghana | 64 | |
335450563 | Lancados | Afro-Portuguese traders who joined the economies of African interior with coastal centers | 65 | |
335450564 | Nzinga Mvemba | ruler of the Kongo kingdom (1507-1543); converted to Christianity and was renamed Alfonso I; his efforts to integrate Portuguese and African ways foundered because of the slave trade | 66 | |
335450565 | Luanda | Portuguese settlement founded in 1520s; became the core for the colony of Angola | 67 | |
335450566 | Royal African Company | chartered in Britain in the 1660s to establish a monopoly over the African trade; supplied slaves to British New World colonies | 68 | |
335450567 | Indies piece | a unit in the complex exchange system of the West African trade; based on the value of an adult male slave | 69 | |
335450568 | Triangular Trade | complex commercial pattern linking Africa, the Americas, and Europe; slaves from Africa go to New World, American agriculture goes to Europe, European goods go to Africa | 70 | |
335450569 | Asante | Akan state the Gold Coast (now Ghana) among the Akan people and centered at Kumasi | 71 | |
335450570 | Osei Tutu | important ruler who began centralization and expansion of Asante | 72 | |
335450571 | Asantehene | title, created by Osei Tutu, of the civil and religious ruler of Asante | 73 | |
335450572 | Benin | African kingdom in the Bight of Benin; at the height of its power when Europeans arrived; active slave trading state; famous for bronze casting | 74 | |
335450573 | Dahomey | African state among the fOn or Aja peoples; developed in 17th century centered at Abomey; became a major slave trading state through Western firearms | 75 | |
335450574 | Luo | Nilotic people who migrated from the Upper Nile regions to establish dynasties the lakes regions of central Africa | 76 | |
335450575 | Usuman Dan Fodio | Muslim Fulani leader who launched a great religious movement among the Hausa | 77 | |
335450576 | Great Trek | movement inland during 1830s of Dutch-ancestry settlers in South Africa seeking to escape British colonial government | 78 | |
335450577 | Shaka | ruler among the Nguni peoples of S.E. Africa during early 19th century; caused migrations and alterations in African political organizations | 79 | |
335450578 | Swazi and Lesotho | African states formed peoples reacting to the stresses of the Mfecane | 80 | |
335450579 | Mfecane | wars among Africans in S. Africa during early 19th century; caused migrations and alterations in political organizations | 81 | |
335450580 | Middle Passage | slave voyage from Africa to the Americas; a deadly and traumatic experience | 82 | |
335450581 | Obeah | African religious practices in the British American islands | 83 | |
335450582 | Candomble | African religious practices in Brazil among the Yoruba | 84 | |
335450583 | Vodun | African religious practices among descendants in Haiti | 85 | |
335450584 | Palmares | Angolan-led large runaway slave state in 17th-century Brazil | 86 | |
335450585 | Surinam Maroons | descendants of 18th century runaway slaves who found permanent refuge in the rainforests of Surinam and French Guiana | 87 | |
335450586 | William Wilberforce | British reformer who led the abolitionist movement that ended the British slave trade in 1807 | 88 | |
335450587 | Asian sea trading network | divided fr. E to W into three zones prior to European arrival; Arab zone based upon glass, carpets, tapestries; Indian with cotton textiles; Chinese with paper, porcelain, silks | 89 | |
335450588 | Goa | Indian city developed by Portuguese as major Indian base; developed an important Indo-European population | 90 | |
335450589 | Ormuz | Portuguese establishment at the southern end of Persian Gulf; a major trading base | 91 | |
335450590 | Malacca | city on the tip of the Malayan peninsula; a center for trade to the Southeastern Asian islands; became major Portuguese trading base | 92 | |
335450591 | Batavia | Dutch establishment on Java; created 1620 | 93 | |
335450592 | Treaty of Gijanti | reduced remaining independent Javanese princes to vassals of the Dutch East India Company; allowed Dutch to monopolize Java's coffee production | 94 | |
335450593 | Luzon | Northern island of the Philippines; conquered by Spain during 1560s; site of a major Catholic missionary effort | 95 | |
335450594 | Mindanao | Southern island of the Philippines; a Muslim area able to successfully resist Spanish conquest | 96 | |
335450595 | Francis Xavier | Franciscan missionary who worked in India during the 1540s among outcast and lower caste groups; later worked in Japan | 97 | |
335450596 | Robert Di Nobli | Italian Jesuit active in India during the early 1600s; failed in a policy of first converting indigenous elites | 98 | |
335450597 | Hongwu | first Ming emperor (1368-1403); drove out Mongols and restored the position of the scholar-gentry | 99 | |
335450598 | Macao and Canton | the only two ports in Ming China where Europeans were allowed to trade | 100 | |
335450599 | The Water Margin, Monkey, and the Golden Lotus | novels written during Ming period; recognized as classics and established the standards for Chinese prose literature | 101 | |
335450600 | Zhenghe | Chinese admiral who led seven overseas trade expeditions under Ming emperor Yunglo between 1405 and 1423; demonstrated that the Chinese were capable of major ocean exploration | 102 | |
335450601 | Matteo Ricci and Adam Schall | Jesuit scholars at the Ming court; also skilled scientists, won a few converts to Christianity | 103 | |
335450602 | Chongzhen | last of the Ming rulers; committed suicide in 1644 as rebels invaded the Forbidden City | 104 | |
335450603 | Manchu | Jurchen people from region to the northeast of Chinese empire; seized power and created the Qing dynasty after the collapse of the Ming | 105 | |
335450604 | Nobunaga | first Japanese daimyo to make extensive use of firearms; in 1573 deposed the last Ashikaga shogun; unified much of central Honshu; died in1582. | 106 | |
335450605 | Toyotomi Hideyoshi | general under Nobunaga; succeeded as a leading military power in central Japan; granted title of shogun in 1603 and establihsed the Tokugawa shogunate; established political unity in Japan | 107 | |
335450606 | Edo | Tokugawa capital, modern-day Tokyo; center of Tokugawa shogunate | 108 | |
335450607 | Deshima | island port in Nagasaki Bay, the only port open to foreigners; the Dutch; after the 1640s | 109 | |
335450608 | School of National Learning | 18th-century ideology that emphasized Japan's unique historical experience and the revival of indigenous culture at the expense of Confucianism and other Chinese influences | 110 |
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