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AP WORLD TEST 9 Flashcards

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149342299Socialist realismdominant school emphasizing heroic idealizations of workers, soldiers, and peasants0
149342300Politburoparty congress and meetings of the executive committee-- "rubber stamps" or useless in totalitarian rule1
149342301Five-year plansvery successful plans instituted by stalin set clear priorities for industrial development, with new facilities and output levels- metallurgy, mining, and electric power- * make the soviet union independent of Western Dominated world banking and trade2
149342302Results of Stalin's agricultural planningKaluks- aggressive entrepreneurs who acquired land they caused famine and did not work many kaluks were killed or deported to Siberia3
149342303Regions conquered by Japan by the end of 1938Manchuria, Korea, Taiwan and Eastern China4
149342304Korekiyo TakahashiResponsible for Japan's Government policies during the depression5
149342305Japanese depression vs. world depressionJapan was first hit hard but came out quicker than other nations because they reacted well in 1936 they had no unemployment6
149342306Japanese world tradein 1936 3.6% of world trade was controlled by Japan- their exports were rivaling the west's- 1937 3rd largest and newest merchant marine in the world7
149342307Collectivizationthe agricultural policy of the soviet union after stalin's concentration of power in 1928- allowed normally if minimal food supplies once the messy transition period ended -not much success state run farming using peasant labor8
149342308Lazaro Cardenaspopular reformist president of mexico who governed from 1934 to 1940-redistributed land and created communal farms created state run oil monopolies and rural education programs9
149342309Getelio Vargas' government in Brazil (1929-1945)he created centralized political programs imposed feudal administrators over the state governments took over after mussolini new constitution fascist government10
149342310Groups allied with Peronworker industrialists and miitary11
149342311Juan D. Peronused his wife's popularity. broadened the base of support for conservative government by appealing to labor groups and utilizing the popularity of his wife12
149342312Corporatismemphasized the organic nature of society and made the state as a mediator adjusting the needs of different social groups fascist government in Latin America13
149342313Falangesupported Francisco Franco (who gained control of spain at the end of the civil war with the help of the germans) *they were supported by Italy and Germany fascist party along with landowners and catholic leaders14
149342314Totalitariannew type of government that would exercise massive direct control over virtually all of the activities of its subjects Weimar republic control-- arrested many political opponents with the gestapo15
1493423151932 election in Germanynever won in free election hitler dominated in 193216
149342316Nazi economic planningmilitary weapontry production up replaced the trade union upped welfare and employment17
149342317Adolf Hitler's political programneed for unity and parliament wasn't working a return to traditional ways to get rid of all of Germany's problems-- attack in treaty of versailles and no department stores feminists or jews (hitler's platform)18
149342318SudetenlandWestern Czech19
149342319AnschlussHitler's union with Austria despite complaints of other euro nations20
149342320New DealNew Deal21
149342322National tariffshow the government reacted to the onset of the depression in 1929 with Protectionism which were nationalistic selfish policies23
149342323Shaanxi provincewhere the communist party established its center from 1934 to the mid 40s24
149342324Long Marchmarch of 90000 followers of mao who went to the remote NE Shanxi region25
149342325Shanghaibrutal massacre in 1927 many workers gunned down and beheaded marked the beginning of the conflict between communists and nationalists in China26
149342326Mao Zedonghe says that communists cant take power without peasant support took power after kaishek in 982527
149342327Chiang Kai-shekfirst head of the Whampoa Military academy- son of a poor salt merchant made career in the military and by virtue with powerful political leaders28
149342328Nationalist Party of ChinaFailed in land reforms- no help to peasants- created to unify revolutionary movements in China called the Guomindang- assistance from Bolsheviks29
149342329ProletarianLi DAZHO- marxism in china working class30
149342330Difference between Chinese Marxist philosophy and Lenin's Marxist philosophyDifference between Chinese Marxist philosophy and Lenin's Marxist philosophy31
149342331Li Dazhaoheaded the Marxist study at the university of Beijing in 191932
149342332May Fourth movementled by urban youth attempted to create a liberal democracy in China33
149342333Sun Yat-senresigned as president in 1912 in favor of the northern war lord- the war lord could unify china he could not better than the revolutionary alliance34
1493423341912, ChinaPuyi abdicates the throne in china- end of the Qing dynasty35
149342335Alexander Kerenskybecame leader of Russia when the tsar abdicated the throne- revolutionary leader36
149342336sovietsa council of workers37
149342337St. Petersburgrussian revolution 151738
1493423381910, MexicoMexican Revolution starts39
149342339Porfirio Diazpresident in favor of central government 1876-1910- no internal investment foreign corrupt policies and mining railroads and haciendas40
149342340Francisco Maderoson of an elite that opposed diaz he was sent to be arrested by diaz moderate reforms41
149342341Juan Jose Arevalopresident of Guatemala spiritual socialism land reform and and improvement of conditions for rural and industrial workers42
149342342Goals of Emiliano ZapataTierra y Libertad land and liberty expressed his want for land reform43
149342343Alvaro Obregonmachine guns and trenches beat villas cavalry - he was the one who put an end to the Mexican revolution wand was elected prez in 1920s44
149342344ejidoscommunal holdings45
149342345Reforms of the 1917 Mexican constitutionland reform, limited foreign ownership of key resources guaranteed rights of workers restrictions on clerical education and church ownership of property and other education reforms46
149342346Indigenismthe concern for the indigent peoples and their contribution that was below many reforms after indianization Rivera and Orozco47
149342347Cristerosfought seculariztion- backed by consevative politicians48
149342348PRIParty of the Industrialized revolution 20s and 30s incorporated labor peasant military and middle class sectors and proved flexible enough to incorporate new interest groups49

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