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AP World Unit 3 Test Flashcards

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254835448Five Pillarsfaith, prayer, alms, feasting, the pilgrimage0
254835449faithfive pillar where the declaration of this is made every day1
254835450prayerfive pillar where you face Mecca and do this five times a day2
254835451almsfive pillar where muslims are required to give money to the poor through this tax3
254835452fastingfive pillar where you must do this from sunrise to sundown; called Ramadan4
254835453Pilgrimagefive pillar where to do this at least once in your lifetime to Mecca5
254835454Sharialaw based on the Koran that lays down certain duties and penalties for Muslims6
254835455Sunnibelieved the caliph should be selected by the Muslim community. means: "followers of Muhammad's example"7
254835456Shi'abelieved the caliph should be a relative of the Prophet and rejected Umayyad rule. means: "the party of Ali"8
254835457caliphpolitical and religious successor of Muhammad9
254835458dhimmi"people of the book"; anyone who followed the book of God - Christians, Jews, Muslims; stretched to accomodate majority groups in eastern areas of the empire (india)10
254835459mawaliMuslim converts; had to pay the head tax normally for nonbelievers under Umayyads; did not have to do so under abbasids11
254835460wazirchief administrator and head of caliph's counsels during abbasid empire12
254835461sufiswandering mystics who sought personal union with Allah; grew increasingly powerful as the Islamic empire declined with their glorious stories of their contacts with Him.13
254835462al-Khwarizmiastronomer, geographer, and mathematician; founded algebra and the arabic number system.14
254835463dhowssailing vessels with lateen(triangular) sails; later influenced european design15
254835464dar al-islamthe islamic empire and the other influenced surrounding areas...16
254835465bantu migrationsherders who moved south and mixed with the older populations in the region of the east african interior.17
254835466stateless societysocieties organized around a kinship or other forms of obligation lacking the concentration of political power we normally associate with a state18
254835467Mansa MusaLord of Mali empire; islamic; very rich19
254835468swahililanguage; means "coastal"; influenced by both Bantu and Arabic20
254835469KilwaAfrican city; controlled the sourhtern port of Sofala which had a great access to gold; flourished in international trade21
254835470constantinoplecapital of byzantine empire after roman fall; place of effective politics and economics; later a flourishing city under islamic rule22
254835471JustinianEastern Roman empire; tried to recapture the empire of rome; this's code23
254835472iconoclasmthe attacking of traditional/cherished beliefs24
254835473Vladimir IConverted his people to christianity in Kievan rus'25
254835474boyarsrussian aristocrats; less political power that western europe couterparts but russian princes had to negotiate with them26
254835475vikingsseagoing scandinavian raiders who disrupted the coastal areas of western europe27
254835476fiefsArea of land held by a lord; all peasants living on this land are in direct command of that lord28
254835477vassalslesser lords that recieved aid and protection from more powerful lords; owed their lords military service, goods and payments, and advice29
254835478papacythe office/jurisdiction of the pope30
254835479magna cartasigned by king John; confirmed feudal rights against monarchial claims; largely limited the power of the Monarchyand gave it all to the church and aristocrats31
254835480guildsgrouped people usually in the same trade; stressed security and mutual control, no monopolization of profits; limited membership so that all would have work; garunteed quality; given a voice in the city government and upheld by municipal law32
254835481scholasticismdominant medieval philosophical approach; demonstrated confidence in the human ability to 'know'33
254835482bubonic plague (black death)devastating series of plagues that killed 1/3 of europe's population; spread easily by the heavy concentration of people in dirty, unsanitary cities34
254835483hundred years warlong battle in the 14th century between france and england; provided each side with new technological innovations and ideas for the military35
254835484toltecssedentary culture; sacrificial offerings; capital: Tula 968; believed in Quetzalcoatl; spread in all directions for trade of stones such as obsidion and turquoise36
254835485calpulliclans divided by the Aztecs; each performed a specific task for the empire; not all equal socially (some became nobles with military prowess and wealth while others became peasants etc.)37
254835486chinampasaquatic beds; aztec form of irrigation for their agriculture; high yield; could only take place in low waterlevels38
254835487cannibal kingdomAztecs considered ritual cannibalism to have religious importance39
254835488pachacutileader of the Inca (1438-1471) and led military alliances and campaigns from Cuzco to Lake Titicaca40
254835489split inheritancepolitical power and titles went to a ruler's successor but his palaces, wealth, land, and possessions remained in the hands of the male descendants who secured them for the dead inca's mummy for eternity...41
254835490mitalabor turns; communities expected to take turns working of state/church lands or building projects or mining; essential to Inca control42
254835491ayllubasic political unit of Inca life; controlled certain amounts of land and gave gender-specific jobs to the people in that unit43
254835492Empress WuTang empress; supported buddhism and tried to elevate it to the status of state religion44
254835493tribute systemwhere conquered areas remained under the control of their dominators, but could still stay relatively independent by paying off those dominators45
254835494jinshichinese who passed the hardest of the exams; secured them the prospect of high office; won them and their families social status; could wear certain clothing and exempt from corporal punishment46
254835495footbindingcreated subordination of the extreme kind for chinses women; preferred by prospective husbands; created limited mobility (OW); limited types of work that could be performed by women47
254835496Grand Canalbuilt by Yangdi in order to link the north and south -- south flourishing with population because of high food production; made easy the collection of revenue and movement of military48
254835497flying moneycredit vouchers; present for reimbursment in appropriate city; greatly reduced the danger of robbery49
254835498junkschinses ships; ginormous; equipped with watertight bulkheads, compasses, rudders, oars, sails; with these chinese merchants and sailors became the dominant forces of the asian seas - east of malayan peninsula50
254835499sinificationextensive adoption of chinese culture51
254835500bushiwarrior leaders; administered law, public works, and collective revenue52
254835501bakufu'tent' military government; formed by the Minamotos53
254835502samuraimounted troops, loyal to local lords; called to protect emperor to keep peace54
254835503daimyo300 little kingdoms in Japan after the shogunate self destructed where there rulers were called this55
254835504Taika Reformsaimed at completely turning the imperial administration to follow Chinese style in Japan56
254835505trung sistersleaders of one of the frequent peasant rebellions in Vietnam against Chinese rule; demonstrated the importance of Vietnamese women in indigenous society57
254835506genghis khanelected khagan of all mongol tribes in 1206; conquered northern kingdoms of China, Abbasids; died in 1227 and left his large empire to three of his sons and one grandson58
254835507kubilai khangrandson of genghis khan; commander of mongol forces responsible for the conquest of China; established sinicized mongol Yuan dynasty in China 127159
254835508Pax mongolicathe eased communication and commerce created by the unified administration under mongol rule; also the equality and acceptance of all religions60

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