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AP World: Unit Three People Flashcards

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162555282MichelangeloOne of the greatest figures of the Renaissance0
162555283BrunelleschiItalian architect celebrated for his work during the Florentine Renaissance1
162555284Leonardo da VinciThe most versatile genius of the Italian Renaissance, depicted humans as realistically as possible2
162555285DonatelloFlorentine sculptor famous for his lifelike sculptures3
162555286Albrecht DurerAdopted the naturalism of the Italian painters4
162555287Johannes GutenbergInvented printing press in mid-1400s5
162555288William ShakespeareArguably most famous European writer from the renaissance6
162555289Sir Thomas MooreWrote Utopia, described ideal society where everyone shared wealth7
162555290Martin LutherNailed list of 95 theses onto a door in 1517 to initiate Protestant Reformation8
162555291Pope Leo XPope when Marin Luther wrote 95 theses, furious with Luther, eventually calling for arrest9
162555292John CalvinTaught predestination during reformation10
162555293King Henry VIIIFounder of the church in England and ruled England from 1509-1547, broke the Catholic church because he couldn't get a divorce11
162555294Ignatius LoyolaFounded society of Jesuits12
162555295Nicolaus CopernicusDeveloped mathematical theory suggesting the Earth's revolution around the sun and it's rotation on an axis13
162555296GalileoWorked to prove Copernicus' theory14
162555297Tycho BraheBuilt observatory and recorded observations15
162555298Francis BaconPublished works on inductive logic16
162555299Johannes KeplerDeveloped laws of planetary motion based on math and observation17
162555300Sir Isaac NewtonInvented calculus to help prove theories of Copernicus, Galileo, and Bacon18
162555301Thomas HobbesThought people were greedy/prone to violent warfare, believed in a ruler to suppress war-like tendencies of people19
162555302John LockeBelieved mankind was good, equal, rational, and capable of self rule; believed in a government to provide rights of liberty, life, and property20
162555303Jean-Jacques RousseauBelieved human beings are naturally good and free, can rely on their instincts; thought government should exist to protect common good, and be a democracy21
162555304VoltaireWritings supported idea of religious toleration22
162555305MontesquieuArgued for separation of powers among branches of government23
162555306Prince Henry the NavigatorHead of royal family in Portugal who supported explorations24
162555307Bartholomew DiasRounded tip of Africa (Cape of Good Hope) in 148825
162555308Vasco de GamaRounded Cape of Good Hope in 1497, explored African kingdoms and went to India to establish trade relations26
162555309Christopher ColumbusVoyage in 1492 led to discovery of Cuba/West Indies, mistaken for India27
162555310Amerigo VespucciExplored South America on several trips around 1500, realized continent was too big to be Asia, renamed America28
162555311Ponce de LeonExplored Florida for Spain in search of the fountain of youth in 151329
162555312Vasco de BalboaExplored much of Central America for Spain, laid sight on the Pacific Ocean (1513)30
162555313Ferdinand MagellanCrew became first to circumnavigate the globe, died himself in Philippines31
162555314Giovanni de VerrazanoExplored North American coast for France in 152432
162555315Sir Francis DrakeBecame first Englishmen to circumnavigate the globe in 157833
162555316John CabotExplored coast of North America for England in 159734
162555317Henry HudsonSailed for the Dutch looking for a NW passage to Asia in 1609, explored Hudson Rier and made claims to the area for the Dutch35
162555318Hernan CortesLanded on coast of Mexico in 1519 to meet Aztecs36
162555319MontezumaAztec ruler who mistook Cortes for a god37
162555320Francisco PizarroSpanish explorer who conquered the Incas in what is now Peru, founded the city of Lima38
162555321King FerdinandKing of Spain who agreed to finance Christopher Columbus's expedition to the Americas in 149239
162555322Queen IsabellaQueen of Spain who gave Columbus the ships and sailors to sail to the new world40
162555323Charles VMember of the Hasburg family and one of the greatest Spanish kings who expanded their authority in Spain itself41
162555324Ferdinand IHoly Roman Emperor during 30 Years War, led the Catholic forces and won the first half42
162555325Philip IIKing of Spain and Portugal and husband of Mary I, supported the Counter Reformation and sent the Spanish Armada to invade England43
162555326ElizabethHenry VIII's daughter, oversaw a golden age in England44
162555327James ICame to power in 1607 after Elizabeth's death, son of Mary Queen of Scots who succeeded Elizabeth I; alienated Parliament by claiming the divine right of kings45
162555328Charles ISon of James I who was King of England and Scotland and Ireland, was deposed and executed by Oliver Cromwell46
162555329Oliver CromwellLead the Roundheads to defeat the armies of Charles I (Cavaliers)47
162645615Henry IVLeader of France who issued Edict of Nantes, granting religious freedom to the Huguenots48
162645616Louis XIVLeader of France who built palace of Versailles, "The State is me"49
162645617Jean Baptiste ColbertAppointed to manage the royal funds by Louis XIV, supported mercantilism and tried to make France self-sufficient, wars/invasions proved ineffective50
162645618Philip VGrandson of Louis XIV who led Spain51
162645619Ivan IIILeader of Moscow (third Rome) who refused to pay tribute to the Mongols an declared Russia free of Mongol rule52
162645620Ivan IVHe and his father established absolute rule in Russia, recruited Cossacks53
162645621Michael RomanovTook throne of Russia in 1613 to begin a stable dynasty to last until 191754
162645622Peter the GreatWesternized Russia, ruled from 1682-1725, built Russia's first navy and St. Petersburg55
162645623Osmen BayFounded Muslim Ottoman Empire56
162645624Selim ILeader of Ottomans who claimed to be rightful heir to Islamic tradition under Arab caliphs, Istanbul became center of Islam under him57
162645625Slueiman IRose to power for Ottomans, building up the military and encouraging development of the arts (golden age)58
162645626BaburClaimed to be descendent of Genghis Khan, a Muslim who invaded northern India to establish Mughal Empire59
162645627AkbarBabur's grandson, eliminated jizya (tax on Hindus) and sati (burning Hindu women)60
162645628Shah JahanAkbar's grandson, built Taj Mahal61
162645629King Alfonso IKing of Kongo who was successful at converting his people to Roman Catholicism62
162645630Queen NzingaQueen of Angola, unsuccessfully resisted Portugal's invasion for slaves (alliances with Dutch, studied European military tactics)63
162645631KangxiManchu emperor, supported arts and expanded Empire into Mongolia, central Asia, Tibet (Confucian scholar)64
162645632QianlongManchu emperor, expanded into Vietnam, Burma, and Nepal, son of Kangxi (Confucian scholar)65
162645633Tokugawa IeyasuEstablished Tokugawa Shogunate, instituted rigid social class model66

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