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APES- Chapter 4 Flashcards

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4837537880TroposphereA layer of the atmosphere closest to the surface of Earth, extending up to approximately 16 km.0
4837552221StratosphereThe layer above the troposphere, extending roughly 16-50 km above the surface of the earth.1
4837554368AlbedoThe percentage of incoming sunlight reflected from a surface.2
4837559740Saturation pointThe maximum amount of water vapor in the air at a given temperature.3
4837584212Adiabatic coolingThe cooling effect of reduced pressure on air as it rises higher in the atmosphere and expands.4
4837614140Adiabatic heatingThe heating effect of increased pressure on air as it sinks toward the surface of earth and decreases in volume.5
4837616589Latent heat releaseThe release of energy when water in the atmosphere condenses into liquid water.6
4837656518Atmospheric convection currentGlobal patterns of air movement that are initiated by the unequal heating of earth.7
4837659324Hadley cellA convection current in the atmosphere that cycles between the equator and 30 N and 30 S.8
4837790077Intertropical Convergence zone (ITCZ)The latitude that receives the most intense sunlight, which cause the ascending branches of the two Hadley cells to converge.9
4837807258Polar cellA convection current in the atmosphere, formed by air that rises at 60 N and 60 S and sinks at the poles, 90 N and 90 S.10
4837818347Ferrell cellA convection current in the atmosphere that lies between Hadley cells and polar cells.11
4837823831Coriolis effectThe deflection of an object's path due to the rotation of earth.12
4837849924Rain shadowA region with dry conditions found on the leeward side of a mountain range as a result of humid winds from the ocean causing precipitation on the windward side.13
4837852784GyreA large scale pattern of water circulation that moves clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.14
4837855243UpwellingThe upward movement of ocean water toward the surface as a result of divergent currents.15
4837857485Thermohaline circulationAn oceanic circulation pattern that drives the mixing of surface water and deep water.16
4837860317El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)A reversal of wind and water current in the South Pacific.17
4837862165Terrestrial BiomeA geographic region categorized by a particular combination of average annual temperature, annual precipitation, and distinctive plant growth forms on land.18
4837865681Aquatic biomeAn aquatic region characterized by a particular combination of salinity, depth, and water flow.19
4837870935TundraA cold and treeless biome with low-growing vegetation.20
4837871966PermafrostAn impermeable, permanently frozen layer of soil.21
4837873255Boreal forestA forest biome made up primarily of coniferous evergreen trees that can tolerate cold winters and short growing seasons.22
4837878659Temperate rainforestA coastal biome typified by moderate temperatures and high precipitation.23
4837889555Temperate seasonal forestA biome with warm summers and cold winters with over 1 meter of precipitation annually.24
4837891473Woodland/shrublandA biome characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, rainy winters.25
4837899958Temperate grassland/cold desertA biome characterized by cold, harsh winters, and hot, dry summers.26
4837901232Tropical rainforestA warm and wet biome found between 20 N and 20 S of the equator, with little seasonal temperature variation and high precipitation.27
4837951028Tropical seasonal forest/savannaA biome marked by warm temperature and distinct wet and dry seasons.28
4837952536Subtropical desertA biome prevailing at approximately 30 N and 30 S, with hot temperatures, extremely dry conditions, and sparce vegetation.29
4837955747Littoral zoneThe shallow zone of soil and water in lakes and ponds where most algae and emergent plants grow.30
4837958303Limnetic zoneA zone of open water in lakes and ponds.31
4837959581PhytoplanktonFloating algae.32
4837960631Profundal zoneA region of water where sunlight does not reach, below the limnetic zone in very deep lakes.33
4837962320Benthic zoneThe muddy bottom of a lake, pond, or ocean.34
4837963104OligotrophicDescribes a lake with a low level of productivity.35
4837964529MesotrophicDescribes a lake with a moderate level of productivity.36
4837965358EutrophicDescribes a lake with a high level of productivity.37
4837971341Freshwater wetlandsAn aquatic biome that is submerged or saturated by water for at least part of each year, but shallow enough to support emergent vegetation.38
4837974394Salt marshA marsh containing nonwoody emergent vegetation, found along the coast in temperate climates.39
4837977448Mangrove swampA swamp that occurs along tropical and subtropical coasts, and contains salt tolerant trees with roots submerged in water.40
4837981898Intertidal zoneThe narrow band of coastline between the levels of high tide and low tide.41
4837982911Coral reefThe most diverse marine biome on Earth, found in warm, shallow water beyond he shoreline.42
4837984856Coral bleachingA phenomenon in which algae inside corals die, causing the corals to turn white.43
4837989288Open seasonDeep ocean water, located away from the shoreline where sunlight can no longer reach the ocean bottom.44
4837990949Photic zoneThe upper layer of ocean water in the ocean that receives enough sunlight for photosynthesis.45
4837992895Aphotic zoneThe deeper layer of ocean water that lacks sufficient sunlight for photosynthesis.46
4838001027ChemosynthesisA process used by some bacteria in the ocean to generate energy with methane and hydrogen sulfide.47

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