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APES Fianl Flashcards

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9792232461ionizing radiationcancer causing, UV, X-ray, Gamma0
9792235693heatwhat does infared translate to1
9792239202frequencywhat decreases in the greenhouse effect trapping the waves2
9792245420entropythe second law of thermodynamics3
979225639110how many half lives before deemed safe4
9792259457positive feedback loopCauses a system to change further in the same direction.5
9792285004negative feedback loopcorrective to maintain homeostasis6
9792287856synergythe power that results from the combination of two or more forces7
9792293414p O A e B C Rsoil layers8
9792297960p layerwetland/peat9
9792297961eluviationmineral buildup as water cant progress from A to B10
9792306156claysmall with low infiltration11
9792309149sandlarge with high infiltration12
9792314220leaching infiltration------- is minerals while ------ is water13
9792321828habitat, decreases evaporation and erosionwhy is the leaf litter important14
9792325291right diagonal upclay silt sand15
9792336510sedimentaryweathering and erosion16
9792336511igneouslava, mashed together rocks17
9792343765metamorphicheat and pressure18
9792353531Fixation/ammonification nirtification assimilation denitrificationnitrogen cycle19
9792368041erosion time and no gaseous phasewhy is phosphorus a limiting factor20
9792374487ocean forest soilcarbon sink order21
9792377520H2Schemosnythetic bacteria uses what compound22
9792380734law of toleranceFor each (a)biotic factor, an organism has a set range of tolerances within which it can survive23
9792384015lava glaciers moving concreteprimary succession examples24
9792394255fire and natural disasterssecondary succession examples25
9792402880tissue, dead/dying, enzymes break downdifference between detritivores, scavengers and decomposes26
9792416063grasslandgood soil and agriculture//savanah28
9792419665tiagaboreal forest, Russia, coniferous forest29
9792421833chaparealshrubs and fire30
9792424662decidious forestbroad lead31
9792427146rainforesthigh NPP and biodiversity32
9792430109desertdesertification biome33
9792432468mangroveroots and babies34
9792436231coral reefhigh biodiversity ad calcium carbonate=ocean acidification35
9792439491swamps/marsheslakes and filtration36
9792442509estuaries60% of population with high transportation and primary productivity37
9792442510kelp foresthigh DO38
9792445653r stragetisttype 339
9792453368k stragetisttype 140
9792459834bottomtype three is the ---- curve41
9792465633APEX or eats something necessarywhat makes a species keystone42
9792471832air qual water qual migrationindicator species: lichen amphibians birds43
9792473979HIPPO H more than othersmain cause of biodiversity loss44
9792483787clumpedmost popular spacial distribution45
9792489949thermoclineA narrow stratum of rapid temperature change in the ocean and in many temperate-zone lakes46
9792494163intertidal photic benthic abyssalocean zones47
9792498066littoral limnetic profundal benthiclake zones48
9792501059cypress treesswamps have what type of trees that aid in filtration49
9792510197paul erhlichpopultion bomb50
9792513370malthusfirst proponent of notion that humans would exceed earth's carrying capacity51
97926408472.1 2.6RLF for developed and developing52
9792653344pre-industrialhigh birth rate high death rate 0% growth53
9792655663transitionalhigh birth low death BIG +54
9792659968industriallow birth low death small +55
9792664237post-industriallow birth low death 0% growth56
9792678434middle fatter than endswhat is a negative growth histogrm57
9792687204agriculture no education/preventativereasons for high TFR58
9792700183foliage roots and flowers strengthNPK meaning59
9792723556polyculturebackyard garden60
9792723557polyvarietialapple orchard61
9792726254intercroppingone row corn one row beans62
9792729145rop rotationone year corn one year beans63
9792731746fallowempty field tht is bad for erosion64
9792741529increased pestacides and fertalizersdisadvantages of monoculture65
9792746712undernutritionlow calorie66
9792750991malnutritionlow nutrition67
9792750993eyesVit A affects68
9792753862goiterIodine affects69
9792756801anemiaFe affects70
9792760340marasmuswaste away// aneorexia71
9792763738kwahiorkorswollen belly, less than 3 yrs weaning72
9792773430lagoons, GHG, low----- from CAFOs leak E.Coli, CH4 causing an increase of ----- with a ---- efficiency73
9792807440botom trawlingruins benthic floor (worst)74
9792825436purse seeningschools of fish (2nd worst)75
9792828563drift netbouys/ TED (2rd worst)76
9792832419long linebait (best)77
979283487925percent by-catch78
9792838153NH3 and diseasethere is an abundance of ----- from waste and ---- from space in aquacultures79
9792850428contouring terracing polyculture NO TILL IMP and BMPsustainable agriculture practices for erosion80
9792857306predatorsin natural ecosystems, 50-90% of pest species are kept under control by81
9792867888DDT aldrin chlordanemajor CFC in fertz82
9792870991organophosphatemalathion organic phosphorus compound used as an insecticide83
9792870992atrazineweeds and herbacies84
9793024111biomag/acc carcinoge, bald eagle eggscons of DDT and source85
9793031350endocrine disruptor herm frogs and estrogen imbalancecons of atrazine86
97930364101950: developed 1960: developinggreen revolution differences87
9793048615LD50dose that kills 50% of population89
9793061708coal gas, paint batteriessources of the following heavy metals: Hg Pb Cadnum90
9793070717furansgarbage that biomag/acc91
9793075828non-livingviruses are92
9793075829influenzathe number one death in the93
9793083158TBdisease from air travel and high pop density94
9793086834protozoanmalaria is ------ and comes from the anophalles in tropica areas95
9793131986poverty (lower air and water qual) sanitation urbinizationfactors that increase the spread of disease96
9793140436chlorea/typhoid, schiosoomaysis, giardiawater bourne disease examples97
9793145193local vs globaleipdemic vs pandemic98
9793147697together, trench/subduction yes but cant feel yesconvergent movement earthquake volcano99
9793165931away, ridges rifts, seafloor spread no yesdivergent movement earthquake volcano100
9793169512lateral sliding yes notransform movement earthquake volcano101
9793175113CH4fracking biggest con is the release of102
9793179128overburdenexcess milerals from mining103
9793191545smeltingThe process by which ore is melted to separate the useful metal from other elements.104
9793194123ganguewaste rock that must be removed before a mineral can be used105
9793194138tailingspiles of gangue, which is the waste material that results from mining.106
9793196707decreasedopen pit mining results in ---- mining107
9793199160coal seamsstrip mining leads to108
9793201323high grade oremnt top removal results in109
9793215479sandstone--->quartzite shale------>slate limestone----> marblesed into metamorphic rocks110
9793217896pumics basalt graniteigneous rocks111
9793224075peat lignite bitumous sub-bit ANTHROCITEtypes of coal112
9793224076efficiencybest solution to energy shortage113
9793228177tar sandsalberta, bitumen, habitat d, keystone114
9793241850electro-stat (filter) wet scrubbing (soak limestone to remove SO2) physical (gas/liquid)ways to "clean" coal115
9793241851SO2, increasingwetscribbing gets rid of ----- and end sup ----- pH116
9793256181nois LNG effictive117
9793262750crack shale w fracking fluid (lots of chemicals) releasing gasfracking process118
9793277375fuel (heat) control rod(absorb energy) moderator (slow neutron)major parts of a nuclear reactor119
9793287256neutronsnuclear fission splits atoms using excess120
9793290099not usednuclear fusion is121
97932975253-mile islandnuclear eplosion w no onsequences122
9793300245fukashimaearthquake in japan caused nuclear explosion123
9793302737lownuclear energy has a --- efficiency because of the thermal pollution124
97933067111%percentage of sunlight used for photosynthesis125
9793310028damscontrol flooding downstream, yangzee river, low fish sex and increased CH4126
9793323414mass: garbage gas: ethanol, CH4types of bioenergy127
9793323415bioenergyonly non-location dependent alternative energy128
9793326815H2Swhat is released from geothermal energy129
9793332076windowspassive solar energy130
9793336265PV panel, power tower, silicone e-active solar power131
9793336266cogenerationreuse of heat or energy132
979334991797% salt 3% fresh 69% ice 30% ground 1% accessible 87% lakes 11 swamps 2 riverswater % breakdown133
9793359540decreased increasedsalt water intrusion comes from --- solvent and ---- solute134
9793365376waterlogginghow to fix salty soil135
9793382018drip center timingefficiency rankings of irrigation136
9793387286inverseoxygen sags and BOD have an ---- relationship because137
9793402433fert runoff algal bloom black sun everything dies (plants and algal) aerobic decomposeseutrophication steps138
9793402434hypoxialow DO139
9793404360anoxiano DO140
9793413803septic tanks, lagons, leachatesground water pollution sources141
9793424297bar screen biological (bacteria and Cl-) wetland/reverse osmosissewage treatment steps142
9793432097turbidityFe equals143
9793432098decrease pHH2SO4 equals144
9793442161DO temp NPK bacteria turbwater quality identificators145
9793447049minimata bayHg poison from acid rain146
9793458535coagulant floculation settle waste OR charcol filter, Cl-F-safe drinking water steps147
9793461152aral seasstans148
9793463590chesapeak baydead zone case study149
9793465911ogally aquiferTX, KS, overirrigation150
9793474469hothigh pressure system151
9793474470coldlow pressure system152
9793477004hurricanewarm over cold causing a storm153
9793501509east (0-30) west (30-60) trade (60-90) west eastwind zones154
9793505486el ninoA periodic change in the pattern of ocean currents and water temperature in the mid-pacific region155
9793508151temperature inversionswhen a layer of warm air is on top of a layer of cooler air, preventing the air from mixing156
9793519115primary air pollutantsproduced directly by humans & nature (CO,CO2,SOx,NOx, hydrocarbons, particulates)157
9793522751particulate mattera mixture of dust, acids, and other chemicals that can be hazardous to human health158
9793525801nitrogen oxidescome from transportation coal causes smog acid rain and GHG159
9793531931sulfur oxidecome from transportation and coal athsma acid rain160
9793537870carbon oxidescoal and transporation CO=hemoglobin GHG fossil fuels161
9793546807ozonestratospheric=:) degrades UV radiation162
9793559547SPM radon CO formaldahyde asbestosindoor air pollutants163
9793575225NOx+VOC+O2{sunlight} O3 +PANsphoto chemical smog164
9793587505CCN + SOx, COx, NOx fert/cars volcano fossil fuelsources of acid rain165
9793592081thermal expansion desertification salt introusion diseaseeffects of global warming166
9793613097CFC and halocarbonswhat causes O3 depleation167
9793616932aging burning cancerUV a b c168
9793619697Awhat type of UV reaches earths surfce169
9793625191leachates CH4 and runoffsanitary landfill issues170
97936274175 R'sbest wat to solve waste problem171
9793627418PAPERmost municipal waste is172
9793629675conservtionregulating nat cap173
9793634152preservtioneliminating nat cap174
9793641332surface mining and control actrequires coal strip mines to reclaim the land175
9793645058madrid protocolsuspension on mineral exploration for 50 years in antartica176
9793652040safe drinking water actset maximum contaminant levels for pollutans that may have adverse affects on humans177
9793657063clean water actset amximum contaminant levels for pollutants that can be discharged into waterways aim to make surface waters swimable and fishable178
9793663153water quality actattempt to reduce non-point source pollution179
9793673807ocean dumping actbans oceans dumping of sewage sludge and industrial waste in the ocean180
9793676301clean air actset emmision standards for cars and limits release of air pollutants (189)181
9793686291kyoto protocolcontrolling global warming by setting greenhouse gas emission targets for developed countries182
9793693624montreal protocolphase out of ozone depleting substances183
9793702560resource conservation and reclamation actcontrols hazardous waste w cradle to grave system184
9793711314comprehensive environmental response compensation an liability actsuperfund designed to idenfity and clean up abandoned hazardous waste dump sites185
9793719092low level radioactive policyall states must have facilities to handlw low level radioactive wastes186
9793724390nuclear waste policy actUS govt must develop a high level uclear waste site by 2015187
9793728925endangered species acta 1973 U.S. act designed to protect species from extinction188
9793735630convention on international trade in endangered specieslists species that cant be commercially traded as live specimens or products189
9793743873food quality protection actsets pesticide limit in food and all active and inactive ingredients must be screened for estrogen/endocrine effects190
9793760943national environmental policy actenvironmental impact statements that must be done before any project affecting federal lands can be started191
9793766291FIFRAcontrol over pestacide use and ban of DDT192
9793769548rachel carsonzoology and marine biology write silent springs and DDT ban193
9793773656john muirsierra club, inspired FDR conservation program and create national parks194
9793780107julia butterflyspent two years in a redwood tree195
9793786514david suzukigeneticist from canada does TV shows and over 32 environmental books196
9793789753garret hardintradegy of the commons197
9793792580paul erhlichbiologist published pop bomb198
9793794848eo wilsonisland biogeograohy and biodiversity199
9793802383roland and molinachemists who suggested ozone depletion due to CFCs200
9793805082wangari maathiagreen belt movement planting trees in kenya201
9793810780Natural CapitalThe natural resources of Earth, such as air, water, and minerals.202
9793812973DegradationA decline to a lower condition, quality, or level203
9793815049Remediationreturn a contaminated area to its original state204
9793815050FiniteHaving limits205
9793840495all threeCarbon is found in 1-shale 2-limestone 3-nat gas206
979386160235efficiency of nuclear power plant207
979386468760natural gas power plant efficiency208
979386768210gas in car efficiency209
9793880350reclamationThe process of restoring and improving land disturbed by coal mining can be defined as210
9793895778shellsSulfur is found in all of the following except A) shells B) ocean deposits C) volcanic eruptions D) atmosphere E) underground rocks211
9793918700remove, remove, replenishTerrestrial producers _____ CO2 from the atmosphee, aquatic producers _____ CO2 from the water, and consumers _____ CO2 from the atmosphere.212
9793925686O2Which of the following gases was NOT present during the Earth's earliest atmosphere?213
979393134799What percent of all species that ever existed do biologists estimate are now extinct?214
979393134865The Middle East contains about ____ of the world's oil reserves215
9793936464three onlyPhosphorus exists in the atmosphere as a I. Gas II. Sulfate III. Fine dust216
9793940415crystallization of magmaGranite is formed through A)crystallization of magma B) compression of precipitates C) compression of metamorphic rock D) heating of sedimentary rock E) chemical alteration of sediment217
979394623580percentage of non-developed countries218
9793980195algae multiplied and decoposedwhy does the DO after one week decrease as the amount of waste increases when organic material is added into a tank219
9793997086carbon that has been stored underground is added into the carbon cyclehow does the burning of fossil fuels increase the net in atmospheric carbon220
9794001803phosphrouswhich element is most likely to milit primary production in freshwater lakes221
9794010922troposphere absorbs outgoing IRglobal climate change occurs because increasing concentrations of GHG in222
9794020103boiling pointoil refineries separate based on223
9794028694CERCLAdeals witht eh cleanup of abondoned hazardous waste sites224
9794033222cyanideseperation and extraction of gold in remote regions often results in environmental contamination with what225
9794043258SO2the clean air act established a cap-and-trade program for ----226
9794065020notsewage treatment plants in the US (are/ are not) equipped227
9807743540desanilizationmiddle east228
9807747179methanepoles/ and icy areas release230
9807761364H2O CO2 CH4 N2O O3 CFCGHG in order of abundance231
9807763709CH4agriculture contributes to what GHG232
9807768619nodo humans contribute to water cycle233
9807771486commensalismlichen on bark234
9807796133commensalismspanish moss235
9807796319commensalismremora and shark236
9807801545paratacismland prey and shark237
9807812691paratacismworm and fungus or insect238
9807820677littoralwhat lake zone has the most biodiversity239
9807823730styrenecarpets and kidney issues240
9807832176mitigationto make better241
9807832177lowinternal combustion has ---- efficiency242
9807838159fuel cellbest hydrologic alternative energy243
9807843059hoover damlake mead is to what dam244
9807847302Panseye irritants245
9807878650easter Island Effectdeforestation leads to evaporation which leads to desertification and erosion246
9807886060yesdoes noise pollution affect an ecosystem247
9807891278lowhead island effect occurs because of --- aldebo in cities248
9807898410estra O3CFCs bond with ----- ----- at polar regions249
9807920934shale basinfracturing in --- ----250
9807923524sizementearthquake movement251
9807926562electrostatic precipcatalytic converter is the equivalent of -------- ------ for cars252
9807934302ozinationbest way to clean water253
9807937524idland biogeographysmaller and close mean more biodiversity254
9808115864lateritea red, highly leached soil type found in the tropics that is rich in oxides of iron and aluminum255
9808119101pedocalA soil formed in arid and semiarid climates characterized by an accumulation of calcium carbonate.256
98691466931.5 Billionchina population257
98691541821.4 billionindia population258
9869156460325 milUS population259
9872575934multiple/ divide coefficients add/subtract exponentshow to multiple and divide exponents260
9872595146if the same exponents: add or subtract coefficients and add on exponent If not the same exponent: alter coefficient so same exponent by moving the decimal add or subtract coefficientsadding and subtracting exponents261
9872598455-9nano is262
987259845612giga is263
98726015049terra is264
98726015056mega is265
987262219270/% growthdoubling time formula266
9872629123Kw times timea kilowatt hour is equal to267
9872633818wattequal to amps times volts OR joules/ seconds268
9872639959logarithmaticthe pH scale is269
9872653636half the start amount and add half life half the new amount and add half lifehow to half life270
9872667464square the number and unitarea conversion271
9872669817cube the number and unitvolume conversion272
9872673073crude birth ratenumber of births per 1000 women per year273
9872706121per personper capitia means274
9902851513topif asked for the total on a line graph, go--- (??)275
9902852756keywhat should you not forget on line graphs w multiple lines276
9902856278all multiplication then all divisiondimensional analysis steps277
9902860900DIVIDEif states that the machine does no have 100% efficiency,278
9902862124100percent increase is multiplied by279
9902864247rangewhat type of answers given on bar graph280
99058551531.3global growth rate281

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