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APUSH court cases/ Chief Justices Flashcards

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165342225Marbury v. Madison (1803)Supreme Court has authority to rule Congressional Acts unconstitutional (Judicial Review) Chief Justice: John Marshall0
165342226McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)Federal Government CAN establish National Bank ("Necessary & Proper" Clause) even without express Constitutional authority; States CANNOT tax federal institutions Chief Justice: John Marshall1
165342227Dartmouth College v. Woodward (1819)Contract pre-dating creation of NH IS a valid contract; NH cannot void Chief Justice: John Marshall2
165342228Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)Federal laws regulating interstate commerce overrule state laws Chief Justice: John Marshall3
165342229Worcester v. Georgia (1832)Only Federal Government, not States, can regulate relations with sovereign Indian tribes Chief Justice: John Marshall4
165342230Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge (1837)MA contract awarding competing bridge contract in violation of implied rights of competing bridge IS valid, USSC defers to state legislature Chief Justice:Roger Taney5
165342231Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)1. Enslaved Africans and their descendents are not and can never be citizens 2. U.S. has no authority to prohibit slavery in territories Chief Justice: Roger Taney6
165342232Ex Parte Milligan (1866)Military tribunals CANNOT be used to try civilians when civilian courts still operating Chief Justice: Salmon P. Chase7
165342233Slaughterhouse Cases (1873)14th Amendment ONLY applies to Federal "privileges or immunities", NOT State citizenship rights Chief Justice: Salmon P. Chase8
165342234U.S. v. Cruikshank (1875)Due Process and Equal Protection clauses of 14th Amendment apply ONLY to Government actions, not those of individuals Chief Justice:Morrison Waite9
165342235Munn v. Illinois (1876)14th Amendment does NOT prevent IL from setting maximum rates for the storage of grain; RR freight shipments. Private cos. had "public interest" which allowed regulation. Chief Justice:Morrison Waite10
165342236Civil Rights Cases (1883)Federal Civil Rights Acts (e.g. desegregating public facilities) were unconstitutional (Federalism argument) Chief Justice:Morrison Waite11
165342237Wabash v. Illinois (1886)Contra, Munn. State regulations of interstate commerce CANNOT place a direct burden on interstate commerce. Chief Justice:Morrison Waite12
165342238In Re Debs (1895)Federal injunction ordering RR workers back to work during strike IS valid under commerce clause Chief Justice: Melville Fuller13
165342239Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)Racially segregated facilities are permissible under 14th Amendment if they are equivalent (Separate but Equal OK) Chief Justice: Melville Fuller14
165342240Lochner v. United States (1905)NY state law limiting hours bakers could work is INVALID Chief Justice: Melville Fuller15
165342241Muller v. Oregon (1908)OR law limiting hours women can work IS valid based on women's "nature"; contra, Lochner Chief Justice: Melville Fuller16
165342242Standard Oil v. United States (1910)Standard Oil is guilty of monopolizing the petroleum industry in violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act Chief Justice: Edward White17
165342243Schenck v. United States (1919)Socialist anti-draft pamphlets NOT protected by 1st Amendment; present a "clear and present" danger (Note: wartime case) Chief Justice: Edward White18
165342244Schecter Poultry v. United States (1935)NIRA (New Deal legislation) was unconstitutional under the Separation of Powers (too much legislative authority to the executive branch) Chief Justice: Charles Evans Hughes19
165342245West Coast Hotel v. Parrish (1937)Contra, Lochner. WA state law establishing minimum wage IS constitutional. Chief Justice: Charles Evans Hughes20
165342246NLRB v. Jones & Laughlin Steel (1937)National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act) IS Constitutional Chief Justice: Charles Evans Hughes21
165342247Wickard v. Filburn (1942)Farm grown for home consumption CAN be regulated under the Commerce Clause Chief Justice: Harlan Fiske Stone22
165342248Smith v. Allwright (1944)14th and 15th Amendments prohibit "White primaries" (private parties had a "public function") Chief Justice: Harlan Fiske Stone23
165342249Korematsu v. United States (1944)WWII Internment of Japanese-Americans on national security grounds IS Constitutional Chief Justice: Harlan Fiske Stone24
165342250Dennis et al v. United States (1951)Membership in the Communist party is prosecutable under the Smith Act without violating the First Amendment Chief Justice: Frederick Vinson25
165342251Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954)Segregated schools are inherently unequal and prohibited by the 14th Amendment Chief Justice: Earl Warren26
165342252Baker v. Carr (1962)Reapportionment is NOT a "political question" and therefore is SUBJECT to judicial review Chief Justice: Earl Warren27
165342253Engel v. Vitale (1962)Public schools CANNOT require official school prayers to be recited Chief Justice: Earl Warren28
165342254Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)State courts MUST provide indigent (poor) defendants with an attorney at trial. (6th Amendment) Chief Justice: Earl Warren29
165342255Escobedo v. Illinois (1964)Criminal suspects DO HAVE a right to have an attorney present during police interrogations. (6th Amendment) Chief Justice: Earl Warren30
165342256Miranda v. Arizona (1966)Defendants MUST be informed of the right to consult with an attorney, (6th Amendment) and of their right avoid self-incrimination. (5th Amendment). Chief Justice: Earl Warren31
165342257Roe v. Wade (1973)Constitution protects woman's right to have an abortion under implied "right to privacy" (with exceptions) Chief Justice: Warren Burger32
165342258United States v. Nixon (1974)The President CANNOT use executive privilege as an excuse to withhold evidence that is 'demonstrably relevant in a criminal trial.' Chief Justice: Warren Burger33
165342259Regents of Univ. of California v. Bakke (1978)Minority status can be A factor in college admissions (affirmative action) but not THE only factor (quotas) Chief Justice: Warren Burger34
165342260United States v. Lopez (1995)Possession of a gun near a school is NOT an economic activity and CANNOT be regulated via the Commerce Clause. Chief Justice: William Rehnquist35
165342261Bush v. Gore (2000)Manual recounts of votes in the Florida presidential election would violate the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment Chief Justice: William Rehnquist36
165342262John Marshall(1800-1835) • Judicial Review • Expansion of Federal Power • Loose Construction • Federalist37
165342263Roger Taney(1836-1864) • Jacksonian Democrat • States' Rights38
165342264Morrison Waite(1874-1888) -Restrict expansion of Federal Government -Federalism39
165342265Melville Fuller(1888-1910) • Pro-business • Limited commerce clause • Conservative40
165342266Charles Evans Hughes(1930-1941) Shifted from not supporting New Deal to supporting New Deal41
165342267Harlan Fiske Stone(1941-1946) • Support for New Deal Programs • Deference to Executive during War42
165342268Earl Warren(1953-1969) -Civil Rights (Racial Desegregation) -Individual Liberties (Limiting police powers; protecting rights of the accused) -Separation of Church and State -Liberal43
165342269Warren Burger(1969-1986) Moving in more conservative direction44
165342270William Rehnquist(1986-2005) • Strict Construction • Conservative45

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