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APW Unit 4 Vocab Flashcards

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103747641Karakorumcapital of Mongol empire in 13th century0
103747642yurtsmongol tents1
103747643shamansreligious specialists in nomadic empires2
103747644khantitle of nomadic Turkish and Mongol leaders3
103747645sultanTitle of Turkish leaders conferred by Abbasid caliphs. Primary military champion of islamic world4
103747646ManzikertBattle when Saljuk Turks defeated the Byzantine forces in 1071 C.E.5
103747647Mahmud of GhanziTurkish leader in afghanistan 997-1030 CE. Islamic conquest of northern India.6
103747648Temujinunified mongols, idea of empire required tribute and trade7
103747649Khubilai Khanmost successful emperor of the Yuan Dynasty8
103747650Marco PoloVenitian merchant, records of the far east9
103747651kamikazeDivine Winds... typhoons destroyed Khubilai Khan's forces10
103747652Ilkhan Ghazanmongol leader in persia, converted to islam11
103747653TamerlaneTurkish Conquoror, modeled conquests after ghenghis khan12
103747655Osmanturkish leader who founded ottoman empire13
103747657Mehmed IIottoman sultan, conquest of constantinople in 145314
103747659Sundiatafounder of Mali empire, muslim15
103747661griotprofessional african singers and story tellers16
103747663Bantumigrated from W to S and E Africa, spread many technologies17
103747665stateless societiesresult of Bantu migrations, political structure in which there was no hierarchy of gvt officials18
103747667Kongokingdom in Congo River basin, traded copper, raffia cloth, and nzimbu shells19
103747669Koumbei-Salehcapital of Kingdom of Ghana20
103747671Timbuktu11th century amel caravan center, major trading center for kingdom of Mali and Sanghay emmpire21
103747674Mansa Musagrand nephew of Sundiata, ruled Mali empire at its hight22
103747676Swahilitraders on east african coast, also Bantu languages in East Africa23
103747678Kilwacity state on east african coast, gold, ivory, and slave exports24
103747680Great ZimbabweCity in S, Central africa that had large stone walls, traded with east african cities25
103747682age gradesorganization of african society based on age26
103747683AxumModern Ethiopia, adopted Christianity, Kings converted27
103747684divinersreligious specialists in many African Societies28
103747685Ibn Battutamoroccan traveler and islamic scholar29
103747686GhanaW african Kingdom, role as center of gold trade for Islamic merchants crossing the sahara to west africa30
103747687MaliW african kingdom, larger Scale trade than Ghana. Capital at Niani31
103747688Holy Roman Empireempire primarily in Germany 962-1806, possible succesor to ancient roman Empire32
103747689Otto of SaxonyKing of N Germany Ran the Holy Roman Empire33
103747690Hugh Capetminor noble elected as king, his descendants centralized power in france34
103747691Fredrick Barbarosaholy roman emperor, tried to integrate lombardy region, Joined third crusade35
103747692William of Normandyled last successful invasion of England, commissioned the Domesday Book36
103747693horse collarsallowed horses to pull heavy plows37
103747694Hanseatic LeagueN. European trade network38
103747695Eleanor of Aquitainefrench ruler, encouraged good manners among nights and nobles39
103747696Guildstrade organizations, set manufacturing standards and prices40
103747697St. Thomas Aquinastheologian who tired to combine Christianity with Greek philosophy41
103747698sacramentsroman catholic rituals42
103747699Leif EricssonViking Explorer, established a settlement in Newfoundland43
103747700Teutonic Knightsmilitary and religious order, devoted to struggle against Muslima and pagans44
103747701ReconquistaChristian reconquest of Spain, completed under Ferdinand and Isabela45
103747702Urban IIPope who launched the Crusades46
103747703Salah al-Din (Saladin)Sultan of egypt who recaptured Jerusalem from christian forces, defeated third crusade47
103747704TenochtitlanAztec capital on Lake Texaco. Mexaco city built on this site48
103747705ToltecsMigrated from NW Mexico to Central mexico, irrigatation helped develop crops of maize, beans, tomatoes, chiles, and cotton49
103747706Mexicacame to be known as Aztecs50
103747707Montezuma15th century leader of Mexica, led conquests of in southern Mexico.51
103747708Bernal Diaz del Castillospanish soldier who wrote about Tenochtitlan52
103747709chinampasagricultural style used by Mexica (Aztecs)53
103747710HuitzilopochtliAztec war god54
103747711Navajoagricultural people from SW North America55
103747712Iroquoisfive tribes made of Iroquois Alliance56
103747713Cahokiasite of largest survivnig mound construction57
103747714Chimukingdom developed in 10th century CE along Peruvian coast.58
103747715Incasbuilt empire in S America capital of Cuzco59
103747716Pachacutireuler of incas, military conquests expanded inca control from Lake Titicaca to highlands and Chimu60
103747717quipumnemonic aid to keep records, small cords with various knots61
103747718CuzcoInca capital62
103747719IntiInca sun god and primary diety63
103747720Torres Straitbody of water that separates australia from new guinea64
103747721Polynesianspeople who settled on many islands of Pacific Ocean, Great ability as explorers65
103747722taropolynesian food plant.66
103747723maraepolynesian ceremonial precinct and temple structure. Often had several terraced floors.67
103747724Ibn BattuttaMorrocan scholar. Served as judge (qadi) in Islamic places like India, East Africa, Mali, and Maldives68
103747725CaravanseraiPlaces where caravans chill69
103747726Marco PoloVenetian merchant travelled places like China. Served Kubalai Khan and helped trade with China70
103747727Rabban SaumaBorn in mongolia asked Europeans for support against islams. No support :(71
103747728SufisIslam priests/ spreaders of religion very flexible converted people72
103747729John of MontecorvinoCatholic missionary in China. Translated New Testament into Turkish and built churches in China. No success in conversion73
103747730SugarcaneNaturally Indian, Muslims share to everyone. Increase slave production74
103747731GunpowderInvented in China. Mongols stole it when they invaded75
103747732Bubonic plaguePandemic started in china spread along trade routes through rodents and fleas76
103747733HongwuOverthrew Yuan, started Ming, got ridda those Mongolian influences77
103747734Mandarinspowerful Chinese officials made sure local officials doin the job right78
103747735Yongle Encyclopediasecond Ming emperor try to preserve chinese history and culture (his name, type of book)79
103747736Louis XIking of France created huge army to destroy nobles challengin authority80
103747737reconquistareconquest of Spanish to take over Islamic rule finished in 1492 captured Granada81
103747738RenaissanceRebirth of cultural things started in Italy 14-16th century82
103747739humanistsRenaissance scholars studied classic greek and roman crap and convinced could live moral life with normal life83
103747740Desiderius ErasmusDutch humanist who translated and published first edition of Greek New Testament and revised latin one84
103747741Zheng HeChinese leader led naval expeditions tryin to control trade routes85
103747742Vasco de GamaPortugese explorer who sailed directly from Europe to India. Inspired other europeans to attack indian oceaners86
103747743Christopher ColumbusYou are literally retarded if you don't get this one. He sailed the ocean blue in 1492. First to Hispaniola then Mexico87

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