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APWH ch. 4 Flashcards

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205694402Cyrus the Great-Famous Persian emperor -controlled land and people across northern Middle East and into Northwestern India0
205694403Pericles-Famous Greek politician who dominated Athenian government -even he was not able to prevent war between Athens and Sparta (peloponnesian war)1
205694404Alexander the Great-Extended the Greek Empire into the Persian Empire all the way to India -died shortly after conquest2
205694405Hellenistic periodAfter Alexander's death, Greek education, art, and culture merged with Middle East. Trade and important scientific centers were established (Alexandria, Egypt)3
205694406Punic Warswars between Roman Republic and Carthage over dominance of the Mediterranean. Hannibal(for carthage) was unable to stop Romans4
205694407Julius Caesar-Dictator of Roman Republic -effectively ended the republic and transformed it into an empire5
205694408Diocletian and Constantine-Strong emperors toward end of Roman Empire -tried to reverse the tide of the empire's ultimate fall -Constantine moved the capital to Constantinople and allowed freedom for worship for Christians6
205694409Greek city-statesunited in language and religion but Greeks had different forms of government from monachies to oligarchies to aristocratically controlled democracies7
205694410Greek word for city-state"polis"8
205694411senate-most important legislative body in Roman republic -composed mainly of aristocrats9
205694412consuls2 men who shared executive power in Roman republic. (in emergencies a dictator was chosen)10
205694413In times of crisis, who could the Senate choose?a dictator with emergency powers11
205694414CiceroRoman writer and senator who expounded on the value of oratory (small chapel) in political discourse.12
205694415Socratesleading figure in development of classical Med. philosophy. Encouraged students to question conventional wisdom.13
205694416PlatoSocrates' greatest pupil who suggested humans could approach an understanding of perfect forms of truth, good, and beauty14
205694417Aristotle-Student of Plato -developed logic and scientific reasoning -stressed the value of moderation15
205694418StoicsAdherents of Greek philosophy emphasized an inner moral independence prepared by strict discipline and personal bravery.16
205694419SophoclesAthenian dramatist who specialized in psychological tragedies (such as Oedipus Rex)17
205694420Iliad-Greek epic poem -attributed to Homer -defined gods and human nature that shaped Greek18
205694421Doric, Ionic, Corinthian3 forms of Greek columns that represent what is still known as classical architecture. Doric= simplest. Corinthian= most elaborate19
205694422Battle of MarathonBattle where the Persians who invaded Greece were defeated on the Plain of Marathon by an Athenian army20
205694423XerxesPersian king who invaded Greece in revenge for earlier Persian defeats by the Greeks. Defeated in battles os Salamis and Plataea21
205694424ThemistoclesAthenian leader who helped lead Athenian navy during Persian wars. Lead to defeat of Persian fleet22
205694425Battle of ThermopylaeSpartan king Leonidas and his army of 300 spartans and other Greeks refused to surrender to the Persian army at the pass of Thermopylae. Annihilated but allowed other Greek forces to prepare23
205694426Zoroastrianism-Persian religion developed by prophet Zoroaster -taught that life is a battle between forces of good and evil, humans have to choose between the 224
205694427Olympic GamesFestival and athletic contests held at Olympia in honor of Zeus. All greek city-states sent representatives25
205694428Peloponnesian WarsWar against Athens and Sparta Sparta won war but city-states were weakened from fighting26
205694429Philip II of Macedon-King of Macedon -defeated army of Thebes and Athens to become ruler of Greek city-states -father of Alexander the Great27
205694430Alexandria-Founded by Alexander the Great -seaport in Egypt (on Med. Sea) -center of Hellenistic culture with a great library28
205694431Roman republic-balanced constitution of Rome -featured an Aristocratic Senate, panel of magistrates, and several popular assemblies29
205694432CarthageAncient city-state in north Africa founded by Phoenicians and destroyed by Romans in Punic Wars30
205694433HannibalCarthaginian general who led troops into Italy during 2nd Punic War. Defeated by Roman general Scipio31
205694434Augustus Caesar-restored order to Rome -first emperor of Rome -instituted a monarchial government where emperor was dictator, chief military general, and chief priest32
205694435Tyrannygovernment based on the rule of an absolute ruler33
205694436Direct democracygovernment based on the rule of the of the vote of the people34
205694437Aristocracygovernment based on the rule of the best of the society35
205694438Twelve TablesRoman law code developed in response to the democratization of the Roman republic36
205694439"Mystery" religionsReligions often from Middle East which had secret rituals and fellowship and greater sense of contact with divine. competed with Christianity37
205694440HerodotusGreek historian called "Father of History" who wrote the account of Persian Wars in the Hirstories38
205694441PythagorasHellenistic mathematician who developed many basic geometric theorems which are still in use39
205694442GalenHellenistic physician and writer who wrote many medical treaties; formed basis of modern medical practice40
205694443EuclidHellenistic mathematician who produced the world's most widely used collection of info of geometry41
205694444PtolemyHellenistic astronomer who produced an elaborate theory of the sun's motion around the Earth42
205694445Sappho-One of the great poets of ancient Greeks -her poetry developed complexities of the inner workings of human beings and love43
205694446Vergilone of the greatest of Roman poets during "Golden Age" of LAtin literature; patronized by Augustus' author of Aeneid44

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