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APWH MHS Chapter 33 (Robert) Flashcards

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159596424Indian National Congress PartyGrew out of regional associations of Western-educated Indians; originally centered in cities of Bombay, Poona, Calcutta, and Madras; became political party in 1885; focus of nationalist movement in India; governed through most of postcolonial period.0
159596425B. G. TilakIndian nationalist leader. He demanded things of the Indian government such as boycotting all European products and independence, Built Hinduism with nationalism, opposed women's education, very traditional, against BR colonization1
159596426Morley-Minto reforms of 1909Provided educated Indians with considerably expanded opportunities to elect and serve on local and all-Indian legislative councils.2
159596427Lord Cromer1. Lord Cromer was High Commisioner of Egypt in the decades following British conquest. 2. He was significant because his reforms reduced the khedival debts, reorganized the bureaucracy, and oversaw the construction of large public projects such as irrigation systems.3
159596428EffendiClass of prosperous business and professional urban families in khedival Egypt; as a class generally favored Egyptian independence.4
159596429Dinshawai incidentClash between British soldiers and Egyptian villagers in 1906; arose over hunting accident along Nile River where wife of prayer leader of mosque was accidentally shot by army officers hunting pigeons; led to Egyptian protest movement.5
159596430Montagu-Chelmsford reforms 1919Increased the powers of Indian legislators at the all-India level and placed much of the provincial administration of India under local ministries controlled by legislative bodies with substantial numbers of elected Indians; passed in 1919.6
159596431Rowlatt actPlaced severe restrictions on key Indian civil rights such as freedom of the press; acted to offset the concessions granted under Montagu-Chelmsford reforms of 19197
159596432SatyagrahaLiterally, "truth-force"; Gandhi's policy of nonviolent opposition to British colonialism.8
159596433Muslim LeagueFounded in 1906 to better support demands of Muslims for separate electorates and legislative seats in Hindu-dominated India; represented division within Indian nationalist movement.9
159596434Simon CommissionIn 1927 considered future Indian colonial government responses to nationalist demands; served to unify nationalist politicians on both right and left of independence movement and also to heal rift between Muslims and Hindus10
159596435Government of India Act of 1935British agreed to retain control of the central administration in return for turning over the provincial governments to Indian leaders chosen by expanded electorate.11
159596436MandatesGovernments entrusted to European nations in the Middle East in the aftermath of World War I; Britain occupied mandates in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Palestine after 1922.12
159596437Lord Balfour`, British foreign secretary who pledged in a declaration the establishment of Jewish homeland in Palestine13
159596438Zionista worldwide Jewish movement that resulted in the establishment and development of the state of Israel14
159596439Leon Pinskereuropean zionist who believed that Jewish assimilation into Christian European nations was impossible15
159596440Theodor HerzelWrote "Jewish State",said the Jews who wish it will have their state. They want nationalsim, but need a nation before they can have it.16
159596441Wafd PartyEgyptian nationalist party that emerged after an Egyptian delegation was refused a hearing at the Versailles Treaty negotiations following World War I; led by Sa'd Zaghl[[auumlaut]]l; negotiations eventually led to limited Egyptian independence beginning in 192217
159596442NegritudeLiterary movement in Africa; attempted to combat racial stereotypes of African culture; celebrated the beauty of black skin and African physique; associated with origins of African nationalist movements.18
159596443Atlantic Charter of 1941World War II alliance agreement between the United States and Britain; included a clause that recognized the right of all people to choose the form of government under which they live; indicated sympathy for decolonization.19
159596444Muhammad Ali JinnahIndian Muslim politician who founded the state of Pakistan. A lawyer by training, he joined the All-India Muslim League in 1913. As leader of the League from the 1920s on, he negotiated with the British/INC for Muslim Political Rights (816)20
159596445Kwame NkrumahLeader of nonviolent protests for freedom on the Gold Coast. When independence was gained, he became the first prime minister of Ghana. He develpoped economic projects, but was criticized for spending too much time on Pan-African efforts, and neglecting his own countries' issues21
159596446Jomo KenyattaA nationalist leader who fought to end oppressive laws against Africans; later became the first Prime Minister of Kenya22
159596447Land Freedom ArmyRadical organization for independence in Kenya; frustrated by failure of nonviolent means, initiated campaign of terror in 1952; referred to by British as the Mau Mau.23
159596448National Liberation FrontRadical nationalist movement in Algeria; launched sustained guerilla war against France in the 1950s; success of attacks led to independence of Algeria in 1958.24
159596449ColonIDK...i think he made a typo.25
159596450Secret Army OrganizationOrganization of French settlers in Algeria; led guerrilla war following independence during the 1960s; assaults directed against Arabs, Berbers, and French who advocated independence.26
159596451Afrikaner National PartyEmerged as the majority party in the all-white South African legislature after 1948; advocated complete independence from Britain; favored a rigid system of racial segregation called apartheid.27
159596452ApartheidPolicy of strict racial segregation imposed in South Africa to permit the continued dominance of whites politically and economically28

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