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APWH Test 2 - Jackson Flashcards

chapters 4-6
terms on the study guides

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37262279Minoan Cretethe earliest civilization in the aegean region; dissapered; had pluming and bronze0
37262280Mycenean1600-1100 BCE; Indo-Europeans who settled on the Greek mainland, ended in a dark age1
37262281DoriansGreek-speaking people who migrated into mainland Greece after the destruction of the Mycenaean civilization.2
37262282Greek Dark Age1100-750 BCE; decline in food production and population, many migrated across the aegean sea3
37262283Ioniansgreeks who settle on a strip of Asia Minor territory known as Ionia during dark ages4
37262284ironafter greek dark age, metal replacing bronze in weapons for affordablilty5
37262285Greek alphabet8th Cent BCE; writing system adopted from the Phonecians6
37262286Homerfamous Greek writer of the Iliad and the Odyssey7
37262287Trojan Wararound 1200 BCE; a great war fought between Greece and Troy because trojan prince kidnapped spartan queen helen8
37262288polisaround 750-500 BCE; a Greek city-state9
37262289acropolisthe meeting point of athens used as a sanctuary10
37262290agoraan open place below an acropolis that served as both a marketplace and a place for citizens to assemble11
37262291hoplitesest. 8th cent. BCE; heavily armed infantrymen in greece who wore bronze or leather armor12
37262292phalanxa rectangular formation of greek hoplites13
37262293greek colonization750-500 BCE; islands occupied by greek migrants, colonies were connected by culture and religion;colonies led to increased greek trade and industry14
37262294greek tyrants7-6th cent BCE; rulers with complete control, not necessarily evil15
37262295aristocratic oligarchya government ruled by a few aristocrats16
37262296Spartaa Greek city-state that was ruled by an oligarchy, focused on military, used slaves for agriculture, discouraged the arts, rivals of athens17
37262297Messenia7th cent BCE; neighboring city-state enslaved to Sparta as helots18
37262298helotsSpartans serfs from Messenia, means "capture"19
37262299reforms of Lycurgus800-600 BCE; law set in Sparta giving militaristic discipline20
37262300Spartan womenwomen with the most freedom in Greece; lived at home, encouraged to exercise to birth strong healthy children21
37262301gerousiaSpartan council of elders (over 60 yrs old)22
37262302Athensest. 700 BCE; Greek city-state, was monarchy then aristocracy, had economic turmoil at the end of 7th cent. BCE23
37262303Solonruled 594 BCE; a pro-reformer; cancelled land debts, outlawed slavery from debt; unsuccessful because of not redistributing land24
37262304Pisistratusruled 560-510 BCE; an aristocrat, gave land to the poor, aided trade, ended in citizens rebellion25
37262305reforms of Cleisthenesruled 508 BCE; an Athenian reformer, installed Council of Five Hundred26
37262306democracyemerged 5th cent BCE; athenian way of gov't, "power of the people"27
37262307Classical Greece500- 338 BCE; an era of Greek history, begins with confrontation between greek city-states and the persian empire, ends in conquest of macedonian king philip II28
37262308Persian War490 BCE; Persians seek revenge on Greeks for the Athenian helping Ionian revolt in 499 BCE29
37262309Dariusdied 486 BCE; emperor of Persian Empire, responsible for a lot of expansion30
37262310Marathona plain located 26 miles from Athens, or a modern-day 26 mile race31
37262311Xerxes486 BCE; Persian emperor, succeeded Darius, invaded Greece 480-479 BCE32
37262312Delian Leagueest. 478-477; a Greek defensive alliance against the Persians led by Athens, centered in island of Delos33
37262313Pericles461-429 BCE; Athenian aristocratic ruler, advanced Athenian democracy, height of Athens, rebuilt Athens with Delian League money34
37262314Peloponnesian War431-338 BCE; Sparta and allies afraid Athens became to powerful so declare war; weakened the major city-states35
37262315Herodotus484-425 BCE; famous Greek writer, wrote History of the Persian Wars36
37262316Thucydides460-400 BCE; famous Athenian writer, considered the greatest historian of the ancient world37
37701345greek tragedyGreek plays based on the suffering of a hero and usually ending in disaster, sometimes presented in a trilogy (set of 3)38
37701346Parthenonbuilt 447-432 BCE; a temple that is a classical example of greek architecture, located on athenian acropolis39
37701347philosophy"love of wisdom" deals wih critical or rational thought about the universe e40
37701348sophists5th cent BCE; a group of philosophical teachers who rejected "normal philosophy"41
37701349Socrates469-399 BCE; a famous philosopher, believed education improved individuals42
37701350Plato429-347 BCE; great greek philosopher, socrates' disciple, wrote alot43
37701351"The Republic"Plato's dialogue which had his ideas of government44
37701352Aristotle384-322 BCE; Plato's pupil and Alexander the Great's tutor45
37701353skepticismthe philosophy of questioning a belief or concept46
37701354Olympian religion12 gods lived on Mount Olympus, each polis singled out which of the Olympian gods they worshipped as the guardian deity47
37701355DelphiThe place of the oracle of Apollo, located on Mount Parnassus48

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