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Biochemistry Flashcards

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8781670762biologythe study of life0
8781673812biomeans life (root word)1
8781676990ologythe study of (root word)2
8781679107Plantaekingdom of plants3
8781681977Animaliakingdom of animals4
8781684218Fungikingdom of fungi such as mushrooms5
8781690243Protistakingdom of protists6
8781692640Archaebacteriakingdom of bacteria that can survive extreme conditions7
8781697426Eubacteriakingdom of normal bacteria8
8781701302bioticincludes living things9
8781704030organismthe scientific name for a living thing10
8781711586abioticthe nonliving parts11
8781722911synthesisa component of life; means to make something12
8781735890transporta component of life; how an organism moves materials.13
8781744709excretiona component of life; how an organism removes waste.14
8781750156respirationa component of life; an organism creates energy/ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate)15
8781757632nutritiona component of life; what an organism eats or how it obtains its energy16
8781767415growtha component of life; how an organism develops over time.17
8781771231regulationa component of life; an organism must maintain homeostasis.18
8781775526reproductiona component of life; how an organism reproduces19
8781780451metabolismthe breaking down of one's food to obtain energy20
8781789044atomthe basic unit of matter21
8781789048protona positively charged particle22
8781792241neutrona neutral particle found in the nucleus23
8781794303electrona negatively charged particle that is much smaller24
8781797344elementa pure substance made of only one kind of atom25
8781799673atomic numberthe number of protons in the nucleus of an atom26
8781802014atomic massthe total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus27
8781809931isotopesone of two or more atoms with the same atomic number but with different numbers of neutrons28
8781811684iona charged atom29
8781814401chemical bondthe force that holds two atoms together30
8781819153covalent bonda chemical bond that involves sharing a pair of electrons between atoms in a molecule31
8781820784ionic bonda chemical bond resulting from the attraction between oppositely charged ions.32
8781823213compounda substance that consists of 2 or more different elements chemically bonded.33
8781828790moleculea substance that consists of 2 or more elements34
8781836473hydrogen bondsweak bonds between water molecules due to their partial positive and negative charge.35
8781842043cohesionthe slight attraction of water to itself36
8781844204adhesionthe slight attraction of water to other substances37
8781849041solutethe substance that is dissolved38
8781851448solventthe substance that does the dissolving39
8781853712waterthe universal solvent; it can dissolve a lot of things40
8781859563pha measure of how acidic a substance is41
8781862906acida substance that releases hydrogen ions when in water42
8781866518basea substance that releases hydroxide ions when in water43
8781874820alkalineanother word to describe a base44
8781878660buffera compound that resists a change in its pH45
8781887996organic compounda compound that contains a CH bond46
8781891671inorganic compounda compound that does not contain a CH bond47
8781894720polymerizationthe process that creates polymers48
8781897260dehydration synthesisthe process used to polymerize several monomer units; water is a byproduct of the chemical reaction and is dealt separately.49
8781907340hydrolysisthe adding of water to break a polymer into its individual subunits50
8781913494catabolica type of reaction that breaks down a molecule51
8781915267anabolica type of reaction that builds a larger molecule52
8810669328carbohydratea compound made of C, H and O and a 1:2:1 ratio that provides short term energy53
8810677209monosaccharidea simple sugar or a monomer of carbohydrates; glucose, fructose, galactose, deoxyribose, ribose54
8810686829polysaccharide(s)long chains of monosaccharides that can store energy or act as structural compounds.55
8810699917glucosethe energy that is created by plants using photosynthesis; used by animals for cellular respiration56
8810710655fructosea sugar with the same molecular formula as glucose but is much sweeter and processed differently by the body.57
8810721914disaccharidetwo carbohydrates that are combined using a covalent bond.58
8810731120glycosidic bonda bond that attaches carbohydrates59
8810736684sucrosea disaccharide that is table sugar; a glucose and a fructose molecule combined.60
8810749800starcha means for plants and animals to store energy61
8810751761glycogena branchlike polysaccharide that stores short term energy in animals (typically in the liver or muscles); animal starch62
8810766100amylosea simple starch found in plants that stores their short term energy.63
8810783345cellulosethe polysaccharide that makes up plant cell walls.64
8810787361chitinthe polysaccharide that makes up insect exoskeletons65
8810790886benedict's solutiona solution that is used to test for a monosaccharide by heating the final mixture66
8810804351lugol's iodine solutiona solution that is used to test for polysaccharides67
8810813579lipidfat; stores long term energy; contains more CH bonds.68
8810820705glycerolThree-carbon compound with three hydroxyl groups (OH)69
8810826820fatty acida long carbon hydrogen chain with a hydroxyl group at the end.70
8810836113saturated fatMostly animal fat; saturated with hydrogen; can be packed more tightly to form solids at room temperature.71
8810844246unsaturated fatMostly plant fat; not fully saturated with hydrogen; typically a liquid at room temperature.72
8810850699cholesterola compound common in cell membranes and also in many hormones.73
8810872872sterolcompounds with 4 carbon rings and different combinations of compounds attached to it.74
8810881153waxa tightly packed chain of fatty acids and carbon rings; extremely hydrophobic; used by trees to prevent transpiration.75
8810892381DNAdeoxyribonucleic acid; double helix; adenine to thymine, cytosine to guanine; deoxyribose is used as the backbone of the structure76
8810918262RNAribonucleic acid; single strand; adenine to uracil, cytosine to guanine.77
8823748334galactosea monosaccharide that is made by animals78
8823755329deoxyribosea pentose sugar used in DNA by all life79
8823758454ribosea pentose sugar used in RNA by all life80
8823763122lactosemilk sugar; a galactose and a glucose molecule combined by a covalent bond81
8823770955maltosebarley sugar; two glucose molecules82
8823773893FATfatty acid tails83
8823783558phospholipida phosphate group attached to a glycerol molecule and 2 fatty acids; this molecule makes up cell membranes in animals84
8823814220brown paper bag testtests for lipids; the bag turns translucent after 15 minutes after a lipid is put.85
8823844679protein(s)these are compounds made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, and nitrogen86
8823863454peptide bonda bond between amino acids87
8823866349dipeptidea protein with 2 amino acids combined by dehydration synthesis88
8823870502polypeptidea long chain of amino acids of different varieties.89
8823876601side chaina part of an amino acid that changes while the rest of the structure is identical90
8823881024ditwo (root word)91
8823895017primary structurean amino acid sequence92
8823901237secondary structureforms either an alpha helix or beta pleated sheet.93
8823910915tertiary structureresults from interactions between side chains; causes the entire polypeptide to fold and bend or repel in various ways94
8823927175quaternary structureAssociation of multiple polypeptides, forming a functional protein95
8823946124actin and myosinproteins that act together to contract muscles.96
8823958084insulinHormone produced by the pancreas that helps to decrease blood sugar.97
8823962105hemoglobiniron-containing protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen for delivery to cells98
8823967226denaturingterm for changing the shape of a protein and making it not work anymore99
8823998994amino acida monomer subunit of a polypeptide or a protein100
8823983051enzymeA type of protein that speeds up a chemical reaction in a living thing101
8823992044nucleic acida compound that contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorous, and nitrogen.102
8823995528nucleotidea monomer of nucleic acids.103
8824024686adenosine triphosphatea nucleotide that is usable energy for all life forms104
8842734511phosphate group-PO₄105
8842741588amino group-NH₂106
8842745491carboxyl group-COOH107
8842764934hydroxyl group-OH108
8842756109glucose (molecule)C₆H₁₂O₆109
8843220759Biuret's SolutionTurns from blue to dark purple if it tests positive for a protein.110

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