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Biochemistry Flashcards

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8437984441Polar moleculeA molecule with possible charges on possible ends.0
8437984444Hydrogen bondHydrogen ion is attracted to a negatively charged atom on a neighboring molecule.3
8437984445CohesionThe attraction of water molecules to each other.4
8437984446Surface tensionCohesive forces are strong enough to make water act as though there is a thin "skin" on its surface.5
8437984447AdhesionThe attraction between particles of different substances.6
8437984448CarbohydratesMolecules that provide a source of quick energy or short-term stored energy.7
8437984449LipidsMolecules that provide a source of long-term energy, insulation, and hormones.8
8437984450Saturated fatty acidLong carbon-hydrogen chains with all single bonds between carbon atoms.9
8437984451Unsaturated fatLong carbon-hydrogen chains with at least one double bond between carbon atoms.10
8437984452Glycerol and fatty acidsMake up lipids.11
8437984453Fats, oils, and waxesExamples of lipids.12
8437984454PolysaccharidePolymer of carbohydrates13
8437984455Monosaccharidemonomer of carbohydrates14
8437984456Lipid structure15
8437984457Monosaccharide structure16
8437984458Polysaccharide structure17
8437984459Phospholipid structure18
8437984460Covalent bondsharing electrons between two atoms19
8437984461Low density as a solidsolid H2O (ice) is able to float on liquid H2O (water)20
8437984463Polysaccharidescellulose, glycogen, starch21
8437984464Monosaccharidesglucose, fructose, galactose22
8437984465Disaccharidea carb made of two monosaccharides (ex: glucose + galactose = lactose)23
8437984466Disaccharide structure24
8437984467Dehydration synthesisremoving a water molecule to build polymers25
8437984468HydrolysisBreak down of something26
8437984469Monomersmallest unit of a macromolecule; building blocks27
8437984470Polymermany small units bonded together; large molecule28

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