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Biology EOC vocabulary Flashcards

terms for EOC Biology

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1542912213Abiotic factor"Any nonliving component of an ecosystem (e.g., sunlight, air, water, soil)"0
1542912214Activation energyThe kinetic energy required to initiate a chemical reaction1
1542912215Active transportThe movement of a substance across a plasma (cell) membrane against a concentration gradient2
1542912216AdhesionThe property of sticking to some other substance3
1542912217Aerobic respirationGrowing or metabolizing only in the presence of molecular oxygen4
1542912218Alcoholic fermentationThe process by which pyruvic acid is converted to ethyl alcohol5
1542912219Alleles"Alternate forms of a gene or DNA sequence, which occur on either of two homologous chromosomes in a diploid organism"6
1542912220Alternation of generationAlternating sexual and asexual generation reproduction7
1542912221Amino acid"Any of 20 basic building blocks of proteins--composed of a free amino (NH2) end, a free carboxyl (COOH) end, and a side group (R)"8
1542912222Anaerobic respirationGrowing or metabolizing only in the absence of molecular oxygen9
1542912223Anaphase"Third phase of mitosis, beginning when sister chromatids separate from each other and ending when a complete set of daughter chromosomes have arrived at each of the two poles of the cell"10
1542912224Antibiotic resistanceThe ability of a microorganism to produce a protein that disables an antibiotic or prevents transport of the antibiotic into the cell11
1542912225Applied scienceThe practical use of scientific information to improve human life12
1542912226Artificial selectionBreeding organisms by humans for specific phenotypic characteristics13
1542912227Asexual reproductionNonsexual means of reproduction which can include grafting and budding14
1542912228AutotrophAn organism that uses energy to synthesize organic molecules from inorganic substances15
1542912229Bacteria"A single-celled, microscopic prokaryotic organism"16
1542912230Base pair (bp)A pair of complementary nitrogenous bases in a DNA molecule17
1542912231BiodiversityThe wide diversity and interrelatedness of earth organisms based on genetic and environmental factors18
1542912232Biological evolutionChange in allele frequency of a species or population over time19
1542912233BiomeA geographic area characterized by specific kinds of plants and animals20
1542912234BiosphereThe area on and around Earth where life exists21
1542912235Biotic factorA living component of an ecosystem22
1542912236Carbohydrates"Compound containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in the approximate ratio of C:2H:O (e.g., sugars, starches, and cellulose)"23
1542912237Cell cycle"The events of cell division; includes interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis"24
1542912238Cellular respirationThe process by which cells generate ATP through a series of redox (chemical) reactions25
1542912239Cell theory"The theory that all living things are made of cells, that cells are the basic units of organisms, and that cells come only from existing cells"26
1542912240CentromereThe central portion of the chromosome to which the spindle fibers attach during mitotic and meiotic division27
1542912241ChloroplastsA plastid containing chlorophyll; the site of photosynthesis28
1542912242ChromatidEach of the two daughter strands of a duplicated chromosome joined at the centromere during mitosis and meiosis.29
1542912243Chromosome"A single DNA molecule, a tightly coiled strand of DNA"30
1542912244Chromosome theory of heredityThe theory that states that genes are located on chromosomes and that each gene occupies a specific place on a chromosome31
1542912245Citric acid cycle (Kreb's)Series of chemical reactions in aerobic respiration in which a acetyl coenzyme A is completely degraded to carbon dioxide and water with the release of metabolic energy that is used to produce ATP; also known as Kreb's cycle32
1542912246CladogramA branching diagram that illustrates taxonomic relationships based on the principles of claudistics33
1542912247CodominanceAn inheritance relationship in which neither of two alleles of the same gene totally mask the other34
1542912248CohesionThe property of sticking together; like substances sticking together35
1542912249CommensalismThe close association of two or more dissimilar organisms where the association is advantageous to one and doesn't affect the other(s)36
1542912250CommunityAll the populations in one area37
1542912251CytokinesisThe division of cytoplasm of one cell into two new cells38
1542912252CytoskeletonFramework of the cell composed of a variety of filaments and fibers that support cell structure and drive cell movement39
1542912253DeletionChromosome abnormality in which part of the chromosome is missing; loss of one or more base pairs from DNA which can result in a frameshift40
1542912254Dichotomous key (classification key)Classification tool used in identifying organisms or materials41
1542912255DiffusionThe process by which molecules move from an area of greater concentration to an area of lesser concentration42
1542912256DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid)"An organic acid and polymer composed of four nitrogenous bases--adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine; the genetic material of most organisms; exists as a double-stranded molecule held together by hydrogen bonds "43
1542912257Domain"Taxonomic category that includes one or more kingdom (e.g., Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya)"44
1542912258DominanceA characteristic in which an allele that expresses its phenotype even in the presence of a recessive allele45
1542912259Double helix"The DNA molecule, resembling a spiral staircase in which the paired bases form the steps and the sugar-phosphate backbones form the rails"46
1542912260EcologyThe study of the interactions of organisms with their environment and with each other47
1542912261EcosystemThe organisms in a plant population and the biotic and abiotic factors which impact on them48
1542912262Electron transport chainSeries of chemical reactions in the thylakoid membrane or inner mitochondrial membrane during which hydrogens or their electrons are passed along with the release of energy49
1542912263Endergonic reactionA reaction requiring a net input of free energy50
1542912264EndocytosisThe process by which a cell surrounds and engulfs substances51
1542912265EnergeticsUse of energy52
1542912266Energy pyramidSummarizes interactions of matter and energy at each trophic level53
1542912267EnzymesProteins that control the various steps in all chemical reactions54
1542912268EpidemicAn outbreak of a contagious disease that spreads widely and rapidly55
1542912269Eukaryote"An organism whose cells possess a nucleus and other membrane-bound vesicles, including all members of the protist, fungi, plant and animal kingdoms; and excluding viruses, bacteria, and blue-green algae"56
1542912270EvolutionThe long-term process through which a population of organisms accumulates genetic changes that enable its members to successfully adapt to environmental conditions and to better exploit food resources57
1542912271Exergonic reactionA reaction that gives off free energy58
1542912272ExocytosisThe process in which a vesicle inside a cell fuses with a cell membrane and releases its contents to the external environment59
1542912273Frameshift mutationA mutation that results in the misreading of the code during translation because of the change in the reading frame60
1542912274FungiMicroorganisms that lacks chlorophyll61
1542912275Gamete"A haploid sex cell, egg or sperm, that contains a single copy of each chromosome"62
1542912276GeneThe functional unit of heredity; a locus on a chromosome that encodes a specific protein or several related proteins63
1542912277Genome"The complete genetic material contained in an individual; the genetic complement contained in the chromosomes of a given organism, usually the haploid chromosome state"64
1542912278GenotypeThe structure of DNA that determines the expression of a trait65
1542912279GenusA category including closely related species; interbreeding between organisms within the same category can occur66
1542912280Germ Theory of Disease (Koch's Postulates)A set of criteria used to establish that a particular infectious agent causes a disease67
1542912281GlycolysisA pathway in which glucose is oxidized to pyruvic acid68
1542912282HeterotrophAn organism that obtains organic food molecules by eating organisms or their by-products69
1542912283HomeostasisThe stable internal conditions of a living thing70
1542912284HostAnimal or plant on which or in which another organism lives71
1542912285Human Genome ProjectA project coordinated by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Energy (DOE) to determine the entire nucleotide sequence of the human chromosomes72
1542912286Hydrogen bondA relatively weak bond formed between any hydrogen atom (which is covalently bound to a nitrogen or oxygen atom) and a nitrogen or oxygen with an unshared electron pair73
1542912287HypothesesStatement or predictions that can be tested74
1542912288Incomplete dominance"A condition where a heterozygous off- spring has a phenotype that is distinctly different from, and intermediate to, the parental phenotypes"75
1542912289Independent assortmentThe law stating that pairs of genes separate independently of one another in meiosis76
1542912290InterphasePeriod of time where a cell carries on metabolism and replicates chromosomes prior to cell division77
1542912291InversionA mutation that occurs when a chromosome piece breaks off and reattaches in reverse orientation78
1542912292k-strategist"Species characterized by slow maturation, few young, slow population growth and reproduction late in life"79
1542912293Karyotype"All of the chromosomes in a cell or an individual organism, visible through a microscope during cell division"80
1542912294LawAn observation that happens every time under a certain set of conditions81
1542912295Lactic acid fermentationThe process by which pyruvic acid is converted to lactic acid82
1542912296Light dependentReaction of photosynthesis that requires light; light energy is absorbed converted to chemical energy in the form of ATP and NADPH83
1542912297Light independentThe fixing of carbon dioxide in a 3 carbon compound for use in sugar production or other end products84
1542912298LipidAny of a group of organic compounds that are insoluble in water but soluble in nonpolar solvents; serve as energy storage and are important components of cell membranes85
1542912299Lysogenic cycle"A type or phase of the virus life cycle during which the virus integrates into the host chromosome of the infected cell, often remaining essentially dormant for some period of time"86
1542912300Lytic cycle"A phase of the virus life cycle during which the virus replicates within the host cell, releasing a new generation of viruses when the infected cell lyses"87
1542912301Mass extinctionOne of the brief periods of time during which large numbers of species disappeared88
1542912302MeiosisThe reduction division process by which haploid gametes and spores are formed consisting of a single duplication of the genetic material followed by two mitotic divisions89
1542912303MetaphaseSecond phase of mitosis in which the chromosomes line up across the equator of the cell90
1542912304MicrobeA microorganism91
1542912305MitochondriaOrganelles that are the sites of aerobic respiration in eukaryotic cells92
1542912306MitosisThe replication of a cell to form two daughter cells with identical sets of chromosomes93
1542912307Molecular biologyThe study of the biochemical and molecular interactions within living cells94
1542912308Molecular geneticsThe branch of genetics that deals with the expression of genes by studying the DNA sequences of chromosomes95
1542912309Multiple allelesThree or more alleles of the same gene that code for a single trait96
1542912310MutationAn alteration in DNA structure or sequence of a gene97
1542912311MutualismA form of symbiosis in which both organisms benefit from living together98
1542912312Natural selectionThe differential survival and reproduction of organisms with genetic characteristics that enable them to better utilize environmental resources99
1542912313Nitrogenous bases"The purines (adenine and guanine) and pyrimidines (thymine, cytosine, and uracil) that comprise DNA and RNA molecules"100
1542912314Nonvascular plant"A plant that lacks vascular tissue and true roots, stems, and leaves"101
1542912315Nucleic acids"The two nucleic acids, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA), are made up of long chains of molecules called nucleotides"102
1542912316Nucleotide"A building block of DNA and RNA, consisting of a nitrogenous base, a five-carbon sugar, and a phosphate group"103
1542912317NucleusThe membrane-bound region of a eukaryotic cell that contains the chromosomes104
1542912318OrganelleA cell structure that carries out a specialized function in the life of a cell105
1542912319OsmosisThe diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane106
1542912320ParasitismThe close association of two or more dissimilar organisms where the association is harmful to at least one107
1542912321Passive transportThe movement of substances across a plasma (cell) membrane without the use of cell energy108
1542912322PandemicAn epidemic over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population109
1542912323PathogenOrganism which can cause disease in another organism110
1542912324Pesticide"A substance that kills harmful organisms (e.g., an insecticide or fungicide)"111
1542912325pHIndicates the relative concentration of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions in a substance112
1542912326PinocytosisA type of endocytosis in which a cell engulfs solutes of fluids113
1542912327PhagocytosisA type of endocytosis in which a cell engulfs large particles or whole cells114
1542912328Phenotype"The observable characteristics of an organism, the expression of gene alleles (genotype) as an observable physical or biochemical trait"115
1542912329PhospholipidsA class of lipid molecules in which a phosphate group is linked to glycerol and two fatty acetyl groups; a chief component of biological membranes116
1542912330PhotosynthesisThe process by which light energy is converted to chemical energy stored in organic molecules117
1542912331Plasma (cell) membraneA selectively permeable surface that encloses the cell contents and through which all materials entering or leaving a cell must pass118
1542912332Point mutationA change in a single base pair of a DNA sequence in a gene119
1542912333PolarityMolecules having uneven distribution of charges120
1542912334PopulationA local group of organisms belonging to the same species and capable of interbreeding121
1542912335Primary successionSuccession that occurs in a newly formed habitat that has never before sustained life122
1542912336ProkaryoteA bacterial cell lacking a true nucleus; its DNA is usually in one long strand123
1542912337ProphaseFirst phase of mitosis in which duplicated chromosomes condense and mitotic spindle fibers begin to form124
1542912338ProteinAn organic compound composed of one or chains of polypeptides which in turn are formed from amino acids125
1542912339Protein synthesisA formation of proteins using information coded on DNA and carried by RNA126
1542912340Pure scienceThe gathering of new information or the discovery of a new relationship or fact for sake of knowledge127
1542912341Punnett squareA type of grid used to show the gametes of each parent and their possible offspring; a type of grid that can indicate all the possible outcomes of a genetic cross128
1542912342Radioactive datingA method of determining the age of an object by measuring the amount of a specific radioactive isotope it contains129
1542912343Recessive geneCharacterized as having a phenotype expressed only when both copies of the gene are mutated or missing130
1542912344Relative datingA method of determining the age of fossils by comparing them to other fossils in different layers of rock131
1542912345RibosomeA sub-cellular structure that is the site of protein synthesis during translation.132
1542912346RNA (ribonucleic acid)"An organic acid composed of a single strand of nucleotide that acts as a messenger between DNA and the ribosomes and carries out the process of protein synthesis: composed units of adenine, guanine, cytosine, and uracil "133
1542912347Secondary successionThe sequential replacement of population in a disrupted habitat134
1542912348SegregationThe law stating that pairs of genes separate in meiosis and each gamete receives one gene of a pair135
1542912349Sex influenced"Description of a trait that is caused by a gene whose expression differs in male and females; (e.g., male patterned baldness)"136
1542912350Sex linkage"The presence of a gene on a sex chromosome; (e.g., hemophilia, color-blindness)"137
1542912351Sexual reproduction"The process where two cells (gametes) fuse to form one hybrid, fertilized cell"138
1542912352SpeciesA classification of related organisms that can freely interbreed139
1542912353SporeA form taken by certain microbes that enables them to exist in a dormant stage. It is an asexual reproductive cell140
1542912354SymbiosisThe close association of two or more dissimilar organisms where both receive an advantage from the association141
1542912355Taxonomic nomenclatureThe procedure of assigning names to the kinds and groups of organisms according to their taxa142
1542912356TechnologyPractical use of scientific information to improve the quality of human life: see also applied science143
1542912357Telophase"Final phase of mitosis during which chromosomes uncoil, a nuclear envelope returns around the chromatin, and a nucleolus becomes visible in each daughter cell"144
1542912358TheoryA well tested explanation of natural events145
1542912359ThermoregulationThe maintenance of internal temperature within a range that allows cells to function efficiently146
1542912360TranslationThe process of converting the genetic code in RNA into the amino acid sequence that makes up a protein147
1542912361TranscriptionProcess in which RNA is made from DNA148
1542912362VaccineA preparation of dead or weakened pathogen that is used to induce formation of antibodies or immunity against the pathogen149
1542912363VariationDifferences in the frequency of genes and traits among individual organisms within a population150
1542912364Vascular plantsA plant that has phloem and xylem151
1542912365Virus"An infectious particle composed of a protein capsule and a nucleic acid core, which is dependent on a host organism for replication"152

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