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Campbell Biology Chapter 30 Flashcards

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9395098714homosporousproduce one kind of spore; usually gives rise to a bisexual gametophyte0
9395098715heterosporousproduces two kinds of spores: megasporangia and microsporangia1
9395098716megasporangiaproduce megaspores; give rise to female gametophytes2
9395098717microsporangiaproduce microspores; give rise to male gametophytes3
9395098718integumentenvelops and protects the megasporangium4
9395098719ovulemegasporangium, megaspore, and integument5
9395098720pollen graindevelops from microspore; consists of a male gametophyte enclosed within the pollen wall6
9395098721sporopolleninin the pollen wall; protects the pollen grain as it is transported by wind or by hitchhiking on an animal7
9395098722pollinationthe transfer of pollen to the part of a seed plant that contains the ovules8
9395098723seeded vascular plantsgymnosperms and angiosperms9
9395098724angiospermsseeded vascular plants, also have fruits (flowering plants)10
9395098725gymnospermscone-bearing plants called conifers ( naked seed plants)11
9395098726flowerunique angiosperm structure specialized for sexual reproduction12
9395098727sepalsbase of the flower; usually are green and enclose the flower before it opens13
9395098728petalsinterior to the sepals, aid in attracting pollinators14
9395098729stamensproduce microspores that develop into pollen grains containing male gametophytes; consists of filament and anthers15
9395098730filamentstalk; elevates the anther16
9395098731antherwhere pollen is produced17
9395098732stigmatip of the carpel; receives pollen18
9395098733carpelsmake megaspores (and therefore female gametophytes)19
9395098734styleleads from the stigma to a structure at the base of the carpel20
9395098735ovarybase of the carpel21
9395098736complete flowersall four organs; stamen, carpel, petal, and sepal22
9395098737incomplete flowerslack one or more organs; missing a stamen, carpel, petal, or sepal23
9395098738fruitthickened ovary wall; ovary matures24
9395098739monocotone cotyledon25
9395098740eudicot (dicots)two cotyledon26
9395098741gymnosperm diversity (4 phyla)cycadophyta, ginkgophyta, gnetophyta, coniferophyta27
9395098742cycadophytapeaked in Mesoic (age of dinosaurs); over 75% of remaining species threatened28
9395098743ginkgophyta"Maiden-Hair tree"; has deciduous leaves and dioecious species29
9395098744dioecious speciesmale and female components are in separate plants30
9395098745gnetophytathree separate genera (gnetum spp, welwitschia mirabilis, ephedra spp); share molecular similarities31
9395098746coniferophytamost species have woody cones and needle, evergreen leaves; (squoidendron giganteum, pinus longaerva, wollemia nobilis, tsuga canadensis, taxus brevifolia)32
9395098747characteristics of monocotsveins usually parallel in leaf venation, vascular tissue scattered in stems33
9395098748characteristics of eudicotsveins usually netlike in leaf venation; vascular tissues usually arranged in a ring of stems34
9395098749seedan embryo and nutrients surrounded by a protective coat35
9395098750monoecious plantshave male and female reproductive structures on the same plant36
9395098751dioecious plantshave male and female reproductive structures on different plants37
9395098752inflorescencescluster of flowers38
9395098753generative celldivides to form tow sperm39
9395098754tube cellproduces a pollen tube40
9395098755herbaceous plantsdo not make wood (ex. grasses)41
9395098756woody plantsmake wood (ex. shrubs or trees)42
9395098757annualscomplete their life cycle in a year of less43
9395098758biennialsrequire two growing season (first year= grow , second year= reproduce)44
9395098759perennialslive for many years45
9395098760stemsany part of the plants that supports leaves or reproductive structures46
9395098761leavesspecialized for photosynthesis47
9395098762rootsfunctions: anchor plants to soil, absorb water and nutrients, and storage of food for future growth48
93950987633 types of organs that plants havestems, leaves, and roots49
9395098764dermal tissueouter protective covering50
9395098765vascular tissuetransport of material between roots and shoot system51
9395098766ground tissuestorage, photosynthesis, support52
9395098767xylemconveys water and dissolved minerals upward from roots into the shoots53
9395098768phloemtransports sugars from where they are made to where they are needed (roots and site of growth)54
9395098769stelevascular tissue of a stem or root55
9395098770cortexground tissue external to the vascular tissue56
9395098771pithground tissue internal to the vascular tissue57
9395098772nodesite of leaf attachment of stem (leaf scars)58
9395098773root capat growing tip of root, pushes its way through soil59
9395098774meristembeneath root cap, where root grows60
9395098775root hairincrease surface area for absorption61

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